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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Microchip can be implanted in people, used to track health history, identity

    ALONSO SOTO JOYA / Canadian Press / Thursday, July 17, 2003

    The VeriChip which is a microchip that can be implanted under a person\'s skin and used to confirm everything from health history to identity. (AP /Jose Luis Magana)

    MEXICO CITY (AP) - Borrowing from an idea that allows pet owners to track their dogs and cats, a U.S. company launched Thursday in Mexico the sale of microchips that can be implanted under a person\'s skin and used to confirm everything from health history to identity.

    The microchips, which went on sale last year in the United States, could tap into a growing industry surrounding Mexico\'s crime concerns. Kidnappings, robberies and fraud are common here, and Mexicans are constantly looking for ways to stay ahead of criminals.

    The microchip, the size of a grain of rice, is implanted in the arm or hip and can contain information on everything from a person\'s blood type to their name. Hospital officials and security guards can use a scanning device to read the chip\'s information.

    In a two-hour presentation, Palm Beach, Florida,-based Applied Digital Solutions Inc. introduced reporters to the VeriChip and used a syringe-like device and local anesthetic to implant a sample in the right arm of employee Carlos Altamirano.

    \"It doesn\'t hurt at all,\" he said. \"The whole process is just painless.\"

    Another chip user, Luis Valdez, who is diabetic, said the chip is \"as innovative to me as the cell phone.\"

    Antonio Aceves, the director of the Mexican company charged with distributing the chip here, said that in the first year of sales, the company hoped to implant chips in 10,000 people and ensure that at least 70 per cent of all hospitals had the technology to read the devices.

    One chip costs US$150 and has a US$50 annual fee. The scanning device and related software is US$1200. Users can update and manage their chips\' information by calling a 24-hour customer service line.

    Similar technology has been used on dogs and cats as a way to identify the pets if they are lost or stolen.

    The VeriChip can track subjects who are within 5 miles (8 kilometers), but officials want to develop a new chip that can use satellite technology to track people who are farther away and may have been kidnapped.

    While the idea of using the chip to track people has raised privacy concerns in the United States, the idea has been popular with Mexicans, who have been contacting Aceves and asking when the new global positioning chip will be available. The company hopes to have the new anti-kidnapping chip developed by 2003.


    On the Net:

    © Copyright 2003 The Canadian Press

    JAXXE --- ---
    Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press

    This is a two-page summary of fascinating accounts by 18 award-winning journalists from the book Into the Buzzsaw, edited by Kristina Borjesson. All of these writers were prevented by corporate media ownership from reporting major, incredibly revealing news. Some were even fired or laid off. These journalists have won numerous awards, including several Emmys and a Pulitzer. Help create a better world by spreading this news across the land.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Údajný ministerský \"zdroj\" kritiky britské vlády byl zřejmě nalezen mrtvý

    Jan Čulík

    David Kelly, poradce britské vlády, který byl jmenován jako možný zdroj reportáže BBC, která 29. května uvedla, že vláda \"zdramatizovala\" svou oficiální zprávu o Iráku, se ve čtvrtek odpoledne ztratil, uvádí jeho rodina.

    Pátek 14:30 - Policie našla při hledání zmizelého poradce tělo mrtvého muže. Tělo zatím nebylo identifikováno, jak informuje deník Guardian.

    Pátek 16.30 - Britská policie konstatuje, že mrtvola odpovídá popisu zmizelého muže, avšak oficiální identifikace se bude konat až v sobotu.

    Tento devětapadesátiletý státní úředník zmizel ze svého domova v městečku Abingdon v hrabství Oxfordshire ve čtvrtek v 15 hodin poté, co řekl své manželce, že se jde projít, konstatovala místní policie.

    Jeho rodina zalarmovala policii ve 23.45, když bylo jasné, že se nevrátil. Policie zahájila rozsáhlou pátrací akci.

    Mrtvola, ležící tváří k zemi, objevil policejní pátrací tým v pátek v 9.20 dopoledne na kopci Harrowdown Hill, asi osm kilometrů od místa, kde dr. Kelly bydlel v městečku Abingdon. Ani u mrtvoly ani v domě dr. Kellyho nebyl nalezen žádný dopis na rozloučenou. Na otázku, zda mrtvý muž zemřel na střelné rány odpověděl mluvčí policie, že dr. Kelly neměl povolení k nošení střelné zbraně.

    Policie také potvrdila, že také, že odebrala z domu dr. Kellyho celou řadu předmětů, avšak, uvedla, že to je součástí normálního vyšetřování pohřešované osoby.

    Případ vyvolává velmi závažné otázky, avšak je dosud velmi brzo na to, aby byly zodpovězeny. Má se státní úředník, který se spojí s novináři, protože je svědkem toho, co považuje za skandál či nešvar, obávat smrti - třeba jen proto, že ho začne pronásledovat vláda i sdělovací prostředky? Došlo či nedošlo ke zkreslení Kellyho informací v reportáži BBC? Byl Kelly skutečně zdrojem reportáže Andrewa Gilligana? Pokud ano, řekl Gilliganovi víc, než byl posléze ochoten přiznat? Celá záležitost vrhá i velmi špatné světlo na vládu Tonyho Blaira - dosud se nestávalo, že by kritikové britské vlády v důsledku své kritiky končili mrtví... Drastický vývoj událostí bezpochyby povede k tomu, že bude celá věc během času podrobně vyšetřena.

    Dr. Kelly se dobrovolně přihlásil, že bude svědčit v britském parlamentním výboru pro zahraniční záležitosti. Minulý týden v něm přiznal, že se od září 2002 s reportérem BBC Andrewem Gilliganem třikrát setkal.

    Dr. Kelly potvrdil, že se setkal s Gilliganem v jednom hotelu ve středu Londýna právě v ten den, kdy reportér Gilligan uvedl, že se setkal se svým jediným zdrojem v jednom hotelu ve středu Londýna.

    Avšak Kelly konstatoval, že si nemyslí, že by mohl být hlavním zdrojem pro reportáž, která se stala ohniskem ostré kontroverze mezi BBC a úřadem britského premiéra.

    \"Nemyslím, že jsem hlavním zdrojem. Z rozhovoru, který jsem s ním vedl, nemyslím, že by mohl učinit ony autoritativní závěry na základě mých výroků,\" řekl Dr. Kelly.

    Členové parlamentního výboru pro zahraniční věci se postavili kriticky vůči tomu, jak britská vláda zachází s Dr. Kellym. Konstatovali, že z něho udělala \"obětního beránka\" a že s ním ministr obrany \"zachází velmi neférově\".

    Avšak ministerstvo obrany se přidržuje svých tvrzení, že byl Dr. Kelly jediným zdrojem této reportáže.

    Dr. Kelly je od té doby, co přiznal, že se setkal s Gilliganem, pod obrovským tlakem. Byla mu udělena oficiální důtka, že se \"bez oficiálního schválení\" setkal s novinářem, a nedávno si stěžoval, že je jeho dům obklopen novináři.

    Konzervativní poslanec Richard Ottaway, člen parlamentního výboru pro zahraniční vztahy, také hovořil o tom, že se dr. Kelly zmiňoval, že je pod obrovským tlakem. \"Ve výboru jsme ho požádali, aby nám poskytl určité důkazy, a on nám řekl, že by to učinil, ale nemůže, protože se nemůže dostat do svého domu v důsledku tlaku novinářů.\"

    Předseda parlamentního výboru Donald Anderson uvedl, že ho Kellyho zmizení \"šokovalo\".

    Policie uvedla, že dr. Kelly měl ve zvyku chodit na dvou až tří hodinové procházky, ale nikoliv sám.

    JAXXE --- ---
    must read...

    Michael Ledeen Demands `Regime Change\' in Iran

    by Scott Thompson

    We have already crossed the Rubicon. We are already in Hell. World War III in Eurasia is already ongoing. There was not an Iraq war; there is a continuing Iraq war. There was not an Afghanistan war; there is a continuing Afghanistan war. There\'s already an onset of a war with Iran, being run covertly, as a covert operation, from the United States, in Iran right now! You see it on the television screens here. That is not a spontaneous student movement. That is a U.S.-run destabilization of Iran, trying to set up the conditions for a war. The situation in Korth Korea; other situations I know of; we are now inside World War III. It is not something that we could prevent from happening. We\'re there.

    —Address by Lyndon LaRouche in Istanbul, Turkey, June 14, 2003

    Ledeen\'s ideas are quoted daily by such figures as Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz. His views virtually define the stark departure from American foreign policy philosophy that characterized United States actions since September 11, 2001.... Now Ledeen is calling for \'regime change\' beyond Iraq. In an address titled \'Time to Focus on Iran: The Mother of Modern Terrorism,\' for the policy forum of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) on April 30, he declared: \"The time for diplomacy is at the end; it is time for a free Iran, a free Syria and free Lebanon.\"

    —William O. Beeman, \"Michael Ledeen: Neoconservative Guru,\" in The Daily Star, Beirut, Lebanon, May 9, 2003

    The same drumbeat for \"regime change\" that led to war against Iraq, is now coming from the mouths of Vice President Dick Cheney\'s \"chicken-hawk\" cabal; only now, the target is Iran. This destabilization is being run through U.S. private foundations and think-tanks, to overthrow the government in Iran, and run a destabilization, and/or military strike against Iran\'s nuclear energy production facilities.

    The pointman is Michael Ledeen, who divides his time among National Review Online, JINSA, and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Ledeen is stirring up the networks in Congress and the press, and lining up tainted intelligence to justify war on Iran.

    This is the same Michael Ledeen, who, as a consultant to the Reagan-Bush Administration National Security Council in the mid-1980s, was a pivotal criminal figure in the Iran-Contra fiasco, covertly peddling weapons to the very Ayatollahs whom he is now plotting to overthrow. He is also the same Ledeen who now calls for the United States to wage war against Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Libya because, he alleges, they are all \"masters of terror.\" Yet in the 1980s, Ledeen was one of the biggest promoters in Washington of the so-called Afghansi mujahideen—including Osama bin Laden—whom he touted as \"freedom fighters\" and \"champions of the democratic struggle against totalitarian communism.\"

    Ledeen\'s operations are not merely the rantings of deeply disturbed wanna-be Il Duce. His efforts should be understood as reflecting the immediate intentions of the Administration neo-conservatives. His cronies, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Doug Feith, are the key advisors to Secretary of Defense Donald \"Dr. Strangelove\" Rumsfeld.

    Ledeen, the self-proclaimed \"universal fascist,\" has long been under scrutiny by EIR researchers, as a man who has been in the midst of some of the dirtiest covert intelligence operations of the past 30 years. EIR\'s Special Report of April 1987, Project Democracy: The \'Parallel Government\' Behind the Iran-Contra Affair, put a spotlight on Ledeen, from which I draw some of the brief profile published here.

    Ledeen, as he wrote in his book Machiavelli on Modern Leadership: Why Machiavelli\'s Iron Rules Are As Timely and Important Today as Five Centuries Ago (New York: St. Martin\'s Press, 2000), is a believer in \"total war\" through \"creative violence.\" There is no such thing as peace between nations, he maintains; peace is just an interlude between wars.

    Ledeen fits the profile of a \"Synarchist,\" or \"Nazi/Communist,\" as those concepts were discussed in World War II-era documents made available to EIR by military intelligence and other sources during the 1980s (see Jeffrey Steinberg, \"Synarchism: The Fascist Roots of the Wolfowitz Cabal,\" EIR, May 30, 2003). Particularly relevant to this characterization is Ledeen\'s work with both \"Red\" and \"Black\" terrorists in Italy, and his support, along with Henry Kissinger, of the Propaganda Due (P-2) Freemasonic Lodge of former Nazi collaborator Licio Gelli, which directed the NATO-related \"strategy of tension\" against former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro.


    Ledeen\'s \'Focus on Iran\'

    Ledeen and company have been putting this operation in place for some time. In 2001, Ledeen founded the Coalition for Democracy in Iran (CDI), with a call for regime change in that country. One of his partners in founding the coalition was Dr. Rob Sobhani, a professor at Georgetown University and president of Caspian Energy Consulting. Support for the CDI also comes from the Center for Security Policy\'s Frank Gaffney, former Rep. Jack Kemp, Joshua Muravchik of AEI, and former CIA director James Woolsey, who sits on the Defense Policy Board. Woolsey has also worked for the Doug Feith/Abram Shulsky \"Office of Special Plans\" in the Pentagon, which cooked the intelligence to push through the Iraq War. One of CDI\'s policies, as spelled out in the June 15 Washington Post, is to support Brownback\'s call for an Iran Liberation Act, similar to the 1997 one for Iraq.

    Ledeen rails against Iranian terrorism in his recent book The Terror Masters: Why It Happened. Where We Are Now. How We\'ll Win. According to Pacific News Service of May 19, he gave a speech at a JINSA policy forum on April 30, entitled \"Time to Focus on Iran—The Mother of Modern Terrorism.\"


    Ledeen gave the introduction for former British military intelligence operative and Princeton Professor Emeritus Bernard Lewis, who is the inventor of the idea of a \"Clash of Civilizations,\" later popularized in a book by that name by Samuel Huntington. Lewis\' thesis, cloaked in phrases of Athenian democracy, is that which President Carter\'s National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski formerly called \"the Arc of Crisis\" and today calls \"the Zone of Instability.\" It calls for stopping Eurasian integration through manipulating tribal, ethnic, and religious axioms to destroy nation-states, beginning especially in the Middle East. Ledeen introduced Lewis as \"the reigning genius of Middle East studies everywhere.\"


    Ledeen\'s Criminal Trail

    Ledeen has been associated, throughout the past two decades, with some of the most sordid criminal affairs, implicating government officials, intelligence services, and private \"synarchist\" networks:

    * Irangate: It is particularly ironical that Ledeen is today calling for a \"regime change\" in Iran, since he had been an integral culprit in Project Democracy\'s covert operations with Iran\'s regime during the 1980s. He worked closely with Manuchar Ghorbanifar, an Iranian living in France, to whom he had been introduced by top Israeli political intelligence agent David Kimchee. Ledeen brought Ghorbanifar to a meeting on Oct. 8, 1985 with the National Security Council\'s Lt. Col. Oliver North, at which was also present Israeli arms dealer Ya\'acov Nimrodi, a key player in North\'s \"Enterprise.\" Ledeen had frequent meetings with North in this regard throughout 1985, despite CIA warnings that Ghorbanifar was not to be trusted. It was through Ghorbanifar that 500 TOW missiles were shipped to Iran, and then 19 Hawk SAM missiles, in exchange for the release of American hostages then being held by terrorists in Lebanon. This was the \"arms for hostages\" deal that was at the heart of the Iran-Contra scandal. The weapons that went to Iran came either directly from the U.S. military stockpiles, or from Israel\'s massive arms industry, involving top officials of the Israeli government.

    Ledeen maintained that he was just involved in a \"research program\" on Iran, which \"by accident,\" turned into an \"action program.\" However, it is notable that throughout this period, he was involved, by way of a firm called EATSCO, with former CIA Deputy Director for Plans Theodor Shackley, who was another pivotal Iran-Contra figure.

    * Italy\'s Propaganda-2 Lodge: According to innumerable sources on both sides of the Atlantic, while working for Kissinger and Alexander Haig at CSIS, Ledeen became a member of the Propaganda Due (P-2) Lodge, which emerged to public light on May 20, 1981. This unmasking occurred just seven days after the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II by Mehmet Ali Agca, in which P-2 was thought to be involved. The exposure of P-2 forced the resignation of 47 Italian Army generals and 6 Navy admirals. Also named was Bruno di Fabio, a naval officer working at NATO headquarters in Brussels, across whose desk passed the reports of the secret services of all of NATO\'s members. Other prominent Italians revealed to be members of the secret society, who were toppled and were known to be among Ledeen\'s close associates, were the chief of staff of defense, Giovanni Torrissi; the head of the coordinating body of the secret services, Walter Pelosi; the head of military counterintelligence (SISMI), Giuseppe Santovito; the head of the civilian intelligence service (SISDE), Giuliano Grassini. As for P-2 Grand Master Licio Gelli himself, he was the perfect \"Synarchist\" or, as Ledeen might put it, \"universal Fascist,\" having been both a Nazi SS liaison officer and, until at least 1956, a Soviet agent.

    * The Temple Mount conspiracy: Ledeen and his wife Barbara have been part of an \"Armaggedon Project\" to rebuild Solomon\'s Third Temple in Jerusalem on al-Haram al-Sharif (a.k.a. \"Temple Mount\") which is the third most holy site in Islam. The planned destruction of the al-Aqsa Mosque on the Dome of the Rock would unleash unstoppable warfare in the Middle East. Barbara Ledeen was until recently on the editorial masthead of Biblical Archeology Review, which has played a central role in plotting where the Third Temple should be placed, together with the Quatuor Cornati (\"Four Crowns\") research lodge of British Freemasonry.


    JAXXE --- ---
    clash of civilizations in progress...

    Neo-Nazis, Extremist Jews Unite

    Reuters Page 1 of 1

    09:42 AM Jul. 17, 2003 PT

    French neo-Nazis formed an alliance with extremist Jewish groups on the Internet to publish a torrent of hate messages directed against Arabs and Muslims, according to a report by a leading anti-racist group.

    Members of extreme-right groups were prepared to set aside their anti-Semitic feelings to share Web space and know-how with extremist pro-Israeli campaigners, amid a rise in violence in the Middle East, the report said.

    \"This is a new phenomenon,\" said Mouloud Aounit, head of the MRAP group which published the 170-page report. \"We wanted to ring an alarm bell over the worrying development of this form of racism which is not only virtual, but has also spread to everyday life.\"

    The report said 26 websites, traced to right-wing and Jewish extremists groups in France, operated from the same server in the United States between 1999 and March this year.

    Members of the groups also shared advice on how to send messages without leaving electronic trails.


    JAXXE --- ---
    BREAKING: CHENEY\'S ENERGY PAPERS FINALLY RELEASED. And no joke, they focus on Arab oil resources!


    Commerce & State Department Reports to Task Force Detail Oilfield & Gas Projects, Contracts & Exploration

    Saudi Arabian & UAE Oil Facilities Profiled As Well

    (Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption and abuse, said today that documents turned over by the Commerce Department, under court order as a result of Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit concerning the activities of the Cheney Energy Task Force, contain a map of Iraqi oilfields, pipelines, refineries and terminals, as well as 2 charts detailing Iraqi oil and gas projects, and “Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts.” The documents, which are dated March 2001, are available on the Internet at: www.JudicialWatch.org.

    The Saudi Arabian and United Arab Emirates (UAE) documents likewise feature a map of each country’s oilfields, pipelines, refineries and tanker terminals. There are supporting charts with details of the major oil and gas development projects in each country that provide information on the projects, costs, capacity, oil company and status or completion date.

    Judicial Watch has been seeking these documents under FOIA since April 19, 2001. Judicial Watch was forced to file a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Judicial Watch Inc. v. Department of Energy, et al., Civil Action No. 01-0981) when the government failed to comply with the provisions of the FOIA law. U.S. District Court Judge Paul J. Friedman ordered the government to produce the documents on March 5, 2002.

    The documents were produced in response to Judicial Watch’s on-going efforts to ensure transparency and accountability in government on behalf of the American people. Judicial Watch aggressively pursues those goals by making FOIA requests and seeking access to public information concerning government operations. When the government fails to abide by these “sunshine laws” Judicial Watch files lawsuits in order to obtain the requested information and to hold responsible government officials accountable.

    “These documents show the importance of the Energy Task Force and why its operations should be open to the public,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.



    1. IraqOilMap.PDF

    2. IraqOilGasProj.PDF

    3. IraqOilFrgnSuitors.PDF

    4. UAEOilMap.PDF

    5. UAEOilProj.PDF

    6. SAOilMap.PDF

    7. SAOilProj.PDF


    JAXXE --- ---
    Bill Would Put Internet Song Swappers in Jail

    Internet users who allow others to copy songs from their hard drives could face prison time under legislation introduced by two Democratic lawmakers on Wednesday.

    The bill is the strongest attempt yet to deter the widespread online song copying that recording companies say has led to a decline in CD sales.

    Sponsored by Michigan Rep. John Conyers and California Rep. Howard Berman, the bill would make it easier to slap criminal charges on Internet users who copy music, movies and other copyrighted files over \"peer-to-peer\" networks.

    The recording industry has aggressively pursued Napster, Kazaa and other peer-to-peer networks in court and recently announced it planned to sue individual users as well.

    In a series of hearings on Capitol Hill last spring, lawmakers condemned online song swapping and expressed concern the networks could spread computer viruses, create government security risks and allow children access to pornography.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Congress threatens two hi-tech Gestapo programs

    By Thomas C Greene in Washington
    Posted: 17/07/2003 at 09:31 GMT

    The US Senate this week proposed denying funds to two Orwellian surveillance programs sought by the Bush Administration.

    The Pentagon\'s Total Information Awareness (TIA) program has come under attack in the Senate and may see its funding shut off. The 2004 defense appropriations bill contains a provision that would deny it any financial support.

    The House has got its own TIA obstacle in the works, but not so bold a one as the Senate is contemplating. The two versions will likely have to be reconciled in a conference committee, but it is a fair bet that TIA\'s wings will be clipped.

    Research for the Big Brother scheme is being conducted by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), under the guidance of Iran-Contra scandal alumnus and convicted felon Admiral John Poindexter.

    The TIA program has since had its name changed from Total Information Awareness to Terrorism Information Awareness, but for some reason this sophisticated dodge appears not to have fooled Congress.

    In a related development, the Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System (CAPPS II), a scheme to query government and commercial databases for background on every person attempting to buy a plane ticket, has been held up pending a report by the General Accounting Office (GAO), a Congressional watchdog outfit.

    The scheme would have assigned a score of \"green\", \"yellow\" or \"red\" to prospective passengers based on financial and other records. Greens would get the usual pat-down and x-ray routine; yellows would be singled out for additional security harassment; and reds would be grounded. There appears to be no mechanism for correcting database errors and false information if one is given an unjustly low score. Worse, those with imperfect scores could have that information passed on to law enforcement agencies and other bureaux of the national security apparatus without warning and with no way to set the record straight if the information on them should be bad.

    The CAPPS II system, like its predecessor CAPPS, is a product of Defense industry giant Lockheed Martin, a company for which US Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta served as Veep. The contract award is in keeping with the Bush Administration\'s tradition of diverting vast amounts of public money to the coffers of corporations with ties to its chief players. ®

    JAXXE --- ---
    American Express has begun to use radio frequency identification (RFID) technology in a pilot program centered in the greater Phoenix area.

    American Express has created a key chain attachment (known as a \"fob\") named ExpressPay that serves just like a credit card, except that users don\'t have to sign for their purchases. Users merely wave the ExpressPay fob in front of a reader at a merchant\'s location
    (participants including Carl\'s Jr., Dairy Queen, Quiznos, Schlotzky\'s, and Kwik Kopy Printing). Click here to find out more!

    According to a statement from David Bonalle, VP and GM of the Advanced Payments group within American Express, \"We have found in testing that consumers prefer using their ExpressPay key fob rather than fumbling for their wallets, while merchants enjoy the benefits of their customers\' increased spending and reduced time at the checkout counter.\"

    Specifically, figures released by American Express disclose that, at participating merchant locations, customers are spending an average of 20 to 30 percent more on credit rather than cash transactions, and that checkout times are down between 30 and 40 percent.

    American Express has worked with technology partner Texas Instruments RFID Systems on the pilot.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Jul 17 2003

    By Jeff Edwards, Chief Crime Correspondent

    POLICE knew Toby Studabaker was in Germany on SUNDAY night thanks to a £60billion satellite system which tracked his mobile phone even when it was not in use.

    Fearing the former marine might harm 12-year-old runaway Shevaun Pennington if he thought detectives knew where he was, the information was kept secret.

    Instead FBI agents in London asked French authorities to announce publicly they did not even know if the couple had entered France from Britain, let alone moved on to Germany.

    The pair were traced to Frankfurt on Tuesday when Studabaker rang his family in Michigan and Shevaun used the same phone to call her parents in Greater Manchester. Then, to the horror of investigators, Studabaker \"dropped off radar\" because his mobile\'s battery went dead.

    But yesterday morning, after he recharged the phone overnight, satellite monitors were able to pick up the trail again.

    Later in the morning, Studabaker triggered an electronic alarm programmed into the computer systems of credit card companies when he used a Visa card to buy Shevaun\'s airline ticket home.

    By the time the information was received and confirmed, Shevaun\'s flight was in the air.

    A message was radioed to the flight deck telling the crew the missing schoolgirl was believed to be on board and the plane would be met by police on touchdown. Soon afterwards Studabaker was arrested near Frankfurt airport.

    A National Criminal Intelligence source said: \"We knew Studabaker had a mobile and we also knew its number.

    \"The satellite net can follow a phone with stunning accuracy all over the world. The phone does not even need to be in use. As long as it has power it can be located.\"

    The system uses 24 communications satellites to target a mobile\'s microwave transmissions. It can triangulate a phone\'s location down to a few metres and was even able to turn on Studabaker\'s mobile when it was switched off. Studabaker was filmed by CCTV arriving at Manchester airport on Saturday.

    As soon as it became clear the following day that he and Shevaun had left Britain, police called in the FBI.

    In the wake of unprecedented co-operation following the September 11 attacks agency chiefs chiefs in Quantico, Virginia, spoke directly with Manchester Chief Constable Michael Todd and promised to provide \"every resource\".

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile

    It\'s no secret that the US educational system doesn\'t do a very good job. Like clockwork, studies show that America\'s schoolkids lag behind their peers in pretty much every industrialized nation. We hear shocking statistics about the percentage of high-school seniors who can\'t find the US on an unmarked map of the world or who don\'t know who Abraham Lincoln was.

    Fingers are pointed at various aspects of the schooling system—overcrowded classrooms, lack of funding, teachers who can\'t pass competency exams in their fields, etc. But these are just secondary problems. Even if they were cleared up, schools would still suck. Why? Because they were designed to.

    How can I make such a bold statement? How do I know why America\'s public school system was designed the way it was (age-segregated, six to eight 50-minute classes in a row announced by Pavlovian bells, emphasis on rote memorization, lorded over by unquestionable authority figures, etc.)? Because the men who designed, funded, and implemented America\'s formal educational system in the late 1800s and early 1900s wrote about what they were doing.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Projekt TIA je možná mrtev


    Kontroverzní projekt TIA (Terrorism Information Awareness) agentury DARPA možná neprojde. Senátní komise jej nedoporučuje financovat.

    Projekt TIA má čmuchat ve všech myslitelných databázích shromažďujících osobní údaje o jednotlivci, hledat v nich souvislosti a varovat, kdykoliv se chování některého občana odchýlí od jeho předchozích zvyků.

    S myšlenkou TIA přišel John Poindexter, kontroverzní figurka z Reaganovy éry. Byl obžalován a uznán vinným z řady kriminálních činů. Projekt se původně jmenoval Total Information Awareness (Totální informační pozornost), ale z důvodu poměrně silných protestů byl zrušen. Vzápětí se vynořil znovu pod jiným názvem.

    Senát bude hlasovat o rozpočtu na obranu ve výši 368 miliard příští týden. Součástí tohoto rozpočtu je i projekt TIA, jehož předběžná cena je odhadována na 169 milionů. Předpokládá se, že rozpočet projde včetně doporučení senátní komise nefinancovat TIA.

    Po hlasování v Senátu bude o budoucnosti TIA rozhodnuto společnou komisí senátorů a kongresmanů. Tato komise pak vytvoří závěrečnou verzi porovnáním s verzí předloženou Kongresu. V rozpočtové verzi pro Kongres zůstává TIA zachována.

    Podle některých pozorovatelů existuje dosti vysoká šance, že TIA hlasováním neprojde.

    Pokud se tak stane, máme tady příští rok další verzi téhož projektu pod novým jménem. Vsaďte se.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Šílený Bush a jeho Bůh

    Bushka Bryndová

    Asi se ptáte, jak jdou tyto tři pojmy dohromady? Dostal se mi do ruky článek, který mi i při mé otrlosti vůči výrokům amerického presidenta George W. Bushe přímo vyrazil dech. Je v něm totiž citován Bushův výrok, z něhož vyplývá, že tento pán je v přímém styku s Bohem a dostává od něj příkazy, které jako dobrý křesťan plní.

    Proto prý napadl Afganistán a Irák. Na přímý Boží příkaz! Bohužel, není to žádný nejapný vtip, ale šokující skutečnost.
    Arnon Regular, kmenový redaktor předního izraelského listu Haaretz, píše ve svém článku \"Mírová mapa je naší spásou\" (Road map is a life saver for us) z 24. června 2003 o zákulisních vlivech, které působily při jednání o příměří mezi palestinským premiérem Mahmúdem Abbásem a představiteli Hamásu, Islámského džihádu a dalších hnutí.

    Listu se totiž podařilo získat doslovný zápis z jednoho z těchto uzavřených jednání, který sám o sobě je pro zasvěcené nesmírně zajímavý, ale jeho poslední odstavec by měl vzbudit zájem i těch, kteří se o Blízký východ jinak nezajímají. Palestinský premiér totiž v něm cituje slova, která mu při jejich nedávném vrcholovém setkání v Akabě řekl americký president George W. Bush.

    Vzápětí poté co Abbásovi slíbil, že si promluví s Arielem Šaronem ohledně Arafáta a ujistil ho o tom, že jedině Američané mají u Šarona slovo a mohou na něj vyvíjet nátlak, Bush prohlásil:

    \"Bůh mi řekl, abych udeřil na Al-Kajdu a já to učinil, pak mne pověřil tím, abych udeřil na Sadáma, což jsem také udělal, a nyní jsem rozhodnutý vyřešit problém Blízkého východu. Jestliže mi pomůžete, budu jednat a pokud ne, tak brzy přijdou volby a já se budu muset soustředit na ně.\"

    \"God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them.\"

    Abbás je hluboce věřící muslim (viz jeho biografie) a jako takový by si nikdy nedovolil něco podobného si vymyslet. Na druhé straně, právě to mohlo Bushe zlákat k tomu, aby použil podobnou rétoriku. Ať byly jeho motivy jakékoli, domnívám se, že jako představitel nejmocnějšího státu na světě by si neměl dovolit podobná slova vůbec použít.

    A pokud je myslel skutečně vážně, je situace daleko horší, než by si kdo mohl představit. Vždyť o svých rozmluvách s Bohem většinou hovoří chovanci psychiatrických léčeben nebo vyšinutí náboženští fanatici, kteří jsou všem pro smích.

    Kam tedy zařadit George W. Bushe?

    Je dost těžké uvěřit, že to vážně nemyslel, již vzhledem k jeho minulým výrokům. V době před presidentskými volbami, když se přetřásaly jeho hříchy z minulosti (opakované jízdy v opilosti, zařízení potratu své sekretářce), totiž na svoji omluvu prohlásil, že si jednou šel zaběhat a zjevil se mu Bůh, který mu řekl, že má skoncovat se svým hříšným životem, což jako dobrý věřící učinil a od té doby již nepije ani nehřeší.

    Bushova manželka je fanatická věřící (říká se, že právě ona ho obrátila na víru) a oba patří, podobně jako Richard Cheney, k ortodoxní americké církvi – Spojené metodistické, United Methodists. Ovšem ani členové této ortodoxní církve běžně nemluví o tom, že by dostávali příkazy přímo od Boha.

    Napadlo mne, že kdyby lidé, kteří z pozadí manipulují George W. Bushe, nad ním chtěli získat absolutní kontrolu a zajistit přitom, aby si získal upřímné sympatie americké veřejnosti, využili by jeho náboženského šílenství a případně jej i působením vhodných prostředků zesílili.

    Pak by již stačilo, aby si získali jeho naprostou důvěru předstíráním, že sami jsou hluboce věřící křesťané a přikyvováním jeho náboženským vizím, samozřejmě usměrněných podle svých vlastních cílů. To by pak vysvětlovalo i takovou úsměvnou záležitost, jako povinně dobrovolné ranní náboženské semináře pro zaměstnance Bílého domu.

    Šílený George by pak při svých veřejných vystoupeních, v nichž se neustále ohání Bohem, působil naprosto přirozeně a věrohodně - tedy alespoň před bigotní americkou veřejností, především před republikánskými voliči, ale i před věřícími demokraty, zklamanými Clintonovými sexuálními skandály.

    Nemluvě o velké části černošské a hispánské populace, která je rovněž hluboce věřící. Prostě v Americe je veřejně deklarovaná víra v Boha považovaná za důkaz slušnosti a věrohodnosti. Ačkoliv ani tam není běžné, že by někdo vyjma pokoutních kazatelů o sobě tvrdil, že je s Bohem v online spojení.

    Zbývá ještě možnost, že Bush své náboženské přesvědčení jen hraje, ale tomu bych při jeho nevysoké inteligenci moc nevěřila. Vždyť k tomu by musel být opravdu dobrým a inteligentním hercem, a já pochybuji, že by tak náročnou roli zvládal bez zaškobrtnutí a s takovou přesvědčivostí, jakou nám předvádí.

    Takže mám podezření, že Bushova nemoc je autentická. Ostatně, je o něm známo, že v mládí několik let holdoval kokainu a navíc byl i těžkým alkoholikem. O tom, jaké škody dokáže v mozku způsobit kokain a alkohol, snad vědí všichni. Zvlášť dlouhodobé a časté užívání kokainu je kriticky nebezpečným faktorem při vzniku těžkých duševních chorob.

    Nebyl by to první případ v historii, kdy jedné z nejmocnějších zemí světa vládl šílenec, jen vzpomeňme na anglického krále Jiřího III., který v 18. století vládl ještě během 46 let poté co se u něj projevily první příznaky vážné duševní choroby. Jeho šílenství se nemálo podílelo na tom, že právě během jeho vlády se Amerika osamostatnila a anglická koruna přišla o svou nejnadějnější kolonii.

    Jaký dopad mělo šílenství dalšího mocného – Adolfa Hitlera – na osud Německa a potažmo celého světa, snad ani nemusím blíže specifikovat. Prostě, plyne z toho závěr, že nechávat v čele jakéhokoli státu šílence se nevyplácí a dotyčná země to následně draze zaplatí. V moderní době to však již není jen země, kterou takový šílenec vede, ale i zbytek světa, pokud se jedná o největší světovou velmoc. Jaká asi bude cena pro Ameriku a celý svět?

    Spojená metodistická církev se přitom od Bushovy válečné iniciativy ostře distancovala slovy svého čelního představitele Jima Winklera:

    \"Metodistická církev není pacifistická, ale odmítá válku jako běžný prostředek politiky státu. Metodistická náboženská doktrína válku považuje za poslední možnost, a především jako obranný prostředek. A pokud vím, tak Sadám Husajn nemobilizuje své síly podél hranic se Spojenými státy ani podél svých vlastních hranic, aby napadl okolní země a žádná z těchto zemí nás nepožádala o pomoc, a ani nemá zbraně hromadného ničení zamířené na Spojené státy.\"

    \"The Methodist Church is not pacifist, but rejects war as a usual means of national policy. Methodist scriptural doctrine specifies war as a last resort, primarily a defensive thing. And so far as I know, Saddam Hussein has not mobilized military forces along the borders of the United States, nor along his own border to invade a neighboring country, nor have any of these countries pleaded for our assistance, not does he have weapons of mass destruction targeted at the United States.\"

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Analysis: Hamas history tied to Israel

    By Richard Sale / UPI Terrorism Correspondent
    Published 6/18/2002 8:13 PM

    In the wake of a suicide bomb attack Tuesday on a crowded Jerusalem city bus that killed 19 people and wounded at least 70 more, the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, took credit for the blast.

    Israeli officials called it the deadliest attack in Jerusalem in six years.

    Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon immediately vowed to fight \"Palestinian terror\" and summoned his cabinet to decide on a military response to the organization that Sharon had once described as \"the deadliest terrorist group that we have ever had to face.\"

    Active in Gaza and the West Bank, Hamas wants to liberate all of Palestine and establish a radical Islamic state in place of Israel. It is has gained notoriety with its assassinations, car bombs and other acts of terrorism.

    But Sharon left something out.

    Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.

    Israel \"aided Hamas directly -- the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization),\" said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic Studies.

    Israel\'s support for Hamas \"was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative,\" said a former senior CIA official.


    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 REPORT 911 PAGES LONG

    July 16, 2003 -- WASHINGTON - The long-awaited declassified report on 9/11, which could be released next week, is expected to clock in at precisely 911 pages -and that\'s no accident.

    Sources say the report was originally around 900 pages but Eleanor Hill, the staff director of the House-Senate intelligence panel that conducted the Sept. 11 probe, insisted on stretching the report to 911 pages.

    The report is expected to contain new details on the Saudi government\'s link the hijackers.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Havel má dostat medaili od Bushe

    WASHINGTON/PRAHA Americký prezident Bush přichystal podle informací LN pro exprezidenta Václava Havla vůbec nejvyšší poctu, kterou mu může udělit: medaili Svobody. Nejvyšší americké civilní vyznamenání předá Bush Havlovi ve středu 23. července.


    Spolu s vyznamenáním získá Havel čestný diplom, na němž bude nejvíce sedmdesáti slovy popsán důvod, proč prezident Bush vyznamenání uděluje. Obvykle se tak rozhodne kvůli významnému příspěveku k bezpečnosti, národním zájmům USA, ke světovému míru nebo za kulturní či jiné úsilí.


    Medaile Svobody je nejvyšší americké vyznamenání

    V minulosti ji dostali například Nelson Mandela, Margaret Thatcherová, Lech Wa
    JAXXE --- ---
    Lež na lež

    15.7.2003 / Vladimír Stwora

    Bush přistižen při další lži. Při setkání s Kofi Annanem v Oválné pracovně dne 14. července řekl:

    \"Větším důvodem a fundamentální otázkou je: Měl Saddam Hussein v plánu zbrojit (weapons program)? A odpověď je, samozřejmě, že ano. Dali jsme mu šanci, aby dovolil inspektorům vstup do země, a on to neudělal. A proto jsme se, spolu s dalšími národy rozhodli, po tomto rozumném požadavku, vyndat ho z úřadu. Bylo nutno, aby neohrožoval Spojené státy a naše přátelé a spojence v tomto regionu. Pevně věřím, že rozhodnutí, které jsme udělali, zajistilo Americe větší bezpečnost a světu více míru.\"

    V originále to zní: \"The larger point is, and the fundamental question is, did Saddam Hussein have a weapons program? And the answer is, absolutely. And we gave him a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn\'t let them in. And, therefore, after a reasonable request, we decided to remove him from power, along with other nations, so as to make sure he was not a threat to the United States and our friends and allies in the region. I firmly believe the decisions we made will make America more secure and the world more peaceful.\"

    Přesný přepis jeho výroků je zde: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/07/20030714-3.html

    Všichni si, doufám, pamatujeme situaci před několika měsíci. Saddam umožnil inspektorům nejen vstup do země, ale i volný přístup kamkoliv, včetně prezidentských paláců. Byl to naopak Bush, kdo jejich inspekci přerušil, ačkoliv celý svět viděl, že inspekce postupuje a má smysl.

    Tak neuvěřitelné překroucení zcela nedávné situace je ovšem na pováženou. Buď Bushova duševní choroba postoupila do dalšího stádia a ničí mu i těch posledních několik mozkových buněk, které dříve míval, anebo mu Bůh (se kterým má exkluzivní smlouvu) našeptal, že si už může dovolit úplně všechno.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Sections, this page:

    • Iraq Genocide continues • American Mass-Media Deception • Solutions

    • American Plutocracy • American/Israeli Terrorism • The Jenin Massacre • Zionazis

    • History • 9-11 • Police-state America • American victims

    • Fascist Americons • CIA, Nazis & Neofascism • Weapons of American State Terrorism

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