půlku financí a čtvrtku života obětoval na charitu těm nejchudčím případům
to zni vzdy moc pekne, kdyz to takhle nekdo rekne.
no o vakcinacni charite jsem mluvil. pak je potratova charita.. a pak charita pro chudobe (hezky receno pomahani nejchudsim)
Agricultural revolution: "The Gates Foundation is leading Africa to failure" | IATP to your study, this green revolution has failed. Can you mention, in a nutshell, three elements that allow you to draw such a conclusion?
AGRA shows no sign of being able to achieve any of its goals. Based on national statistics, yields in AGRA’s 13 countries have risen only 18% since 2006, not the promised 100% (doubling). Crop diversity is declining as AGRA promotes maize and other starchy crops at the expense of other more nutritious and climate-resilient crops grown by African farmers. And the number of undernourished people has not been reduced by half, it has increased by 31%. Failure on all counts.
According to the summaries of your study that I have read, the income of smallholders has not increased at all, is that right? Yet that was one of the goals of Agra...
AGRA refused to provide any data on its impacts, so it is very difficult to draw conclusions about incomes. There are no good, consistent measures of farmer incomes at the national level. Case studies done for our report, in Mali, Tanzania, Zambia, and Kenya, showed little benefit to farmers’ incomes or food security. Some even reported a decline, as the cost of the inputs put them into debt and yields did not go up enough to pay those loans. Others reported declining nutrition with declining crop diversity.
Another problem is the expansion of crops such as maize, with a negative impact on the displacement of existing crops. Can you explain that to us, please?
Maize is one of AGRA’s chosen crops. It is a staple in many AGRA countries, but AGRA’s support, and the subsidies to farmers to grow more maize, has produced only weak productivity growth in maize. But the subsidies have encouraged farmers to take land previously planted in pearl millet, sorghum, sweet potatoes, or cassava and plant it in maize. Millet production declined 24% since 2006 in AGRA countries.
According to Ethiopian geneticist Melaku Worede, “African varieties hold enormous unexplored potential and endangered by imported solutions”. He also says that these solutions could introduce new dependencies, especially for small farmers and lead them into a spiral of debts, while threatening the genetic diversity of crops vital to Africa. Do you share this point of view? If yes, why?
I do, his warnings have been prescient. As I saw in the field as I researched my book, crops traditional grown by peasants are becoming increasingly rare. Farmers have organized seed-saving groups to collect, save, and distribute seeds for native food crops that farmers may no longer be growing and cannot find in the market. That crop diversity will be critical to Africa’s food future, not just for nutritional diversity but because those crops are far more resilient in Africa’s changing climate. Exchanging that crop diversity for greater dependence on purchased inputs can put farmers in debt, as several of the case studies in our report showed.
Among other things, you also mention the absence of productivity, is that right?
Not a single AGRA country will reach its goal of doubling productivity, even for maize, its favored crop. Across AGRA countries maize yields went up only 29% in 12 years. To get a more comprehensive picture of productivity growth across a range of crops, I created the Staple Yield Index, which combines yield growth for a broader basket of key food crops. Yield growth was only 18% for AGRA’s 13 countries.
Even more challenging: you have not seen a reduction in poverty and hunger in rural areas despite many millions invested. Can you explain that, please?
AGRA’s assumptions were that commercial inputs would double yields, the increased production would be sold on the market, doubling farmer incomes, and food security would improve dramatically as a result. There is no evidence any of that is true. AGRA has not reached very many farmers, certainly not the 30 million it set out to reach. When it has, the inputs have not doubled yields. Even where yields increased, so did costs, so the net income to the farmer has barely increased. They have no more money to improve their food security, meanwhile their diet diversity has decreased as their crop diversity has declined with all the attention to maize.
Despite many requests, you say that Agra refuses to give any figures on its potential progress. Why, do you think?
I think AGRA and the Gates Foundation have always suffered from a lack of public accountability for the millions of dollars they spend. AGRA has never reported on its impacts on yields, incomes, and food security in any comprehensive way. I believe they have internal monitoring and evaluation studies that reveal how limited their impacts have been. At this point, I believe they are hiding the evidence of their failures.
On the ground, many farm groups have actively opposed Agra. They pointed to the negative environmental and social impacts of the first green revolution in Asia and Latin America. Do you agree with them?
I agree that the warnings from the first Green Revolution have largely gone unheeded in Africa. Much of India is moving away from its Green Revolution past, trying to address damage to soil and water, excessive exposures to pesticides, and declining incomes for small-scale farmers. Many are actively moving toward agroecology and organic farming, and African organizations are learning a great deal from their Indian counterparts as they advocate for their own agroecology programs.
Faiths institute asks Gates Foundation to change tactics in Africa | Earthbeat | National Catholic Reporter Foundation agriculture project in Africa flunks review - U.S. Right to Know that end AGRA has spent close to $1 billion on efforts to improve market conditions for Africa’s farmers, while African governments spent billions more subsidizing the purchase of expensive “green revolution” technologies, including chemical fertilizer and commercial seeds that are supposed to boost yields.
These strategies “continue to impoverish smallholder farmers,” said Anne Maina, national coordinator of the Biodiversity and Biosafety Association of Kenya (BIBA), in response to the evaluation. “It is time to stop promoting green revolution technologies that do not improve our soils … In Kenya, the cost of synthetic fertilizers has almost doubled,” Maina said. That problem may get worse due to rising input costs.
“The time is now to increase funding to support the promotion of biofertilizers and biopesticides that not only build our soils but are safe and affordable for current and future generations,” Maina said.
BIBA co-authored a 2020 report that critiques AGRA’s programs as “false promises” that are not helping African farmers. AGRA described that report as a “flawed analysis” but did not provide data to refute the critiques. AGRA also did not provide a detailed response to follow-up questions from African groups and requests for more data.
The new Mathematica evaluation does not provide that data either, said Timothy Wise, senior advisor to the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. In an analysis posted last week, Wise said the new evaluation supports his 2020 Tufts paper that found slow yield growth and no evidence of increased farmer incomes in AGRA’s target countries, while hunger increased 31%. “AGRA’s donors should reconsider their support for such an unsuccessful and unaccountable initiative,” Wise wrote. “They should shift their funding to agroecology and other low-cost, low-input systems” which “have shown far better results.”

Hmm od casu zacatku jeho filantropickych aktivit Bill Gates spis jen ale nakonec bohatnul :)
Z toho co jsem ted nasel k te jeho charite co do chudoby v rozvojovych zemich... to spis vypada, ze to PRESNE zapada do toho planu svetove dominance a genocidy.
Jak tady i rikaji sami Africani. Znicit Africkou pudu monokulturami kukurice (ktera devastuje pudu z principu fungovani uz jako takova) , zavislosti na importovanych semenech a pesticidy.
Jeho charita by se zdalo, ze podle cisel nejak selhava, ale pokud bys uvazil, ze Bill Gates chce Africany zabijet, tak mise splnena. Na tom je schvela charita .. muzes zabijet lidi a byt obdivovanej, ze jses tak hodnej, ze neco ze svych penez odhodis na "neziskove" projekty, za ktery ani nemusis platit dane.
Osobne nevim, co ma Bill Gates skutecne za lubem, ale nevim, co bych na tomhle mel obdivovat. Reci o charite me muzou dojmout leda, pokud by me nezajimaly detaily.
Billl Gates je se svymi penezi vlivna osoba, ktera ovlivnuje svet, a z nejakeho duvodu ho nesmi nikdo kritizovat... protoze to pry financoval z vlastnich penez.
My si tu podobne rozsirili repku.. ale v te Africe to zni jeste hur, ze snad pestuji uz jen tu kukurice, po ktere je znicena puda. Driv ctu, ze tam pestovali ruzne jine veci, a ted naopak jen tu kukurici. Zrovna mi vcera rikala kamaradka, ktera se zameruje svou praci na pomoc prave v podobnych zemich jim tam osobne pomahat se postavit na nohy v sobestacnosti. O kukurici rikala, ze je fakt nejhorsi.. ze to fakt nici pudu. To same ctu ted v tech clancich. Kritika monokultur kukurice, chemickych pesticidu a monokulturnich ploch obecne.
Ani na ekonomicke perspektive vynosu africkych farmaru se sliby nenaplnily.
Predpokladam i ze podobni lidi stoji za nuceni Afriky i do zeleny elektriny pres solarni panely namisto fosilnich paliv, jak si onehda stezovali v Africe, ze je nuti pouzivat solarni panely, ale ze ten jim moc neutahne.
World Bank slechetne taky africkym zemim pujcilo spoustu penez.. Ono kdyz se to zaramcuje do slechetne "humanitarni" nebo "charitativni pomoci" a daji se tam ta spravne komunisticke fraze, tak to zni vsechno bajecne, ale v praxi to tak ruzove nevypada. Obzvlast odporna organizace na ochranu zivotnich druhu, co mlati a zabiji Africany, a my si tady muzeme jeste prituknout, jak kdyz takovy charite neco sami prispejeme, jak jsme pomohli prilozit ruku k dilu. Proto se i uz zdraham davat prachy na jakoukoliv charitu, pokud neni presne adresna.
Bill Gates se mi skutecne jevi jako potencionalni top villian dnesni doby. Jeho slova, jeho filantropicke aktivity, vsechno by na to sedelo.
Jinak tvoje
" stejně ho obden nějakej náhodnej debil obviní z pokusu o genocidu."
neni rozhodne vhodne do seriozni kultivovane debaty. rozhodne ne do klubu, kde si chceme udrzet urcitou uroven stavici na faktech, ne ze tady nekdo rozhazuje "debily"
jako counterpoint by mohly byt reference, kde specificky uvidime, v cem skutecne Bill Gates tedy pomohl
A Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The Atmosphere To Block The Sun. What Could Go Wrong? me ma dojmout a nadchnout ho obdivovat, ze chce nam i pomoct s atmosferou tim, ze bude praskovat chemtrails? to je tak na hlavu postaveny vsechno.. nechapu, jak to muzou lidi nevidet :) dobre jsou to jeho prachy.. ale jako ruzny mafiani si taky financuji cinnost ale ty NGO a filantropie celkem fascinovane umoznuji realizovat pripadne svoje plany jako charitu ,) ... nevidim primy dukaz spiknuti ale jakoze vsechny jeho aktivity sedi na ty konspiracni teorie. jaky ma pravo vubec nam praskovat, aby zakryl Slunce?
zkus uvazit, ze pro nekoho muze byt filantropie zasterka, jak levneji (nemusis platit dane, a jeste ti nekdo prihodi) bys teoreticky mohl delat big evil veci... mozna ne.. mozna mu jen to pomahani proste nejde. imho nebyt WHO tak by taky svet nemusel byt nutne horsi.. treba dokonce naopak :) proste ze nekdo dela charitu to mit jako jediny argument, mi prijde dost zavadejici. vypalne je taky forma charity :) zaplatis si za ochranu.