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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    KAJJAK --- ---
    tim chci rict ze se to stavalo v cecensku, v gruzii, za druhe svetove... Vrazdeni, znasilnovani, deportace civilistu na nucene prace rusove delali vzdy a v zadnem z tech konfliktu samotne ocernovani ruska hlasanim tohoto nikdy nijak protivnikovi historicky nepomohlo. Selskym rozumem si tedy nedokazu predstavit ze kdyz rusi napadnou ted cesko, ze si zacnem vrazdit tve vlastni civilisty abychom rusko ocernili, kdyz to vlastne stejne nikdy nijak v historii nepomohlo i kdyby se to nakrasne delo... Proste mi prijde ze staci zapojit vlastni mozek a neverit nesmyslum kterych internet chrli kvanta z obou taboru...

    Treba ted nedavno jsem slysel na Cesky rozhlas plus mluvit nejakeho ceskeho energetickeho specialistu nekolik zajimavych protizapadnich tezi a uz to nejde dohledat i kdyz to je zaroven v databazi online vysilani na internetu...

    Jel sem autem takze sem nemohl na odkaz na netu mrknout hned a pak sem na to zapomnel a uz nevim presny den a cas...
    V kazdem pripade tam padly tyto teze:
    1) To ze Orban ma nasmlouvane ceny plynu na roky dopredu je desinformace, ma je jen do doby par mesicu po madarskych volbach a ceny jejich plynu pote jiz budou stejne jako jinde v evrope
    2) nakupujeme jako CR plyn od Rakusanu na jejich burze a oni nam ho prodavaji 5x draze, nez ho sami koupi od rusu. Ten clovek radil ceske vlade zacit jednat s ruskem o nakupu za rubly coz by nekolikanasobne cenu snizilo

    Tyto dve teze bych chtel zpetne overit, zda jsou pravdive, protoze selsky rozum mi jednoznacne nestaci na to je vyhodnotit ani z pomoci googleni a presto mi prijdou alarmujici... Treba z googlu i prozapadnich medii padaji spis clanky popirajici tezi 1) https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=putin+s+orbanem+plyn , ale logiku by spis davalo ze populista orban ty ceny plynu chtel uhrat jen do voleb a pak ma na nejakou dobu pokoj a mandat
    KAJJAK --- ---
    Ono se to totiz nevymyka tomu, jak se ruska armada chovala v nedavnych konfliktech uz s prispenim Putina (namatkou treba Alchan-Jurt) a vlastne fakticky i v tech starsich konfliktech. Je to da se rict standardni modus operandi ruskych ci sovetskych vojsk obecne, jen hold doba pokrocila a dnes se daleko lepe tyhle ciny dokumentuji, nepotrebujes fotak a kinofilm, jednoduseji takovyto material publikujes na vlastni pest...

    Kdyz to vemu do dusledku, klidne ty clanky v ceskych mediich mohly byt na pozadavek ruske propagandy jiz v dobe kdy rusi vedeli ze ty lidi v te oblasti aktivne povrazdi, ale zapadni svet to jeste nevedel... Proste ten zminovany rospor za mne naprosto nic nedokazuje...
    KAJJAK --- ---

    myslim si ze muze byt pravda oboji, tedy ze jamu hloubili ukrajinci a plnili rusaci, za mne tak 95% pravdepodobnost ze lidi vrazdili rusi, proto se ptam na kolik % to mate vy tady ve skupine pokud mi to tedy reknete kazdy sam za sebe
    KAJJAK --- ---

    at se bavime uplne na rovinu, na kolik % si ty osobne myslis, ze ti lidi v Buci nebyli zabity Rusama? Myslim tedy ve svetle tech nejasnosti s tim kdo ty groby nechal vykopat a jak je to prezentovano v zapadnich mediich... tim myslim na kolik te to ovlivnilo v myslence ze ty civilisty nezabijeli rusi...
    GORG --- ---
    Wimbledon vyloučil kvůli válce ruské a běloruské tenisty - CNN Prima NEWS

    nove uz nestaci rouska, asocialni distancing, ale musite mit i spravny puvod. :) ale to neni fasismus, kdyz to delame my ,] rozhodne v souladu s myslenkou sportu, ktery byl vzdy proti tomu, aby jakkoliv stmeloval lidi bez ohledu na politicke nebo vojenske veci.

    navic jmeno Medvedev? :) ten at uz si radsi bali kartacek a pyzamo do vezeni

    "Rozpuštěný a vypuštěný"
    GORG --- ---
    Vemte třeba seznamzpravy.cz "společného hrobu, do kterého okupační ruské jednotky naházely" ... jak my víme, že je tam ruské jednotky "házely" namísto pokládání? Ten narativ jasně implikuje nepodložené házení mrtvol do masových hrobů, protože to ukazuje neúctu k lidskému životu.

    Ale pokud vezmeme narativ ukrajinců místních, kteří ty hroby kopali, tak ti je tam určitě neházeli, že?

    Ostatně v těch článcích z března je i video, jak je tam doktoři v Buči z místní nemocnice ukládají.. s tím, že nemají elektriku, tak proč to má být záhada? nejdřív to vykopali Rusové, pak "to neřeš, to je jedno"

    za mě "masové hroby" zní śtrašně.. stejně jako "mrazáky v ulicích".. pro média přímo banket. a vyřezané oči a jazyky.. tohle mám místo koťátek? mám se přehrabávat v masových hrobech? :) abych chytil vibe.. a pak ono je to jedno..ok.. no hlavně že víme, co se tam stalo ,).....

    dost lidí tu v ČR vykopalo válečnou sekeru vuči svým bližním aj za proruský účes nebo že vypadají jako Rusák právě kvůli Buči, už první den.. já to viděl onehdá při návštěvě rodičů ve zprávách, a fascinovalo mě pak, jak na netech měli okamžitě všichni jasno.

    já viděl mnohem otřesnější záběry z Donbasu 2014.. mnohem podrobnější a zjevně v době, kdy se to i dělo, ale jak já můžu vědět, že tam ta těla Rusáci sami nenarafičili na kamery? pro mě to přímý důkaz nebyl ničeho. jak by mohl být?

    to přece není nějaký bezduchý relativismus, ne? jakože po holokaustu budeme koukat na fotky masových hrobů a říkat si, že jako "bůh ví, co se tu stalo.. to nemůžeme s jistotou říct"? .
    ne to se musí prošetřit.. zrovna u WW2 to asi nemuselo úplnmě překvapením, protože ten rakouský kancléř se vůbec netajil svymi eugenickymi pohledy... stejne jako mnoha smetanka vsude po svete. Britsky kral i psal Hitlerovi, ze si spolu rozdeli Evropu. navstivil i koncentracni tabor.. on jasne vedel, o co jde.. a ted se tvarime, ze to bylo vsechno kvuli Adolfovi, kteryho jsme vcas nezastavili?

    What is the evidence that King Edward VIII was a Nazi sympathiser? - OpenLearn - Open University

    sory za tenhle nazorový lament, ale pokud teď musím pouze věřit všemu, co říkají v médiích, a pokud tomu nevěřím, tak jsem zrádce, tak to je naopak přesně to, co dělal starej Áda..

    nedávno jsem koukal zfilmovanou verzi Vzestup zla.. a to bylo až k neuvěření ten scénář.. jak se takovej magor mohl dostat k moci? znělo to nerealisticky... a přitom je to podle skutečné události.

    ještě na začátku filmu se tam kasají, jak pečlivě vše konzultovali s historiky

    Hitler: Vzestup zla

    jakože oni ho poslali jako špeha do socialistický politický strany, kdy on nenáviděl Židy a komunisty.. a netajil se tím ani tam, a oni ho umístí postupně jako šéfa jejich socialistický strany?

    a postupně všichni vyděšeni mu i odporovat, takže si zmocňoval vládu čím dál víc a popravoval odpůrce potom ... to je to, co vidíme dnes v ČR. cenzuru a hon na odpírače. roušek nebo teďka i legislativně i chystaná novela, kde to má být až trestný čin za šíření dezinformací.

    Chystá se zákon k potírání dezinformací - Novinky.cz

    Novou legislativou zaměřenou na dezinformace se zabývá ministerstvo spravedlnosti i vnitra. S výsledkem chtějí přijít během několika měsíců. Jakou bude mít zákon podobu, však zatím není jasné.

    možná jsem z těch pomalejších, a je to všechno odůvodněné, ale just saying.,. to jsou přesně ty samé praktiky.
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: no prave nevim, jestli je to jedno. v principu asi jo. spis jde o ten dojem. a ty satelitni snimky prave, protoze ty se resily prvne v dubnu. ze tam byly UZ behem nadvlady Ruska nad Buci.

    clanky v mediich, ze byly "nalezeny" masove hroby po opusteni ruskych jednotek, vyznivaji pak uplne jinak, nez to vlastne bylo.

    ty satelitni snimky, ze tam byly vykopane jeste v dobach pritomnosti Rusu, jsou prezentovany jako nezvratny dukaz valecnych zlocinu Ruska. konkretne existence masovych hrobu.
    druha vec je, pak kdyz nam media takhle prezentuji informace, ktery nejsou spolehlivy, kdy jednu chvili je kopaji Rusove, druhou Ukrajinci, a pak je to jedno, ale zaroven se pak znovu rika, ze je to otresny prave proto, ze jsou to masove hroby.

    za me dost odvadi pozornost od toho, kde se tam vzali ty lidi se svazanyma rukama zastreleny do zad, protoze oficialni narativ byl, ze tyhle lidi nestihli Rusaci jeste zakryt v masovych hrobech behem ustupu.

    ale ted kdyz vime, ze zrejme Rusaci tam nekopali nikdy zadne masove hroby, tak ten pribeh proste vyzniva jako ukazkova propaganda, kterou vsichni bez kritickeho mysleni zcela akceptovali automaticky.

    jde fallbacknout k tomu, ze jejich existence jeste po dobu pritomnosti Rusu znamena (zamerne) zabijeni civilistu v dobe, kdy tam byli, ale tahle implikace je naprosto nesmyslna.

    davam to sem, protoze se zda, ze pro radu lidi jsou udalosti v Buce podstatne.
    KAJJAK --- ---

    kdyz uplne odhlednu od toho ze satelitni snimky dokazaly, ze behem ruskeho obsazeni Buce byly tyto jamy na tela prokazatelne vyfoceny, tak neni uplne jedno na ci prikaz byly jamy udelany?

    Dulezite snad je, kdo zaridil ta mrtva tela civilistu, kteryma se naplnily a myslim, ze sam vis, ze to byli rusove...
    GORG --- ---
    Záběry nelidské krutosti. Po 30 letech Evropa znovu odkrývá masové hroby - Seznam Zprávy

    12. 4. 0:01
    V ukrajinské Buči už třetí den probíhá exhumace společného hrobu, do kterého okupační ruské jednotky naházely až 280 těl svých obětí.

    BBC: Masové hroby na Ukrajině; poničená města kopou provizorní pohřebiště | ČeskéNoviny.cz

    Masový hrob, zničené ulice i bombardované divadlo. Podívejte se na satelitní záběry z Ukrajiny | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    Další leželi v masovém hrobu. Záběry ze satelitů americké společnosti Maxar z 31. března, tedy den před příchodem ukrajinských jednotek, ukazují asi 15 metrů dlouhý příkop v areálu kostela svatého Ondřeje. Později se právě v těchto místech našel masový hrob.

    Místní obyvatelé tvrdí, že příkop začali Rusové kopat krátce po obsazení města, tedy několik dní po invazi. Na snímcích ze satelitů Maxaru z 28. února ale nejsou práce ještě patrné. Ty jsou vidět až na snímku pořízeném 10. března. Server CNN ale upozorňuje, že nebylo možné pravost snímků ověřit.

    Bucha massacre - Wikipedia

    The mayor of Bucha, Anatoliy Fedoruk, said that at least 280 individuals from the city had to be buried in mass graves.[27][46][64][41] Local residents had to bury another 57 bodies in another mass grave.[27] Serhiy Kaplishny, a local coroner who fled but returned, said that as of 3 April, his team had collected more than 100 bodies during and after the fighting (including deaths of soldiers and deaths from natural causes).[65]

    He said that before leaving, he had hired a backhoe operator to dig a mass grave near the church, as the morgue was unable to refrigerate bodies due to the lack of electricity, and "It was a horror". He also said that since returning, he had picked up 13 bodies of civilians who had had their arms tied and been shot at close range.[65]

    Těla zavražděných Ukrajinců není kam pohřbívat. Města kopou masové hroby - Echo24.cz


    According to the mayor of Bucha Anatoly Fedoruk, just in the first day after Bucha was liberated, local authorities collected 280 bodies and buried them in mass graves.It’s far from the final death toll in Bucha. On March 12, it was reported that the citizens of Bucha buried 57 bodies in another mass grave, near a local church.

    // tedy pokud mam brat masmedialni zpravy vazne, tak v tu samou chvili kopali na tom samem miste masove hroby Rusove i Ukrajinci, a hazeli tam ta sama tela?

    ja ze mel za to, ze se nasly po Rusech masove hroby, ale to nevypada, ze se stalo. stovky novinovych clanku z brezna 2022 popisuji, jak je tam budovali z nedostatku mista, kam lidi pohrbivat vzhledem k ostrelovani. tedy, ze seznamzpravy a spol. sirili dezinformaci? vetsina medii siri zdeseni z masovych hrobu, ale explicitne nezminuji, kdo je zbudoval... nektera tvrdi, ze je zbudovali Rusove. ale to je kontra i vyjadreni starosty z Buce.
    RIVA --- ---
    TRUMP’S NEW AGE DOCTOR NETWORK / Hugo Talks – Hugo Talks
    GORG --- ---
    publikovano 2.4.
    Special Forces Regiment SAFARI Begins Clearing Operation in Bucha from Saboteurs and Accomplices of Russia - National Police - LB.ua news portal

    Special forces have begun a clearing operation in the city of Bucha in the Kyiv region, which has been liberated by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The city is being cleared from saboteurs and accomplices of Russian forces.

    This has been reported by the National Police.
    GORG --- ---
    Russian media campaign dismisses Bucha deaths as fakes - Japan Today

    Several of the same accounts sought to discredit claims that Russian troops carried out the killings by pointing to a video of Bucha Mayor Anatoliy Fedoruk, taken March 31, in which he talked about the suburb being freed from Russian occupation.

    “He confirms that Russian troops have left Bucha. No mentioning of dead bodies in the streets,” top Russian official Mikhail Ulyanov tweeted Monday.

    But Fedoruk had publicly commented on the violence before the Russian troops left in an interview with Italian news agency Adnkronos on March 28, where he accused them of killings and rapes in Bucha.

    In an AP interview March 7, Fedoruk talked about dead bodies piling up in Bucha: “We can’t even gather up the bodies because the shelling from heavy weapons doesn’t stop day or night. Dogs are pulling apart the bodies on the city streets. It’s a nightmare.”

    Satellite images by Maxar Technologies while Russian troops occupied Bucha on March 18 and 19 back up Fedoruk’s account of bodies in the streets, showing at least five bodies on one road.

    Guerra Ucraina, sindaco Bucha: "Zona occupata da Russia, viviamo orrori da II guerra mondiale" - Adnkronos.com

    Of the nearly 50 thousand residents who lived in Bucha before the conflict, now there are 5-6 thousand left, "forced - says Fedoruk from the city under attack - to hide in cellars, to live without internet connection, without electricity and without gas".

    To this is added "a plan of terror against the civilian population: here in Bucha we see all the horrors we have heard of as crimes committed by the Nazis during World War II. It is difficult to believe that such a thing could happen in the 21st century. ", observes the mayor, referring to brutal killings of civilians, rape and looting of homes by Russian soldiers, who" have no mercy even for the elderly, do not allow doctors to help the wounded and relatives to recover the bodies of their loved ones dead. Some corpses have been there since the beginning of the occupation, the hungry dogs are eating them. The Russians must have an international mission enter the temporarily occupied territories, so that the contempt for the dead stops ".
    GORG --- ---
    Bucha Mayor speech celebrating Russia leaving but NO MENTION of "mountains of corpses"

    Translation: Dear Bucha community, March 31st will go down in the history of our settlement, our entire community as a day of liberation from the Russian orcs, from the Russian occupiers, by our armed forces of Ukraine. So today I say that this day is a happy one. A happy one and a great victory of our armed forces in the Kiev region.
    And we will definitely wait and do everything to achieve a great victory in the whole of Ukraine. Glory to our armed forces of Ukraine, glory to Ukraine, glory to every Ukrainian, no matter in which corner of Ukraine they are now.
    GORG --- ---
    Ukraine underplays role of far right in conflict - BBC News


    But Ukrainian officials and many in the media err to the other extreme. They claim that Ukrainian politics are completely fascist-free. This, too, is plain wrong.

    As a result, the question of the presence of the far-right in Ukraine remains a highly sensitive issue, one which top officials and the media shy away from. No-one wants to provide fuel to the Russian propaganda machine.


    The Azov battalion seems to enjoy the support of several top officials
    Run by the extremist Patriot of Ukraine organisation, which considers Jews and other minorities "sub-human" and calls for a white, Christian crusade against them, it sports three Nazi symbols on its insignia: a modified Wolf's Hook, a black sun (or "Hakensonne") and the title Black Corps, which was used by the Waffen SS.

    Azov is just one of more than 50 volunteer groups fighting in the east, the vast majority of which are not extremist, yet it seems to enjoy special backing from some top officials:

    Interior Minister Arsen Avakov and his deputy Anton Gerashchenko actively supported the parliament candidacy of Andriy Biletsky, the Azov and Patriot of Ukraine commander
    Vadim Troyan, another top Azov official and Patriot of Ukraine member, was recently named police chief for the Kiev region
    Mr Korotkykh is also an Azov member
    Ukraine's media have been noticeably silent on this subject.

    Recently, prominent newspaper and online publication Left Bank published an extensive interview with Mr Troyan, in which the journalists asked no questions at all about his neo-Nazi past or political views.

    And after the Unian news agency reported the presidential ceremony under the headline, "Poroshenko awarded Belarusian neo-Nazi with Ukrainian passport", it was soon replaced with an article that air-brushed out the accusations of extremism.

    Unian's editors have declined to comment on the two pieces.

    There are significant risks to this silence. Experts say the Azov Battalion, which has been widely reported on in the West, has damaged Ukraine's image and bolsters Russia's information campaign.

    And although Ukraine is emphatically not run by fascists, far-right extremists seem to be making inroads by other means, as in the country's police department.

    Ukraine's public is grossly under-informed about this. The question is, why doesn't anyone want to tell them?
    ADM --- ---
    OMNIHASH: ale jdi ty brepto, ze je elektrina na ukrajine z atomovek, vubec nesouvisi s moznosti vyrazeni/poskozeni rozvodne site (a obsluha atomovek v takove situaci vi naprosto presne, co ma delat). vyradit transformatorove stanice pripadne likvidovat primo vedeni neni zadna raketova veda:

    Similarly, the BLU-114/B "Soft-Bomb" graphite bomb was used by NATO against Serbia in May 1999, disabling 70% of that country's power grid. After initial success in disabling Serbian electric power systems, the electric supply was restored in less than 24 hours. The BLU-114/B was again used a few days later to counter Serbian efforts to restore damage caused by the initial attack. In the later stage of Operation Allied Force, NATO's air forces used conventional bombs and rockets to target power highlines and transformer stations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphite_bomb
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    NATO will deploy a permanent full-scale force on its border with Russia, its chief says | Businessinsider

    zaujala slovicka 'reset' a 'new normal'.
    subliminal decoder pls :)
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: páč pět dní po začátku Rusové ještě věřili, že vyhrajou rychle a relativně bezbolestně. Jak se měnila situace, začali tu infrastrukturu ničit jako všechno ostatní. Většina elektřiny na Ukrajině je z atomovek, ty se halt sundavaj hůř, pokud nechceš v přilehlým okolí hrát akorát Stalkera. Pokud to chceš udělat bezpečně, musíš tam fyzicky přijít, udělat odstávku a zajistit chlazení do konce války. Vzhledem k tomu, jak to vypadalo v Černobylu, tak na to asi lidi nejsou.

    Energy in Ukraine - Wikipedia

    Ukraine Energy Company C.E.O. Tries to Keep Lights On During War - The New York Times
    GORG --- ---

    “I would have thought that by now Russia would have disabled a lot more infrastructure around communications, power and water,” Cowan said. “If Russia were attacking the U.S., there would be more cyber damage.”

    The absence of major disruptions predicted by cyberwar doctrine has allowed Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky to deliver propaganda coups with little more than a smartphone and a data link. Images of civilian casualties, the brutal shelling of cities and also some Russian losses have undermined that nation’s claims of a limited and humane “special military operation.” A viral audio clip of Ukrainian soldiers on a tiny island telling a Russian warship to “go f--- yourself” has become a defining moment of national resistance.

    “It’s become a global participatory thing. Everybody thinks they’re part of it,” said Doug Madory, director of Internet analysis for Kentik, which tracks global data flows. “It would be a lot harder to do all that if there was a blackout.”


    An invading army might be expected to quickly cut backbone cables or switch them off through hacks, said Madory, a former Air Force communications engineering officer.

    But neither has happened. And Madory isn’t sure why.

    “Is it following the playbook? I don’t know if we have the right playbook,” Madory said. “So far the Internet is still up.”


    He and other experts point to several possible explanations, starting with the possibility that the Russians thought Ukraine would fall so quickly that it wasn’t necessary to damage systems they would want operational once an occupation began. Disabled telecommunication systems — or ones that are bombed — can require costly, time-consuming repairs.


    It’s also possible that the Russians themselves needed a functioning telecommunications system, including high-speed data links, for their own communications. Images from Ukraine have shown Russian soldiers appearing to use smartphones. Modern militaries typically have sophisticated radios for battlefield communications, but glitches might have forced reliance on Internet-based systems instead.

    // nebo The Washington post uz je proklemelsky platek? skutecne si vymyslim pseudotema?
    GORG --- ---

    But while Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has spawned all manner of cyberattacks and defenses, few are playing out the way the experts thought they would.

    As of Monday, five days after tanks moved into Ukraine, the Internet and other key Ukrainian infrastructure were still functioning, the outgunned Ukrainian military was still coordinating effectively and Russia’s vaunted disinformation capabilities were failing to persuade Ukrainians that resistance is futile.

    “We imagined this orchestrated unleashing of violence in cyberspace, this ballet of attacks striking Ukraine in waves, and instead of that we have a brawl. And not even a very consequential brawl, just yet,” said Jason Healey, a former White House staffer for infrastructure protection and intelligence officer who’s now a research scholar on cyber conflict at Columbia University.

    A vastly larger, more powerful military — one especially feared for its cyber-military prowess — has allowed Ukrainians almost unfettered access to the Internet. This has helped them get weapons to citizens and harness social media to rally global political support through direct, emotional appeals backed by stirring visuals.

    “It’s certainly not what anyone predicted,” said Dmitri Alperovitch, a longtime cybersecurity executive and U.S. government adviser who heads Silverado Policy Accelerator.

    Could Russia shut down the internet in Ukraine? | Ukraine | The Guardian

    Analysis: On a national level, web access has so far been largely unaffected by the invasion, and supports daily life

    // panove zkuste nekdy pripustit, ze se o vecech da diskutovat. treba to neni pravda, ze by se nepokouseli Rusaci tam je odriznout od elektriky a internetu.. treba jedu nejake nesmysly, ale tohle je proste normalni validni tema... a relevantni k tomu jsou zalezitosti koordinovane snahy vyradit Ukrajinu z velke casti od proudu i internetu.. obzvlast pokud tam jedem pachat valecne zlociny, bych urcite vyradil internet.
    ja i koukal na nejaky streamy, kde se bavili s lidma z Kyjeva.. ta clanek popisuje, jak jim jede furt internet. na CNN Prima popisujou, ze jim jdou mobilni site, takze i pres telefon jsou v kontaktu do CR.
    a misto konstruktivni debaty zas ad hominem mne snazici se tady tvrdit, ze tam internet nefungoval ani elektrika netece

    o cem se mluvili bylo akorat vybombeni toho televizniho vysilace..

    cely roky jsme tu presvedcovani o vsemocnosti ruskych hackeru.. a ze v minulych letech zpusobili vypadky proudu.. a ted jsou jakoze neschopni?


    Despite years of preparation, Ukraine’s electric grid still an easy target for Russian hackers - POLITICO

    Portions of Ukraine’s electric system went dark following two Russian cyberattacks in recent years. Efforts to strengthen the grid in the years since likely won’t be enough to fend off Russian hackers.

    Instead, the Ukrainian power supply remains vulnerable to a major hacking assault that could inflict extended blackouts in much of the country as part of an armed invasion by Moscow, cybersecurity experts say.

    Ukraine experienced smaller-scale cyberattacks linked to Russia in 2015 and 2016 including one that turned off the lights for almost a quarter-million Ukrainians
    — an assault that also raised alarm bells in countries like the U.S. about the security of their own electric grids.

    “If Russia wants to take down the Ukrainian electric system, I have full confidence that they can, and the Ukrainian playbook in many ways is in a place where prevention’s not going to happen,” Robert M. Lee, CEO and co-founder of cybersecurity group Dragos, said in an interview. He argued corruption and economic barriers in Ukraine have gotten in the way of hardening the electric grid. The Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., did not respond to a request for comment.
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