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    ztracené heslo?
    HAWLISobrazky, co mne rozstipou - CTI ZAHLAVI !!! (tzn. primárně formou či obsahem nadpruměrné, nikoli vtipné, morbidní a WTF)
    EX___BO --- ---
    SITH --- ---
    MAARA_MAARA --- ---
    nevim jak ostatní, ale mě z téhle adresy http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2008/10/earth_from_above_comes_to_nyc.html nejvíc dostal tenhle obrázek:

    "Tree of life", Tsavo national park, Kenya. This acacia is a symbol of life in the vast expanses of thorny savanna, where wild animals come to take advantage of its leaves or its shade. Tsavo National Park in southeastern Kenya, crossed by the Nairobi-Mombasa road and railway axis, is the country's largest protected area (8,200 square miles, or 21,000 square kilometers) and was declared a national park in 1948.

    RAJCHE --- ---

    Iraqi tank graveyard in the desert near Al Jahrah, Kuwait. This graveyard of tanks will bear witness for many years to the damage that war causes both to the environment and to human health. In 1991, during the first Gulf War, a million depleted uranium shells were fired at Iraqi forces, spreading toxic, radioactive dust for miles around. Such dust is known to have lasting effects on the environment and to cause various forms of cancer and other serious illnesses among humans.

    More pics here:
    RAJCHE --- ---

    Worker resting on bales of cotton, Thonakaha, Korhogo, Ivory Coast. Cotton crops occupy approximately 335,000 square klilometers worldwide, and use nearly one quarter of all pesticides sold. (© Yann Arthus-Bertrand) #

    map: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=9.465995,-5.599251&spn=0.06519,0.089006&t=h&z=14
    ELEMENT_CEZET --- ---
    Výbuch vulkánu Sarchev (Kurilské ostrovy, 12.6.2009)
    pohled z orbitu, foto: International Space Station, NASA

    SUCZKER --- ---
    IM_MORTAL --- ---
    ZUBNI_VILA --- ---
    prolomeni bariery zvuku

    WIRUSS --- ---
    Nejvyšší žijící strom světa Hyperion, výška 115,61m, stáří kolem 800 let.

    GREGI --- ---

    A man marooned by flood waters, alongside his livestock, waves towards an Army helicopter for relief handouts in the Rajanpur district of Pakistan's Punjab province on August 9, 2010.
    NAGASAWA --- ---

    A rescue helicopter prepares to hoist aboard surviving Japanese climber Hideaki Nara near the summit of Aoraki Mount Cook in New Zealand on December 5, 2008
    APPU --- ---
    APPU: 8. Langkawi Sky Bridge
    Kde: Langkawi, Malajsie
    Rok dokončení: 2008
    Délka: 125 m
    Tento poněkud křivolaký vyhlídkový most pro pěší je postaven v nadmořské výšce 700 metrů, a kdo jej chce navštívit, musí využít místní lanovou dráhu, která jej k „oblačnému“ mostu, jak jej nazývají domorodci, vyveze. Obloukovitý most nesou lana, zavěšená na ocelovém pilíři uprostřed mostovky. Most je unikátní i tím, že vede odnikud nikam. Na jeho koncích jsou trojúhelníkové plošiny, nabízející vyhlídku na souostroví Langkawi, skládající se z 99 ostrovů.
    APPU --- ---
    RAMON23 --- ---
    taky bych si chtěl zaplavat s tygrem...
    ZOLTAN --- ---
    Taking old World War II photos, Russian photographer Sergey Larenkov carefully photoshops them over more recent shots to make the past come alive. Not only do we get to experience places like Berlin, Prague, and Vienna in ways we could have never imagined, more importantly, we are able to appreciate our shared history in a whole new and unbelievably meaningful way.

    Cela galerie zde:
    DADEL --- ---
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