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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Britská vláda útočí na sdělovací prostředky

    Ve čtvrtek zaútočila britská vláda bezprecedentním způsobem na veřejnoprávní BBC a požadovala omluvu za její tvrzení, že prý Blairovi lidé zkreslili a nepřípustně zdramatizovali oficiální zprávu o irácké hrozbě. Na tiskové konferenci s Vladimírem Putinem, který je v Británii na návštěvě, Tony Blair úmyslně odmítl odpovídat na otázky reportérů společnosti BBC. Jeho mluvčí dodal, že britská vláda nebude s BBC spolupracovat, \"dokud se neomluví\". Někteří labourističtí poslanci však poukázali na to, že se britská vláda jen snaží tímto umělým skandálem odvést pozornost od toho, že dosud nebyly nalezeny žádné irácké zbraně hromadného ničení.

    Reklama Reklama

    Je ironické, že tento útok od labouristické vlády přichází zrovna v době, kdy na BBC ostře útočí i britští konzervativci a nazývají ji \"Blair Broadcasting Corporation\" poté, co dva stoupenci Labouristické strany, Greg Dyke a Davyn Davies, byli jmenování generálním ředitelem BBC a předsedou její správní rady.

    Vztahy mezi BBC a britskou vládou nebyly takto nepřátelské od roku 1986, kdy tehdejší předseda vládnoucí Konzervativní strany Norman Tebbit zaútočil na BBC pro její kritiku amerického bombardování Libye. Tehdejší útoky na BBC byly však vedeny jen z ústředí Konzervativní strany, kdežto nyní užívá proti BBC Tony Blair celé vládní mašinérie.

    Blair se domnívá, že parlamentní výbor pro zahraniční záležitosti schválí vládní verzi událostí a odmítne kritiku BBC, že do ní bylo na poslední chvíli včleněno tvrzení, že Saddam Husajn může zaútočit svými ZHN do 45 minut. Blairův tiskový mluvčí Alastair Campbell zamýšlí dokázat, že toto tvrzení bylo už v první verzi zprávy, a že tedy nebylo dodáno \"na poslední chvíli\", jak tvrdí BBC.

    Campbell, který má ve zvyku se chovat vůči \"nepřátelským\" novinářům velmi agresivně, vydal BBC ultimátum a požadoval v něm, aby se do čtvrtečního večera za svá tvrzení omluvila.

    Šéf zpravodajství BBC Richard Sambrook konstatoval, že BBC bude na \"tuto záležitost\" řádně reagovat, nikoliv však do doby, kterou určil Campbell.

    JAXXE --- ---
    vcera byl na ceskem rozhlasu zajimavy porad o agende21 a jeji postupne implementaci v ramci EU
    a v CR:


    JAXXE --- --- 14:59:10 26.8.2002

    AGENDA 21


    Agenda 21 is the official report of the United Nations Rio de Janeiro World Summit Conference of 1992, which was built on the premises of General Assembly resolution 44/228 of 22 December 1989, which was adopted when the nations of the world (?) called for the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.

    It is a plan that calls for the international control and regulation of virtually every aspect of human activity that might impact the environment, which is essentially everything humans do.

    It is one of the most arrogant statements of government ever conceived, for it literally assumes that man can recreate the Garden of Eden (but only if he has sound direction from a world governing body). A partial list of chapter titles should give you a hint of what this document is all about:

    * Chapter 3, Combating Poverty

    * Chapter 4, Changing Consumption Patterns

    * Chapter 6, Protecting and Promoting Human Health

    * Chapter 24, Global Action for Women Towards Sustainable Development

    * Chapter 25, Children and Youth in Sustainable Development

    * Chapter 29, Strengthening the Role of Workers and Their Trade Unions

    * Chapter 30, Strengthening the Role of Business and Industry

    * Chapter 32, Strengthening the Role of Farmers

    And so it goes through 40 chapters.

    Admittedly, much of what is discussed is worth while, and we all should be concerned with the environmental conditions we create for ourselves and our posterity. But there is a great deal of scientific evidence that indicates the conditions are far from being the critical problem they are being portrayed to be; that much of the so-called evidence being relayed to the public is based on less than scientific assumptions, and is being used to frighten people into accepting controls over their lives they would otherwise resist.

    Even if most of the claims being made were valid, would it be appropriate to turn the sovereignty of nations over to some unelected world body that will exercise dictatorial powers over the nations\' populations?

    We do not think so. We still believe it is in the best interest of the American people to have a government that is -- of the people, by the people and for the people, -- not one that would be accountable to no one but itself. That is exactly the kind of government the United Nations is trying to establish, and Americans are being kept in the dark about it by their own elected officials and a news media that is in sympathy with the global ethos.

    We offer the following verbatim quotations from Agenda 21 in the hope that it will help give you some understanding of the character of those behind this movement. Underlining or boldface is added for emphasis.

    * This partnership commits all States to engage in a continuous and constructive dialogue, inspired by the need to achieve a more efficient and equitable world economy. [Ch. 2, Para. 2.1]

    * ...consensus-building at the intersection of the environmental and trade and development areas will be ongoing in existing international forums, as well as in the domestic policy of each country. [Ch. 2, Para. 2.4]

    * The removal of existing distortions in international trade is essential. (Ch. 2, Para. 2.7)

    * Provide for an equitable, secure, non-discriminatory and predictable international trading system; [Ch. 2, Para. 2.10(b)]

    * ...create a focus in national development plans and budgets on investment in human capital,with special policies and programmes directed at rural areas, the urban poor, women and children. [Ch. 3, Para. 3.4(d)]

    * Sustainable development must be achieved at every level of society. [Ch. 3, Para. 3.7]

    * Measures to be undertaken at the international level for the protection and enhancement of the environment must take fully into account the current imbalances in the global patterns of consumption and production. [Ch. 4, Para. 4.4]

    * Achieving the goals of environmental quality and sustainable development will require efficiency in production and changes in consumption patterns... [Ch. 4, Para. 4.15]

    * Governments ... should strive to...develop a domestic policy framework that will encourage a shift to more sustainable patterns of production and consumption. [Ch. 4, Para. 4.17(b)]

    * Without the stimulus of prices and market signals that make clear to producers and consumers the environmental costs of the consumption of energy, materials and natural resources and the generation of wastes, significant changes in consumption and production patterns seem unlikely to occur in the near future. [Ch. 4, Para. 4.24]

    * Population data should be disaggregated by, inter alia, sex and age in order to take into account the implications of the gender division of labor for the use and management of natural resources. [Ch. 5, Para. 5.28]

    * Population programmes should be implemented along with natural resource management and developing programmes at the local level... [Ch. 5, Para. 5.43]

    * Proposals should be developed for local, national and international population/environment programmes in line with specific needs for achieving sustainability. [Ch. 5, Para. 5.56]

    * Governments should take active steps to implement programmes to establish and strengthen preventive and curative health facilities which include women-centred, women-managed,safe and effective reproductive health care and affordable, accessible services, as appropriate, for the responsible planning of family size... [Ch. 6, Para. 6.26]

    * The health and well-being of all urban dwellers must be improved so that they can contribute to the economic and social development. [Ch. 6, Para.6.33]

    * As a first step towards the goal of providing adequate shelter for all, countries should take immediate measures to provide shelter to their homeless poor ... [Ch. 7, Para. 7.9(a)]

    * All countries should ... Formulate appropriate land-use policies and introduce planning regulations specially aimed at the protection of eco-sensitive zones against physical disruption by construction and construction-related activities. [Ch. 7, Para. 7.69(d)]

    * Monitoring and evaluating the development process systematically, conducting regular reviews of the state of human resources development, economic and social conditions and trends, the state of the environment and natural resources; [Ch.8, Para. 8.4(d)]

    * Laws and regulations suited to country specific conditions are among the most important instruments for transforming environment and development policies into action, not only through \"command and control\" methods, but also as a normative framework for economic planning and market instruments. [Ch. 8, Para. 8.13]

    * ...since the transport sector is also a source of atmospheric emissions, there is a need for a review of existing transport systems and for more effective design and management of traffic and transport systems. [Ch. 9, Para. 9.13]

    (emphasis has been added)

    Perhaps you are beginning to get the idea. Can you imagine roughly four hundred pages of this? Can you imagine your tax dollars going to pay for the time and effort that must have gone into the drafting of such a statist document? After all, the United States has been funding about 25% of all United Nations expenses, even more than that of their \"peace-keeping\" initiatives.

    Agenda 21 outlines a state-controlled world for the twenty-first century. The state that will be in control will not be Alabama ... or Georgia ... or any other state, nor will it be the Government of the United States, and it will definitely not be a form of representative government.

    Published by The Alabama Committee to Get US Out of the United Nations


    JAXXE --- --- 12:00:22 26.8.2002
    rozbor agendy 21 z hlediska NWO...




    Searched the web for \"Agenda 21\" \"new world order\". Results 1 - 10 of about 1,340.


    JAXXE --- --- 11:51:32 26.8.2002

    watch out, dneska zacina nejvetsi svetove forum v dejinach !

    UN forum in South Africa to focus on sustainable development

    23 August – More than 100 world leaders and 60,000 participants are set to convene in Johannesburg, South Africa, over the next two weeks as a key United Nations forum opens on Monday in an effort to find new initiatives for implementing sustainable development practices and building a prosperous and secure future for their citizens.

    The World Summit on Sustainable Development, which will take place from 26 August to 4 September, comes 10 years after governments met at the so-called Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and adopted Agenda 21, a roadmap for achieving sustainable development.

    The Summit promises to be one of the largest and most important international meetings ever held on the integration of economic, environmental and social decision-making and will focus on building a commitment at the highest levels of government and society to better implement Agenda 21.

    The official opening of the Summit will take place on Monday with an address by South African President Thabo Mbeki. As Secretary-General of the conference, UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic Affairs Nitin Desai, is scheduled to address the plenary next, to be followed by the Executive-Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), Klaus Toepfer. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan is slated to speak at the opening of the Summit\'s high-level segment that begins on 2 September.

    For the Summit, Mr. Annan has identified five key areas in which the meeting can make a difference. Known as WEHAB, the Secretary-General says the international community should focus on issues pertaining to water and sanitation, energy, health, agricultural productivity, and biodiversity and ecosystem management.

    Delegates are expected to adopt an action plan detailing the priorities and activities that countries will pursue after Johannesburg, as well as a political statement reaffirming their commitment to work towards sustainable development.

    While expressing continued support for the goals of Agenda 21, the two documents will specify concrete means of overcoming problems that have hampered the implementation of Agenda 21, with a renewed focus on those activities that can be realized in each priority area.

    info o agenda 21:

    JAXXE --- ---
    X-ray vision shows air passengers naked

    Ananova June 26 2003

    The US government is considering using X-ray vision at airport security checkpoints to give a naked image of passengers. The magnetometers now in use at airports cannot detect plastic weapons or substances used in explosives.

    Susan Hallowell, director of the Transportation Security Administration\'s security laboratory, demonstrated the system which bounces X-rays off her skin.

    To the eye, she is dressed in a skirt and blazer. On the monitor, she is naked - except for a gun and a bomb that she hid under her outfit.

    \"It does basically make you look fat and naked - but you see all this stuff,\" she said.

    The technology is called \"backscatter\" because it scatters X-rays. Doses of rays deflected off dense materials such as metal or plastic produce a darker image than those deflected off skin.

    Backscatter machines are already in use in prisons, to screen visitors, and in South African diamond mines where they are used to check workers at the end of shifts.

    But they have never been used in airports. Ms Hallowell said the radiation dosage is comparable to sunshine but she accepts that passengers might not like the idea of staff seeing them naked.

    The agency is trying to find a way to modify the machines with an electronic fig leaf - programming that fuzzes out sensitive body parts or distorts the body.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Riceová: Jaderné zbraně v Iránu a Koreji nestrpíme

    USA jsou připraveny zasáhnout proti KLDR a Iránu samy

    Zdroj: Foto AP

    LONDÝN 27. června 2003 | 07:39 Spojené státy jsou připraveny zakročit samy proti Íránu a Severní Koreji, jestliže nebudou mít podporu evropských zemí v úsilí zabránit těmto dvěma státům vyvíjet jaderné zbraně. V Londýně to prohlásila poradkyně amerického prezidenta Condoleezza Riceová.

    • Západ chce odříznout KLDR od světa
    • Většina Američanů je pro vojenský útok proti Íránu
    • Jižní Korea uplatila KLDR miliony dolarů

    Riceová se snažila rozptýlit spekulace, že USA uvažují o válce proti Íránu. \"Určitě se nechceme dostat do situace, kdy se budeme muset problémem šíření zbraní (hromadného ničení) zabývat způsobem, jakým jsem to učinili v Iráku,\" řekla.

    Britský list The Daily Telegraph, který výroky poradkyně zveřejnil, ale upozorňuje, že podobná prohlášení zněla z USA i před válkou v Iráku. \"Vyhnout se válce není samoúčelný cíl. V některých případech je třeba s tyrany válčit. Hledáme řešení, a tím není nečinnost. Utíkání se k mnohonárodnostnímu řešení je někdy totéž co nečinnost,\" řekla poradkyně.

    Írán podle ní pracuje tajně na jaderné zbrani a Severní Koreji nesmí být dovoleno vydírat svět hrozbou obnovy jaderného programu.

    Poradkyně tvrdila, že USA v záležitostech Íránu i KLDR hledají mezinárodní podporu a že nejlepší bude přimět Teherán, aby se podrobil inspekcím jaderných zařízení. V případě KLDR podle ní bude nejúčinnější, jestliže se zapojí vlivné státy oblasti.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Vážený státe,
    rád bych věděl, kam mám zajít, abych se mohl úplně odhlásit ze státního penzijního systému. Mám na mysli podepsání nějakého prohlášení (reverzu), že až budu starý, nebudu od státu požadovat žádný důchod a na oplátku teď nebudu na tento systém muset platit. Rozhodl jsem se totiž, že bude jistější, když si sám budu spořit ve fondech, založím si akciové portfolio a koupím si na hypotéku nějakou nemovitost, kterou pak v důchodu buď prodám, nebo pronajmu. Mám totiž obavu, že jinak teď budu platit vysoké daně a až mi bude 65, stát řekne \"sorry, nejsou peníze na důchody - můžou za to předchozí vlády - to my ne. Jo a vy jste si vedle toho spořil do státem podporovaných penzijních fondů? Sorry, ale inflace produkovaná minulým vedením ČNB tyto úspory znehodnotila, nehledě k tomu, že vám ty úspory zdaníme sedmdesáti procenty, aby bylo na důchdy pro ty, kteří si nespořili. Jak by k tomu ti chudáci přišli, že...\"
    Zároveň bych chtěl úplně přestat platit sociální pojištění, protože si myslím, že v mém oboru je riziko nezaměstnanosti relativně malé. Platit si toto pojištění má smysl přeci pouze pro ty, kteří mají reálný důvod se nezaměstnanosti obávat, ne? Kdyby mi patřila Petřínská rozledna, asi bych si ji také nepojišťoval proti povodni... A nebo bych se možná i proti nezaměstnanosti pojistil, ale rád bych si sjednal individuální podmínky v nějaké komerční pojišťovně, protože mám pocit, že rozumnější (pro obě strany) je odvíjet výši pojistného od míry rizika a ne od výše příjmů.
    Také bych se rád zdravotně pojistil u nějaké komerční pojišťovny, opět podle míry mé zdravotní rizikovosti (sportuji, nekouřím, nepiju, nedýchám uhelný prach v dole, nebrousím sklo, nepracuji s trhavinami) a ne podle výše mého příjmu.
    Také bych někde rád podepsal papír, že na smrt mé matky přísahám, že v životě nepoužiji služeb Českých drah, aby mi mohla být refundována část daní, která do ČD teče.
    Také si myslím, že už stát za mé základní a střední vzdělání dostal ode mne daní dost. Zas tak dobré ty školy nebyly! Vysokou školu si platím sám, takže na školství bych již platit rád přestal. Nepřijde mi zrovna moc rozumné ani spravedlivé platit si školu sám a ještě ji platit někomu jinému jenom proto, že se u nás stát neobtěžoval zřídit studijní obor, který zrovna potřebuji studovat.
    Také by mne zajímalo, jak se vyreklamovat z pravomoci Ministerstva pro místní rozvoj. Přijde mi totiž poněkud nespravedlivé, že sousední státní činžák, kde žijí vyvolení za poloviční náklady, než jaké platíme my přes ulici v družstevním domě, je nákladně rekonstruován také z mých daní. Když si budeme chtít opravit náš družstevní dům, budeme si to muset zaplatit ze svého, ale ty daně, které platíme i na rekonstrukci sousedního státního domu, nám už nikdo nevrátí. Přitom v tom státním domě zcela jistě nebydlí sociálně potřební občané, nejhorší auto, co před ním parkuje je Octavia.
    Také bych se chtěl zeptat, kde na magistrátu se odhlásit od služeb městské policie. Ona totiž naši čtvrť navštíví jen občas a to výhradně z důvodu montáže botiček na auta, která opět díky městskému rozhodnutí nemají kde jinde parkovat. Bohužel již tato městská policie nijak nebrání pravidelnému vykrádáni aut či sklepů. Když jsem na toto městské policisty upozornil, doporučili mi, abychom si zřídili \"domobranu\" po vzoru některých sídlišť, nebo abychom si najali hlídače (ta drzost!). To druhé bych velice rád udělal - spočetl jsem si, že kdyby se náš blok složil na nočního hlídače, vyšlo by to na cca 100Kč na jednu domácnost. Věřím, že od té doby by krádeže ustaly. Jen nevím, jak odhlásit a neplatit služby městské policie, ktorou bychom pak nepotřebovali.
    Proto bych se chtěl zeptat, vzhledem k tomu, že prý žijeme ve svobodném státě, na jaký úřad mám zajít, abych si mohl zaškrtat, které služby od státu chci a které ne. Je přeci nesmysl platit něco, co nepoptávám, ne? Myslím, že bych s chutí odhlásil i služby Statistického úřadu, Výzkumného ústavu pedagogického, Školských úřadů, Ústavu státu a práva, Úřadu pro státní informační systém a několika stovek dalších.
    Také by bylo dobré, kdyby bylo možné nějak určit cenu jednotlivých služeb, které nám stát poskytuje. Proto je ale zapotřebí, aby tyto služby byly nabízeny na tržním principu a v prostředí konkurence. Když si totiž jdu koupit housku za 5Kč, jasně tím demonstruji, že ta houska pro mne má větší cenu, než mých 5Kč, resp. že houska je pro mne to nejlepší, co si za těch 5Kč mohu koupit. Také koupí té konkrétní housky demonstruji, že právě tato houska od tohoto konkrétního pekaře je to, co preferuji. Každý den tak vlastně svými peneženkami hlasujeme, co je pro nás důležitější a vhodnější. Se státními službami to tak není. Neznáme jejich cenu. Nevíme, zdali by je konkurence nenabídla levněji a kvalitněji. A hlavně namáme možnost se rozhodnout, zda-li o ty služby za daných podmínek stojíme. Můžeme odmítnout státní vzdělání a zaplatit si soukromou školu, ale povinnosti platit na státní školství nás to nezbaví. A tak je to se všemi státními službami - buď si jejich poskytování stát monopolizuje úplně, takže vůbec nemáme volbu, nemo na výběr máme, ale přesto pak musíme platit i tu státní službu, kterou jsme ale nahradili placenou službou od konkurence.
    Bylo by dobré, kdyby antimonopolní úřad přinutil stát vzdát se svých monopolů (na sociální pojišťení, na emisi peněz, na rozhodování sporů, na zajišťování pořádku, atd...). Také by ten antimonopolní úřad měl postihnout sám sebe za monopolizaci práva na rozhodování antimonopolních kauz. Problém asi bude v tom, že instituce, které by nás měly i před státem chránit (od Antimonopolního úřadu až po Ústavní soud) jsou vlastně jeho součástí.
    A tak bych byl rád, kdybyste mi poradili, jak mám zajistit svoji svobodu, jak přestat být nevolníkem, jak platit pouze za to, co poptávám, jak sám rozhodovat o svém životě a majetku.

    Jan Ludvíček

    JAXXE --- ---
    Israeli Communications Priorities 2003

    aneb navod por novinare jak a o cem psat...

    JAXXE --- ---

    The greatest acts of terrorism are not committed by furtive gangs of masked desperados in foreign lands. The most horrific acts of terrorism in world history have always been committed by governments and their militaries.

    The totally satanic military/government of the United States of America has committed massive acts of international terrorism and brutal genocide — from 1899 to the present day.

    Official FBI definition of terrorism:

    “Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”

    Even by its own definition the hypocrite U.S. government is guilty of terrorism — on a massive, international scale. And for over 100 years!

    The U.S. government has broken international law and the Geneva Convention many times with its brutal use of force and horrific violence against persons and property, to intimidate and coerce governments, civilian populations, and many segments thereof, in furtherance of political, social and especially economic objectives.

    “If ‘terrorism’ means ‘intimidation by violence or the threat of violence,’ and if we allow the definition to include violence by states and agents of states, then it is these, not isolated individuals or small groups, that are the important terrorists in the world.

    “If terrorist violence is measured by the extent of politically motivated torture and murder, ...it is in the U.S.-sponsored and protected ‘authoritarian’ states — the real terror network — that these forms of violence have reached a high crescendo in recent decades.”

    — Edward S. Herman
    The Real Terror Network

    “If certain acts of violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany [or Israel] does them, and we are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us.”

    — Robert Jackson
    American prosecutor
    Nuremberg War-Crimes Trial

    If another Nuremberg war-crimes trial could be held today, America and its partners in crime would be the primary defendants. But America rules the world like a mafia, so there will be no justice until it is defeated. In the meantime, total hypocrisy and blatant double standards are the order of the day. The utterly lawless U.S. government is the biggest rogue state on Earth. Every crime of terrorism American politicians accuse other nations or groups of committing, America is itself guilty of committing, and ten thousand times more so. The genocidal United States is the hub of the real “axis of evil”.

    $ American flag - swastika and stripes - symbol of American state terrorism. American terrorism is international terrorism. $

    The United States Government
    Committed the September 11 Attacks

    In fact, our own evil government would have borne the ultimate responsibility for the disaster even if foreign terrorists actually had carried it out.

    If the homicidal psychopaths of the United States military/government didn’t have the nasty habit of mass-murdering innocent civilian men, women and children around the world, there wouldn’t be anybody who wanted revenge.

    But if foreign terrorists had planned and perpetrated the September 11 attacks they would have to be the best friends the U.S. government ever had. Who benefitted enormously from the carnage of September 11? The American plutocracy, the oil and weapons industries, the criminal Bush regime and its allies in the terrorist state of Israel. They had everything to gain and nothing to lose from this act of barbarism against the American people. And the evidence which has emerged since then makes it absolutely certain that the ruling elites within the U.S. military/government were indeed the ultimate authors of the September 11 attacks.

    This will come as no great surprise if you are familiar with the true history of the United States. The U.S. military/government has committed several brutal genocides around the world since 1899, totalling millions of civilian men, women and children.

    America’s rulers are inhuman. They have never had the slightest remorse for these horrific crimes against humanity. Once you know these basic (but heavily censored) historical/political facts of life, you will also know that America’s ruling elite have more than enough ruthlessness to slaughter thousands of American people too. The 9-11 carnage has provided the overwhelming mass-media propaganda needed by the ruling elite to sell American taxpayers on the idea of unending wars for world domination — and a police-state at home which will crush all domestic opposition.

    The criminal Bush regime needs endless war to neutralize steadily growing opposition to its lawless behavior, and to carry out a long-planned military/economic takeover of the oil-rich Caspian Sea basin, Central Asia and the Middle East. This could never be accomplished without a massive corporate-media propaganda campaign to fool Americans into supporting an unending, hypocritical and utterly phony “war on terrorism”.

    There is no “war on terrorism”. There is only the U.S. military/government’s perennial war of terrorism which slaughters innocent people all over the world, outside the U.S. and within it. The thousands of American people in the World Trade Center towers joined the ranks of the millions of people whom our government and military have brutally butchered for over 100 years.

    The ruling elites within the U.S. military/government planned, ordered and supported the September 11 terror attacks.

    Here are eleven facts, among many others, which support this conclusion:


    Some very revealing criminal insider trading took place on Wall Street the week before September 11, 2001. Somebody actually made millions of dollars from the death of thousands of people at the WTC. The specific type of insider trading, and the people and banks involved, provide very strong circumstantial evidence that wealthy individuals allied with the CIA had prior knowledge of the World Trade Center attack.


    Most revealing of all is the fact that not a single U.S. Air Force jet fighter was scrambled from Andrews Air Force Base — which is only 10 miles from the Pentagon — even a full hour after the first WTC tower was hit. Andrews AFB is charged with defending Washington D.C.’s airspace. Yet the U.S. Air Force allowed an aircraft to fly freely on an unauthorized flight path through tightly controlled airspace, descend rapidly in a tight spiral, and finally come screaming in over the treetops to slam into the Pentagon.

    Definitely not acceptable behavior for an aircraft in controlled airspace over Washington D.C.

    It was absolutely established, standard procedure for the U.S. Air Force and the National Guard to rapidly intercept any off-course aircraft within controlled airspaces, and to shoot them down if necessary. Therefore, somebody at the highest level of the U.S. government ordered Andrews AFB — and all the other U.S.A.F. and National Guard fighter squadrons from Boston to New York to Washington D.C. — to stand down and allow the WTC and the Pentagon to be hit. On the Army side, interestingly.


    The Bush regime is suppressing evidence and testimony which links the terrorist state of Israel to the 9-11 attacks.

    “Evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information.”

    — U.S. official
    quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report
    on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11

    Not only did the Israelis have prior knowledge of the 9-11 attacks, they were closely involved in their implementation as well. Mossad is skilled in carrying out what are known as “false-flag operations” or “false-flag recruitments”. These are terror attacks which the Israelis covertly sponsor or directly commit while making it look like the work of Arabs. False-flag operations create enormous propaganda benefits that could never be acquired in any less ruthless way.

    The U.S. military/government is well aware of these facts, and also of the fact that the Israeli Mossad and Shin Bet intelligence agencies have had an extensive spy network within the United States for as long as Israel has existed. Jonathan Pollard was just one of the few who were caught and punished.

    Referring to Israel as “country A”, a General Accounting Office investigation stated:

    “According to a U.S. intelligence agency, the government of country A conducts the most aggressive espionage operations against the U.S. of any U.S. ally.”

    A very important four-part Fox News report was aired on December 11-14, 2001. It revealed that in the months prior to September 11, “as many as 140 Israelis had been detained or arrested in a secretive and sprawling investigation into suspected espionage by Israelis in the United States.” Immediately after September 11, at least 60 more Israelis were arrested or detained for questioning. The report stated:

    “A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States.”

    The Fox News report said the investigation just prior to 9-11 found that some Israeli spies posed as “art students” who targeted and penetrated military bases, the DEA, FBI and dozens of government facilities, and even secret offices and unlisted private homes of law enforcement and intelligence personnel. The majority of those questioned stated they served in Israeli military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units.”

    In the first part of the report, Brit Hume asked reporter Carl Cameron:

    “Carl, what about this question of advance knowledge of what was going to happen on 9-11? How clear are investigators that some Israeli agents may have known something?”

    Cameron replied:

    “It’s very explosive information, obviously, and there’s a great deal of evidence that they say they have collected — none of it necessarily conclusive. It’s more when they put it all together. A bigger question, they say, is how could they not have known? Almost a direct quote.”

    “Comverse Infosys” is an Israeli telecommunications company with offices throughout the U.S. Comverse provides wiretapping equipment for American law enforcement agencies. U.S. government investigators strongly suspect, however, that Comverse has placed a “back door” in the equipment, through which U.S. government wiretaps can be intercepted by the Israeli government. And incredibly, the FBI and other agencies are forbidden to do anything about it! The Fox report stated:

    “But investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying through Comverse is considered career suicide.

    “And sources say that while various FBI inquiries into Comverse have been conducted over the years, they’ve been halted before the actual equipment has ever been thoroughly tested for leaks.”

    mnohem vice:

    JAXXE --- ---
    EU to tighten visa and passport security

    EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - EU citizens will have their fingerprints stamped on their passports or undergo an iris scan as from next year, under proposals to be drawn up by the European Commission.

    These measures partly stem due to a US law enacted in 2002, which will start demanding visas from EU citizens from 26 October 2004 if they do not have biometric information (fingerprints, iris scans or DNA) on their passports.

    US fight against terrorism

    The US will be using this biometric information in addition to existing screening processes that identify potential terrorists or criminals.

    Since March 2003, US authorities have had access to most European airline passenger databases, where EU passengers are screened before they land on US soil.

    The European Commission, which will present its proposals on the issue next month, stressed that these measures will not lead to a harmonised EU passport, but will only introduce similar security features.

    \"The EU will not only upgrade its passports but also meet the deadline set by the US,\" the Commission spokesperson for Justice and Home Affairs told EUobserver.

    The EU is also planning to introduce biometric data on visas and residence permits of third country nationals residing in the EU from next year, as a means to counter illegal immigration.

    Citizens kept in the dark

    Although EU heads of state and governments meeting in Greece last week gave the green light for such plans, so far there has not been any public consultation.

    \"The adoption of this decision for the wholesale surveillance of peoples\' movements by the EU Council has been taken without any public consultation or debate in parliaments. The EU Council cannot legislate but its decisions are routinely translated into EU law - it is a totally undemocratic procedure,\" Tony Bunyan, editor of Statewatch, a civil liberties organisation said.

    Mr Bunyan said that the aim of these measures will be to record the people\'s movements and sees it is a very poor way of countering terrorism. He is also concerned about the level of information which could be stored and who would be able to access such information.

    \"What information is going to be held? We need to have a proper debate on this\", Mr Bunyan told EUobserver.

    JAXXE --- ---
    \"Tell people something they know already and they will thank you for it. Tell them something new and they will hate you for it.\"

    The Age of Consent: a manifesto for a new world order is now published - see the Books section for details.

    The Age of Consent

    The Age of Consent: A manifesto for a new world order

    16th June 2003


    \"At last, the global justice movement has found a vision as expansive and planet-wide as that of the American neoconservatives. Let the battle of ideas commence.\" Johann Hari, Independent on Sunday.

    \"This is an extremely important book. George Monbiot offers a searchingly rigorous analysis of the sources of American power and presents a package of proposals that would radically redraw the present world order. It is breathtaking in its radicalism, but for anyone who is serious about tackling the current US hegemony, it is difficult to fault the logic. ... if it is far too radical for some tastes, can they suggest any lesser options that will produce the same vast improvement in world justice and prosperity? The floor is theirs.\" Michael Meacher, The Guardian.

    \"The Age of Consent is powerful stuff. Monbiot is to be congratulated on an elegant and sustained feat of rhetoric. ... an admirable attempt to open our minds to new possibilities and spheres of debate.\" Martin Vander Weyer, Daily Telegraph

    \"It is the sense of revolutionary enthusiasm that shines through this book. In the end it is all about engagement -- about igniting radical action and creating new possibilities. \'It is,\' he concludes, \'the exultation, which Christians call \'joy\', but which, in the dry discourse of secular politics, has no recognised equivalent. It is the drug for which, once sampled, you will pay the price.\' I\'m not sure what Monbiot\'s on, but can I have some too?\" Iain McWhirter, Sunday Herald

    \"George Monbiot\'s reputation as a campaigning journalist and proponent of social justice makes The Age of Consent a fascinating prospect. And so it proves.... This is fighting talk, powerfully delivered.\" Robin Davidson, Amazon.co.uk

    \"His proposals are appealing, provocative and idealistic ... his attempt to think the unthinkable makes Monbiot seem, in a good way, like a licensed jester whose value lies in showing that alternatives are possible.\" Sunday Times

    \"George Monbiot\'s The Age of Consent is a bracing challenge to the complacency of all varieties of establishment thinking. .... his book is an arresting contribution to new thinking.\" John Gray, Independent


    “Our task is not to overthrow globalisation, but to capture it, and to use it as a vehicle for humanity’s first global democratic revolution.”

    All over our planet, the rich get richer while the poor are overtaken by debt and disaster. The world is run not by its people but by a handful of unelected or underelected executives who make the decisions on which everyone else depends: concerning war, peace, debt, development and the balance of trade. Without democracy at the global level, the rest of us are left with no means of influencing these men but to shout abuse and hurl ourselves at the lines of police defending their gatherings and decisions. Does it have to be this way?

    George Monbiot knows not only that things ought to change, but also that they can change. Drawing on decades of thinking about how the world is organized and administered politically, fiscally and commercially, Monbiot has developed an interlocking set of proposals all his own, which attempts nothing less than a revolution in the way the world is run. If these proposals become popular, never again will people be able to ask of the critics of the existing world order, “we know what they don’t want, but what do they want?”

    Fiercely controversial and yet utterly persuasive, what Monbiot offers in The Age of Consent is a truly global perspective, a sense of history, a defence of democracy, and an understanding of power and how it might be captured from those unfit to retain it. The ingenious solutions he suggests for some of the planet’s most pressing problems mark him as perhaps the most realistic utopian of our time and a man whose passion is infectious and whose ideas, many will surely come to agree, are becoming irresistible.

    The Age of Consent is now available in all good bookshops. It can also be bought from amazon.co.uk, at:


    But please use independent bookshops if you can.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Americans \'will back an attack on Iran\'

    By David Rennie in Washington
    (Filed: 25/06/2003)

    Americans would support a war to stop Iran acquiring nuclear weapons, a poll showed yesterday.

    The Washington Post/ABC survey\'s respondents backed the use of force against Iran by 56 per cent to 38.

    Last week, President George W Bush warned Iran: \"We will not tolerate the construction of a nuclear weapon.\" Since the toppling of Saddam Hussein, such presidential warnings are not taken lightly.

    The support for action in Iran came despite evidence in the same survey of mounting concern at continuing coalition casualties in Iraq.

    Only 51 per cent thought the number of military casualties in Iraq was acceptable, down from 66 per cent in early April.

    But a majority of those surveyed also felt that the military campaign in Iraq was justified.


    JAXXE --- ---
    \"Neukázněná BBC\" v táboře v zálivu Guantánamo

    Americká armáda dovolila reportérům z BBC prohlédnout si tábor Delta v zálivu Guantánamo, avšak prohlídka byla spěšně ukončena, když se jeden vězeň pokusil s britskými reportéry promluvit. Velitelé tábora nařídili novinářům, aby smazali nahrávku rozhovoru s ním, avšak reportéru BBC se ji podařilo z tábora vynést.

    Reklama Reklama

    Novináři byli překvapeni, když uviděli skupinu vězňů, sedících u stolu a čekajících na vpuštění do oblasti se střední mírou bezpečnosti.
    Jeden vězeň, když viděl, že reportéři mají mikrofony, na ně zavolal. Reportér John Manel z nedělního ranního pořadu stanice BBC Radio Four \"Broadcasting House\" natočil tuto útržkovitou výměnu slov:

    Vězeň: Vy jste novináři? Můžeme s vámi mluvit?

    Reportéři: Jsme z televize BBC. Jsme z BBC TV.

    Vězeň: Strašně vám děkuju. Čekám tady na vás už dlouho.

    Reportér: Prosím?

    Vězeň: Čekáme tady na vás už dlouho. Je to pro nás neuvěřitelné.\"

    Důstojník: \"Johne, musíte odejít. Prohlídka okamžitě končí. Nezastavujte se, anebo ji ukončíme.\"

    Reportéři pak byli odvedeni pryč a prohlídka tábora dál nepokračovala. Protestovali, že oni kontakt s vězni jako první nenavázali. Velitel tábora odpověděl: \"Nemohu povolit porušování bezpečnostních opatření. Snažili jsme se vám tábor ukázat, ale pokud nedokážete dodržovat instrukce, musím prohlídku ukončit. Žádní jiní novináři tady tohle nikdy neudělali.\"

    Britští novináři byli ujištěni, že vězeň za to, že se s nimi snažil promluvit, nebude potrestán.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Velitel tábora v zálivu Guantánamo: \"Všechny zadržované osoby tu byly správně\"

    Rozhlas BBC vysílal v pátek v podvečer rozhovor s generálmajorem Jeffreym Millerem, velitelem tábora v zálivu Guantánamo na Kubě, kde jsou zadržováni afghánští \"nepřátelští bojovníci\":

    Struktura i průběh rozhovoru byly nesmírně zajímavé.

    BBC: Bude poskytnut zadržovaným osobám právní status? Budou se v táboře konat procesy před vojenským tribunálem?

    Tyto otázky zodpoví činitel pro vojenské komise.

    Takže vy nám to nemůžete objasnit.

    Přesně tak. Měl byste se obrátit na činitele pro vojenské komise a ten vám poskytne informace podle toho, jak se budou vyvíjet.

    Několik novin napsalo, že jste hovořil o možnosti poprav, tady v táboře.

    Nejsou žádné schválené plány na taková opatření tady.

    Uvažuje se však o tom?

    Nejsou žádné schválené plány na taková opatření tady v táboře Guantánamo.

    Mezinárodní výbor Červeného kříže požaduje \"rychlé a významné změny ve zdejším táboře\". Považuje za \"velmi důležité, aby byly v případě všech zadržovaných osob zahájeny právní procesy.\" To konstatoval generální delegát pro Evropu a pro Ameriky. Jak na to reagujete?

    Děkuji vám. Jednali jsme dnes odpoledne s místním představitelem výboru pro Červený kříž a hovořili jsme o provozu v táboře Delta. Poskytli nám své připomínky, které jsme shledali velmi cennými. Budeme pokračovat s tímto profesionálním vztahem. Červený kříž nám poskytuje užitečný komentář k tomu, jak my zde humánně zadržujeme tyto nepřátelské bojovníky.

    Avšak Mezinárodní výbor Červeného kříže je, jak víte, nesmírně vysoce respektovaná organizace. Dohlíží na dodržování mezinárodního humanitárního práva. Jak znepokojen jste jako americký voják, že jste velitelem tábora, o němž Červený kříž zastává názor, že ten tábor plně neodpovídá mezinárodnímu právu?

    Zadržujeme tu v zálivu Guantánamo nepřátelské bojovníky humánním způsobem, podle Ženevských dohod, s výjimkou toho, co je vojensky nutné.

    Avšak ono to v plném souladu s Ženevskými konvencemi není. Četl jsem třetí Ženevskou konvenci. Nikde jsem neviděl výraz \"nepřátelští bojovníci\" A to neříkám jen já, říká to Mezinárodní výbor Červeného kříže. Poukazuje na to, že si z Ženevských konvencí vybíráte, co se vám hodí, a neplníte veškerá kritéria třetí Ženevské konvence.

    Jak dobře víte, tato válka proti terorismu je něco nového. Jsem si jist, jak se vlády tím budou zabývat, změní a příslušným způsobem aktualizují tento velmi cenný dokument.

    Jako člověk stejně jako osoba tak vysoce postavená, jak reagujete, když jste zjistil, že jsou tady zadržovány děti?

    Máme tu malý počet mladistvých nepřátelských bojovníků. Prošli velmi precizním a pečlivým prověřovacím programem. Mají pro nás výzvědnou hodnotu a jsou pro nás hrozbou. Získáváme od nich výslechy informace a zahájili jsme pro ně program převýchovy, což nám, jak doufáme, umožní, abychom doporučili jejich přesun zpět do afghánské společnosti.

    Kolik jich tady je a jak jsou staré?

    Máme jich malý počet. Nehovoříme o přesných počtech ani neposkytujeme informace o jednotlivých zadržených osobách.

    Rodiny devíti britských občanů, kteří jsou tu zadržováni, uvádějí, že od svých příbuzných zde nedostali po mnoho měsíců vůbec žádný dopis ani informaci. Stěžují si i na to, že se jim nedoručují balíčky, jedné rodině byl vrácen balíček, v němž byla obrazová skládanka. Proč nesmějí řádně komunikovat?

    Smějí řádně komunikovat. Smějí každý měsíc odeslat čtyři pohlednice a dva dopisy. A Mezinárodní výbor Červeného kříže také od nich přináší informce. Balíčky – to nevím, proč byl nějaký z nich vrácen, ale nemáme žádné předpisy, které by zakazovaly komunikaci či výměnu pošty mezi zdejšími zadržovanými osobami a jejich příbuznými.

    Už jste odsud propustili velký počet zadržovaných osob. Zajímalo by mě, kdybyste mi mohl říci, kolik. Jak je možné, že tak nebezpeční lidé najednou začnou být zase najednou neškodní. Jak se vám podařilo za půldruhého roku tyto lidi, kteří jsou tak nebezpeční, že je musíte zadržovat za ostnatým drátem na tomto izolovaném místě, bez přístupu k mezinárodnímu právu, lidi, charakterizované jako \"nepřátelští bojovníci\", jak je možné, že se tito nebezpeční lidé najednou stali nevinnými? Anebo to byla od samého začátku chyba je zajmout a zadržovat je po celou tu dobu v těchto podmínkách?

    Jak víte, je jedním z mých úkolů zde v táboře v zálivu Guantánamo hodnotit výzvědnou hodnotu osob, zde zadržovaných, a hodnotit také, do jaké míry jsou hrozbou. Je to velmi precizní procedura. Někdy to trochu trvá, protože jsme velmi opatrní. Takže já činím doporučení, že daný nepřátelský bojovník má nízkou výzvědnou hodnotu a zosobňuje malou míru hrozby našemu národu anebo spojencům, kteří nám pomáhají zvítězit v globální válce proti terorismu. Takže jak procházíme tímto procesem, já činím tato doporučení. Všechny zadržované osoby zde v zálivu Guantánamo procházejí týmž procesem. Rozhodujeme o jejich výzvědné hodnotě a o tom, jakou zosobňují hrozbu. Jsem si naprosto jist, že to děláme správně.

    Takže měly být tyto osoby vůbec zadrženy?

    Osoby, které jsou ve zdejším táboře, prošly velmi podrobným vyšetřovacím procesem. Zosobňovaly hrozbu a taky měly výzvědnou hodnotu. Takže všechny zadržované osoby tu byly správně zadrženy, aby mohly projít tímto procesem.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Powell says no U.S. invasion of Iran

    UPI - Sunday, June 22, 2003

    SHUNEH, Jordan, June 22 (UPI) -- Although Iran supports terrorists and is developing nuclear weapons, the United States is not planning any of invasion of the country, Colin Powell said Sunday.

    The U.S. secretary of state made the comments in Jordan during the World Economic Forum, Voice of America reported.

    Powell said it is \"absolutely wrong\" to believe the U.S. would mount any kind of aggressive action against Iran, VOA said.




    Rumsfeld: No Plans to Invade Iraq
    Friday, May 24, 2002

    WASHINGTON — The United States has no plans to invade Iraq or any other country, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Friday, but he refused to discuss the Bush administration\'s thinking about how to deal with Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

    Balding Click for Free Info
    Saying it would be \"dumb\" to publicly discuss military planning, Rumsfeld declined to address news reports that top military leaders had expressed strong reservations about launching a large military operation to oust Hussein


    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush Declares Student an Enemy Combatant


    WASHINGTON, June 23 — President Bush made a surprise decision today to remove a Qatari student from the criminal justice system and declare him an enemy combatant after prosecutors said new evidence linked him to another round of terrorist plots by Al Qaeda after Sept. 11.

    The student, Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri, 37, had been held in civilian custody since late 2001, first as a material witness in connection with the Sept. 11 attacks and later on charges of lying to the F.B.I. and credit card fraud.


    Because he was declared an enemy combatant, Mr. Marri was moved from a prison in Illinois to a military brig in South Carolina, according to Lawrence S. Lustberg, who represented him in the criminal case. As an enemy combatant, Mr. Marri can be held indefinitely, and he has no access to a lawyer unless the military decides to bring charges, officials said.

    The case represents the first time that the administration is shifting custody of someone charged by criminal prosecutors to the military as an enemy combatant, administration officials said


    JAXXE --- ---
    Trilateral Commission Clear in Directing World Government

    JUNE 23, 2003 MON
    Updated 6:21am CST

    World banker David Rockefeller is very clear: The states, the peoples, the governments and the economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations.

    In Rockefeller\'s book, \"The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management,\" (written by Holly Sklar, but at the discretion of Rockefeller), Rockefeller does not hide the fact that his network of organizations, banks, corporations or governments works at the whim of his financial influence.

    The owners and managers of the Trilateralist global corporations, the book states, \"view the entire world as their factory, farm, and playground.\" History, Rockefeller says, \"shows that every effective international system requires a custodian.\"

    And Rockefeller even goes on to state that there are other organizations helping in the cause for world government, organizations he\'s funded: the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations are just two notable examples of the Rockefeller-directed One Worlders.

    Even the thoughts of any \"secret society\" working to direct foreign policy, or shape public opinion, are met with a stern Rockefeller put-down: he calls the cabal-calling conspiracy theorists \"extremists.\"

    It\'s all laid out on the table, he says. Nothing to hide.

    Anyway, it is also good to note some of the Trilateral Commission\'s guidelines, as presented by Sklar, but according to Rockefeller himself.

    - Trilateralists propose strategies for the management of dependence.

    This in itself is obvious; took a gander inside one of the U.S. History books our children are studying. There\'s much to be said about the Standard Oil Company and many of the giant corporations that have directed Rockefeller\'s policies (i.e., Ford, IBM).

    - Marketing, Trilateralists say, is like militarism - it is a means of managing social change.

    Look at the mainstream media (ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, etc.) - they\'re all owned and operated by members of the Big Three (TC, Bilderbergs, CFR). Has our country gotten better since the 1960s? I\'m afraid not, but then again, that\'s the plan.

    - Global corporations, writes TC-co-founder and former Carter Administration official Zbigniew Brzezinski - depend on the political, economic, and repressive power commanded by the ruling class of the nation-state to maintain a \"favorable investment climate.\"

    And when those nation-states, countries, or governments fail to adhere to the gloabalists\' claims, they are, in simple terms, \"dealt with.\"

    For example, the Vietnam War, according to the TC, \"undermined severely the U.S. role as global police for international capitalism.\"

    The globalists had things going perfectly until John F. Kennedy\'s abrupt change in policy - JFK, if you will remember, helped \"fight communism [TC: war for capitalism]\" but found out things were not what they seemed; he later told a group of college students shortly before his execution of a \"grave threat to the American people.\" This threat, JFK later found out, was within his own government. His executive order to start the withdrawal of American servicemen in Vietnam was a globalist \"no-no.\" And the rest is history.

    Or what about Richard Nixon? Nixon and Treasury Secretary John Connally \"unilaterally demolished the Bretton Woods System\" on Aug. 15, 1971. Now, observers of the global government being put in place and free-market capitalists will know that free trade is the unobstructed flow of money, goods and services between countries. The Bretton Woods, New Hampshire pact in 1944 established the \"pro-world capitalist\" International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and the International Federation for World Development - basically the financial institutions funding our crusade for world government.

    Well, Nixon came up with a plan of his own, called the \"New Economic Policy.\" It strongly favored, according to the TC, our domestic economy, which were losing out in international trade competition (plans similar to Nixon\'s are still in place - hence South American protests of free trade agreemetnts).

    And not too long after Nixon\'s economic venture, the Washington Post, affiliated with Rockefeller\'s Bilderberger Group and the CFR, broke Watergate - and, yes, the rest is history.

    When governments or political leaders turn unfriendly, according to Brzezinski, the Trilateral co-founder, the globalists \"attempt to discipline them\" through economic and political maneuvers.\" Or, \"through military and covert action.\"

    This is all spelled out, in the Elite Planning for World Management - you can pick up a copy at your local bookstore or library.

    There\'s no secret about it, folks. Like Communism, World Capitalism attempts (and is doing a good job at it, I might add) to only benefit the few.

    Trilateralism, Rockefeller says, is the \"current attempt by ruling elites to manage both dependence and democracy - at home and abroad.\"

    And by the looks of it, his plan is working.


    Joey Dauben is a reporter for The Ellis County Press, an independent weekly newspaper based 20 miles south of Dallas, Texas. He can be reached at http://www.joeydauben.com.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bali bombing suspect claims he was tortured

    The alleged operations chief of the Jemaah Islamiyah terror group has told a court that police tortured him into signing a confession that he planned the Bali nightclub bombings.

    Ali Ghufron /AP

    Ali Ghufron, one of three suspected group members on trial for the attack, said officers beat him 20 times and threatened to send a photograph of his bruised penis to his wife unless he confessed.

    \"I experienced extraordinary torture ... uncivilised mental and physical pressure,\" Ghufron, alias Mukhlas, said in a written statement.

    \"I initially refused to sign the confession presented by the police. But later, I agreed because I could no longer stand all the torture.\"

    He urged the court to ignore the written confession he made while in police custody in which he also said that radical Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir allegedly ordered the bombings.

    Bashir is on trial in Jakarta on separate charges of treason.

    Another suspect in the Bali bombings, Amrozi bin Nurhasyim, has also claimed police tortured him.

    No medical report has been presented to support their claims of torture and police have denied both allegations. While in police custody, the detainees had regular access to medical care, officers say.

    It was not clear how the torture allegations would impact on the trial.

    Ghufron is accused of planning the Bali attack. He has told a court that he is the operations chief of Jemaah Islamiyah and fought alongside Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

    © Associated Press

    JAXXE --- ---

    Wayne Jeffrey, a seven-year veteran, was fired May 29 after an internal investigation, prompted by an unsigned letter that claimed he smoked tobacco at a party.

    A 1988 state law states that police officers and firefighters are subject to immediate termination if they are found to be using tobacco products either on or off duty.

    Statewide, only two other officers have been fired since the law went into effect, but Jeffrey’s case was the first based on an anonymous tip.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush, Cheney oil cartel starts selling stolen Iraqi oil

    Spain among the first to get stolen oil

    EYHAN OIL TERMINAL, Turkey: Iraqi oil stolen by the oil cartel of United States headed by President Bush and his vice president Dick Cheney of Haliburton, flooded the world oil markets on Sunday.

    Turkish workers began loading 1 million barrels of stolen Iraqi crude onto the Turkish tanker Ottoman Dignity in a ceremony attended by US and Turkish oil officials at this Mediterranean oil terminal, at the end of a twin pipeline running from Iraq\'s northern oil fields.

    The export of stolen oil began after the UN Security Council lifted sanctions on Iraq under massive pressure of the occupying forces and recognized the US’ self-imposed authority over Iraq. The Iraqi people have strongly opposed the US occupation of their land and have been demanding immediate withdrawal of US forces from Iraq.


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