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    ztracené heslo?
    HAWLISobrazky, co mne rozstipou - CTI ZAHLAVI !!! (tzn. primárně formou či obsahem nadpruměrné, nikoli vtipné, morbidní a WTF)
    FRANCIK --- ---
    pohled z Mt. Fuji při východu slunce.
    HWLLFFRDD --- ---
    Bodies of MH17 victims arrive in Holland

    HAVANA --- ---
    Novozélandští letci a hydroplán Consolidated PBY Catalina na snímku z roku 1944.
    MAR_TINA --- ---
    Bovanenkovo ,Yamal Peninsula, Russia, 09/07/2010..Gazprom workers watch while Nenets sledges and reindeer use insulation material to cross a new Gazprom built road while heading north to the Russian Arctic coast. The Nenets had previously been unable to follow their traditional migration routes because new roads constructed by Gazprom damage the sledges..

    REBORN --- ---
    Meet Venus, A Cat With Two Faces | Bored Panda

    HONDZIQUE --- ---

    This Traffic Jam Was Stuck In Belgian Forest For 70 Years | Bored Panda
    DRAGON --- ---
    Close up view of a moth orchid.

    PREDSEDA --- ---

    Trosky mravence Crematogaster scutellaris visícího jako nechtěná trofej i po smrti pevně zakousnutá do tykadla lesního mravence Camponotus vagus
    MATT --- ---
    The size of North America compared to Jupiter
    CAPTAIN_TACUD --- ---

    Krubera Cave is the deepest known cave on Earth. It is located in the Arabika Massif of the Gagrinsky Range of the Western Caucasus, in the Gagra district of Abkhazia, a breakaway region of Georgia. he difference in the altitude of the cave's entrance and its deepest explored point is 2,197 ± 20 metres (7,208 ± 66 ft). It became the deepest-known cave in the world in 2001 when the expedition of the Ukrainian Speleological Association reached a depth of 1,710 m (5,610 ft) which exceeded the depth of the previous deepest known cave, Lamprechtsofen, in the Austrian Alps, by 80 m. In 2004, for the first time in the history of speleology, the Ukrainian Speleological Association expedition reached a depth greater than 2,000 m, and explored the cave to −2,080 m (−6,824 ft). Ukrainian diver Gennadiy Samokhin extended the cave by diving in the terminal sump to 46 m depth in 2007 and then to 52 m in 2012, setting successive world records of 2,191 m and 2,197 m respectively. Krubera remains the only known cave on Earth deeper than 2,000 metres.
    HAVANA --- ---
    Londyn, 1940
    JOHN_KRYSPIN --- ---
    A businessman doubling as a graffiti artist

    TAX --- ---
    A black bear lies on a hammock in a residential back yard in Daytona Beach, Florida, on May 30, 2014. The bear used the hammock for more than 15 minutes before being startled when the back yard lights were turned on according to the photographer. (Reuters/Rafael C. Torres)

    SHEESH --- ---
    BUTTERFLY: po velkym pozaru prisel objekt o strechu. destove obdobi pak cely komplex vytopilo, coz melo za dusledek invazi komaru. Ta byla tak neprijemna, ze se okolni obyvatele shodli vysadit kapry a jine sladkovodni ryby, aby je zbavily tech komaru a hmyzu (sorry za OT)
    KILLIAN --- ---
    Wind-Swept Tree in South Point, Hawai'i
    JOHN_KRYSPIN --- ---
    Hitler trénuje řeč těla pro své budoucí proslovy. Vyfotil ho Heinrich Hoffman, který se pak stal jeho oficiálním fotografem (Hitler ho po vyvolání fotek požádal, aby fotky zničil. Ten je radši schoval.).

    Celá série zde http://downtowncamera.tumblr.com/post/61028807955/heinrich-hoffman-the-man-who-shot-hitler
    ASYD --- ---
    WILLOW --- ---
    TRANCEWARP --- ---
    BUTTERFLY --- ---
    Obchodní dům v Bangkoku, který vyhořel v roce 1997. Nyní je domovem tisíců ryb. Není úplně jasné, jak se tam dostaly.

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