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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    RIVA --- ---

    RIVA --- ---
    RIVA --- ---
    RAGAMUFF: Ja bych rekl ze to byla Alkajda ;)
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    RIVA: Já bych řekl že progresivní kolaps, jak víme, tak těleso padající na další těleso nabírá energii tím, jak energii vynakládá na destrukci. Takže stačí jedna kapka deště a horní kámen začne nabírat energii a projede kameny pod ním.
    RIVA --- ---
    BOOM! Georgia Guidestones Struck Down
    KUKIDE --- ---
    MTO: ty jooo fuck this .... to je hustá věc ... ta amerika hustý...
    MTO --- ---
    Georgia Guidestones damaged by explosive device, GBI says
    GORG --- ---
    ad RIVA:

    treba prvni tam zmineny text jsem nasel zdroj

    text pojednava o jeho experimentech v roce 1919 behem tzv. Spanelske chripky ji prenest z cloveka na cloveka pomoci kapenek. V clanku pise, ze se mu to ani v jednom z pripadu nepodarilo, ani kdyz si nechali dobrovolnici nakychat primo do pusy od nemocneho cloveka s chripkou.

    tomu se mi popravde ani nechtelo verit, ze by vubec nejaky dobrovolnik do takovyho pokusu sel, ale zjevne asi autenticke, ani ten vedec neni zadne orezavatko, viz nize.

    The experiments here described were performed on
    an island in Boston Harbor, on volunteers obtained
    from the Navy. The work was conducted by a group
    of officers detailed for that purpose, from the U. S.
    Navy and the U. S. Public Health Service, consisting
    of Dr. G. W. McCoy, director of the Hygienic
    Library, Dr. Joseph Goldberger, Dr. Leake, and Dr.
    Lake, all on the part of the U. S. Public Health Service; and cooperating with those medical officers, was
    a group also detailed for this purpose on the part of
    the U. S. Navy, consisting of Dr. J. J. Keegan, Dr.
    De Wayne Richey and myself.
    The work itself was conducted at Gallops Island,
    which is the quarantine station of the Port of Boston,
    and peculiarly well fitted for operations of this kind,
    serving adequately for the purposes of isolation,
    observations, and maintenance of the large group of
    volunteers and personnel necessary to take care of
    The volunteers were all of the most susceptible
    age, mostly between 18 and 25, only a few of them
    around 30 years old ; and all were in good physical
    condition. None of these volunteers, 100 all told in
    number, had "influenza ;" that is, from the most care¬
    ful histories that we could elicit, they gave no account
    of a febrile attack of any kind during the winter,
    except a few who were purposely selected, as having
    shown a
    typical attack of influenza, in order to test
    questions of immunity, and for the purpose of control.
    Now, we proceeded rather cautiously at first by
    administering a pure culture of bacillus of influenza,
    Pfeiffer's bacillus, in a rather moderate amount, into
    the nostrils of a few of these volunteers.
    These early experiments I will not stop to relate,
    but I will go at once to what I may call our Experi¬
    ment 1.
    As the preliminary trials proved negative, we became
    bolder, and selecting nineteen of our volunteers, gave
    each one of them a very large quantity of a mixture of
    thirteen different strains of the Pfeiffer bacillus, some
    of them obtained recently from the lungs at necropsy;
    others were subcultures of varying age, and each of the
    thirteen had, of course, a different history. Suspen
    sions of these organisms were sprayed with an atomi¬
    zer into the nose and into the eyes, and back into the
    throat, while the volunteers were breathing in. We
    used some billions of these organisms, according to
    our estimated counts, on each one of the volunteers,
    but none of them took sick.

    Then we proceeded to transfer the virus obtained
    from cases of the disease ; that is, we collected the
    material and mucous secretions of the mouth and nose
    and throat and bronchi from cases of the disease and
    transferred this to our volunteers. We always
    obtained this material in the same way : The patient
    with fever, in bed, has a large, shallow, traylike
    arrangement before him or her, and we washed out one
    nostril with some sterile salt solution, using perhaps
    5 ce., which is allowed to run into this tray ; and that
    nostril is blown vigorously into the tray. This is
    repeated with the other nostril. The patient then
    gargles with some of the solution. Next we obtain
    some bronchial mucus through coughing, and then we
    swab the mucous surface of each nares and also the
    mucous membrane of the throat. We place these
    swabs with the material in a bottle with glass beads,
    and add all the material obtained in the tray. This is
    the stuff we transfer to our volunteers. In this par¬
    ticular experiment, in which we used ten volunteers,
    each of them received a comparatively small quantity
    of this, about 1 c.c. sprayed into each nostril and into
    the throat, while inspiring, and on the eye. None of
    these took sick. Some of the same material was fil¬
    tered and instilled into other volunteers but produced
    no results.

    Now, I may mention at this point that the donors
    were all patients with influenza iti Boston hospitals ;
    sometimes at the U. S. Naval Hospital at Chelsea,
    sometimes at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, where
    we had access to suitable cases. We always kept in
    mind the fact that we have no criterion of influenza ;
    therefore I would like to emphasize the fact that we
    never took an isolated case of fever, but selected our
    donors from a distinct focus or outbreak of the dis¬
    ease, sometimes an epidemic in a school with 100 cases,
    from which we would select four or five typical cases,
    in order to prevent mistakes in diagnosis of influenza.
    Now, thinking that perhaps the failure to reproduce
    the disease in the experiments that I have described
    was due to the fact that we obtained the material in
    the hospitals in Boston, and then took it down the bay
    to Gallops Island, which sometimes required four
    hours before our volunteers received the material, and
    believing that the virus was perhaps very frail, and
    could not stand this exposure, we planned another
    experiment, in which we obtained a large amount of
    material, and by special arrangements, rushed it
    down to Gallops Island ;
    so that the interval between
    taking the material from the donors and giving it to
    our volunteers was only one hour and forty minutes,
    all told. Each one of these volunteers in this experi¬
    ment, ten in number, received 6 c.c. of the mixed stuff
    that I have described. They received it into each
    nostril ;
    received it in the throat, and on the eye ;
    when you think that 6 c.c. in all was used, you will
    understand that some of it was swallowed. None of
    them took sick.

    Then, thinking perhaps it was not only the time
    that was causing our failures, but also the salt solution
    •—for it is possible that the salt solution might be
    inimical to the virus—-we planned another experiment,
    to eliminate both the time factor and the salt solution,
    and all other outside influences. In this experiment we
    had little cotton swabs on the end of sticks, and we
    transferred the material directly from nose to nose
    and from throat to throat, using a West tube for the
    throat culture, so as to get the material not only from
    the tonsils, but also from the posterior nasopharynx.
    We used nineteen volunteers for this experiment,
    and it was during the time of the outbreak, when we
    had a choice of many donors. A few of the donors
    were in the first day of the disease. Others were in
    the second or third day of the disease. None of these
    volunteers who received the material thus directly
    transferred from cases took sick in any way.
    I say none of them took sick in any way, I mean that
    after receiving the material they were then isolated
    on Gallops Island. Their temperature was taken three
    times a day and carefully examined, of course, and
    under constant medical supervision they were held
    for one full week before they were released, and per¬
    haps used again for some other experiment. All of
    the volunteers received at least two, and some of them
    three "shots" as they expressed it.
    Our next experiment consisted in injections of
    blood. We took five donors, five cases of influenza in
    the febrile stage, some of them again quite early in
    the disease. We drew 20 'c.c. from the arm vein of
    each, making a total of 100 c.c, which was mixed and
    treated with 1 per cent, of sodium citrate. Ten c.c. of
    the citrated whole blood were injected into each of the
    ten volunteers. None of them took sick in any way.
    Then we collected a lot of mucous material from the
    upper respiratory tract, and filtered '
    it through Mandler filters. While these filters will hold back the
    bacteria of ordinary size, they will allow "ultramicroscopic" organisms to pass. This filtrate was injected
    into ten volunteers, each one receiving 3.5 c.c. subcutaneously, and none of these took sick in any way.
    The next experiment was designed to imitate the
    natural way in which influenza spreads, at least the
    way in which we believe influenza spreads, and I have
    no doubt it does—by human contact. This experi¬
    ment consisted in bringing ten of our volunteers from
    Gallops Island to the U. S. Naval Hospital at Chelsea,
    into a ward having thirty beds, all filled with influenza.
    We had previously selected ten of these patients to
    be the donors ; and now, if you will follow me with
    one of our volunteers in this ward, and remember that
    the other nine were at the same time doing the same
    thing, we shall have a picture of just what was hap¬
    pening in this experiment :
    The volunteer was led up to the bedside of the patient; he
    was introduced. He sat down alongside the bed of the patient.
    They shook hands, and. by instructions, he got as close as
    he conveniently could, and they talked· for live minutes. At
    the end of the five minutes, the patient breathed out as hard as
    he could, while the volunteer, muzzle to muzzle (in accord¬
    ance with his instructions, about 2 inches between the two),
    received this expired -breath, and at the same time was
    breathing in as the patient breathed out. This they repeated
    five times, and they did it fairly faithfully in almost all of
    the instances.
    After they had done this for five times, the patient coughed
    directly into the face of the volunteer, face to face, five différ¬
    ent times.
    I may say that the volunteers were perfectly splendid about
    carrying out the technic of these experiments. They did it
    with a high idealism. They were inspired with the thought
    that they might help others. They went through the program
    Downloaded From: http://jama.jamanetwork.com/ by a Simon Fraser University User on 05/31/2015
    in a splendid spirit. After our volunteer had had this sort of
    contact with the patient, talking and chatting and shaking
    hands with him for five minutes, and receiving his breath five
    times, and then his cough five times directly in his face, he
    moved to the next patient whom we had selected, and
    repeated this, and so on, until this volunteer had had that
    sort of contact with ten different cases of influenza, in differ¬
    ent stages of the disease, mostly fresh cases, none of them
    more than three days old.
    We will remember that each one of the ten volunteers
    had that sort of intimate contact with each one of the
    ten different influenza patients. They were watched
    carefully for seven days—and none of them took sick
    in any way.

    At that point, the holidays came, our material was
    exhausted, and we temporarily suspended our work.
    In fact, we felt rather surprised and somewhat per¬
    plexed, and were not sure as to the next way to turn,
    and we felt it would be better to take a little breathing
    spell and a rest.
    We started another set of experiments in February that lasted into March, again using fifty volunteers
    carefully selected from the Deer Island Naval Train¬
    ing Station. These experiments I will not give in
    detail. They would take too long. They were simply
    designed and the program was carefully planned, but
    the way matters turned out became very confusing
    and perplexing. I will give two instances to explain
    what I mean by that ; and I give them because they are
    exceedingly instructive and very interesting.
    In February and March, the epidemic was on the
    wane. We had difficulty in finding donors. We were
    not sure of our diagnosis, having no criterion of influ¬
    enza. We therefore felt very fortunate when we
    learned of an outbreak that was taking place at the
    Portsmouth Naval Prison, only a few hours north of
    Boston. We at once loaded a couple of automobiles
    filled with our volunteers, and rushed up to Ports¬
    mouth, and there repeated many things that I have
    described in our first set of experiments. At Ports¬
    mouth, out of a large number of cases, we made our
    selections carefully, taking the typical cases for donors,
    and transferring the material directly to our volun¬
    teers. In about thirty-six hours, half of the number
    we exposed came down with fever and sore throat,
    with hemolytic streptococci present, and doubtless as
    the causal agent. All the clinicians who saw these
    cases in consultation agreed with us that they were
    ordinary cases of sore throat.
    Another incident : One of our officers, Dr. L., who
    had been in intimate contact with the disease from
    early in October, collected material from six healthy
    men at the Portsmouth Navy Yard who were thought
    might be in the period of incubation of the disease—we
    were trying to get material as early as possible, because
    all the evidence seems to indicate that the infection is
    transmittable early in the disease. None of the six
    men came down with influenza, but Dr. L. came down
    in thirty-six hours, with a clinical attack of influenza,
    although he had escaped all the rest of the outbreak.
    I think we must be very careful not to draw any
    positive conclusions from negative results of this kind.
    Many factors must be considered. Our volunteers may
    not have been susceptible. They may have been
    immune. They had been exposed as all the rest of the
    people had been exposed to the disease, although they
    gave no clinical history of an attack.
    Dr. McCoy, who with Dr. Richey, did a similar
    series of experiments on Goat Island, San Francisco,
    used volunteers who, so far as known, had not been
    exposed to the outbreak at all, also had negative results,
    that is, they were unable to reproduce the disease.
    Perhaps there are factors, or a factor, in the transmis¬
    sion of influenza that we do not know.
    As a matter of fact, we entered the outbreak with
    a notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and
    were quite sure we knew how it was transmitted from
    person to person. Perhaps, if we have learned any¬
    thing, it is that we are not quite sure what we know
    about the disease.

    [A complete account of the experiment is being published
    by the U. S. Public Health Service.]


    Milton Joseph Rosenau (January 1, 1869 – April 9, 1946) was an American public health official and professor who was influential in the early twentieth century.


    Rosenau left the Hygienics Laboratory at Angel Island to take on a position as Professor at Harvard University. During his time there, he helped establish the Harvard and Massachusetts School for Health Officers. He also became the president of the Society of American Bacteriologists in 1934, and later, the president of the American Public Health Association in 1944.[5]

    Milton J. Rosenau (1869-1946) | News | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
    Milton Rosenau was one of the three founders of the Harvard-MIT School for Health Officers.
    “We find monuments erected to heroes who have won wars, but we find none commemorating anyone’s preventing a war. The same is true with epidemics.”

    So observed Milton J. Rosenau, the Harvard Medical School professor who, along with M.I.T.’s William T. Sedgwick and Harvard’s George C. Whipple, launched the 1913 Harvard-M.I.T. collaboration that ultimately evolved into Harvard School of Public Health.

    // testovane subjekty mozna mely proste silnou imunitu, ze to ustaly. ale je rozhodne zajimave videt, ze na zdraveho mladeho cloveka nemelo vliv, ani pokud mu nemocnej s chripkou nakasle primo do tvare. ze ani extremni pokusy nevedly k prenosu nakazy.

    i vzhledem k tomu, ze izolace zdravych lidi je jedine opatreni, ktere provadime (krome vakcin). pritom tohle sireni zrejme tedy minimalne neni zasadnim faktorem. i ze svy zkusenosti jsem si uz davno vsiml, ze nachlazeni, chripka, angina u me snad vzdy byla spjata s psychikou casto v kombinaci, kdyz se clovek treba moc prochladi
    a kdyz byl v domacnosti nekdo nemocnej, tak si nevybavuju, ze bych to pak chytl taky... pokud nedoslo u me zaroven k vyse uvedenemu teda ,)

    prijde mi hlavne, ze i u prochlazeni hraje psychika zasadni roli.. jestli se z toho rozvine nachlazeni, chripka,... .. nekdy clovek i chce onemocnet, pac se mu nechce do prace nebo skoly

    ja tohle v detstvi zazil v extremu, kdy jsem si o vikendu pral onemocnet, pac jsem nechtel do skoly.. a druhy den ano, nemocnej.. dalsi den jsem byl v nemocnici a malem umrel, protoze mi praskl slepak, takze jsem byl v nemocnici nekolik mesicu s nezlepsujicim se stavem celou dobu na umele vyzive infuzi. .... ale prani se splnilo.. nemusel jsem do skoly :)
    GORG --- ---

    Germ theory denial: A major strain in “alt-med” thought | Science-Based Medicine

    je zajimave si vsimnout, ze tamto video jsou 2 hodiny vlastne nonstop ruznych citaci vedeckych praci, starsich i novejsich, citace i vedeckych praci, ktere rozhodne ten konsensus nevyvraci, ale dilcim zpusobem potvrzuji tyhle pochyby

    vs.. tenhle clanek , kterej se nijak nevyjadruje k obsahu, co tam v tom videu zminuji, a necituje ani zadnou studii

    misto toho jsou tam vety typu
    Béchamp is unusual, though, in that he is frequently invoked by peddlers of quackery as having been “right” while Pasteur and Koch were “wrong.” Just Google “Béchamp” AND “alternative medicine,” “Béchamp germ theory,” or “Béchamp vaccination,” and you’ll see what I mean.

    takhle se vyjadruje vedec? quackery? "vygooglujte si xy, a uvidite, co tim myslim" ?

    to je proste jen jakysi komentar, ktery se nepokousi nic vyvracet, a jen tam dela prehlidku blaznu.

    imho si za ty pochyby v alt mediich muzou sami. z pozice arogance a nadrazenosti se nevyjadruji k tem klicovym bodum.

    heh ted mi doslo, ze jsem ve spatnym klubu, ktery neni na kecy :) tak se odmlcim uz..
    GORG --- ---
    V Česku přibylo nejvíce případů koronaviru o víkendu od začátku května. Testy odhalily 353 nakažených | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy

    kazdopadne prituhuje

    opet obligatni prirovnani , ze je X vetsi nez od prvni stredy dva mesice zpet... a predpokladam, ze termin "nemocni" se opet mysli "pozitivni test".
    ten test, o kterym vynalezce te technologie parafrazovane rekl, ze jen idiot by ho pouzival na diagnostiku. PCR je nastroj pro vyzkum, kdy potrebujeme namnozit neco konkretniho, co vime, ze tam bude... ne pro namnozeni nejakeho gulase.
    GORG --- ---
    RIVA: to jsou odvazna tvrzeni, ze by tradicni pohled na infekce byl cely blud :) ale musim rict, ze uz me pred casem tohle taky prislo divny.... proc neumime udelat izolat zadneho viru? jakoze si ze vzorku vyndat jen onen virus, vyfotit si ho pekne , a pak replikovat jeho sireni tim, ze ho aplikujeme nejakymu cloveku/zvireti, jestli pak onemocni.

    ze se tohle nikdy nedelalo a ze vsechny, zda se, pripady, kdy to vedci zkusili (teda ne tu izolaci, tu ani nikdy nezkouseli zjevne), ale proste vzit vzorek z nemocneho a aplikovat ho na nekoho zdraveho, jestli tim onemocni.

    schvalne jsem googloval, co si o tom mysli pan google a vedci/media a ty debunky vlastne rikaj, ze tohle je stara kontroverze uz z 19.stoleti, ktera je pry zneuzivana dnes dezinformatory, kteri tuhle udajne prekonanou vedeckou kontroverzi zneuzivaji pro nebezpecne dezinformace.

    nicmene nevyjadrujou se k tem vecem, ktery jsou v tom linkovanem dokumentu. v jednom debunk clanku pouze pisou, ze izolovat virus pry proste nejde. ze je tak malinkatej, ze nejde izolovat. a proto se to pry nedela. a kdyz se virologu zeptate na izolaci viru, tak se osivaji, a nekteri sdilnejsi reknou, ze izolace viru zavisi na fantazii daneho vedce, jak si izolaci viru on sam definuje. coz je fakt uzasna definice :)

    kazdopadne ten David Icke nekdy v breznu 2020 v tom pak hned cenzurovanem rozhovoru rekl i pro me dost obtizne prijimane tvrzeni, ze ten COVID virus jsou ve skutecnosti exosomy.

    media tvrdi, ze je to blbost. pry ze jen proto, ze to na fotce vypada jako exosom neznamena, ze jen kvuli ten podobnosti to je exosom. proste koule s tema spajkama.

    kazdopadne koronavirus na fotkach se ani moc nepodoba tomu obrazku koronaviru, ktery nam predkladaj rendery... proste maj na fotce jakysi blob s nahodilyma vycnelkama

    podobne jako exosom. vypadajici jako jakysi blob s nahodilyma vycnelkama..

    takze kdyz odbornici mluvi o tom, ze jen proeto, ze je "hodne podobny" koronaviru, zni dost podivne mluvit o nejake "podobnosti" , kdyz cely ten tvar v obou pripadech vypada dost nahodile.

    komicka v tom videu byla ta studie, kde z pozitivniho COVID pacienta "izolovali" ten vzorek viru.. a na fotce tam meli blob bez vycnelku (spikes)... a jak v te studii psali, ze pomohlo pridat do kultivacni misky nejakou sracku, a tim tomu pridelali ty spikes .. :)

    imho by meli fakt ty veci vyvracet.. kdyz se k tomu nevyjadrujou, tak co si clovek pak ma myslet?

    jinak kdyz ma nekdo ebolu, tak to snad prej celkem rychle poznaj prave temi vyraznymi projevy (krvaceni pri kasli)....
    samo muzou v tom byt jeste nejake jine faktory, ktere umi vytvorit efekt infekcnosti nez bakterie nebo viry.. ale to uz zni mozna moc ezo

    kazdopadne kolem te virologie zjevne jsou urcita tabu, o kterych se nemluvi. napriklad proc si mame myslet, ze mame genom viru, kdyz je to cely gulas vseho, co do misky nahazeli vcetne tech ledvin zelene opice, exosomu

    v tech citovanych studiich tam primo i zminuji, ze je skoro nemozne rozlisit exosom od koronaviru
    RIVA --- ---
    Něco pro pobavení na páteční večer:

    The End of Germ Theory
    RIVA --- ---
    Lotus Trump #YourComments / Hugo Talks
    ALWA --- ---
    How Covid Tracking Apps Are Pivoting for Commercial Profit | WIRED
    ALWA --- ---
    Someone Slipped Hundreds of Fake Articles About Things That Never Happened Onto Wikipedia
    ALWA --- ---
    ALWA --- ---
    k prvni vete zahlavi, ale nevim, nevesel-li jsem. odstranim popr

    GORG --- ---
    She did, however, express a somewhat similar sentiment. As pointed out by PolitiFact and Snopes, Sanger used the term “weeds” in a 1923 New York Times article she authored ( here ) ( here ), but she made no reference to a specific race. She wrote: “Birth Control is not contraception indiscriminately and thoughtlessly practiced. It means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization."

    Fact Check-Fabricated quote about ‘human weeds’ attributed to Planned Parenthood founder | Reuters
    GORG --- ---
    Margaret Sanger was a racist eugenics advocate who shouldn't be honored
    All across America, video of activists attacking statues plays on a loop while some political leaders voice their support for removing all reminders of people whose personal histories put them in a negative light. In asking for the U.S. Capitol to be cleansed of Confederate statues, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said they must go because their efforts were “to achieve such a plainly racist end.” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on NBC's "Today" show that removing statues is a “healthy expression” of priorities and values.

    For those identifying historical figures with racist roots who should be removed from public view because of their evil histories, Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, must join that list. In promoting birth control, she advanced a controversial "Negro Project," wrote in her autobiography about speaking to a Ku Klux Klan group and advocated for a eugenics approach to breeding for “the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”
    RIVA --- ---
    Glastonbury Witchcraft / Hugo Talks
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam