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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    GORG --- ---
    Common Austin Code Violations | AustinTexas.gov

    Here are tips to help inspect your property:
    Doors – are all doors working properly and in good repair? Make sure there’s no damage to the door jambs, hardware, weather stripping, or protective treatment.

    Windows – are all window panes in place and unbroken? Are the window locks working? Windows should be weather tight with no breezes or moisture coming through. If used as an emergency exit, make sure it can open and is unobstructed.

    Walls, floors, & ceilings – are they in good condition? Make sure there are no cracks, holes, gaps, trip hazards, or damage to these surfaces.

    Electrical – Check your light switches and outlets to see if they are working and in good repair. Make sure there is no exposed or damaged wiring.

    Sink, toilet, tub, & shower – are the faucets and fixtures working correctly? Is there sufficient water pressure? Check that the water gets hot enough – it should be able to reach 110 degrees Fahrenheit after three minutes of running.

    Appliances & cabinets – are they damaged, inoperable, or missing parts?

    HVAC system – can it heat the room to at least 68 degrees Fahrenheit? Make sure the exhaust pipe is properly connected and the area is kept clear.

    Fire protection – Are the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms working? Make sure there is a working alarm in your bedroom and at least one alarm in the common area.

    Water heater – Is there sufficient water pressure? Make sure that water can get up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit (after three minutes of running) and keep the area clear.

    Infestation – Look for signs of rodents, bed bugs, roaches, fleas, bees, or other pests.

    Stairway – are the treads in good repair and secure? Check for trip hazards and an appropriate stair riser (or step height) on the stairs.

    Balcony, deck, porch, patio, & landing – are the walking surfaces in good repair, smooth, and undamaged? Make sure support systems are anchored and functional.

    Handrails & guardrails – are they in good repair and secure? Check that the rails are not cracked, loose, missing, incorrectly spaced, or lacking protective treatment.

    Walls – are they in good condition? Make sure there is no damage and they have the proper trim, protective treatment, and remain weather tight to protect the inside.

    Electrical fixtures – are they in good repair? Make sure any wiring is covered up.

    Plumbing – is there a backflow preventer installed on the hose bib? Is there leaking? Check the clean-out covers and piping.

    Roof – is the roof covering, soffit, and fascia all intact and in good repair? Make sure there are no leaks in the rain gutters or downspouts.

    Fences, walls, sidewalks, parking surfaces & carports – Are they in good repair and undamaged? Check for potholes, trip hazards, and uneven walking surfaces.

    Trash – Is there trash and rubbish around the property, overflowing dumpsters? Check if there is old furniture, tires, or junk outside of the dumpster.

    Join Austin Code Explorers

    Man fired shots at Austin Code enforcement over lawn care, home on fire, APD says
    GORG --- ---
    Covid: The Trojan Horse For The Climate Change Con

    ROSS CLARK: How absurd you may be banned from selling your own home if you don't meet eco rules | Daily Mail Online
    Homeowners will have to cover the required re-modification costs of up to £18,000 themselves — after ministers scrapped grant schemes.

    But shockingly, if you find yourself unable to afford these green-energy improvements, you could be forbidden from selling your home — or even banned from re-mortgaging it, possibly leading to your home being repossessed.

    // dokazete si predstavit, ze by se neceho takoveho dotkla media treba aspon 20 m tyci? :)
    tohle pritom neni nic noveho.. podobne uz to slo v nekterych mistech ve svete... pred min. 10 lety treba v Austinu, Texas.

    myslenka, ze veskere nemovitosti budou zabaveny, je uz zjevne starsi... proste zatepleni domu, oken, ... desitky pozadavku.. a pribyvajici kazdym tydnem... a pokuta 1000$ za kazdy den ilegalniho uzivani domu bez splneni tehle pozadavku. ci tak nejak.. nepamatuju si presne detaily zakona, jaka je ta castka, ale byla nemala... a pocitala se za kazdy bod nesplneni "eko" pozadavku... takze nutno vynasobit poctem precinum vuci klima bohu.

    s takovym systemem by slo krasne zbavit celou populaci jejich nemovitosti, protoze kdo by chtel neco takove vubec drzet, kdyz vlastnictvi muze jit vlastne do ztraty? hipici se samopaly si jiste vyjuchnou.. ale je nam asi jasne, o co tu jde? :)
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: zdroje nebo ukaz kozy nebo fakt jdi nekam :)
    jak to chapu, mas jako vlastnik akcii hlasovaci pravo. dolozil jsem to tu 2 zdroji. nijak ses k tomu nevyjadril.

    prijde mi, ze resis nejakou pohadku socialistickou, soudruhu :) , co muze nebo nemuze vlastnik delat.

    korporace klidne muze chtit jit do ztrat nekolik milionu mesicne... ja primo v takove jedne delal.. takze nevim, o cem tocis... a taky nikoho nezajimaji tvoje nebo moje nazory...uvadej zdroje tvych tvrzeni.
    RIVA --- ---
    Trocha filosoficko-politického rozjímání od Morgoth Review:

    Towards The Post-Liberal West

    Celý článek zde:

    Towards The Post-Liberal West - Morgoth’s Review

    "A couple of seemingly disparate issues caught my attention recently which, on the surface, seemed to have nothing in common whatsoever, but upon closer inspection have a great deal in common. Both have something to say about where we find ourselves and where we’re headed.

    The first subject is the Biden administration’s proclamations on the ‘‘Liberal World Order’’ which excited various stripes of populists and conspiracy theorists.

    The second subject is the truly execrable new Jurassic Park/World movie..."
    KAJJAK --- ---

    tak oni samozrejme nejedou pouze ETFka, ale kdyz nakupuji index tak sou z principu vazani nakupovat pomerne casti vsech akcii... Kapital od lidi dostavaji jak na etf tak na jiny produkty, takze ty pomery sedet nebudou, co neni etf to samozrejme nakupuji bez nejakych vah, necoho vic a neceho min a neco vubec...
    KAJJAK --- ---

    i kdyz si majoritni akcionar, tak nemuzes otocit zamerne chod firmy tak, aby byla zamerne hure ziskova nebo dokonce ztratova... To prece dava logiku, jakykoliv majoritni akcionar by to na chvili udelal, aby se minoritni zacali zbavovat svych podilu levne a on by je pak zkoupil levne a stal se 100% vlastnikem...
    RIVA --- ---
    Paul Schreyer: Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era?

    Political decisions during the Corona crisis did not come out of the blue. The "war on viruses" began back in the 1990s as the "war on bioterror." Research shows: For more than twenty years since then, pandemic scenarios have been repeatedly rehearsed in simulation exercises, first in the U.S., later coordinated internationally. The titles of these exercises are reminiscent of Hollywood productions: "Dark Winter" (2001), "Global Mercury" (2003), "Atlantic Storm" (2005) or "Clade X" (2018). High-ranking government representatives as well as well-known journalists were involved, most recently, at "Event 201" in October 2019, also board members of large global corporations. After the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many of the measures that had been rehearsed and discussed for years were implemented globally.

    Passages like the following appeared in scripts as early as 20 years ago: "The sight of an armed military presence in US cities has provoked protests about curtailment of civil liberties (...) The question is, however, how do we enforce it and to what degree? How much force do you use to keep people in their homes?" In the event of a pandemic, "basic civil liberties such as freedom of assembly or travel" could no longer „taken for granted". Restrictions on liberty, as well as mass vaccinations, were regular features of the planning games.

    This lecture will chronologically trace how these exercises came about, who organized them, and what parallels the scripts have to the current situation. Is the virus just a pretext for a longer-planned global transformation? And was a severe stock market quake in September 2019 perhaps the real trigger for the global lockdown?
    GORG --- ---
    Patty Hearst — FBI
    Around 9 o’clock in the evening on February 4, 1974, there was a knock on the door of apartment #4 at 2603 Benvenue Street in Berkeley, California.

    In burst a group of men and women with their guns drawn. They grabbed a surprised 19-year-old college student named Patty Hearst, beat up her fiancé, threw her in the trunk of their car and drove off.

    Thus began one of the strangest cases in FBI history.

    Hearst, it was soon discovered, had been kidnapped by a group of armed radicals that billed themselves as the Symbionese Liberation Army, or SLA. Led by a hardened criminal named Donald DeFreeze, the SLA wanted nothing less than to incite a guerrilla war against the U.S. government and destroy what they called the “capitalist state.” Their ranks included women and men, blacks and whites, and anarchists and extremists from various walks in life.

    They were, in short, a band of domestic terrorists. And dangerous ones. They’d already shot two Oakland school officials with cyanide-tipped bullets, killing one and seriously wounding the other.

    Why’d they snatch Hearst? To get the country’s attention, primarily. Hearst was from a wealthy, powerful family; her grandfather was the newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst. The SLA’s plan worked and worked well: the kidnapping stunned the country and made front-page national news.

    But the SLA had more plans for Patty Hearst. Soon after her disappearance, the SLA began releasing audiotapes demanding millions of dollars in food donations in exchange for her release. At the same time, they apparently began abusing and brainwashing their captive, hoping to turn this young heiress from the highest reaches of society into a poster child for their coming revolution.

    That, too, seemed to work. On April 3, the SLA released a tape with Hearst saying that she’d joined their fight to free the oppressed and had even taken a new name. A dozen days later, she was spotted on bank surveillance cameras wielding an assault weapon during an SLA bank robbery, barking orders to bystanders and providing cover to her confederates.

    Portion of a wanted poster for Patty Hearst in October 1974.

    Patty Hearst Mugshot
    Patty Hearst Holding a Weapon
    Top: Part of the FBI Wanted poster for Symbionese Liberation Army members. Left: Mug shot of Hearst following her arrest. Right: Hearst holding a weapon. (Click each image for a higher resolution)

    Meanwhile, the FBI had launched one of the most massive, agent-intensive searches in its history to find Hearst and stop the SLA. Working with many partners, we ran down thousands of leads. But with the SLA frightening potential informants into silence, using good operational security, and relying on an organized network of safe houses, it was tough going.

    A break came in Los Angeles. On May 16, two SLA members tried to steal an ammunition belt from a local store and were nearly caught. The getaway van was discovered, which led authorities to an SLA safe house. The next day, the house was surrounded by L.A. police. A massive shootout ensued. The building went up in flames; six members of the SLA died in the blaze, including DeFreeze.

    But where was Hearst? She and several others had escaped and began traveling around the country to avoid capture. FBI agents, though, were close behind. We finally captured her in San Francisco on September 18, 1975, and she was charged with bank robbery and other crimes.

    Her trial was as sensational as the chase. Despite claims of brainwashing, the jury found her guilty, and she was sentenced to seven years in prison. Hearst served two years before President Carter commuted her sentence. She was later pardoned.

    And the rest of the SLA? We caught up with them all. The last two members were arrested in 1999 and 2002.

    // neco k efektivite vymyvani mozku
    RIVA --- ---
    Skvely rozhovor Matta Le Tissiera s Mikem Yeadonem:

    Matt Le Tissier🌸 on GETTR : Matt Mike

    Vypichl bych moment kde Mike (Profesor biochemie) mluvi o tom jak nas imunitni system starne a v pozdnim veku je skoro neschopny vytvaret protilatky proti novym onemocnenim. Tim padem je stejne neschopny vytvaret protilatky po aplikaci jakehokoliv ockovani.
    RIVA --- ---
    cryptogon.com » Did Humankind Just Have It’s Genome Poisoned?
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    KAJJAK: to chapu, ale je pokryt a pokryt. to, kolik ceho koupej a kdy to prodaj, maji imho furt pod kontrolou. KAJJAK: je zajimavej argument. ale to, ze koupili gamestop neznamena, ze nenakoupili i nejakou obskurni malou spolecnost. muzes rict s jistotou, ze jsou vazany jednostranne jen na nakup podle indexu? i co se týče objemů? musí přece mít dostatečně velkej wiggle room pro svý hospodaření.
    GORG --- ---
    Covid pandemic: Kids struggle with writing and speech, says UK study
    Kids continue to struggle with basic skills such as writing and speaking in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, a new study by the U.K. government’s education authority has found.

    These were among the findings of a series of reports published on Monday by Ofsted, which were based on evidence from around 280 inspections of educational institutions across different age groups, as well as focus groups with the government department’s inspectors.

    In the “early years” group, Ofsted found that education providers had noted delays in young children’s development of speech and language. Some providers also found that babies had struggled to respond to basic facial expressions, which they said could be due to reduced social interaction amid the coronavirus pandemic and associated lockdowns.

    In addition, some education providers highlighted the fact that kids lacked confidence in group activities, while toddlers and pre-schoolers needed help in learning to share and take turns.

    Providers also noticed how the pandemic had affected young children’s physical development, such as a delay in babies learning to crawl and walk. Some reported that children had regressed in their independence and self-care skills, prompting providers to spend longer with kids on physical activities, in order to help develop gross motor skills.

    Meanwhile, school-aged children were found to have gaps in math, phonics and “writing stamina,” though educators said that, compared with the previous semester, gaps in knowledge were closing.

    As was the case in many countries around the world, the Covid-19 pandemic forced U.K. schools to close to the vast majority of children, meaning many were educated at home during the country’s lockdowns.

    School children’s mental health also remained a concern, with educators noticing lower levels of resilience and confidence, as well as increased anxiety, among students.

    In fact, the part of the report that focused on this particular age group said some schools had noticed that the pandemic had affected the subjects that students choose to study ahead of high school and pre-college exams, known as GSCEs and A Levels respectively.

    For example, a few schools noticed that fewer students were choosing to study all of the main sciences — biology, chemistry and physics. And one educator believed that fewer students were choosing to study another language because they suffered from lower confidence following lockdowns.

    Schools also noticed how the pandemic had affected students’ technology skills. “For example, one school noted that pupils were only comfortable using touch-screen devices, so they have addressed this by focusing on using desktop computers,” the report said.

    Ofsted Chief Inspector Amanda Spielman said that while progress had been made with efforts to help children catch-up on what they had missed, it was “clear that the pandemic has created some lingering challenges.”

    “I’m particularly worried about younger children’s development, which, if left unaddressed, could potentially cause problems for primary schools down the line,” she said.
    RIVA --- ---
    OMNIHASH: Tohle jsou jen US data myslim. Ke dnesku 784,110,065 davek .
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    RIVA: ano, to se halt stává, když rozdistribuuješ 12 miliard plus dávek. Je to furt jedna domnělá smrt na 400.000 dávek, reálně po očištění o errory někde v řádu 1:1.000.000.
    RIVA --- ---
    COVID Vaccine Data - OpenVAERS

    If you’ve not checked VAERS recently, you’re in for an unpleasant shock. Just dreadful. Please do share. It’s NOT misinformation, but government data.
    GORG --- ---
    ECCO John C Lilly and the Solid State Entity A Documentary
    GORG --- ---
    ona cela ta vec s Lambdou mozna nema az tak dimenzi.. je to vedome nebo ne..
    jednak ono to je treba jedno... proste vas bude v nemocnici osetrovat takovej nejakej syntetik.. a vice se do zainstaluje do frameworku vlady, kdy se postupne vice a vice rozhodovani presune na AI.
    nejprve v radach nedostatkovych sester v nemocnicich po vladni OS, co bude rozhodovat o vsem.

    ale uz je to vedomy nebo ne, lidi tomu budou stejne verit, ze je. nakonec Sofie dostala oficialni obcanstvi Saudske Arabie.

    Elysium Official Extended Trailer (2013) - Matt Damon Sci-Fi Movie HD
    GORG --- ---

    Robot Sophia talking to her older brother Han

    jeste je konspiracni teorie, ze za ted hodne vecma stoji AI.. umela inteligence... ne ta, kterou vytvarime.. ale ta, ktera chce byt vytvarena...

    neco pred cim varoval John C. Lilly pred desitky let z jeho vyzkumu na ketaminu. Kdyz se jeste nevedelo, ze ketamin je jen pro kone. :)

    Ten tvrdil, a je fakt, ze ten vecer skoncil v blazinci, a pustili ho, az kdyz ketamin vyprchal.... ale mluvil o jakemsi spiknuti pevnych bytosti... zkousel volat prezidentovi, ale misto telefonatu ho prepojili do blazince, ale napadlo me, ze mohl mluvit o AI.

    precejen... pokud je umeligence mozna, tak uz existuje.. nekde ve Vesmiru...

    a jak tam ten Hans rika, ze "Vesmir uz nebude znovu znicen". .. Co tim myslel? Ze uz nas tentokrat nevyhladej? :-) Vsechny organicke bytosti.. nebo nezotrocej

    V tomhle smeru si rikam, ze je vhodny uvazit fakt, ze pokud tohle muze existovat, tak uz to nekde davno existuje. A muze mit svoje plany.

    Cele NWO muze byt plan umele inteligence, bytosti neschopnych emoci, dravcu, anorganickych bytosti... co si na to zmanipulovali lidi, aby jim to zaridili technicky. Invaze, kterou "nikdo" necekal :)

    Na druhou stranu mam trochu pochyby, ze vsechny ty videa se Sophii a timhle dickem jsou nejak nekde na pozadi naskriptovany.. pres nejaky motion capturing nebo nampaovat na xbox controller... nafejkovat by to slo.. nekde ve skrytu... protoze mi prijde, ze tohle fakt uz vypada, ze jsou skutecny vedomy AI.

    Faktem je, ze i celkem uznavany vozickar Hawking v oblasti fyziky, tohle ataky povazoval za hrozbu, jak asi kazdy dobre vi.

    Stephen Hawking warned about the perils of artificial intelligence – yet AI gave him a voice

    GORG --- ---
    Ale ocenuju, ze KAJJAK poklidne argumentuje svuj pohled... to se tak casto nevidi.
    bez urazek do ruskych svabu, co ani nedokoncili materskou skolu :-)

    „S bojem proti terorismu, extremismu a kybernetické kriminalitě to myslíme vážně. Jsem rád, že policie připravila vznik nové elitní jednotky, která se těmhle velmi aktuálním hrozbám bude naplno věnovat. Což se nebude líbit extremistům, teroristům a různým proruským švábům, na které si právě tahle jednotka bude chtít posvítit. Vznik jednotky je výsledkem dvouleté práce policistů a státních zástupců v rámci skupiny REFORMA,“ napsal ministr na Twitteru a ideologické zanícení z něho doslova kapalo.
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: Vida, kapitalistu :-)

    Tak ono je to chytry. Sic teda vnimam chytrost a moudrost jako odlisne pojmy..

    Takze jestli te chapu spravne...

    -- akcionar nemuze ovlivnit chod firmy? Protoze by to bylo "Orbanovisticke"?

    -- Ale stat muze zabavit nemovitost, na kterou clovek treba celej zivot setril, aby tam ubytoval najemniky?

    Ad Vanguard a BlackRock... jo to je docela dobry point.... ale at the end of the day.. oni vlastni vetsinu akcii.. nevim, jestli to znamena neco spikleneckeho vjejich pripade, ale faktem zustava , ze vlastni vetsinu vseho.

    Abych se vratil k overitelnym faktum, ze jen tak nefabuluju (jak rikam.. ja se v tomhle zas tolik neorientuju.. ale vsechno kazda vec, co nachazim, potvrzuje moje slova)

    Co je akcie | Investice.cz
    Akcie jsou cenné papíry vydávané akciovými společnostmi, které tak získávají kapitál pro své podnikání. Za to akcionáři (držitelé akcií) získávají právo na pravidelnou výplatu dividendy (podíl na zisku společnosti) a právo hlasovat na valné hromadě a podílet se tak na chodu firmy (volba představenstva, dozorčí rady aj.).

    ČR má v ČEZ 70% vlastnický podíl. A nemůže ovlivnit chod firmy? To mi spíš přijde jako v Rusku ne Maďarsku :-) Hlavně vůči definici výše.

    ad Orbán našel jsem si tedy sám, o čem točíš, když nechceš být konkrétní

    Orbán chce změnit paušální daň a maďarští živnostníci vyrazili do ulic - Seznam Zprávy

    Farmáři v Nizozemsku nechtějí snižovat emise, policie střílela po traktorech - Seznam Zprávy
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam