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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Would you be willing to pay increased taxes to improve the power grid ?

    Yes 63% 120832 votes
    No 37% 69741 votes

    JAXXE --- ---
    Sharon Says Al Qaeda Operating in Gaza, Lebanon


    TEL AVIV - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said on Thursday Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network had established a presence in Palestinian-ruled areas of the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon.

    A Palestinian official denied the charge and said Israel was looking for an excuse to invade Gaza, where it often launches raids to hunt militants fighting for independence. Lebanon's prime minister dismissed the allegations as "fraudulent."

    Sharon also said he did not necessarily agree with a U.S.-backed call for a Palestinian state by 2005 and officials said he had approved plans to extend a security fence aimed at preventing Palestinian attacks within the Jewish state.

    In Washington, the State Department declined to comment directly on Sharon's remarks and said the United States remained committed to President Bush's vision of Israeli and Palestinian states living side by side in peace.





    Posted By: billym Send E-Mail
    Date: Sunday, 17 August 2003, 3:14 p.m.

    Is Israel committing fake "al Qaeda" attacks?

    "What if ALL of Al Qaeda is a Mossad false-front?"
    Michael Rivero, WhatReallyHappened
    PA uncovers Israelis posing as Al-Qaeda agents

    A story by Sophie Claudet recounts the arrest of 3 men used by Israel to create a fake "al Quaida" cell. Michael Rivero wonders if perhaps the whole of al Quaida is not actually a completely fictitious creation of the Mossad, the Cia, and other secret organizations.

    Pictured here are the three arrested men and a guard:

    Gaza security chief announces arrest of three Palestinians
    used by Israeli intelligence as al-Qaeda operatives.

    Is the whole of Al Quaida just a phoney creation of the West? Are the secret agencies of the U.S. and Israel just making the whole thing up?

    "A senior Palestinian security official claimed Saturday his services had uncovered an Israeli plot to create a mock Al-Qaeda cell in the Gaza Strip, while an Israeli official dismissed the charge as "absurd".

    "Gaza head of preventive security Rashid Abu Shbak told journalists at a press conference that Israeli agents, posing as operatives of Osama bin Laden's terrorist group, recruited Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

    "Over the past nine months, we've been investigating eight cases in which Israeli intelligence posing as Al-Qaeda operatives recruited Palestinians in the Gaza Strip," said Abu Shbak, referring to a series of e-mails and phone call conversations.

    "He added that three Palestinians had been detained.

    "Abu Shbak's revelations came two days after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon charged Al-Qaeda militants were operating in the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon, raising fears of an intensification of Israeli military operations."

    "Al-Qaeda doesn't recruit so easily and openly," Abu Shbak said.

    "The security chief said his services had traced back to Israel cellphone calls and e-mails in which Palestinians were asked to join Al-Qaeda."



    PA uncovers Israelis posing as Al-Qaeda agents

    Gaza security chief announces arrest of three Palestinians used by Israeli intelligence as al-Qaeda operatives.

    By Sophie Claudet - GAZA CITY

    A senior Palestinian security official claimed Saturday his services had uncovered an Israeli plot to create a mock Al-Qaeda cell in the Gaza Strip, while an Israeli official dismissed the charge as "absurd".

    Gaza head of preventive security Rashid Abu Shbak told journalists at a press conference that Israeli agents, posing as operatives of Osama bin Laden's terrorist group, recruited Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

    "Over the past nine months, we've been investigating eight cases in which Israeli intelligence posing as Al-Qaeda operatives recruited Palestinians in the Gaza Strip," said Abu Shbak, referring to a series of e-mails and phone call conversations.

    He added that three Palestinians had been detained.

    Abu Shbak's revelations came two days after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon charged Al-Qaeda militants were operating in the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon, raising fears of an intensification of Israeli military operations.

    A spokesman for Israel's foreign ministry branded the Palestinian claim "ridiculous" and "some kind of propaganda campaign," adding that "the Palestinian territories have become a breeding ground for terrorism.

    "There is no need for Israel to make up something like this because (the hardline Islamic movements) Hamas, Islamic Jihad and (Lebanon-based militant group) Hezbollah are all the same as Al-Qaeda," spokesman Gilad Millo said.

    "If... Sharon has made these allegations, he must be basing it on some evidence," he also said.

    Abu Shbak said three Palestinians used by Israeli intelligence had been arrested, while another 11 were released "because they came and informed us of this Israeli plot."

    He poured cold water on the theory that Al-Qaeda was operating in the occupied territories.

    "Al-Qaeda doesn't recruit so easily and openly," Abu Shbak said.

    The security chief said his services had traced back to Israel cellphone calls and e-mails in which Palestinians were asked to join Al-Qaeda.

    He said the calls to the Gaza Strip purportedly came from Germany and Lebanon. One e-mail was even signed bin Laden.

    "We investigated the origin of those calls, which used roaming, and messages and found out they all came from Israel," he told journalists.

    "The Shin Beth - Israeli internal intelligence - has the means to do whatever it wants."

    He said the Palestinians recruited were then paired unbeknownst to them with Israeli collaborators in Gaza.

    He said they received money and weapons "although most of these weapons did not even work".

    The money was provided by "Palestinian collaborators with Israel" directly to the new recruits or "was transferred from bank accounts in Jerusalem or Israel," Shbak said.

    "We are sure that Israel is behind this and that there are absolutely no groups such as Al-Qaeda operating here," the security chief said, adding however "we can't say there will never be Al-Qaeda here, but at least not for now."

    But neither did Shbak contest the fact that as many as 11 Palestinians had welcomed the call from Israel to join Al-Qaeda.

    "Those who accepted were mostly members of the military wing of Palestinian organizations," he said.

    International cooperation minister Nabil Shaath, who also attended the press conference, accused Sharon of trying to piggyback on the US-led 'war against terrorism' to justify "more attacks on the Palestinian people and violence in the Gaza Strip".

    Sharon's announcement marked the first time Israel officially claimed that Al-Qaeda, held responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, was operating in the Palestinian territories.

    It was considered a surprise because the Gaza Strip is virtually sealed off by Israeli troops.

    The hardline Israeli leader also charged other members of the terror group were cooperating with Lebanon's Shiite militia Hezbollah.

    The Lebanese government and Hezbollah had also dismissed the accusations.

    Three Israelis and 10 Kenyans were killed in a suicide attack on a hotel near the Kenyan port of Mombasa last Thursday, shortly after missiles narrowly missed an Israeli charter flight taking off from there with 261 passengers.

    The attacks were purportedly claimed by Al-Qaeda on an Islamic website.


    JAXXE --- ---

    The campaign in the Gulf has started. Our soldiers are serving far away from home, fighting, and beating the terrorist threat. Many of us are looking for tangible ways to bring them a taste of back home and also to share our feelings of gratitude and support with them. Now you too can show them that you care!

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    JAXXE --- ---
    Well, America, congratulations! We've finally distinguished ourselves now as OFFICIAL SLAVES of the United States government. Yes, you heard me correctly. We are now working, for the first time ever in our history, over half the year to pay Uncle Sam the Tax Man.

    Yup, it's now official. According to Americans for Tax Reform, a group that keeps an eye on such matters, Americans had to work until July 11th of this year to pay off their DEBT to the U.S. government.
    Texas Representative Ron Paul calls this "Cost of Government Day" where "the average American has worked enough in the calendar year to pay for government at the federal, state and local levels."

    Can you see what's going on? Can you hear the tide of rolling socialism washing over us? Although I cover this topic much more extensively in my book, The New World Order Exposed, take a look at how much we are now required to work to pay off our various tax debts to the government (on all levels):

    January – 31 days – all money earned goes to the government – SLAVERY
    February – 28 days - all money earned goes to the government – SLAVERY
    March – 31 days - all money earned goes to the government – SLAVERY
    April – 30 days - all money earned goes to the government – SLAVERY
    May – 31 days - all money earned goes to the government – SLAVERY
    June – 30 days - all money earned goes to the government – SLAVERY
    July – 11 days - all money earned goes to the government – SLAVERY

    Is it starting to sink in yet?...

    There are 365 days in every year, and Americans are now working 192 of them for NOTHING - to pay our slave-debt! That comes to 52.6% of our total wages. Now, for a long time the commonly agreed upon tax rate was 48%, which still meant that we kept more of our money than we gave away. But not any more. In fact, we’re now working 17 days longer for our "Cost of Government Day" than we did only three years ago. So, just like that, the government added 2 ½ more weeks of NON-PAID labor to our enslavement since the year 2000.

    With all this infuriating information in mind, let me ask all of my fellow Americans a question: in the future, do you think we’ll be working even MORE days to pay off our enslavement debt, or less? If you don’t know the answer, let me remind you that our federal deficit will exceed $455 billion this year
    (in February 2003, President Bush said that this deficit would only be $304 billion) while we’re spending $1 billion dollars a week to rebuilt Iraq (not to mention our forays in Afghanistan, Africa, and God knows where else).

    So, what happens when our government spends more money than it takes in? Answer: it borrows more money from the international bankers, which subsequently increases our national debt, and thus the total amount of yearly interest we must pay. To make up for this deficit, try to guess what our government is going to do. Decrease spending? Hardly! The Bush Administration (supposedly fiscal conservatives, but we know that’s a joke) is outspending the socialist Clinton Democrats in every area, including HUD, schooling, health care, and community development (but who would notice). (As an aside, doesn’t it seem funny that even though we keep funneling more and more money into these programs, none of them seem to get any better?) Anyway, here’s the bottom line: every time the government goes further into debt and borrows more from the international bankers, OUR TAXES GO UP! Don't believe me? In 1913, when the federal income tax bill was enacted, the government took only 1% of our wages. Now we’re being taxed, in whole, 52% of our wages! We’re working until July 11th to pay our tax-slave debt to the government. And if this trend continues, soon we'll be working into AUGUST. As I illustrate in The New World Order Exposed, there isn't much differentiating us from slaves on a plantation in pre-Civil War times. Can you hear what I’m saying? To close, I’ll only ask one more question – why are we surrendering such an exorbitant amount of our money via taxation without putting up any fight about it? When will it end? The answer is: not until we do something about it. Will we rebel at 55% of our wages being stolen … 60% … 65% … how about 70% … nah, why don’t we push it until 75% - that way the government gets 3/4s while we get to keep ¼. I'm reminded of an old saying that goes as such: Power never concedes power until it is demanded to do so. It's time to start DEMANDING, folks … it's time for a revolution!

    JAXXE --- ---
    Howard push for Pacific union

    By Mark Forbes
    Foreign Affairs Correspondent
    August 18, 2003

    The Howard Government has proposed a radical plan for Pacific nations to adopt the Australian dollar, amalgamate key services and set up a regional unit to fight transnational crime and terrorism.

    The proposals are contained in a confidential briefing to regional leaders circulated at the Pacific Islands Forum in Auckland, obtained by The Age. Prime Minister John Howard has confirmed the existence of the briefing paper but refused to discuss its contents.

    Mr Howard last week played down a Senate report advocating a Pacific Union, akin to the European Union, and the regional adoption of the Australian dollar, saying that such a proposal was "on the never-never".

    However, the Government's paper endorses a range of options for regional consolidation, urging other Pacific nations to consider "the merits of a regional approach to monetary and exchange rate policy".

    It says the approach could involve the creation of a regional central bank and single currency, a currency board and "dollarisation" of the region.

    The Senate report had called for a single currency and common labour market in the Pacific as a way to prop up small, failing states.

    The new briefing paper also calls for pooling of regional resources in justice and security-related areas. It advocates "a regional unit to respond to complex transnational crime and terrorism issues".

    A regional financial intelligence unit to oversee and investigate financial transactions and police money laundering is proposed.

    New legal and administrative structures to allow rapid regional responses to law and order breakdowns - such as the Australian-led intervention in the Solomons - are also supported by the paper.

    The paper calls for the strengthening of the Pacific Islands Forum, the main regional institution, and amalgamation of key services, including the possible establishment of a regional airline.

    Pacific governments would find it increasingly difficult to maintain "all the sophisticated arms of modern government", the paper says. "Millions of dollars have been allocated from small national budgets to support chronically loss-making public enterprises. This has drained resources away from funding basic services."

    Australia's plans for the Pacific have been aided by the election of former diplomat Greg Urwin as secretary-general of the forum on Saturday, in the face of stiff regional resistance.

    Mr Howard put his credibility on the line to secure Mr Urwin's win, telling a private meeting of Pacific leaders he would be "wounded" if they decided an Australian should not lead the regional body.


    JAXXE --- ---

    Film will soon be made public of an Iraqi Army officer describing how he saw a US Air Force transport fly Saddam Hussein out of Baghdad. The explosive eyewitness testimony was shot by independent filmmaker Patrick Dillon, who recently returned from a risky one-man odyssey in Iraq. In the film, the officer, who told Dillon that he commanded a special combat unit during the battle for Baghdad airport and whose identity is temporarily being withheld, explains in detail how he watched as the Iraqi dictator and members of his inner circle were evacuated from Iraq's capital by what he emphatically insists were United States Air Force cargo planes.
    Presently, the only copies of the film (which I have not yet seen) are in New York City. People who have viewed it describe it to me as compelling


    JAXXE --- ---
    Interview se Sharonem

    17.8.2003 / Amos Oz

    Tento rozhovor urobil zidovsky spisovatel Amos Oz s Arielom Sharonom v roku 1982. Je uverejneny v Amosovej knihe Poh va-sham be-Erets - Yisra'el bi-setav, ktora vysla v roku 1982 v Izraeli. (preklad z hebrejstiny)

    Mozte ma volat ako sa vam zachce. Kludne ma nazvite zrudou, alebo vrahom. Uvedomte si len, ze ja necitim nenavist k Arabom. Naopak. Osobne sa s nimi citim lepsie, specialne s Beduinmi, ako s Zidmi. Arabi ktorych sme este neznicili su hrdi ludia, su neracionalni a aj kruti, ale su velkodusni. Su to Yids (stredoeuropski zidia), ktori su zhrbeni. A aby ich clovek narovnal, je treba ich energicky pretiahnut na druhu stranu. V tomto, v skratke, spociva cela moja ideologia.

    Povedzte o Izraeli co chcete, povedzte, ze je to zidovsko-nacisticky stat, ako to robi Leibowitz. A preco nie? Lepsi je zivy Zid - nacista, ako mrtvy svatec. Nezalezi mi na tom byt ako Gaddafi. Nehladam obdiv [Ariel Sharon]Slusnych. Nepotrebujem aby ma milovali. A nepotrebujem ani, aby ma milovali zidia ako vy (A. Oz). Ja musim zit a mam v umysle zaistit, aby aj moje deti mohli zit s, alebo bez Papezovho pozehnania, alebo inych nabozenskych lidrov spomenutych v New York Times. Ja znicim kazdeho kto dvihne ruku na moje deti s, alebo bez slavnej cistoty nasich zbrani. A je mi jedno, ci to bude krestan, muslim, alebo zid. Minulost nas uci, ze ten kto nezabija, bude zabity. Toto je zelezny zakon.

    Ak by ste mi s matematickou presnostou dokazali, ze sucasna vojna v Libanone je spinava a nemoralna, nezaujimalo by ma to. Poviem este viac: Ani keby ste mi dokazali, ze v Libanone nedosiahneme ziadny zo svojich objektyvou, ze nevytvorime spriateleny rezim a neporazime ani Syriu, ani OOP, ani tak by ma to nezaujimalo. My by sme zacali dalsiu a dalsiu vojnu a nicili by sme, kym by oni nemali dost. A viete preco to stoji za to? Lebo sa zda, ze tato vojna nas pravila este menej oblubenymi v takzvanom civilnom svete.

    Uz nebudeme pocuvat nezmysly o slavnej zidovskej moralke, moralnej lekcie holokaustu, alebo o cistom obraze a vlastnostiach Zidov, ktore vzisli z plynovych komor. Skoncime s tym. Znicenie Eyna Hilweho, pozdravne bombardovanie Bejrutu, a ten skromny masaker ktory sme museli uskutocnit s nasimi delikatnymi rucickami, miesto toho aby sme to nechali falangistom, tieto skvele akcie konecne skoncovali so vsetkymi tymi zasratymi diskusiami o "specialnom narode, majaku narodov". Dost s tymto specialnym narodom, dobrym, majakom civilizacie. Zbavme sa ho.

    Osobne netuzim byt vobec lepsi ako Khomeini, alebo Breznev, Ghaddafi, Assad, alebo pani Thatcher a ani ako Harry Truman, ktory zabil pol miliona Japoncov dvoma bombami. Ja chcem byt inteligentnejsi, rychlejsi ucinnejsi ako oni. Nie lepsi, alebo krajsi. Podla vas, zli tohoto sveta sa maju zle? Ak sa niekto odvazi dotknut sa ich, ti mu odrezu ruky a aj nohy. Su to predatori ktori prenasleduju a chytaju vsetko, co sa im zda dobre na roztrhanie. Netrpia trviacimi problemami a Nebesa ich netrestaju. Ja chcem, aby sa Izrael stal clenom tohto klubu a tak sa ma mozno zacnu bat, miesto toho aby si ma vazili. Mozno potom sa zacnu triast, desit sa mojho hnevu miesto toho aby obdivovali moju slachetnost. Chvala Bohu. Nechajte neh sa trasu a neh nas nazivaju agresivnym statom. Nechajte nech si mysli, ze sme divou krainou, nebezpecnou pre narody, co nas obklopuju, nenormalni, ze sa mozme stat zdiveni ak zabiju co i len jedno nase dieta. Nechajte nech si mysli, ze mozeme uplne stratit kontrolu a zapalit vsetky ropne veze na strednom vychode. Nech si uvedomia vo Washingtone, Moskve, Damasku aj v Cine, ze ak by bol jeden z nasich velvyslancov zabity, alebo konzul, alebo mladucky uradnik velvyslanectva, my mozme rozputat tretiu svetovu vojnu iba kvoli tomu.

    Leibowitz mal pravdu. Naozaj sma Zidia nacisti. Preco nie? Muz, ktory sa nacha zabit, ktory necha robit mydlo zo svojich deti, kozene pasiky zo svojej zeny, je vacsi kriminalnik, ako jeho vrahovia. Ak by jeho zhrbeni a slusni rodicia prisli zavcasu sem, miesto toho aby pisali knihy o laske k ludskosti, a spievali "pocuj Izraeli", iduc do plynovej komory, ak by (a teraz sa zdesite) miesto toho zabili sest milionov Arabov, alebo len milion, co by sa stalo? Urcite by sa napisali dve alebo tri skarede stranky v historickych knihach, prisudili by nam mnoho skaredych pridavnych mien, ale dnes nas tu mohlo byt 22 milionov.

    Este dnes som ochotny ponuknut sa na spinavu pracu pre Izrael, pre zabitie tolkych Arabov, kolko je potrebne, na ich deportaciu, vyhostenie, na ich spalenie, tak aby nas vsetci nenavideli. Aj ked to znamena ze tu a tam vyleti nejaka synagoga do vzduchu, nevadi mi to. A nevadi mi, ak po skonceni prace budem postaveny pred norimbersky sud. Obeste ma, ak chcete, ako vojnoveho zlocinca. Tak vy budete moct ocistit vase zidovske svedomie a vstupit do vazeneho klubu civilnych krajin, ktore su velke a zdrave. To, co vsetci nechapete, je to, ze spinava praca sionizmu este neskoncila. Sme daleko od konca. Pravda, mohla skoncit v 1948, ale vy ste to zastavili. A to vsetko kvoli zidovstvu vo vasich dusiach. Kvoli vasej mentalite diaspory. Lebo Zidia nechapu veci s rychlostou. Ak by ste otvorili oci, videli by ste, ze temnota znovu pada na svet. A my vieme co sa stane Zidovi izolovanemu v tme.

    Napiste kludne, ze som nestastim pre ludstvo. Nevadi mi to, naopak. Spravme dohodu: ja spravim vsetko pre to aby som vyhnal Arabov. Urobim vsetko mozne aby som zvysil antisemitsku nenavist, a vy budete pisat basne a mudrosti o arabskom nestastie a pripravite sa na prichod Yids, ktorych ja donutim, aby sa uchylili v tejto krajne, a ktorych naucim byt majakom pre Slusnych. Co poviete?

    Zbytek textu byl překládán jiným člověkem. Proto nyní dochází ke změně slovenštiny na češtinu. Pozn. vydavatele.

    Davejte pozor, co je na tom vsem nejdulezitejsi, co je nejsladsim ovocem valky v Libanonu: Nyni uz je nenaviden nejen Izrael. Diky nam, nenavidi tez vsechy ty Feinschmecker Zidy v Parizi, Londyne, NewYorku, Frankfurtu a Montrealu, ve vsech jejich dirach. Konecne nenavidi ty vsechny slusne Zidy, kteri rikaji, ze jsou jini nezli my, ze oni nejsou izraelsti gangsteri, ze oni jsou jini Zide, civilizovani a pocestni. Tak jako asimilovani Zide ve Vidni a v Berline, kteri prosili antisemity, aby si je nepletli s hlucnymi a smradlavymi Ostjuden, kteri se propasovali do tohoto kulturniho prostredi ze spinavych ghet Ukrajiny a Polska. Nebude jim to nic platne, temto cistotnym Zidum, tak jako jim to nebylo nic platne ve Vidni a v Berline. Jen at krici, ze odsuzuji Izrael, ze oni se niceho nedopustili, ze neublizili a neublizi ani mouse, ze oni vzdy se radsi nechaji zabit, nez aby bojovali, ze jejich vlastni ulohou je naucit goje jak se stat lepsimi krestany, a to tim, ze vzdy nastavi druhou tvar. Vubec nic jim to nepomuze. Nyni jsou tam trestani za nas, a jak Vam pravim, s potesenim to sleduji.

    Jsou to ti sami Zidi, kteri presvedcili Goje kapitulovat pred temi bastardy ve Vietnamu, ustoupit Chomejnimu, Breznevovi, litovat sejka Yamaniho, nebot ten mel obtizne detstvi; jsou to ti, kteri nabadaji k milovani a ne k valce (to make love not war). Ci spis, ani k jednomu, a misto toho pisi dizertace o lasce a valce. S tim jsme skoncovali. Zid byl odmitnut, on ukrizoval nejen Jezise, ale ukrizoval taktez Arafata v taborech Sabra a Shatila. Nyni je jejich totoznost spojovana s nasi a tak je to dobre. Jejich hrbitovy jsou znesvecovany, jejich synagogy jsou zapalovany, opet dostavaji stare hanlive prezdivky, jsou vylucovani z nejlepsich klubu, lide strili do jejich etnickych restauraci a vrazdi male deti, nuti je sundavat napisy, ktere je identifikuji jako Zidy, nuti je prestehovat se a pozmenit si jmena.

    Brzo jejich palace budou pomalovany hesly: "Zidi, tahnete do Palestiny!" A vite co? Oni pujdou do Palestiny, protoze nebudou mit jinou volbu. Toto vse je pridavkem k tomu, co jsme obdrzeli z teto libanonske valky. No, reknete mi, nevyplatilo se to? Brzo nastanou dobre casy. Zide budou opet prijizdet, Izraelci prestanou emigrovat a ti, kteri jiz emigrovali se navrati zpet. Ti, kteri zvolili asimilaci, konecne pochopi, ze jim nic nepomuze, kdyz se budou snazit byt svedomim sveta. "Svedomi sveta" bude muset pochopit svou prdeli to, co nemohlo dostat do sve hlavy. Gojove byli vzdy znechuceni z Zidu a jejich svedomi, a nyni maji Zide jenom jednu volbu: vratit se domu, vsichni, rychle, instalovat tluste ocelove dvere, postavit silny plot, rozmistit samopaly do kazdeho rohu jejich plotu a bojovat jako dabel proti komukoliv, kdo se odvazi v teto oblasti jen pipnout.
    Slovo autora Amose Oze

    Verim, ze som vsetkym antisionistom urobil tymto clankom radost... Sharon je naozaj zruda... Len vdaka takym zrudam dnes Izrael este existuje. Osobne sa s Sharonovymi nazormi stotoznujem na 95%. Takze som asi skutocny sionista. Ja si to ale priznavam... Stvrdol nam zadok, a ja som rad, ze uz si nekopnete... Kym je Izrael silny a nebezpecny, sialeny a divy, tak z mojich deti nikto mydlo neurobi a ostatne si rieste ako chcete... Ovca nemoze zozrat leva. No a co?

    JAXXE --- ---
    Dr Kelly, 59, bumped into widow Ruth Absalom - probably the last person to see him alive - about a mile from his house in the village of Southmoor, Oxon, last Thursday.

    Ruth, who is in her 70s, said: "He seemed jolly and was smiling. He didn't seem to have a care in the world.

    "We talked about the weather and about my dog Buster. It was just pleasantries and small talk. I said, 'I hope you sort out your problems' and he replied, 'Everything will be fine'."

    Dr Kelly, a member of the Baha'i Church, a liberal off-shoot of Islam, then continued his tragic walk to wooded Harrowdown Hill, the beauty spot where his body was found on Friday after a huge police search.

    JAXXE --- ---

    New York National Guard now mobilized! 9:30pm curfew announced in Cleveland! 8pm curfew announced in Orange County! This is the perfect police state drill for the coming bio-attack.

    DENTON --- ---
    podla mna sa to cele zacne schvalenim ustavy EU, cim vznikne prve biblicke kralostvo a na jej cele bude prezident - antikrist - bojovnik za svetovy mier. Takze este pred tym nastane Rapture - vytrzenie/spasenie krestanov. Odporucam film Left Behind, tam je to vsetko pekne ukazane /hladajte na Kazee, ma to len 280MB/.
    Znie to sice sialene, ale velmi realisticky.
    KERRAY --- ---
    JAXXE --- --- 20:23:20 14.8.2003
    JAXXE --- ---
    Is Bush getting apocalyptic advice ?

    With Ashley Pearson / MSNBC

    Aug. 13 — Is the Bush administration turning to a televangelist doomsayer for political predictions? Apocalyptic preacher Jack Van Impe is claiming that he was contacted by Condoleezza Rice’s office and the White House Office of Public Liaison for an “outline” of his take on world events.


    VAN IMPE is the author of such books as “Israel’s Final Holocaust” and “The Great Escape: Preparing for the Rapture, the Next Event on God’s Prophetic Clock.”
    He has predicted that the end of the world will strike somewhere between 2003 and 2012 and one reviewer has called his TV preaching show with wife Rexella “a fantastically loopy apocalyptic take on the week’s news.”
    The issue of the alleged involvement with the Bush administration came up on his Web site when someone asked Van Impe, “Do you think that President Bush, apparently a Christian man, believes and knows he is involved in prophetic events concerning the Middle East and final battle between good and evil?”
    “I believe he is a wonderful man,” Van Impe responded, and goes on to say, “I was contacted a few weeks ago by the Office of Public Liaison for the White House and by the National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice to make an outline. And I’ve spent hours preparing it. I will release this information to the public in September, but it’s in his hands. He will know exactly what is going to happen in the Middle East and what part he will have under the leading of the Holy Spirit of God. So, it’s a tremendous time to be alive.”

    “My investigation into it is that there’s no truth to it,” National Security Council spokesman Sean McCormack told The Scoop, “but I’m continuing to look into it.”3


    JAXXE --- ---

    The missile shipped into the New York area last month was not a real missile — just a mockup — also arranged entirely by the government. The government also arranged the meetings at a New Jersey hotel and elsewhere, where Lakhani allegedly told undercover agents posing as al Qaeda terrorists about his support of bin Laden.

    "One would have to ask yourself, would this have occurred at all without the government?" said Gerald Lefcourt, a criminal defense attorney.


    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Defense Department funding brain-machine work

    The Boston Globe

    Even by Washington scandal standards, the "terrorism futures" scandal was strange and dramatic.

    It started when two senators discovered an obscure military program designed to gauge the chances of various geopolitical developments, including terrorist attacks, by asking people to bet money on them. Within 48 hours -- or, more precisely, two news cycles -- the program was canceled and the man behind it, John Poindexter of Iran-contra fame, had tendered his resignation.

    What most people don't know is that the Department of Defense is already funding a research program with far creepier implications.

    The $24 million enterprise called Brain Machine Interfaces is developing technology that promises to directly read thoughts from a living brain -- and even instill thoughts as well.

    The research, some of which is being done at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is already surprisingly advanced. Monkeys in a laboratory can control the movement of a robotic arm using only their thoughts. And last year scientists in New York announced they could control the skittering motions of a rat by implanting electrodes in its brain, steering it around the lab floor as if it were a radio-controlled toy car.

    It does not take much imagination to see in this the makings of a "Matrix"-like cyberpunk dystopia: chips that impose false memories, machines that scan for wayward thoughts, cognitively augmented government security forces that impose a ruthless order on a recalcitrant population.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Facing increasing resistance and concerns about privacy, the United States' largest food companies and retailers will try to win consumer approval for radio identification devices by portraying the technology as an essential tool for keeping the nation's food supply safe from terrorists.

    The companies are banding together and through an industry association are lobbying to have the Department of Homeland Security designate radio frequency identification, or RFID, as an antiterrorism technology.



    JAXXE --- ---
    From an address to a joint session of the US Congress: President George W. Bush.

    "Americans are asking ``Why do they hate us?'' They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other. " George W. Bush, 20 September, 2001


    From Goebbels' New Year address to Germany

    They hate our people because it is decent, brave, industrious, hardworking and intelligent. They hate our views, our social policies, and our accomplishments. They hate us as a Reich and as a community. They have forced us into a struggle for life and death. We will defend ourselves accordingly. All is clear between us and our enemies. Goebbels 31 December 1939


    Richard Perle, policy advisor to G.W. Bush, 2001

    "No stages. This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there. All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then we will do Iraq, then we take a look around and see how things stand. That is entirely the wrong way to go about it ... If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely, and we don't try to ... piece together clever diplomatic solutions ... but just wage a total war against these tyrants, I think we will do very well. Our children will sing great songs about us years from now." ---

    - Richard Perle, policy advisor to G.W. Bush, 2001


    Joseph Goebbels, 1943

    So total war is the demand of the hour. We must put an end to the bourgeois attitude which we have also seen in this war: Wash my back, but don't get me wet! The danger facing us is enormous. The efforts we take to meet it must be just as enormous. The time has come to remove the gloves! We must use our fists now! There is no excuse for only superficially and carelessly making use of the war potential at home and throughout Europe. We must use the full resources, as quickly and thoroughly as it is organizationally and practically possible. Unnecessary concern is wholly out of place. The future of Europe hangs on our success in the East! We are ready to defend it! The German people are shedding their most valuable blood in this battle. The rest of Europe should at least work to support us. Those who do not understand this fight today will thank us on bended knee tomorrow that we took it!

    - Joseph Goebbels, 1943

    JAXXE --- ---
    America, the Fourth Reich

    By Ian Gurney
    Online Journal Contributing Writer

    "Dictatorships start wars because they need external enemies to exert internal control over their own people." —Richard Perle

    August 13, 2003

    Americans are the new Nazis. There, that's earned me a lot of enemies very quickly hasn't it?

    "How dare you," comes the riposte from the neo-cons in the administration and the right-wing think tanks like JINSA and the PNAC, as well as the "Fox news compliant" brigade whose heads are still stuck up their backsides enjoying the televised view. "America is a democracy, a free country run by a democratically elected government. It is the land of the free, the home of the brave and the protector of the free world," I hear them chorus.

    To that I say, bullshit.

    To say America is a democracy these days is just stretching things too far. Consider: Bush was not elected by the majority of people in the USA. Admittedly the turnout was low (you do, after all, get the government you deserve if you don't exercise your franchise) but George W didn't get a mandate. To do that more than 50 percent of the voters have to vote for you, and that didn't happen. In fact, Georgie boy lost. However, good old George made sure that, mandate or not, win or not, with a little help from friends and family in Florida he could win it by cheating. Let's not mince words, George W Bush stole the presidency of the United States. He is not the democratically elected leader of America.

    It also appears that some unelected officials in the Bush administration may have acquired more power than the president himself. Perle, Wolfowitz, Feith, Bolton, Abrams, Rumsfeld all share the same right-wing neo-conservative views held by organisations such as the Project for a New American Century, the Zionist Organisation of America and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. As members of these organisations, it could be said that this unelected cabal of neo-cons in the White House and the Pentagon have interests other than America at heart. This is not only undemocratic, it is treason.

    So, we now see that America is governed by a president who was not democratically elected, supported by an unelected cabal of people with very extreme and in some cases, very un-American views. This cannot, therefore, classify America as a democratic country. A country that is governed by a non-elected power is, as we have seen and heard these last few months concerning Iraq, Iran and North Korea, classed as a "dictatorship". Dictatorships are fascist by nature. Fascism is described as "right-wing dictatorship". Look up the word fascism. See what I mean?

    Now let's take a quick look at Germany in the 1930s and '40s as the Nazis reared their ugly heads. Here was a country that was financially crippled with a massive budget deficit owing billions of dollars to the rest of the world. Just like the USA.

    In the 1930s Germany was a country where the burning of the Reichstag, Germany's 9/11, engineered by Hitler and his henchmen, was used to create external enemies and to exert internal control over the German people. Hitler then used the media to lie, frighten and deceive the population, allowing a bunch of vicious, extreme, right-wing megalomaniacs to gain power. Just like the USA.

    In the 1930s Hitler was surrounded by a group of unelected officials whose sole objective was to take control of Germany for their own ends and with the use of their military might, take control of the assets and prosperity of other, weaker countries. Just like the USA.

    In 1939 Hitler embarked on a series of pre-emptive attacks on sovereign nations in the name of "freeing the people" of that country. Just like the USA.

    In 1940 the German hierarchy started building special "camps" or detention centres in which to incarcerate and eventually execute those people considered to be "against" their regime. Just like the USA.

    As Germany invaded the countries surrounding them during World War II, they found that far from having conquered the country and "liberated" the people, the people of that country formed nationalist "resistance" groups and used guerilla warfare to kill, harass and slowly demoralise the occupying army. Just like the USA.

    "History is little more than the register of crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind" wrote Edward Gibbon, the British historian in The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. History should teach us a great many things, but unfortunately the majority of Americans know very little about history, or for that matter, the rest of the world. Don't believe me? Ask an American where Admiral Lord Nelson, one of the worlds greatest naval commanders, died or what nationality Alexander the Great was? Better still, ask an American to point to pretty much any foreign country on a map. Try North Korea.

    If you know nothing of history, you cannot learn the lessons history teaches. You continue to make the same mistakes. Hitler's mistake was to wage war on too many fronts at once and underestimate the ferocity of the guerilla wars being fought against him by resistance groups all over Europe. Eventually it was Russia, or to be more precise, the Russian winter and Hitler's hubris, that proved to much for the disillusioned German troops, sick and tired of fighting and dying for a regime that they belatedly realised was illegitimate.

    Hitler, in the last desperate act of a cowardly tyrant, committed suicide. Germany, defeated and destroyed, had lost everything. Those who had been instrumental in Germany's war and propaganda machine were tried and executed. Eventually Germany once again became a democracy, but it had taken the deaths of many millions of people to restore that democracy.

    Despite Germany's huge arsenal of weapons, it had lost the war because those running Germany were not the democratic leaders of a democratic country, but were fascist, right-wing neo-conservatives: Nazis, who propagated an illegal war through lies and deception and stirred up the anger of all decent thinking people on the planet with their evil deeds.

    Just like the USA.

    Copyright © 2003 Ian Gurney

    Ian Gurney is a broadcaster, journalist and the author of the bestseller, "The Cassandra Prophecy-Armageddon Approaches," published by International Global Press. ISBN: 0953581314. Ian welcomes your comments at info@caspro.com

    JAXXE --- ---
    A proč jsme napadli Irák, tatínku?

    1: Tatinku, proc jsme napadli Irak?
    2: Protoze meli zbrane hromadneho niceni, broucku.
    1: Ale inspektori nenasli zadne zbrane hromadneho niceni.
    2: To proto, ze je Iracani schovali.
    1: A proto jsme napadli Irak?
    2: Ano. Invaze vzdycky funguji lepe, nez inspekce.
    1: Ale potom, co jsme je napadli, jsme stejne nenasli zadne zbrane hromadneho niceni, ne?
    2: No, protoze jsou dobre schovane. Nedelej si starosti, urcite neco najdeme, pravdepodobne tesne pred volbami 2004.
    1: Na co Irak vsechny ty zbrane hromadneho niceni potreboval?
    2: Aby je pouzil ve valce, hlupacku!
    1: Tak to jsem zmateny... Kdyz meli vsechny ty zbrane, ktere chteli pouzit ve valce, proc zadne nepouzili, kdyz jsme s nimi valcili my?
    2: No, samozrejme nechteli, aby nekdo vedel, ze ty zbrane maji, takze radsi po tisicovkach umirali, nez by se branili.
    1: To nedava smysl, tatinku. Proc by radsi umreli, kdyz meli vsechny ty velike zbrane proti nam.
    2: Je to odlisna kultura. To nemusi davat smysl.
    1: Ja nevim, jak ty, ale ja si myslim, ze nemeli zadne z tech zbrani, ktere vlada rika, ze meli.
    2: No, vis, na tom tak nezalezi. Meli jsme dalsi dobry duvod, abychom je napadli.
    1: A jaky?
    2: I kdyby Irak nemel zbrane hromadneho niceni, Sadam Husajn byl kruty diktator, coz je dalsi dobry duvod, abychom je napadli.
    1: Proc? Co dela takovy kruty diktator, aby bylo v poradku napadnout jeho zem?
    2: No, treba tryznil svuj vlastni lid.
    1: Neco jako v Cine?
    2: Nesrovnavej Cinu s Irakem. Cina je dobra ekonomicka konkurence, miliony lidi pracuji za otrocke mzdy v manufakturach, a vydelavaji americkym korporacim.
    1: Takze kdyz zeme zneuziva sve lidi pro zisk americkych korporaci, je to dobra zeme, i kdyz trapi lidi?
    2: Spravne.
    1: A proc trapili lidi v Iraku?
    2: Hlavne za politicke zlociny, treba kritizovani vlady. Lide, kteri kritizovali vladu v Iraku byly zavirani do vezeni a muceni.
    1: Neni to presne tak, jako v Cine?
    2: Rikal jsem ti, ze Cina je jina!
    1: A jaky je rozdil mezi Cinou a Irakem?
    2: No, za prve, Irak vedla strana Ba'ath, zatimco Cina je komunisticka.
    1: Nerikal jsi mi jednou, ze komunisti jsou spatni?
    2: Nene, jenom kubansti komunisti jsou spatni.
    1: A jak jsou kubansti komunisti spatni?
    2: No, za prve, lide, kteri kritizuji vladu na Kube, jdou do vezeni a muci je.
    1: Jako v Iraku?
    2: Presne.
    1: A jako v Cine?
    2: Rikal jsem ti, ze Cina je dobra ekonomicka konkurence. Na druhe strane Kuba neni.
    1: A proc Kuba neni?
    2: No, vis, nekdy v sedesatych letech nase vlada schvalila nektere zakony, ktere zpusobily, ze obchodovat s Kubou je nelegalni. Dokud neprestanou byt komunisty a nestanou se kapitalisty, jako jsme my.
    1: A kdybychom se zbavili tech zakonu, otevreli s Kubou hranice a zacali s nimi obchodovat, nepomohlo by to, aby se z nich stali kapitalisti?
    2: Nedelej chytryho!
    1: Nechtel jsem delat chytryho...
    2: V kazdem pripade, taky na Kube nemaji svobodu nabozenstvi!
    1: Neco jako Cina a hnuti Falun Gong?
    2: Rikal jsem, abys o Cine osklive nemluvil! A Sadam Husajn ziskal moc vojenskym prevratem, takze stejne neni legitimni vudce.
    1: Co je to vojensky prevrat?
    2: To je kdyz vojensky general ziska vladu v zemi nasilim, namisto svobodnych voleb, jako mame tady ve Spojenych Statech.
    1: A neziskal pakistansky vudce vladu taky prevratem?
    2: Myslis generala Perveze Musharrafa? Ehm, jo, ziskal, ale Pakistan jsou nasi pratele.
    1: A proc jsou Pakistan nasi pratele, kdyz nemaji legitimniho vudce?
    2: Nerikal jsem, ze Pervez Musharraf neni legitimni.
    1: Ale vzdyt jsi rikal, ze vojensky general, ktery ziska moc tim, ze premuze silou legitimni vladu v zemi, neni legitimni vudce?
    2: Jenom Sadam Husajn. Pervez Musharraf je nas pritel, protoze nam pomahal v invazi do Afghanistanu.
    1: A proc jsme napadli Afghanistan?
    2: Kvuli tomu, co nam udelali 11. zari.
    1: A co nam Afghanistan udelal 11. zari?
    2: No, 11. zari devatenact muzu (patnact z nich bylo ze Saudske Arabie) uneslo nase letadla a tri z nich nasmerovali do budov, a zabili pres 3000 Americanu.
    1: A jak do toho zapada Afghanistan?
    2: V Afghanistanu vsechny ty muze vycvicili, pod krutou vladou Talibanu.
    1: Nejsou Taliban ti radikalni islamci, co sekaji lidem hlavy a ruce?
    2: Ano, to byli presne oni. Sekali lidem hlavy a ruce, a taky utlacovali zeny.
    1: A nedala Bushova administrativa Talibanu v kvetnu 2001 43 milionu?
    2: Ano, to byla odmena, za jejich uspesny boj proti drogam.
    1: Boj proti drogam?
    2: Ano, Taliban byl velmi uspesny v zabranovani lidem pestovat opium.
    1: A jak se jim to tak dobre povedlo?
    2: Jednoduse. Koho chytili, ze pestoval opium, tomu sekali ruce a hlavy.
    1: Takze kdyz Taliban sekal lidem hlavy a ruce kvuli pestovani kytek, bylo to v poradku, ale uz nebylo v poradku kdyz sekal hlavy a ruce z jinych duvodu?
    2: Ano. To je v poradku, kdyz radikalni islamci sekaji lidem hlavy a ruce za pestovani kytek, ale je krute, kdyz jim sekaji ruce a hlavy za kradeni chleba.
    1: A nesekaji lidem ruce a hlavy i v Saudske Arabii?
    2: To je rozdil. Afghanistan byl tyransky patriarchat, ktery utlacoval zeny a chtel po nich, aby na verejnosti oblekaly burku, pod pohruzkou smrti ukamenovanim pro ty, ktere to nedodrzely.
    1: A Saudske zeny nemusi na verejnosti chodit v burce?
    2: Ne, Saudske zeny nosi jenom tradicni Islamsky odev.
    1: A jaky je v tom rozdil?
    2: Tradicni islamsky odev, ktery nosi saudske zeny, je prosty, lec elegantni sat, ktery zakryva cele zenske telo, krome oci a prstu. Naproti tomu burka je odporny nastroj patriarchalniho utlaku, ktery zakryva cele zenske telo, krome oci a prstu.
    1: Zni to jako stejna vec pod jinym jmenem.
    2: Nesrovnavej tady Afghanistan a Saudskou Arabii. Arabove jsou nasi pratele!
    1: Ale ja myslel, ze jsi rikal, ze 15 z 19 unoscu z 11. zari bylo ze Saudske Arabie?
    2: Ano, ale vycvicil je Afghanistan.
    1: A kdo je vycvicil?
    2: Velmi spatny muz, Osama bin Ladin.
    1: Z Afghanistanu?
    2: Eh, ne, byl take ze Saudske Arabie. Ale byl to spatny clovek, velmi spatny clovek.
    1: Vzpominam si, ze kdysi byl taky nas pritel...
    2: Jenom kdyz jsme pomahali jemu a mudzahedinskemu odporu Sovetske invazi v 80tych letech.
    1: Kdo jsou Soveti? To je to Zle Komunisticke Imperium, o kterem mluvil Ronald Reagan?
    2: Soveti uz nejsou. Sovetsky svaz se rozpadl nekdy kolem 1990 a ted maji volby a kapitalismus jako my. Ted jim rikame Rusove.
    1: Aha, a tak teda Soveti... chci rict Rusove? Jsou ted nasi pratele?
    2: No, ne uplne. Vis, byly nasimi prateli dlouha leta potom, co prestali byt Sovety, ale pak se rozhodli nepodporit nasi invazi do Iraku, takze jsme na ne ted nastvani. Taky jsme nastvani na Francouze a Nemce, protoze nam taky nepomohli napadnout Irak.
    1: Takze Francouzi a Nemci jsou taky zli?
    2: Ne uplne zli, ale dost zli na to, abychom prejmenovali hranolky French fries a tousty French toast na Freedom fries a Freedom toast.
    1: To vzdycky prejmenovavame jidlo kdyz nejaka zeme nedela to, co chceme my?
    2: Jenom kdyz to jsou nasi pratele. Nepratele napadame.
    1: Ale nebyl Irak taky jednim z pratel, tehdy v 80tych letech?
    2: No, ano. Chvili.
    1: A byl tehdy vudce Iraku Sadam Husajn?
    2: Ano, ale tehdy bojoval proti Iranu, coz z nej na chvili udelalo naseho pritele.
    1: Proc to z nej udelalo naseho pritele?
    2: Protoze tehdy byl Iran nas nepritel.
    1: Nebylo to tehdy, jak posilali Kurdy do plynu?
    2: Jo, ale protoze zrovna bojoval proti Iranu, tak jsme privreli oci, abychom mu ukazali, ze jsme pratele.
    1: Takze ten, kdo bojuje proti nekomu z nasich nepratel, se automaticky stane nasim pritelem?
    2: Ano, vetsinou.
    1: A ten, kdo bojuje proti nekomu z nasich pratel je automaticky nepritel?
    2: To je taky nekdy pravda. Nicmene kdyz americke korporace muzou vydelavat na prodeji zbrani obema stranam, tim lepe.
    1: Proc?
    2: Protoze valka je dobra pro ekonomiku, coz znamena, ze valka je dobra pro Ameriku. A take, protoze Buh je na strane Ameriky, kazdy kdo odporuje valce je bezbozny neamericky komunista. Uz rozumis, proc jsme napadli Irak?
    1: Myslim, ze jo. Napadli jsme ho, protoze to po nas Buh chtel, je to tak?
    2: Ano.
    1: Ale jak jsme vedeli, ze Buh po nas chce, abychom napadli Irak?
    2: No, vis, Buh osobne mluvi s Georgem W. Bushem a rika mu, co ma delat.
    1: Takze v podstate, podle toho, co rikas, jsme napadli Irak, protoze George W. Bush slysi hlasy?
    2: Ano! Konecne rozumis tomu, jak funguje svet.
    1: A ted zavri oci, pohodlne si lehni a uz spi. Dobrou noc.
    2: Dobrou noc, tatinku.

    JAXXE --- ---

    A man faces being sent to jail if he uses a specific term of racial abuse in public.

    Michael Guilfoyle, 31, is believed to be the first person in the UK to be banned from using a particular word - "Paki" - under the terms of an anti-social behaviour order. He could also be prosecuted for behaving anti-socially or using insulting or abusive, including homophobic, language.


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