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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Analysis: Hamas history tied to Israel

    By Richard Sale / UPI Terrorism Correspondent
    Published 6/18/2002 8:13 PM

    In the wake of a suicide bomb attack Tuesday on a crowded Jerusalem city bus that killed 19 people and wounded at least 70 more, the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, took credit for the blast.

    Israeli officials called it the deadliest attack in Jerusalem in six years.

    Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon immediately vowed to fight \"Palestinian terror\" and summoned his cabinet to decide on a military response to the organization that Sharon had once described as \"the deadliest terrorist group that we have ever had to face.\"

    Active in Gaza and the West Bank, Hamas wants to liberate all of Palestine and establish a radical Islamic state in place of Israel. It is has gained notoriety with its assassinations, car bombs and other acts of terrorism.

    But Sharon left something out.

    Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.

    Israel \"aided Hamas directly -- the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization),\" said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic Studies.

    Israel\'s support for Hamas \"was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative,\" said a former senior CIA official.


    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 REPORT 911 PAGES LONG

    July 16, 2003 -- WASHINGTON - The long-awaited declassified report on 9/11, which could be released next week, is expected to clock in at precisely 911 pages -and that\'s no accident.

    Sources say the report was originally around 900 pages but Eleanor Hill, the staff director of the House-Senate intelligence panel that conducted the Sept. 11 probe, insisted on stretching the report to 911 pages.

    The report is expected to contain new details on the Saudi government\'s link the hijackers.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Havel má dostat medaili od Bushe

    WASHINGTON/PRAHA Americký prezident Bush přichystal podle informací LN pro exprezidenta Václava Havla vůbec nejvyšší poctu, kterou mu může udělit: medaili Svobody. Nejvyšší americké civilní vyznamenání předá Bush Havlovi ve středu 23. července.


    Spolu s vyznamenáním získá Havel čestný diplom, na němž bude nejvíce sedmdesáti slovy popsán důvod, proč prezident Bush vyznamenání uděluje. Obvykle se tak rozhodne kvůli významnému příspěveku k bezpečnosti, národním zájmům USA, ke světovému míru nebo za kulturní či jiné úsilí.


    Medaile Svobody je nejvyšší americké vyznamenání

    V minulosti ji dostali například Nelson Mandela, Margaret Thatcherová, Lech Wa
    JAXXE --- ---
    Lež na lež

    15.7.2003 / Vladimír Stwora

    Bush přistižen při další lži. Při setkání s Kofi Annanem v Oválné pracovně dne 14. července řekl:

    \"Větším důvodem a fundamentální otázkou je: Měl Saddam Hussein v plánu zbrojit (weapons program)? A odpověď je, samozřejmě, že ano. Dali jsme mu šanci, aby dovolil inspektorům vstup do země, a on to neudělal. A proto jsme se, spolu s dalšími národy rozhodli, po tomto rozumném požadavku, vyndat ho z úřadu. Bylo nutno, aby neohrožoval Spojené státy a naše přátelé a spojence v tomto regionu. Pevně věřím, že rozhodnutí, které jsme udělali, zajistilo Americe větší bezpečnost a světu více míru.\"

    V originále to zní: \"The larger point is, and the fundamental question is, did Saddam Hussein have a weapons program? And the answer is, absolutely. And we gave him a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn\'t let them in. And, therefore, after a reasonable request, we decided to remove him from power, along with other nations, so as to make sure he was not a threat to the United States and our friends and allies in the region. I firmly believe the decisions we made will make America more secure and the world more peaceful.\"

    Přesný přepis jeho výroků je zde: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/07/20030714-3.html

    Všichni si, doufám, pamatujeme situaci před několika měsíci. Saddam umožnil inspektorům nejen vstup do země, ale i volný přístup kamkoliv, včetně prezidentských paláců. Byl to naopak Bush, kdo jejich inspekci přerušil, ačkoliv celý svět viděl, že inspekce postupuje a má smysl.

    Tak neuvěřitelné překroucení zcela nedávné situace je ovšem na pováženou. Buď Bushova duševní choroba postoupila do dalšího stádia a ničí mu i těch posledních několik mozkových buněk, které dříve míval, anebo mu Bůh (se kterým má exkluzivní smlouvu) našeptal, že si už může dovolit úplně všechno.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Sections, this page:

    • Iraq Genocide continues • American Mass-Media Deception • Solutions

    • American Plutocracy • American/Israeli Terrorism • The Jenin Massacre • Zionazis

    • History • 9-11 • Police-state America • American victims

    • Fascist Americons • CIA, Nazis & Neofascism • Weapons of American State Terrorism

    • Palestine • Afghanistan • Libya • Germany • Yugoslavia

    • Korea • Vietnam • Latin America

    • Books • Bibliographies

    JAXXE --- ---
    African Union Summit in Maputo: Lets do it!

    07/16/2003 12:18

    Critics of the African Union forget that there is a new hope for progress and development in Africa

    The Summit of the African Union in Maputo, considered by some to be just one more in a long history of summits since the formation of the Organization of African Unity and now the African Union (AU), considered by others to be another round of grandiose talks with no hope for the dreams to become reality, is rather a first step towards a new era for the continent.

    It is easy to say that a summit is no more than talks because this is exactly what a summit is for. However, it must be pointed out what in fact happened in Maputo. For the first time, the mechanisms which constitute the AU were put into place and for the first time, the African Continent arrived at a consensus as to the need to create the conditions for a sustainable development and good government.


    JAXXE --- ---

    “We had a great day. We killed a lot of people. We dropped a few civilians, but what do you do? I’m sorry but the chick was in the way.”

    — Sgt. Eric Schrumpf
    a cowardly sniper
    with the Fifth Marine Regiment
    March 29, 2003

    “I think they [Iraqi people] thought we wouldn’t shoot kids. But we showed them we don’t care. We are going to do what we have to do to stay alive and keep ourselves safe. I did what I had to do. I don’t have a big problem with it but anyone who shoots a little kid has to feel something.”

    — Private Nick Boggs

    “The Iraqis are sick people and we are the chemotherapy. I am starting to hate this country. Wait till I get hold of a fuckin’ Iraqi. No, I won’t get hold of one. I’ll just kill him.”

    — Corporal Ryan Dupre

    mnohem vice fotek a textu:

    JAXXE --- ---
    How George W. Bush Won the 2004 Presidential Election

    Purging voter lists is just the beginning: the U.S. has embraced a form of electronic voting that is unreliable, unverifiable and funded by the radical Christian right.

    ES&S, Diebold and Sequoia may not be household names like Enron or Arthur Andersen, but these three companies will decide America\'s next president. In the 2004 presidential election, the full effect of electronic voting will be felt for the first time and these are the companies that will report the majority of the results.

    Despite assurances from the corporations that own these machines, the reliability of electronic voting is under intense criticism. One of the most comprehensive examinations of electronic voting fraud came from brothers James and Kenneth Collier. In their 1992 book Votescam: The Stealing of America, the brothers detailed the long history of voting fraud over the past twenty-five years with a special focus on voting machines. American politicians and large media outlets have ignored their book, and their charges remain unanswered.

    Now, their concerns are being echoed by a new group of writers, journalists and activists who have raised alarming and explosive details about electronic voting in America. While academics such as Professors Rebecca Mercuri and David Dill and organizations such as the Association for Computing Machinery have carefully documented how voting systems are vulnerable to fraudulent manipulation, journalists such as Lynn Landes, Jerry Bowles and Bev Harris are alerting Americans to an electronic coup d\'etat in the making. If their charges are true, and there is little evidence to contradict their claims, George W. Bush has already won the 2004 election.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Guantanámo – kde končí spravodlivosť

    „...obvinený má právo na rýchly a verejný súdny proces, nestrannú porotu zo štátu a okresu, v ktorom bol zločin spáchaný, tento okres musí byť vopred vymedzený zákonom, má právo byť informovaný o charaktere a d
    JAXXE --- ---
    Ulterior motives behind ID tags exposed

    By Nathan Cochrane
    July 15 2003

    Plans to swamp the world in invisible tracking devices were revealed last week as secret industry documents detailing a global agenda to \"pacify\" consumers and co-opt key lawmakers were leaked.

    Sensitive documents were exposed by Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering (CASPIAN), a US consumer group lobbying against the technology.

    The group found documents from the US Auto-ID Centre, which has an Australian research division at Adelaide University, and published them on the privacy and security website, cryptome.org

    Auto-ID is a worldwide co-ordinating group for the radio frequency identification (RFID) industry that counts Australian packaging giant Visy Industries, Dutch electronics maker Philips, computer services company IBM and consumer goods maker Gillette among its members. The group aims to embed RFID tags - tiny radio emitting tracking devices - in all consumer goods including clothes, household electronics and packaging such as aluminium cans and cardboard boxes.


    JAXXE --- ---
    tvurci \"projektu pro nove americke stoleti\" maji v novinkach nove knihy:

    The War Over Iraq: Saddam\'s Tyranny and America\'s Mission

    Lawrence F. Kaplan & William Kristol

    Of Paradise and Power: America vs. Europe in the New World Order

    Robert Kagan




    a tady pro zmenu analyza projektu:

    PNAC.info - Exposing the Project for the New American Century

    An effort to investigate, analyze, and expose the Project for the New American Century, and its plan for a \"unipolar\" world.



    Two years ago a project set up by the men who now surround George W Bush said what America needed was \"a new Pearl Harbor\". Its published aims have, alarmingly, come true. : John Pilger :12 Dec 2002


    The threat posed by US terrorism to the security of nations and individuals was outlined in prophetic detail in a document written more than two years ago and disclosed only recently. What was needed for America to dominate much of humanity and the world\'s resources, it said, was \"some catastrophic and catalysing event - like a new Pearl Harbor\". The attacks of 11 September 2001 provided the \"new Pearl Harbor\", described as \"the opportunity of ages\".
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    Ty jo koukam ze se ten Jejich spikleneckej plan zacina uspesne naplnovat...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Russian Politician: Terror Attacks In New York And Washington Plotted In The USA

    Famous Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky believes that the terrorist acts committed in New York and Washington were plotted and organised in the USA, and other nations have no relation to them. Zhirinovsky, Vice Speaker of the State Duma, said at a Moscow press conference that there were numerous indications to this.
    According to Zhirinovsky, the terrorist acts in the USA were staged by international financial elites seeking to put the West and the Moslem world in conflict.
    So far, there have been no proves of Osama bin Laden\'s involvement in the US terror attacks, said leader of the Liberal-Democratic Party Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
    In this connection, he warned the US leadership against delivering possible retaliatory blows at Middle East countries, in particular at Afghanistan.

    JAXXE --- ---

    World Trade Center Seven collapsed on September 11, 2001, at 5:20 p.m. There were no known casualties due to this collapse. The performance of WTC 7 is of significant interest because it appears the collapse was due primarily to fire, rather than any impact damage from the collapsing towers. On the contrary, it appears the collapse was due primarily due to a controlled demolition. Prior to September 11, 2001, there was little, if any, record of fire-induced collapse of large fire-protected steel buildings. Before September 11, no steel framed skyscraper had ever collapsed due to fire.

    On September 11, WTC 7 collapsed totally. It is suggested below that this collapse was exclusively due to fire. No significant evidence is offered to back up this suggestion (after all it is only a suggestion). It should be emphasized that WTC 7 was neither hit by an aircraft nor by significant quantities of debris from the collapse of the twin towers. It is also widely claimed that WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed mainly due to fire. I emphasize, that before September 11, no steel framed skyscraper had ever collapsed due to fire. However, on September 11, it is claimed that three steel framed skyscrapers collapsed mainly, or totally, due to fire.

    As you can see from the above animated-gif, the collapse of WTC 7 certainly has the appearance of a controlled demolition. But, judge for yourself, download and watch the following short video clips and a larger version of the animated-gif...

    analyza: http://whatreallyhappened.com/fema_report.html
    JAXXE --- ---
    Blair\'s new world order blocked

    By Toby Helm, Chief Political Correspondent, and George Jones
    (Filed: 15/07/2003)

    Tony Blair\'s plans for a new world order in which advanced nations would take armed action to remove brutal or failed regimes were blocked yesterday by fellow centre-Left leaders.

    Mr Blair had argued that world leaders could not \"walk by on the other side\" if people were being brutally downtrodden.

    At a conference attended by 14 Social Democrat heads of state or government at Bagshot, Surrey, several leaders refused to sign up to a far-reaching statement paving the way for military action to protect the world from repressive governments.

    Brazil and Argentina were said to have led protests from those who believed the declaration would have altered agreements on international sovereignty. Others feared it appeared to be a retrospective justification for the war on Iraq.


    JAXXE --- ---
    World parliament a pipedream

    July 15 2003

    Gerard Henderson says the consensus needed for multilateralism to work often renders it ineffective.

    George Monbiot - who has been described as \"the champion of Britain\'s left\" - is in Australia hawking his latest book, The Age of Consent: A Manifesto for a New World Order. The Guardian columnist has just completed a gig at the Adelaide Festival of Ideas where his strident anti-Americanism is sure to have gone down like a treat.

    The Adelaide Festival of Ideas seems to have taken over the ground once occupied by the ABC as a luvvies\' collective where everyone (or almost everyone) agrees with everyone else. Segments from this year\'s event will be soon played on Phillip Adams\'s ABC Radio National Late Night Live program (sometimes called \"Late Night Luvvies\").

    On this occasion, Monbiot has sparked attention with his agenda for international change which includes a \"democratically elected world parliament\" along with \"a democratised United Nations General Assembly which captures the powers now vested in the Security Council\". In short, world government of sorts. He has dismissed the criticism that this is all pie in the sky. In The Age of Consent he challenges the readers to \"not reject these proposals until you have better ones with which to replace them\".

    To those who believe that no world government is preferable to being ruled by a democratically elected world parliament (along with, presumably, a world bureaucracy), rejecting such proposals should not be a difficult task. But Monbiot\'s evident utopianism does help to sharpen the debate concerning the benefits of multilateralism vis-a-vis unilateralism.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Pentagon Plan 5030, a new blueprint for facing down North Korea

    By Bruce B. Auster and Kevin Whitelaw

    Within the past two months, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has ordered U.S. military commanders to devise a new war plan for a possible conflict with North Korea. Elements of the draft, known as Operations Plan 5030, are so aggressive that they could provoke a war, some senior Bush administration officials tell U.S. News.

    Adm. Thomas Fargo, head of the U.S. Pacific Command, and senior Pentagon planners are developing the highly classified plan. The administration insiders, who are critical of the plan, say it blurs the line between war and peace. The plan would give commanders in the region authority to conduct maneuvers--before a war has started--to drain North Korea\'s limited resources, strain its military, and perhaps sow enough confusion that North Korean generals might turn against the country\'s leader, Kim Jong Il. \"Some of the things [Fargo] is being asked to do,\" says a senior U.S. official, \"are, shall we say, provocative.\"

    There are several war plans for Korea--Plans 5026 and 5027, as well as 5030--that outline the different phases of war and the specific provisions for movements of large numbers of troops, aircraft carriers, and other war-fighting requirements. U.S. News has learned details of the prewar phase of the newest version of Plan 5030. Some officials believe the draft plan amounts to a strategy to topple Kim\'s regime by destabilizing its military forces. The reason: It is being pushed by many of the same administration hard-liners who advocated regime change in Iraq. The Pentagon only recently began offering details of the plan to top officials at the White House, the State Department, and other agencies. It has not yet been approved. A Pentagon spokesman declined comment.

    One scenario in the draft involves flying RC-135 surveillance flights even closer to North Korean airspace, forcing Pyongyang to scramble aircraft and burn scarce jet fuel. Another option: U.S. commanders might stage a weeks-long surprise military exercise, designed to force North Koreans to head for bunkers and deplete valuable stores of food, water, and other resources. The current draft of 5030 also calls for the Pentagon to pursue a range of tactical operations that are not traditionally included in war plans, such as disrupting financial networks and sowing disinformation.

    Against the wall.

    Some administration officials and military experts say they consider these tactics dangerously provocative. What would happen, they ask, if North Korea shot down an RC-135 or lobbed artillery at South Korea? \"What the Pentagon is trying to do is balance the risk between ceding the initiative to the enemy or taking steps to influence it,\" says Andrew Krepinevich of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. \"But does war become more likely?\"

    America\'s allies in the region--South Korea and Japan--think so. They, along with China, worry that if the Bush administration puts too much pressure on North Korea, Pyongyang could strike back in unpredictable ways. \"Once we push them too hard against the wall,\" says a Japanese official, \"we do not know what kind of reaction Kim Jong Il will have.\"

    It is the Pentagon\'s job to be ready for war--and critics of this war plan admit as much. The Pentagon work on 5030 was triggered by Rumsfeld\'s desire to reinvent the military in the wake of lessons learned in Afghanistan and Iraq--and that includes the way the nation plans for war. Says one official, \"The secretary wants to make how we plan for conflicts responsive to changing situations.\"

    But if the Pentagon gives commanders more authority to take aggressive actions in peacetime, as contemplated in Plan 5030, it risks tripping over the president\'s--and Congress\'s--authority to commit the nation to war, says a senior official. \"Who decides when to go to war?\" the official asks. \"Good question.\"

    With Thomas Omestad

    JAXXE --- ---
    Co se, krucipísek, děje v médiích ?

    JAXXE --- ---
    Autoritářství puštěné z řetězů

    Vhodnou otázkou pro příští volby není kdo, ale zda vůbec.

    13.7.2003 / Ted Rall

    Zrušil už volby v Iráku. Zdá se, že nebudou ani v Afghánistánu. Nasadí George Bush stejný kurs i u voleb ve Spojených státech?

    Bushovi odpůrci (v originále použil autor výrazu lefties - levičáci, socani), vystrašeni rapidním růstem jeho osobní moci a neschopností, či neochotou demokratů se mu postavit, mají obavy, že Bush může použít \"válku proti terorismu\" jako záminku k vyhlášení zvláštního stavu, potlačení občanských svobod a uvěznění svých politických odpůrců.

    Lidé, kteří se dříve nebáli hovořit nahlas proti Bushovi, nyní hovoří tiše mezi sebou o strategii odchodu. Nikoliv ve stylu Aleca Baldwina - jen pro efekt, ale útěku z USA, aby si zachránili kůži. \"Máš alespoň ty nebo manželka rodiče narozené v Evropě?\" je otázka, kterou dnes v těchto kruzích často zaslechnete. (Pokud ano, můžete dostat dvojí občanství a cestovní pas Evropské unie, navíc tam můžete i pracovat.) Ti, kteří to štěstí nemají, tiše doufají, že státy jako Kanada nebo Francie, budou ochotny přijmout politické uprchlíky ze Spojených států, v případě, že by se Bush rozhodl otevřeně zúčtovat se svými odpůrci.

    Prostá skutečnost, zda se volby budou konat v roce 2004 jak plánováno, je pro tyto lidi testem americké demokracie. A zálivu Guantánamo na Kubě jsou v plném proudu práce na přestavbě koncentračního tábora v tábor smrti, kde budou vězni popravováni bez řádného soudu a bez právní ochrany. Žádný americký prezident nikdy v minulosti nezamýšlel tak dalekosáhlou denaturalizaci rozených Američanů. Lidé odsouzeni za zradu umírali jako Američané, ale Bush navrhl a prosadil legislativu, která mu dovoluje kohokoliv, koho označí za nepřátelského bojovníka, zbavit občanství a deportovat či popravit. Jen toto už dokazuje, že překročil jakékoliv normy. Nicméně někteří stále ještě čekají na pádnější důkaz toho, že jsme vyměnili naši zchromlou demokracii za fašistický stát. Zrušení nebo odsunutí voleb bude snad konečně i pro ně přesvědčivým argumentem.

    V roce 1864 uvažoval prezident Lincoln o možnosti odložit volby vzhledem k probíhající občanské válce, ale nakonec od záměru ustoupil. Nikdy v minulosti nebyly volby odloženy.

    Není těžké vymyslet scénář, podle kterého by mohlo být zrušení voleb v roce 2004 zdůvodnitelné. Představme si, že několik týdnů před volbami vybuchnou v New Yorku a současně ve Washnigtonu \"špinavé\" bomby (tzv. špinavá bomba - malá jaderná zbraň vyrobena na koleně. Nedosáhne účinku klasické atomové bomby, ale rozšíří radioaktivitu a způsobí vlnu strachu a paniky. Pozn. vydavatele.). Vláda, média, politické instituce, jejich zaměstnanci - vše leží v kouřících troskách a popelu, stovky a tisíce lidí zabito. Ekonomika státu, už dlouho balancující nad propastí, upadne do těžké deprese. Jak bychom v takové situaci mohli mít volby?

    Ostatně od republikánů už bylo slyšet argumenty typu \"neměňte koně uprostřed závodu\". Poté, co demokratický senátor John Kerry nedávno kritizoval Bushe, napadl ho šéf národní komise Mark Racicot. Nikoliv za to, co řekl proti Bushovi, ale za to, že se odvážil navrhnout výměnu nejvyššího velitele v době, kdy je Amerika ve válce. Na webové stránce Bílého domu je v rubrice Časté otázky uvedeno, že válka proti terorismu potrvá mnohem déle, než do roku 2004: \"Žádný kouzelný proutek, žádná událost nás najednou nezbaví hrozby terorismu. Naše široce položená a nepřetržitá snaha bude pokračovat dokud terorismus nevykořeníme. Je to situace ne nepodobná Studené válce. Tehdy neutuchající tlak mnoha států zapříčinil konečné zhroucení komunismu zevnitř. Budeme v boji pokračovat tak dlouho, jak bude třeba.\"

    Studená válka trvala 46 let. Hodlá Bush setrvat v Bílém domě tak dlouho?

    Náš drahý prezident má ovšem hromadu důvodů k obavám, co se příštích voleb týče. Podle výzkumu veřejného mínění prováděného CNN a Gallupem, by dnes volilo Bushe jen 50 % Američanů, pokud by proti němu stál nejmenovaný, genericky pojatý demokrat. To je nejméně od 11.září. Dvě třetiny si myslí, že Bush lhal nebo přeháněl, co se ZHN v Iráku týče. A neustávající proud plastikových pytlů z Iráků a Afghánistánu přesvědčil 53 %, že okupace neprobíhá tak, jak by měla. Výzkum dále potvrzuje, že většina lidí se domnívá, že by demokraté spíše postavili ekonomiku státu na nohy. Je málo jich věří, že Bushův plán snížení daní pomůže.

    Možná je Bush typem hráče, který vnímá 99% pravděpodobnost jako 2% nejistoty, ale sázím na to, že se podívá na svou dvěstěmilionovou kampaň a nechá lidi rozhodnout. Určitě by rád vyhrál legitimně - alespoň jednou. I když Bushovi lidé jsou schopni všeho, zřejmě si uvědomují, že dva puče ve čtyřech letech by už Američané neunesli. Ale stejně musíme jeho činnost ocenit. Ten prostý fakt, že demokraté jsou tak vystrašeni, že nejsou schopni postavit se za ukončení věznění v americké Reichu, svědčí o Bushově dovedném zastrašování. A současně je smutným důkazem impotence jeho údajných / očekávaných oponentů.

    Článek AUTHORITARIANS GONE WILD uveřejněn na Yahoo! News 9. července.


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