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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Proč se radovalo pět Izraelců 11.září 2001 ?

    Neil Mackay

    11. září 2001 po deváté hodině ráno. Z ruin v Manhattanu stoupá kouř a lidé jsou v šoku, ale na druhém břehu Hudson River v New Jersey zaznamenávají místní lidé skupinku tancujících mužů. Oslavují, smějí se a pilně celou událost natáčejí tak, jak se odvíjí před jejich očima.

    Kdo jsou tito muži? Palestinci? Saudští Arabové? Iráčané? Nebo snad dokonce stoupenci al-Káidy? Samá voda. Byli to Izraelci. Zcela jistě nejméně dva z nich členové Mossadu.

    Jejich akce to kritické ráno a následující zadržení je neoddiskutovatelným faktem. Těm, kteří vyšetřovali roli Izraelců toho dne, brzy dochází, že narazili na něco vážnějšího. Před jejich očima se začala rýsovat nejasná možnost, že izraelská rozvědka napomáhala únoscům al-Káidy při jejich postupu ze Středního východu do Evropy a z Evropy do Ameriky, kde absolvovali pilotní trénink a připravili se ke své sebevražedné misi: zasáhnout symbolické srdce Spojených států.
    A motiv? Ve jménu Izraele zatáhnout Ameriku do krvavého a společného utrpení.

    Po útoku na New York a Washington byl bývalý izraelský předseda vlády Benjamin Netanyahu dotazován, co soudí o tom, jaký dopad bude mít tento teroristický čin na vztah Izraele s Amerikou. Řekl: "Je to velmi dobré." Pak se opravil: "Vlastně... není to dobré, ale vytvoří to pocit sounáležitosti a sympatií (prostých Američanů vůči Izraeli)."

    Pocítí-li nejtěsnější přítel Izraele kolektivní bolest z masové smrti civilistů z rukou teroristů, vznikne nezlomitelné pouto mezi Izraelem a světovou supervelmocí. Izraeli to efektivně uvolní ruce při řešení jeho problémů s palestinskými teroristy vraždícími nevinné civilisty v intifádě pokračující v roce 2001.

    Nepřekvapuje, že žena, která první spatřila pět civilistů a jejich dodávku, chce zůstat v anonymitě. Trvá na tom, abychom ji oslovovali pouze jako Marie. Po nárazu prvního letadla volal Marii soused bydlící ve stejném domě. Marie popadla dalekohled a - podobně jako miliony dalších po celém světě - sledovala horor, který se před jejíma očima odvíjel.

    Marie si poznamenala SPZ a zavolala policii. Byla zalarmována FBI a brzy bylo vyhlášeno celostátní pátrání se žádostí o zadržení bílé dodávky a její posádky. Policie zjistila, že SPZ je registrována na firmu jménem Urban Moving.

    Policejní šéf John Schmidig říká: "Dostali jsme hlášení, abychom pátrali po bílé dodávce značky Chevrolet s poznávací značkou z New Jersey a s nápisem po stranách. Svědkové zaznamenali tři jedince v parku Liberty State, jak oslavují a radují se po nárazu letadla. Radostí vyskakovali do výšky jako gumoví panáci."

    Ve čtyři odpoledne téhož dne byla bílá dodávka spatřena v blízkosti Giants stadiónu v New Jersey. Policejní četa vůz zastavila. Uvnitř bylo pět mužů ve věku mezi dvaceti a třiceti. Všichni byli přinuceni vystoupit z vozu, byli spoutáni, zbraně policistů jim mířily na hlavy.

    Ve voze bylo nalezeno 4700 dolarů v hotovosti, několik zahraničních pasů a dva řezače lepenkových krabic skrývající uvnitř ostří stejného typu, jaké použilo 19 únosců, kteří před několika hodinami narazilo do WTC a Pentagonu. Rovněž se ve voze našly právě zhotovené obrázky, na kterých pětice mužů pózuje na pozadí hořících trosek WTC. Na jednom obrázku držel jeden z mužů zapalovač v natažené ruce tak, že se kryl se základy hořící budovy v pozadí, takže to vypadalo, že chce věž podpálit. Řidič zatýkajícím policistům řekl: "Jsme Izraelci. My nejsme váš problém. Vaše problémy jsou vaše problémy. Palestinci jsou problém."

    Muž, který to řekl, se jmenoval Sivan Kurzberg. Dalšími cestujícími byli Sivanův bratr Paul, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner a Ormer Marmari. Všichni byli zadrženi a FBI je brzy předala do rukou FCS (Foreign Counterintelligence Section) kontrašpionážního oddělení.

    Soudce nařídil prohlídku kanceláří firmy Urban Moving ve Weehawkenu v New Jersey. Policie zabavila řadu dokumentů a počítače. Rovněž vyslechla majitele firmy, muže s izraelským pasem jménem Dominik Otto Suter. Když se za několik dnů do firmy vrátila, aby položila doplňující otázky, pan Dominik zmizel. Zaměstnanec firmy popsal, jak se jeho kolegové 11. září smáli. "Byl jsem v slzách. A ti hoši kolem si z toho dělali vtipy. Opravdu se mě to dotklo. Chovali se způsobem, který naznačoval: 'Tak, teď Amerika dostala ochutnat ze stejné misky jako my. "

    Bývalý šéf protiteroristického oddělení CIA Vince Cannistraro: "Varovná červená kontrolka se nám rozsvítila v hlavách, když jsme zjistili, že některá jména zadržených jsou na seznamu známých vyzvědačů. Mnoho kolegů se domnívalo, že alespoň někteří ze zadržených pracovali pro Mossad, a existovala spekulace, že firma Urban Moving byla zástěrkou. Kulisou, za kterou se měla skrýt operace proti radikálním muslimům."

    Zdá se být jasné, že mezi americkými rozvědčíky nevzniklo ani nejmenší podezření, že by si Izraelci hráli do ruky s únosci z 11. září. Zůstává možnost, že věděli, co se chystá, ale neudělali nic, aby tomu zabránili.

    Když se majitel firmy Urban Moving vypařil, kanceláře vypadaly jako by byly opuštěny v rychlosti. Všude se válely mobilní telefony, kancelářské telefonní linky byly stále zapojeny a ve skladištích se hromadil majetek nejméně tuctu zákazníků. Majitel vystěhoval i svůj dům v New Jersey a vrátil se do Izraele.

    Dva týdny po zatčení byli Izraelci stále pod zámkem pro porušení imigračních předpisů. Pak soudce nařídil deportaci, jenže se do toho vložila CIA a podařilo se jí zajistit, aby zadrženi zůstali ve vězení další dva měsíce. Někteří dostali samotku, všichni však byli podrobeni dvěma testům na polygrafech. Jeden ze zadržených absolvoval takových výslechů sedm. Koncem listopadu bylo všech pět deportováno. Paul Kurzberg deset týdnů vzdoroval a nechtěl podstoupit výslech na detektoru lži. Když k němu konečně došlo, selhal. Jeho právník to zdůvodnil tím, že Paul kdysi pracoval ve výzvědných službách pro Izrael v nějaké jiné zemi.

    Jejich právní zástupce Ram Horvitz nicméně označil všechna obvinění za "hloupá a nesmyslná". Ale americká vláda trvala na tom, že skupina sbírala informace o finančních aktivitách skupin jako jsou Hamas a islámský Jihad. Mark Regev z izraelského velvyslanectví ve Washingtonu všechno popřel s tím, že obvinění jsou "prostě falešná." Sami zadrženi vypovídali, že četli o útoku na WTC na Internetu, a protože z kanceláří nemohli vidět, vyšli na parkoviště. Jejich právník a izraelská ambasáda vysvětlili jejich zvrhlou a zlomyslnou oslavu při požáru věží, při kterém strašlivou smrtí zahynuly tisíce lidí, mladistvou nerozvážností.

    V březnu 2002 napsal respektovaný židovský časopis The Forward, že obdrželi zprávu od americké administrativy ohledně závěrů vyšetřování pětice Izraelců. Bylo oznámeno, že Urban Moving byla Mossadem nastrčena firma, kde pracovali agenti Izraele. Podle FBI bylo úkolem agentů vyzvědět něco o místních Arabech. Zadrženi byli propuštěni, protože o jedenáctém září nevěděli nic.

    V Izraeli proběhlo talk show, kde řada povolaných o celé záležitosti diskutovala. Jeden z diskutujících pronesl tento pozoruhodný komentář: "Podstatou té věci je, že žijeme v zemi, která takovéto útoky zažívá denně. Naším záměrem bylo tuto událost zdokumentovat."

    Ale jak může někdo vědět, že chce zdokumentovat něco, o čem neví, že se to stane?

    Teď jsme hluboko v konspirační teorii. Ale existuje více nepřímých důkazů, že Mossad, jenž má v mottu "Formou klamání vedeme válku" - sledoval arabské extrémisty v USA a mohl o útoku vědět. Přesto se rozhodl neinformovat své americké partnery, kteří by mohli útoku zabránit.

    Po 11. září bylo na základě Patriot Act a imigračních zákonů zadrženo více než šedesát Izraelců. Jeden vysoce postavený vyšetřovatel sdělil Carlu Cameronovi z Fox News, že existovaly nitky spojení mezi Izraelem a událostí z 11. září. Bylo jasně naznačeno, že věděli, co se stane, ale podrželi si to pro sebe.

    Zdroje z Fox News odmítly uvést bližší podrobnosti: "Jakékoliv důkazy ohledně 11. září jsou klasifikovány." Fox News není známá tím, že by odsuzovala Izrael. Je to robustní, patriotický kanál, vlastněný Robertem Murdochem, což je jeden z hlavních zastánců války proti teroru a invaze do Iráku.

    Ještě před jedenáctým zářím byla v rámci širokého vyšetřování podezření ze špionáže zadržena jiná skupina 140 Izraelců žijících v USA a řízena z Izraele. Vládní dokumenty hovoří o skupině jako o "organizované operaci zaměřené na získání informací a se snahou o proniknutí do vládních objektů." Většina zadržených sloužila v izraelské armádě, ale na tom není nic zvláštního - vojenská služba je v Izraeli povinná. Nicméně řada z nich pracovala v tajných službách.

    První náznaky izraelské výzvědné aktivity se objevily na jaře 2001, když FBI rozeslala všem federálním agenturám oběžník varující před návštěvníky, kteří se představují jako "studenti umění z Izraele" a pokoušejí se proniknout přes vrátnice federálních budov s vysvětlením, že prodávají obrazy. Zpráva DEA Drug Enforcement Administration naznačuje, že tyto pokusy mohou být organizovanou snahou sběru informací. V dokumentech se uvádí, že cílem Izraelců byly vládní objekty včetně tajných, a dokonce i soukromé domy s nikde neuváděnými adresami pracovníků výzvědných a bezpečnostních služeb.

    Řada zadržených izraelských studentů vypověděla, že studovali na Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, ale mluvčí školy, paní Pnina Calpenová řekla, že jména zadržených se nevyskytují v seznamech školy za posledních deset let. Federální zpráva o těchto tzv. studentech uvádí, že mnozí sloužili v bezpečnostních službách a mají znalosti v oboru práce s odposlouchávacími zařízeními.

    Zpráva uvádí, že agenti Mossadu sledovali Mohammeda Attu a Marwana al-Shehi - dva vůdce únosců. Dvojice nejprve žila v Hamburku, kde byl nasazen jiný tým Mossadu. Později se usadila ve floridském Hollywoodu spolu se třemi dalšími únosci velmi blízko od místa, kde operoval jiný tým Mossadu.

    Hollywood na Floridě je městečko o 25 tisících duší. Zpráva francouzské výzvědné služby praví, že vůdce buňky Mossadu si pronajal byt hned v sousedství Atty a al-Shehiho. Více než třetina izraelských "studentů umění" uvedla jako bydliště Floridu. Dva jiní Izraelci, spojeni s kruhem umělců, se objevili ve Fort Laudedale. Jednu dobu žilo osm únosců na sever od města.

    Vezmeme-li v úvahu všechna známá fakta, zdá se, že Izrael věděl, že se připravuje útok na WTC, nebo alespoň nějaký útok na americké půdě, ale neudělal nic, aby americkou stranu varoval. Ale to není tak úplně přesné. V srpnu 2001 předal Izrael Americe seznam podezřelých teroristů. Na seznamu byli čtyři, kteří se zúčastnili sebevražedného útoku. Podstatné ale zůstává, že varování hovoří o plánovaném útoku "mimo Spojené státy."

    Izraelské velvyslanectví ve Washingtonu odmítlo tvrzení o výzvědné skupině jako "smyšlenku". To stejné popření slyšíme opakovaně od pěti zadržených Izraelců, kteří se tak radovali při zkáze WTC. Jejich obhájce Ram Horwitz trval na tom, že jeho klienti nejsou výzvědnými důstojníky. Ministryně zahraničí Irit Stofferová řekla, že "obvinění jsou naprosto nepravdivá." Doplnila, že muži byli zajištěni z důvodu porušení vízových předpisů a že vyšetřování FBI takové případy po 11. září vyšetřuje běžně.

    Mluvčí FBI Jim Margolin v New Yorku řekl, že veřejnost se nikdy nedozví pravdu: "Pokud bychom zjistili důkazy o nedovolených výzvědných aktivitách, pak by to byly klasifikované materiály." Ale podle amerických zdrojů je o Izraeli dlouho známo, že provádí uvnitř USA nejagresivnější špionáž proti USA ze všech jeho spojenců. Před sedmnácti lety byl odsouzen na doživotí Jonathan Pollard, civilista pracující pro americké námořnictvo. Byl usvědčen z předávání tajných materiálů Izraeli. Nejprve Izrael označil Pollardovo zatčení za ničemnou akci, později přiznal zodpovědnost.

    Existuje dlouhodobá nepsaná dohoda mezi spojenci jako Británie a USA nebo USA a Izrael, že jejich vlády nebudou zavírat "přátelské špióny," ani nebudou zahanbovat spojeneckou zemi obviněním ze špionáže. Zkušený analytik z Bostonské Asociace politických reserší a odborník na výzvědné služby říká: "Je to dohoda o zadních vrátkách mezi spojenci. V té dohodě se praví, že je-li jeden z tvých špiónů chycen, a neudělal-li příliš mnoho škod, jede domů. Oficiálním důvodem je vždy porušení vízových předpisů."

    Zůstala nám fakta podložena dvojsmyslným vysvětlením. Zdá být jisté, že Izrael vyzvídal na území Spojených států. A stejně tak je jisté, že objektem jeho zájmů byly islámské extrémistické skupiny, pravděpodobně napojené na 11. září. Ale věděl Izrael, že WTC bude zasaženo a svět bude uvržen do války bez konce? Válka, která umožnila Izraeli zaútočit na své nepřátele s libovolnou tvrdostí? I to je konspirace. Možná zacházející příliš daleko. Ale ten nepříjemný pocit, že v této době plné vytáček, polopravd a utajení nevíme úplnou a nepozměněnou pravdu, přetrvává. Můžeme hádat. Je na historických knihách to objevit a rozhodnout.

    Článek Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners ploughed into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 vyšel 2.listopadu na serveru sundayherald.com.



    Další materiály na webu

    * U.S. arrests of Israelis a mystery -
    * Exclusive: 911 Tapes Tell Horror Of 9/11 (Part 2) - http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/arrested_israelis.html
    * The White Van - http://www.wnbc.com/news/1315651/detail.html
    * URBAN MOVING SYSTEMS AND DETAINED ISRAELIS - http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/sears.html
    * Spy Rumors Fly on Gusts of Truth - http://www.forward.com/issues/2002/02.03.15/news2.html

    JAXXE --- ---
    Arrested oil tycoon passed shares to banker

    LONDON (Agence France-Presse) — Control of Mikhail Khodorkovsky's shares in the Russian oil giant Yukos have passed to renowned banker Jacob Rothschild, under a deal they concluded prior to Mr. Khodorkovsky's arrest, the Sunday Times reported.

    Voting rights to the shares passed to Mr. Rothschild, 67, under a "previously unknown arrangement" designed to take effect in the event that Mr. Khodorkovsky could no longer "act as a beneficiary" of the shares, it said.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Pentagon reportedly aids and abets Israeli government terrorism in Iraq.

    Reportedly, the Israeli Mossad set the bomb that went off in Najaf August 7th, killing the Shia leader Ayatollah Mohammad Baqer al-Hakim along with 80 some bystanders, injuring a further 229.

    Of course, I don't know if it is true, but it is within the realm of possibility, though conventional wisdom, as narrow thinking is often called, rejects such notions, no matter what the facts may be. It is taken as a clear and obvious case of "conspiracy theorism" to say Israel and the Pentagon might do such things and rejected with the jerk of the knee, no matter what the evidence. Conspiracy theories focussing on Iran or Baathists or Al Qaeda are embraced with the jerk of the knee, no matter what the evidence.

    And the Anti-Defamation League is on top of things! These Zionist apologists who spy on Americans, passing the collected info to various police agencies, claimed the story was anti-Semitic! No surprise there, I suppose. Notice that it is automatically anti-Semitism, without evidence or explantation, if you say Israel did a bad thing, but it does not constitute, say, anti-Persianism, apparently, if you say Iran did a bad thing. Israel is above criticism and the memory of dead Holocaust victims can be deployed, cynically, if such criticism is made. I would reiterate the ADL people do not provide evidence that the report is motivated by anti-Semitism. The reader is meant to assume it is true, I guess.

    We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves to be like other people.

    -Arthur Schopenhauer


    JAXXE --- ---
    spousta zajimavych textu a filmu...

    Free Press International

    JAXXE --- ---
    Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners ploughed into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001

    Were they part of a massive spy ring which shadowed the 9/11 hijackers and knew that al-Qaeda planned a devastating terrorist attack on the USA?

    Neil Mackay investigates

    Sunday Herald - 02 November 2003




    According to a 61-page report, drafted after an investigation by the DEA and the US immigration service, the Israelis were organised into cells of four to six people. The significance of what the Israelis were doing didn’t emerge until after September 11, 2001, when a report by a French intelligence agency noted “according to the FBI, Arab terrorists and suspected terror cells lived in Phoenix, Arizona, as well as in Miami and Hollywood, Florida, from December 2000 to April 2001 in direct proximity to the Israeli spy cells”.
    Interesting how wherever there was a so-called "terror cell" there was a nearby cell of Israeli spies. Think they were batting 1000, or were those "terror cells" as phony as the Palestinian Al Qaeda, who followig their arrests were exposed as Mossad agents.
    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S. Backed Mossad Agents Involved in Hakim’s Assassination to Flee Iraq

    09/09/03: TEHRAN (Mehr News Agency) -- The U.S. Central Command helped 15 Mossad agents involved in the assassination of Ayatollah Mohammad Baqer al-Hakim to flee Iraq, an Egyptian weekly magazine disclosed on Monday.

    Ayatollah Hakim, the leader of the Supreme Assembly for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SAIRI), was killed in a massive car bomb blast in the holy city of Najaf on August 7. The blast left 82 killed and more than 100 wounded.

    The U.S. Central Command was sure that the agents of the Zionist intelligence service Mossad had planned and executed the assassination with the help of some elements from the U.S. and Iraqi spies, Al-Osboa’ weekly said.

    The U.S. Centcom acquired conviction about the plot after examining the explosives used in the operation; the explosives which were highly advanced are used only by Mossad, the weekly added.

    For the first time, the Mehr News Agency broke the story about the Mossad involvement in the killing of the prominent Iraqi Shiite leader.

    An Iraqi political analyst said that evidence of Mossad involvement has been found at the Najaf blast site. The analyst, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Mehr News Agency that Zionist intelligence agents have made great efforts to infiltrate Iraqi groups in order to thwart efforts to create national unity.

    After Saddam Hussein was ousted, the Zionist regime took advantage of divisions among the Iraqi Shia and sent a large number of extremist Jews and Mossad agents to Iraq, with the help of the occupying forces, to infiltrate Islamic groups and obtain information, the analyst said.

    He added that a few months ago, a Mossad agent who knew Arabic and was quite familiar with Iraqi Muslim groups made a great effort to infiltrate organizations in southern Iraq and even influenced these groups.

    He stated that there are reports that the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) is helping Zionist operatives in Iraq and is receiving direct help from U.S. troops, adding that there is a written agreement to this effect.

    Saddam supported the MKO for years and ordered MKO members to spy on and wage war against the Iraqi Shia.

    The main goal of the Zionists is sowing discord among Muslims, especially the Shia, because they are aware of the people’s great attachment to clerics such as martyr Ayatollah Baqer al-Hakim, who have been making efforts to unite the people in order to prevent the domination of Iraq and the plunder of its resources. While not ruling out the possibility of the involvement of extremist groups such as Al-Qaeda in the blast in Najaf, he noted, “Of course, I think the massive propaganda by the pro-Western media and the emphasis on blaming Al-Qaeda or remnants of the Baath Party should be considered a conscious effort to conceal the role of Zionist and occupying forces in this abominable atrocity.”

    He said that increased insecurity and the outbreak of a civil war among Muslims, especially the Shia, could be used as an excuse for continuing the occupation of Iraq, adding that U.S. troops' refusal to maintain security at religious sites is part of this plot.

    Copyright: Tehran Times.

    JAXXE --- ---
    American Muslims Told to Leave Major U.S. Cities


    The source for this is Debka, which means this is Mossad propaganda and a run-up for another false-flag operation by Israel...
    JAXXE --- ---

    JAXXE --- ---
    New US Attack About to Happen ?

    author: Empire Slayer e-mail: scnd@banthebomb.org

    The U.S. Empire may be at it again. These insane U.S. terrorists MUST BE STOPPED, before they trigger WWIII!

    Our 11th Hour...
    From: the Peacewatchers at USAF’s Fairford and Welford bases in the UK

    Since Saturday, people in the Highlands of Scotland have been witnessing large movements of US warplanes overhead. Experienced observers say the large numbers are reminiscent of those that preceded the bombing of Iraq in 1998 and military strikes on Libya in the1980's as well as the first Gulf War.

    At the weekend warplanes were flying over at a rate of roughly one every 15 minutes. As well as watching them from the ground the plane spotters have also been able to overhear pilots talking by listening to their radio frequencies.

    At this rate some 288 warplanes would have passed over Scotland in three days.

    It is thought that the planes have flown on a route from the US over the North Pole to bases in Europe and the Mediterranean. The size and scale of the movement suggests that the US may be preparing to strike at a country in the Middle East in the next week to ten days.

    Please pass this information on as widely as possible- the US may be planning to use the pretext of "foreign" terrorist attacks on US personnel in Iraq to attack Iran or Syria. Please alert any sympathetic elected representatives, media representatives and other sympathetic organizations. Publicizing this military movement may prevent the air-strikes.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Like the U.S. government, the Israelis need terrorism and cannot operate their planetary scam without it. Last week we alluded to the shadowy identity of the Jerusalem bus bomber who was described as "dressed as a religious Jew." We pointed out that he was riding a bus for Israelis only and that Hamas had been founded with Israeli assistance. Some readers asked for documentation on the Israeli-Hamas link. Without having to dig through our archives, we can across this confessional snippet in today's New York Times


    Israel, the "by way of deception" folks, has a history of creating the enemies that justify its actions, from HAMAS created by Shin Bet to the more recent Palestinian Al Qaeda which when arrested were exposed as a Mossad front.
    JAXXE --- ---
    U.N.: Al Qaeda Trained, Bought Weapons in Somalia

    JAXXE --- ---

    The bombings took the world by surprise. Military officials, Government figures, leaders of foreign states all appeared on television and were clearly in a state of shock. Taliban could not arrange an English speaking person on such a short notice, to appear for their interview on CNN.

    While the whole world was stunned former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak appeared from BBCs main office in London with a pre written/ pre prepared speech. He pent 30 minutes speaking about how dangerous some "Islamic" countries and terrorists are. At the end of the interview, the news reporter stated that Mr. Barak joined him an hour before it was broadcasted, meaning Barak was there even an hour earlier. In real time of events this means he was there within minutes of the blast, with a pre-written interview.

    He knew beforehand that the bombings will take place. It was not difficult to see that Barak came with a pre written speech as he is quick to pint out all of Israel's enemies which he calls "rogue states". The answers to the interview were carefully prepared to use public sentiments created by the blast, against enemies of Israel. These could not have been developed between the time bombing took place and Barak appeared on BBC. Barak's presence in UK could also not have been co-incidental at that crucial time.


    JAXXE --- ---

    Al Qaeda Website Threatens New Terror Attacks on US Soil

    Source Tells Reporter "We have everything ready and set"
    Al Qaeda Threatens New York, Washington and Los Angeles

    November 3, 2003

    A new message was posted Monday by the Jeddah-based al-Qaeda-linked Al-Islah (Reform) society calling on Muslims to flee New York, Washington and Los Angeles in advance of threatened major al Qaeda attacks in those cities.

    The warning was reported by www.debka.com, a respected "Internet publication devoted to independent, investigative reporting and forward analysis in the fields of international terrorism, intelligence, international conflict, Islam, military affairs, security and politics."

    A similar message also appeared Monday on a Yahoo! Group bulletin board. Apparently posted by Daleel Almojahid, it read: "This is the last call for Muslims in New York, the east side and Los Angeles to start leaving. The mojahideen (sic) are now ready to teach the US a lesson it will never forget."

    A similar message was received by this reporter when under the guise of being a Molsem sympathetic to the cause he wrote to Almojahid that he wanted to help. "I have funds to buy what you need to kill the kaffir. I need bank account, wiring instructions and location..."

    The response received from Almojahid by this reporter read , "We are more than thankful for the sweet words you wrote, but we have everything ready and set thank you so much and please make your plans to move out if you are in the cities of LA, NY or the east side. Go north as much as possible as you know this is a war. May God protect you and protect all our brothers and sisters."

    Almojahid posted a subsequent message on his Yahoo! Group account. Headlined "You have to understand this is a war your government had started," it read in part:

    "I know that a lot of innocent people and Muslims are within these cities but you have to understand that this is a war your government had started. They have killed more than 2,000,000 Muslims in the past 12 years alone, 500,000 kids died in Iraq since 1990! What would you do if 2,000,000 Americans died from Muslims who are just attacking for money and oil and more wealth to their country! A lot of people asked me how much more time is there. I can only tell you get out as soon as you can. This is a war."

    Debka File reported that the al-Qaeda linked al-Islah group (with whom Almojahid may or may not be connected) accused the United States of sealing its own fate with its policies. It read in part, "The Jews rule the Pentagon by remote control and (are the cause) of Muslims being killed in every corner of the world. The United States should therefore expect more blows."

    According to the Debka File, the message was signed on behalf of the al Bayan (The Threat) movement by "your warrior brother, Abul Hassan al Khadrami".

    According to Debka, the name of the signatory belonged to a Yemeni from Hadhrameuth, the Bin Ladens' place of origin where Osama bin Laden is widely supported.

    Debka reported that the publication's counter-terror sources emphasize these warnings are taken seriously but with caution by the intelligence services keeping track of the terrorist network's electronic traffic.

    Last November, Jeddah-based fundamentalist forums addressed a message to an Al Qaeda member, saying whoever understands – understands; whoever knows, knows, but we are marching towards an operation that will take us to Paradise. Three days later, the Mombasa Paradise hotel was blown up killing 12 Kenyans and 3 Israelis and a failed shoulder-launched Strela anti-air missile missed an Israeli airliner at Mombasa airport, Debka reported.

    Report filed by Jeremy Reynalds



    Yep, DEBKA is making sure everybody knows who they are supposed to blame when the big bang happens....
    JAXXE --- ---
    Calif. Halts E-Vote Certification

    By Kim Zetter | Also by this reporter Page 1 of 1

    05:49 PM Nov. 03, 2003 PT

    SACRAMENTO, California -- Uncertified software may have been installed on electronic voting machines used in one California county, according to the secretary of state's office.

    Marc Carrel, assistant secretary of state for policy and planning, told attendees Thursday at a panel on voting systems that California was halting the certification process for new voting machines manufactured by Diebold Election Systems.

    The reason, Carrel said, was that his office had recently received "disconcerting information" that Diebold may have installed uncertified software on its touch-screen machines used in one county.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Biometric passports suffer bumpy ride

    Countries want digital identifiers in passports by next year. Will the technology be ready?

    JAXXE --- ---

    Lord Rothschild, the financier, was last night named deputy chairman at BSkyB, a new position, as the company tried to counter the furore over the appointment of James Murdoch as chief executive, which was confirmed.

    The Association of British Insurers, a key group representing independent shareholders, said it still had "serious concerns" about the selection of the 30-year-old son of the company's chairman, Rupert Murdoch, as BSkyB's new chief executive.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Putin the New Saddam?

    By Eric Kraus

    Emboldened by their historic propaganda success -- the creation ex nihilo of a justification for the U.S. invasion of Iraq completely unsanctioned by international law -- members of the dangerous Washington faction with deep links to the security services and the military-industrial complex, the dread Bushoviki, have identified a new "terrorist threat": President Vladimir Putin.

    The means they are now deploying are strikingly similar: planted "intelligence," manipulation of public opinion by tame journalists and "nonprofit foundations," as well as the insidious repetition of evident lies on the assumption that at least something will stick.

    In a recent op-ed piece in the increasingly reactionary Washington Post, Bruce Jackson, president of the innocuous sounding Project on Transitional Democracies, accuses Putin not just of re-establishing a tsarist state, but of the supreme crime of opposing U.S. political and economic interests in Russia's historic sphere of influence: the CIS. After long service in the weapons trade (Lockheed, Martin), Jackson is now a hatchet-man for the Bush administration. A member of the far-right Project of the New American Century, he serves with the likes of Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Donald Rumsfeld. Jackson was instrumental in rounding up support for the Iraq war with a stealth attack, corralling East European presidents into signing the notorious letter of the "Vilnius 10."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Terrorists Are Everywhere!

    A public service announcement by Terrorready.net from the Department of Homeland Panic.

    ARVEN --- ---

    I have never set up for a genius myself, but I know of a
    mechanical force more powerful than anything the vaunting engineer
    Archimedes of Syracuse ever dreamed of. It is the force of land
    monopoly; it is a screw and lever all in one; it will screw the
    last penny out of a man's pocket, and bend everything on earth to
    its own despotic will. Give me the private ownership of all the
    land, and will I move the earth? No; but I will do more. I will
    undertake to make slaves of all the human beings on the face of
    it. Not chattel slaves exactly, but slaves nevertheless. What an
    idiot I would be to make chattel slaves of them. I would have to
    find them salts and senna when they were sick, and whip them to
    work when they were lazy.

    No, it is not good enough. Under the system I propose the fools
    would imagine they were all free. I would get a maximum of
    results, and have no responsibility whatever. They would cultivate
    the soil; they would dive into the bowels of the earth for its
    hidden treasures; they would build cities and construct railways
    and telegraphs; their ships would navigate the ocean; they would
    work and work, and invent and contrive; their warehouses would be
    full, their markets glutted, and:

    The beauty of the whole concern would be
    That everything they made would belong to me.

    It would be this way, you see: As I owned all the land, they would
    of course, have to pay me rent. They could not reasonably expect
    me to allow them the use of the land for nothing. I am not a hard
    man, and in fixing the rent I would be very liberal with them. I
    would allow them, in fact, to fix it themselves. What could be
    fairer? Here is a piece of land, let us say, it might be a farm,
    it might be a building site, or it might be something else - if
    there was only one man who wanted it, of course he would not offer
    me much, but if the land be really worth anything such a
    circumstance is not likely to happen. On the contrary, there would
    be a number who would want it, and they would go on bidding and
    bidding one against the other, in order to get it. I should accept
    the highest offer - what could be fairer? Every increase of
    population, extension of trade, every advance in the arts and
    sciences would, as we all know, increase the value of land, and
    the competition that would naturally arise would continue to force
    rents upward, so much so, that in many cases the tenants would
    have little or nothing left for themselves.

    In this case a number of those who were hard pushed would seek to
    borrow, and as for those who were not so hard pushed, they would,
    as a matter of course, get the idea into their heads that if they
    only had more capital they could extend their operations, and
    thereby make their business more profitable. Here I am again. The
    very man they stand in need of; a regular benefactor of my
    species, and always ready to oblige them. With such an enormous
    rent-roll I could furnish them with funds up to the full extent of
    the available security; they would not expect me to do more, and
    in the matter of interest I would be equally generous.

    I would allow them to fix the rate of it themselves in precisely
    the same manner as they had fixed the rent. I should then have
    them by the wool, and if they failed in their payments it would be
    the easiest thing in the world to sell them out. They might bewail
    their lot, but business is business. They should have worked
    harder and been more provident. Whatever inconvenience they might
    suffer, it would be their concern, and not mine. What a glorious
    time I would have of it! Rent and interest, interest and rent, and
    no limit to either, excepting the ability of the workers to pay.
    Rents would go up and up, and they would continue to pledge and
    mortgage, and as they went bung, bung, one after another, it would
    be the finest sport ever seen. thus, from the simple leverage of
    land monopoly, not only the great globe itself, but everything on
    the face of it would eventually belong to me. I would be king and
    lord of all, and the rest of mankind would be my most willing

    It hardly needs to be said that it would not be consistent with my
    dignity to associate with the common rank and file of humanity; it
    would not be politic to say so, but, as a matter of fact, I not
    only hate work but I hate those who do work, and I would not have
    their stinking carcasses near me at any price. High above the
    contemptible herd I would sit enthroned amid a circle of devoted
    worshippers. I would choose for myself companions after my own
    heart. I would deck them with ribbons and gewgaws to tickle their
    vanity; they would esteem it an honour to kiss my glove, and would
    pay homage to the very chair that I sat upon; brave men would die
    for me, parsons would pray for me, and bright-eyed beauty would
    pander to my pleasures. For the proper management of public
    affairs I would have a parliament, and for the preservation of law
    and order there would be soldiers and policemen, all sworn to
    serve me faithfully; their pay would not be much, but their high
    sense of duty would be a sufficient guarantee that they would
    fulfil the terms of the contract.

    Outside the charmed circle of my society would be others eagerly
    pressing forward in the hope of sharing my favours; outside of
    these would be others again who would be forever seeking to
    wriggle themselves into the ranks of those in front of them, and
    so on, outward and downward, until we reach the deep ranks of the
    workers forever toiling and forever struggling merely to live, and
    with the hell of poverty forever threatening to engulf them. The
    hell of poverty, that outer realm of darkness where there is
    weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth - the social Gehenna,
    where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched - here is a
    whip more effective by far than the keenest lash of the chattel
    slave owner, urging them on by day, haunting their dreams by
    night, draining without stint the life blood from their veins, and
    pursuing them with relentless constancy to their graves. In the
    buoyancy of youth many would start full of hope and with high
    expectations; but, as they journeyed along, disappointment would
    follow disappointment, hope would gradually give place to despair,
    the promised cup of joy would be turned to bitterness, and the
    holiest affection would become a poisoned arrow quivering in the

    What a beautiful arrangement - ambition urging in front, want and
    the fear of want bringing up the rear! In the conflicting
    interests that would be involved, in the throat-cutting
    competition that would prevail, in the bitterness that would be
    engendered between man and man, husband and wife, father and son,
    I should, of course, have no part. There would be lying and
    cheating, harsh treatment by masters, dishonesty of servants,
    strikes and lockouts, assaults and intimidation, family feuds and
    interminable broils; but they would not concern Me. In the serene
    atmosphere of my earthly paradise I would be safe from all evil. I
    would feast on the daintiest of dishes, and sip wines of the
    choicest vintage; my gardens would have the most magnificent
    terraces and the finest walks. I would roam mid the umbrageous
    foliage of the trees, the blooming flowers, the warbling of birds,
    the jetting of fountains, and the splashing of pellucid waters. My
    palace would have its walls of alabaster and domes of crystal,
    there would be furniture of the most exquisite workmanship,
    carpets and hangings of the richest fabrics and finest textures,
    carvings and paintings that were miracles of art, vessels of gold
    and silver, gems of the purest ray glittering in their settings,
    the voluptuous strains of the sweetest music, the perfume of
    roses, the softest of couches, a horde of titled lackeys to come
    and go at my bidding, and a perfect galaxy of beauty to stimulate
    desire, and administer to my enjoyment. Thus would I pass the
    happy hours away, while throughout the world it would be a
    hallmark of respectability to extol my virtues, and anthems would
    be everywhere sung in praise.

    Archimedes never dreamt of anything like that. Yet, with the earth
    for my fulcrum and its private ownership for my lever, it is all
    possible. If it should be said that the people would eventually
    detect the fraud, and with swift vengeance hurl me and all my
    courtly parasites to perdition, I answer, "Nothing of the kind,
    the people are as good as gold, and would stand it like bricks -
    and I appeal to the facts of today to bear me witness."

    Mark Twain (1887)
    JAXXE --- ---
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