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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    protester = terrorist

    Protest groups possible security threat: CSIS

    Last Updated Fri, 06 Jun 2003 8:11:36

    OTTAWA - Some Canadian animal rights, anti-globalization and white supremacist groups may pose a terrorist threat, revealed the Canadian Security Intelligence Service\'s latest annual report.

    The report, released Thursday, also claims that Canada is a target for terrorist activity because it supports the U.S. anti-terrorism campaign.

    Canada\'s spy agency listed religious extremism as its top terrorist concern, while aboriginals, separatists and environmentalists were not mentioned in the report.

    Solicitor General Wayne Easter defended the inclusion of domestic lobbies in the report, adding that Canadians should not be complacent about terrorist threats.

    \"The Canadian Security Intelligence Service… is aware of emerging terrorist threats and tactics that could have severe consequences for Canadians,\" Easter said.

    NDP Leader Jack Layton said, \"It looks as though CSIS is lumping together anyone who disagrees with the government.\"

    JAXXE --- ---
    Czeching in on Democracy


    April 15, 2003

    President George W. Bush
    The White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
    Washington, DC 20500

    President Bush:

    Twenty-one years ago I lived in communist Czechoslovakia. In order to hear news rather than propaganda and lies, I used to listen to Voice of America secretly in the middle of night. I am U.S. citizen now and very proud of it. And I am horrified to see what is happening to this great country under your leadership. In order to hear news, instead of propaganda and misinformation, I listen to independent radio every day and wonder how long will it take before I will have to do it secretly in the middle of night again. Isn\'t it ironic Mr. President, that I am in America listening to Voice of America?

    In Czechoslovakia as I remember it, we had freedom of speech, but life got very complicated after the speech. So whenever I hear the slogan: \"Who is not with us is against us,\" that has become so popular in the last few months, it gives me shivers. It was one of the most frequently used slogans of the communist government. The implied and feared continuation of this quote was, \"We will deal with him /her/ accordingly.\"

    With the adoption of so-called \"Patriot Act\" legislation that is supposed to protect us, and now the impending introduction of \"Patriot Act II,\" I see our civil liberties beginning to slip away. Please Mr. President, prove my fears unfounded! Because this too reminds me of the past. Those minefields and high-voltage fences were also there for our protection from foreign enemies. I had my doubts then, just as I do now.

    Mr. President, I appreciate and admire your religious commitment, but please keep it to yourself. Religion has great potential to turn a decent human being into a better one. But results from a fanaticism and the misuse of it are still too fresh in our memories. I might be wrong, but I really think Christian fanatics are just as dangerous as Islamic ones.

    Mr. President, please don\'t act like we are the last generation of humans on Earth and you have God-given right to destroy her. I don\'t have my own children, but my primary concern and goal of my life is to leave this planet livable for yours!


    Jarmila Temelova
    Eureka, CA 95503

    P.S.: Now that the war in Iraq is almost over, please make sure history will not be repeated. You see, a strange thing happens to textbooks when one country dominates another.

    JAXXE --- ---
    z guardianu clanek zmizel... takze kdyz tak tady:

    JAXXE --- ---
    Wolfowitz: \"Zaútočili jsme na Irák kvůli ropě\"

    Jedním z hlavních důvodů, proč Spojené státy zaútočily na Irák, byla ropa, konstatoval ve středu večer otevřeně Paul Wolfowitz, jeden z hlavních amerických jestřábů.

    Náměstek amerického ministra obrany Paul Wolfowitz, který vždycky bagatelizoval argumentaci britského premiéra Tonyho Blaira, že při útoku na Irák šlo o odstranění Saddámových zbraní hromadného ničení tím, že ji charakterizoval jako \"byrokratickou\" výmluvu pro válku, nyní otevřeně konstatoval, že skutečným motivem útoku na Irák bylo to, že Irák \"plave\" v ropě.

    Wolfowitz se tak vyjádřil o víkendu v projevu k delegátům na bezpečnostním summitu v Singapore. Jeho výroky ve středu citovaly německé listy Tagesspiegel Die Welt.

    Wolfowitz odpověděl na dotaz, proč se stavějí Spojené státy vůči Severní Koreji tak odlišně, než jak se stavějí vůči Iráku, když tam nebyly nalezeny skoro vůbec žádné zbraně hromadného ničení. Wolfowitz konstatoval: \"Podívejme se na to jednoduše. Nejdůležitějším rozdílem mezi Severní Koreou a Irákem je to, že hospodářsky jsme prostě v Iráku neměli volbu. Ta země plave v moři ropy.\"

    Wolfowitz řekl novinářům na této konferenci, že Spojené státy budou pomáhat intenzivnímu vyjednávání mezi Severní Koreou a jejími sousedy, aby došlo mezi nimi ke snížení napětí. Je to podstatně odlišný postoj, než jaký Spojené státy zaujaly vůči Iráku.

    Wolfowitzovy nynější otevřeně cynické výroky přicházejí po jeho výrocích pro časopis Vanity Fair, které byly minulý měsíc široce citovány. Tehdy Wolfowitz uvedl, že \"z důvodů, které mají mnoho společného s americkou vládní byrokracií,. jsme se dohodli, že budeme argumentovat způsobem, který byli všichni schopni přijmout - že totiž musíme zlikvidovat zbraně hromadného ničení.\"

    Už předtím však Wolfowitzův šéf, ministr obrany Donald Rumsfeld oslabil postoj britské vlády v tom smyslu, že řekl, že je možné, že Saddám Husajn své zbraně hromadného ničení zlikvidoval už před útokem na Irák.

    Wolfowitzovo upřímné zhodnocení významu ropy při útoku na Irák zřejmě značně posílí kritiku vůči britské i americké vládě, že přehnaly hrozbu, kterou údajně zosobňoval Saddám Husajn, aby mohly do Iráku provést invazi.

    V Británii sílí požadavky od všech politických stran, aby se konal veřejné vyšetřování obvinění, že britská vláda veřejnosti lhala ohledně údajné existence zbraní hromadného ničení. Parlamentní výbor pro zahraniční záležitosti v Londýně oznámil, že si přeje záležitost veřejně zkoumat.

    I v Americe vyvolává to, že se nenašly konkrétní důkazy o existenci chemických, biologických a jaderných zbraní v Iráku, stejné znepokojení ohledně Bushova ospravedlňování války proti Iráku a ozývají se tam hlasy, aby Kongres začal celou záležitost vyšetřovat.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Wolfowitz: Iraq war was about oil

    George Wright
    Wednesday June 4, 2003

    Oil was the main reason for military action against Iraq, a leading White House hawk has claimed, confirming the worst fears of those opposed to the US-led war.

    The US deputy defence secretary, Paul Wolfowitz - who has already undermined Tony Blair\'s position over weapons of mass destruction (WMD) by describing them as a \"bureaucratic\" excuse for war - has now gone further by claiming the real motive was that Iraq is \"swimming\" in oil.

    The latest comments were made by Mr Wolfowitz in an address to delegates at an Asian security summit in Singapore at the weekend, and reported today by German newspapers Der Tagesspiegel and Die Welt.

    Asked why a nuclear power such as North Korea was being treated differently from Iraq, where hardly any weapons of mass destruction had been found, the deputy defence minister said: \"Let\'s look at it simply. The most important difference between North Korea and Iraq is that economically, we just had no choice in Iraq. The country swims on a sea of oil.\"

    Mr Wolfowitz went on to tell journalists at the conference that the US was set on a path of negotiation to help defuse tensions between North Korea and its neighbours - in contrast to the more belligerent attitude the Bush administration displayed in its dealings with Iraq.

    His latest comments follow his widely reported statement from an interview in Vanity Fair last month, in which he said that \"for reasons that have a lot to do with the US government bureaucracy, we settled on the one issue that everyone could agree on: weapons of mass destruction.\"




    JAXXE --- ---
    Smartcams Take Aim at Terrorists

    These distributed digital video arrays, or DIVAs, are collections of really smart cameras able to detect and identify an individual in a crowded train station and track him wherever he goes -- out of the station, into the parking lot, onto the freeway and so on.

    They also notify authorities when they \"think\" the individual engages in suspicious activity or meets with questionable cohorts.

    You can watch for these DIVAs in summer 2004.

    The Department of Defense awarded $600,000 to University of California at San Diego\'s Computer Vision and Robotics Research lab Friday for further development of DIVAs, cameras that see, think and communicate.

    Granted through a federal counterterrorism interagency task force called the Technical Support Working Group, the funding is slated to help CVRR redirect these intelligent camera systems from their initial intent, which was preventing traffic delays, to stopping terrorism.


    JAXXE --- ---
    NEW YORK, May 29 — The latest opinion polls show the American public takes a dim view of its media outlets in the post 9/11 world - numbers punctuated by a roiling fraud and fabrication scandal that has shaken The New York Times. With big media back on its heels, the CIA fired its own broadside this week, publishing an “unclassified” memorandum that recommends using espionage laws to prosecute media outlets that publish or broadcast leaked information from government officials if that information turns out to be classified.

    THE MEMORANDUM, ‘The Consequences of Permissive Neglect’, argues that the U.S. media has become an “open vault of classified information on U.S. intelligence collection sources and methods” which “pose a serious, seemingly intractable problem for U.S. national security.”


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