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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    CAIDEL --- ---
    JAXXE: Nevyhrabal bys plís někde odkaz na nějaký umučený vězně v Guantanamu? Mám pocit, že jsem někde něco čet a nemůžu to najít... (nacházím jen umučený na jinejch základnách v Afghanistánu, ale konkrétní případ z Guantanama nic....)
    KRISTALKA --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Majority believe JFK assassination a conspiracy

    Poll: 57% reject government's lone-gunman explanation

    Posted: November 14, 2003
    3:40 p.m. Eastern

    © 2003 WorldNetDaily.com

    With the 40th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy days away, a new poll indicates a majority of Americans don't believe the government's official version of how he was killed.

    Only one in five likely voters polled by Zogby International, or 22 percent, said they believe the Warren Commission's determination that a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, committed the crime.

    In contrast, nearly three in five, or 57 percent, believe a conspiracy of at least two or more gunmen was responsible for the slaying. Another 10 percent had another theory, and 11 percent were not sure.

    The poll involved 1,103 adults called at random across the country. It has a margin of error of +/- 3.2 percent.


    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Is RFID Technology Easy to Foil?

    By Mark Baard | Also by this reporter Page 1 of 2 next »

    02:00 AM Nov. 18, 2003 PT

    CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts -- You may need to read the following sentence twice: Aluminum foil hats will block the signals emitted by the radio tags that will replace bar-code labels on consumer goods.

    That is, of course, if you place your tin-foil hat between the radio tag and the device trying to read its signal.

    Makers of RFID (or radio frequency identification) tags, along with the retailers and suppliers who plan to use them, are saying the technology they spent millions of dollars developing is too weak to threaten consumer privacy. Metals, plastics and liquids, they say, all block radio signals before they reach RFID reader devices.

    "Any conductive material can shield the radio signals," said Matt Reynolds, a principal at ThingMagic, which develops RFID systems. "There are all kinds of ways to render the tags inoperable."

    That means Coca-Cola, which eventually wants to put an RFID tag on every can of soda it sells, will have a hard time getting around the metals, plastics and liquids that block the radio signals from the tags.


    JAXXE --- ---
    How could the flag flutter when there's no wind on the moon?

    During an interview with Stanley Kubrick's widow an extraordinary story came to light. She claims Kubrick and other Hollywood producers were recruited to help the U.S. win the high stakes race to the moon.

    In order to finance the space program through public funds, the U.S. government needed huge popular support, and that meant they couldn't afford any expensive public relations failures. Fearing that no live pictures could be transmitted from the first moon landing, President Nixon enlisted the creative efforts of Kubrick, who produced 2001: a Space Odyssey (1968), to ensure promotional opportunities wouldn't be missed. In return, Kubrick got a special NASA lens to help him shoot Barry Lyndon (1975). A subtle blend of facts, fiction and hypothesis around the first landing on the moon, Dark Side Of The Moon illustrates how the truth can be twisted by the manipulation of images.

    With use of 'hijacked' archival footage, false documents, real interviews taken out of context or transformed through voice-over or dubbing, staged interviews, as well as, interviews with astronauts like Buzz Aldrin and others, Dark Side Of The Moon navigates the viewer through lies and truth; fact and fiction. This is no ordinary documentary. Its intent is to inform and entertain the viewer, but also to shake him up - make him aware that one should always view television with a critical eye.

    Dark Side Of The Moon is written and directed by William Karel and co-produced by Point du Jour Production and ARTE France.

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    60 minutovy dokument o skull and bones


    Skull And Bones

    CBS News

    (CBS) There are secrets that George W. Bush guards at least as carefully as any entrusted to a president.

    He's forbidden to share these secrets even with the vice president -- secrets he has held ever since his days as an undergraduate at Yale.

    In his senior year, Mr. Bush - like his father and his grandfather - belonged to Skull and Bones, an elite secret society that includes some of the most powerful men of the 20th century.


    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S.'s 'Iron Hammer' code name 1st used by Nazis


    9:17 a.m. November 18, 2003

    WASHINGTON – The U.S. military's code name for a crackdown on resistance in Iraq was also used by the Nazis for an aborted operation to damage the Soviet power grid during World War Two.

    "Operation Iron Hammer" this week launched the 1st Armored Division's 3rd Brigade into the roughest parts of Baghdad to ferret out the attackers who have killed scores of U.S. troops since Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was ousted in April.

    A Pentagon official said the name was chosen because of the "Old Ironsides" nickname of the 1st Armored Division. He was unaware of any connection to any Nazi operation.

    "Eisenhammer," the German for "iron hammer," was a Luftwaffe code name for a plan to destroy Soviet generating plants in the Moscow and Gorky areas in 1943, according to Universal Lexikon on the http://www.infobitte.de Web site.


    JAXXE --- ---
    More Schools Using Surveillance Cameras To Track Students

    CURLYLOCK --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    President George W Bush's "democracy" speech of November 6 is still reverberating round the world. It has aroused as much puzzlement as hostility. What can he possibly mean by saying that "the United States has adopted a new policy, a forward strategy of freedom in the Middle East"? Is the US preparing to administer a dose of its Iraqi medicine to other states in the area? Has the neo-con agenda of softening up the area to make it comply with US and Israeli demands been given a new lease of life? Should Damascus and Tehran, the butt of Bush's particular insults, now fear attack?

    Or, as many suspect, was Bush's speech mere empty rhetoric, simply the latest illustration of his own mediocrity and of the moral and political bankruptcy of his Administration?

    There is an especial irony in Bush criticising Syria and Iran as illegitimate dictatorships, seeing that it was the United States which destroyed Syria's young parliamentary democracy in 1949, when it lent a hand to Colonel Husni Al Zaim's coup d'état, and it was the US again (with help from Britain) that overthrew Iran's elected prime minister Mohammed Musaddiq in 1953 and restored the shah to power as an American puppet. "I owe my throne to God, my people, my army – and to you," sobbed the grateful potentate to Kermit Roosevelt, the CIA man who organised the coup.


    JAXXE --- ---

    The commission investigating the Sept. 11 terror attacks said on Thursday that its deal with the White House for access to highly classified Oval Office intelligence reports would let the White House edit the documents before they were released to the commission's representatives.


    JAXXE --- ---

    A March 31 Ha'aretz article reported upcoming plans to reopen a long-unused pipeline from Iraq's Kirkuk oil fields to the Israeli port of Haifa. Israel's National Infrastructure Minister Joseph Paritzky suggested that after Saddam Hussain's departure Iraqi oil could flow to the Jewish state, to be consumed or marketed from there.

    "The pipeline [of Iraqi oil] to Haifa is considered a 'bonus' the U.S. will give to Israel."

    According to John Cooley's April 23 article in The Christian Science Monitor, "The idea is economically tempting for Israel and some of its friends, especially those whose firms might profit from such a project. Oil-poor Israel, MEES [Middle East Economic Survey] reports, wants high-quality Kirkuk crude oil for its Haifa refinery. Israeli refineries currently use Russian, West African, Egyptian, and other crude oils.

    "Politically, the scheme is a potential bomb," Cooley warned, because Israel and Iraq have been implacable foes since 1948. "Its implementation could ignite a new explosion in the chain of reactions to the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq, now beginning to reverberate throughout the troubled Middle East."

    Nevertheless, according to a Ha'aretz article the following day, "a senior Pentagon official" sent a telegram to a "top Foreign Ministry official in Jerusalem" to check the logistics of pumping oil from Iraq to the oil refineries in Haifa and rebuilding the Kirkuk-Mosul-Haifa pipeline. According to the telegram, "The pipeline to Haifa is considered a 'bonus' the U.S. will give to Israel in return for its support for the American-led campaign in Iraq."

    In early September, Paritzky will travel to Washington, DC to present Israel's pipeline plans, along with a cost estimate, to U.S. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham. Israel's National Infrastructure Ministry estimates a 42-inch pipeline between Kirkuk and Haifa would cost about $400,000 per kilometer.

    The plan requires Jordanian consent, but Amman would receive a transit fee for allowing the oil to traverse its territory. Jordan's neighbors may have something to say about this—but will the Iraqis have any voice at all in the decision regarding their oil?


    JAXXE --- ---
    US Syria bill could lead to invasion

    Wednesday 12 November 2003, 6:35 Makka Time, 3:35 GMT

    Congress approved the Syria sanctions bill by 89 votes to four
    A tough sanctions measure approved by Congress against Syria could lead to a future invasion of the country, a prominent US lawmaker has said.

    Senator Robert Byrd, an outspoken critic of US Middle East policy, said on Tuesday that he feared the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Act would be used to justify future military action against Damascus.

    "The United States is justified in seeking to apply political and economic pressure on Syria to change its foreign policy," the West Virginia Democrat said.

    But he highlighted one particular section of the bill that referred to "hostile actions" by Syria against US-led forces in Iraq.

    Preemptive strikes

    "I have not seen any evidence that would lead me to believe that it is the government of Syria that is responsible for the attacks against our troops in Iraq," Byrd said.

    "I have not seen any evidence that would lead me to believe that it is the government of Syria that is responsible for the attacks against our troops in Iraq... Such insinuations can only build the case for military action against Syria"

    Robert Byrd,
    US Congressman
    "Such insinuations can only build the case for military action against Syria, which unfortunately is a very real possibility because of the dangerous doctrine of preemption created by the administration," he said.

    Byrd said the vote in favour of sanctions "could too easily be used to imply congressional support for pre-emptive military action against a rogue state".

    "I will vote against this bill because of that dangerous course that it may portend," he said before the vote.


    JAXXE --- ---
    GEORGE BUSH - "The Worlds Biggest Fuck Up - Ever"

    The Destruction of America Continues

    by voxfux

    JAXXE --- ---
    V Istanbulu šlo o sebevražedné atentáty

    ISTANBUL - Vyšetřovatelé sobotních pumových útoků proti dvěma synagogám v Istanbulu stanovili, že šlo o sebevražedné atentáty. Agentuře Reuters to dnes řekl diplomatický zdroj blízký vyšetřování.

    Agentura AP zase napsala, že po prohledání trosek obou synagóg se počet obětí zvýšil na 23. Z asi 300 zraněných zůstává hospitalizováno 71.

    "Turecké vyšetřování zjistilo, že oba útoky byly sebevražednými atentáty," řekl diplomatický zdroj agentuře Reuters. Ta také cituje turecké představitele, kteří se dohadují, že se na útocích mohla podílet mezinárodní teroristická síť Al- Káida.

    K útokům se sice již v sobotu přihlásila turecká islámská militantní organizace Fronta velkých východních islámských nájezdníků (IBDA-C), ale představitelé turecké vlády jsou k tomuto tvrzení od počátku skeptičtí vzhledem k tomu, že šlo o rozsáhlou a dobře organizovanou akci. Také zmíněný diplomatický zdroj uvedl, že "převládá shoda v názoru, že jde o skupinu operující v mnohem větším měřítku a také mimo hranice Turecka".

    Podezření se orientují spíše směrem k Al-Káidě, řekl zase izraelskému rozhlasu izraelský ministra zahraničí Silvan Šalom, který dnes dorazil do Istanbulu. Navštívil istanbulského rabína a místa útoků. Na místě jsou také agenti izraelské tajné služby Mossad, kteří pomáhají tureckým úřadům s vyšetřováním.

    Podle turecké televize NTV policie vyslýchá v souvislosti s atentáty tři lidi, z toho dvě ženy. Tisková agentura Anatolia dnes napsala, že policie vyslýchala kvůli výbuchům čtyři lidi, ale pak je propustila. Zatím není jasné, zda jde o stejné osoby.

    Turecký deník Millyet také potvrzuje hypotézu sebevražedného atentátu, když cituje policejního patologa, podle něhož byla na místě výbuchů nalezena dvě mrtvá těla s kabely na těle. Podle Anatolie vyšetřovatelé zjistili, že tkáň z volantu v jedné dodávce odpovídá jednomu z těl, k nimž byly připevněny kabely a dráty.

    Anatolia také cituje vysokého policejního představitele, podle něhož byly obě dodávky naplněny 400 kilogramy výbušné směsi ukryté v kontejnerech. Ty byly zabalené v pytlích a ještě obklopeny krabicemi od pracích prášků. Stejně tak se zjistilo, že poznávací značky obou vozidel byly falešné.

    Při útoku bylo zabito nejméně šest židů, ostatní oběti byli muslimští kolemjdoucí. Podle AP jsou místa útoků ohrazena bezpečnostními bariérami, k nimž obyvatelé pokládají bílé karafiáty jako výraz soustrasti.

    Deník Radikal dnes napsal, že Mossad letos dvakrát varoval turecké tajné služby před možnými útoky. První varování přišlo v dubnu a týkalo se synagog, stejně jako konzulátů Izraele, USA a Británie. Druhá výstraha ze září varovala před útoky na izraelské a americké občany.

    Turecko, kde žije zhruba 26.000 židů, patří ke spojencům Izraele. Turecko je také oblíbenou zemí izraelských turistů, kteří jezdí nejen do Istanbulu, ale také do tureckých přímořských letovisek.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush připraven vést opět válku pro bezpečnější svět

    LONDÝN - Spojené státy jsou připraveny vést opět válku, v případě potřeby i samy, aby se zajistila dlouhodobá bezpečnost světa. Řekl to americký prezident George Bush v rozhovoru, který den před jeho příletem do Londýna zveřejnil britský bulvární deník The Sun.

    Nejvyšší americký představitel se cítí nucen jednat v návaznosti na teroristické útoky proti New Yorku a Washingtonu 11. září 2001. "Byl jsem na Ground Zero po útocích. Pamatuji se na ten kouř a pach a smrt a zkázu. Vždy si to budu pamatovat," vysvětlil Bush.

    Po tehdejších atentátech islámských teroristů prý dospěl k přesvědčení, že je nutné jednat, protože se USA dostaly do války, kterou hodlají vyhrát. "A toto odhodlání cítím ještě dnes," zdůraznil šéf Bílého domu. USA se spojenci podle něj ukončili tyranii Saddáma Husajna v Iráku, otupili ostří sítě Al-Káida v Afghánistánu a přiměli OSN se již neotáčet zády k terorismu.


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