Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 5:26 pm Post subject: YOU COULD BE A TERRORIST IF
YOU COULD BE A TERRORIST IF ... Could you be a full-blown terrorist and
not know it? Should you turn yourself in to the authorities right now? Take
the following quick quiz and find out. Answer "True" or "False" to each of
the following questions:
01. You believe in the Constitution.
02. You believe in the "Rule of Law."
03. You believe in gold as real money.
04. You believe in silver as real money.
05. You believe in limited government.
06. You believe in a free market system.
07. You believe in abolishing the Federal Reserve System.
08. You believe in balanced budgets.
09. You believe in the right to possess property.
10. You believe the income tax is misapplied.
11. You believe in God.
12. You believe there is a 9/11 WTC conspiracy to suppress facts and
13. You believe in the Family Unit.
14. You believe welfare is unconstitutional.
15. You believe the financial markets are corrupt.
16. You believe the judiciary is corrupt.
17. You believe the body politic is corrupt.
18. You believe the Warren Commission findings were corrupted or covered up.
19. You believe the Educational System is failing.
20. You believe the U. S. Government is bankrupt.
21. You believe the "War On Terrorism" is a fraud perpetuated to enrich oil
22. You believe the dollar is a fraud.
23. You believe that fractional banking is a swindle.
24. You believe that government officials possessed prior knowledge of
25. You believe that Social Security is bankrupt.
26. You believe in a gold cartel suppressing the price of gold.
27. You believe in privacy and the right to be left alone.
28. You believe in the New World Order conspiracy.
29. You believe the CFR operates as a shadow government on foreign policy.
30. You believe in your sovereignty as a Citizen.
31. You believe there is too much government regulation.
32. You believe the United Nations should be abolished.
33. You believe the stock market is a rigged scheme.
34. You believe the economy is likely to collapse.
35. You believe that many government statistics are false and/or
deliberately corrupted.
36. You believe the media is controlled.
37. You believe that Home Land Security is a threat to your constitutional
38. You believe in gun ownership and the right to protect yourself and your
39. You believe "innocent until proven guilty."
40. You believe there are too many laws, lawyers, prosecutors and judges.
41. You believe there are to many prisons and prisoners.
42. You believe that Law Enforcement wields too much force and authority.
43. You believe the "War On Drugs" is a dismal failure.
43. You believe the Patriot Act should be abolished.
44. You believe in term limits for Politicians.
45. You believe America is becoming a Police State.
46. You believe lobbying and lobbyists should be banned.
47. You believe immigration is out of control.
48. You believe the government lies routinely.
49. You believe corrupt politicians should be incarcerated.
50. You believe the system is broken and may only be fixed by adherence to
the Constitution.
GRADING SCALE: How many of the above statements do you believe to be true?
5 or Less: You are a Model Sheeple. Please bleat in the affirmative.
6 to 10: Hmmmm .... you could be considered unstable and in need of
political re-education.
11 to 20: You are seriously unstable and likely under occasional
surveillance by the ABC agencies!
21 to 30: You are most likely under 24-hour surveillance by the
31 or More: Hide, the Black Suburbans are coming!!!