An End to Evil: Strategies For Victory in the War on Terror
by David Frum (Author), Richard Perle (Author)
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A War Criminal's Cookbook, January 3, 2004
Reviewer: A reader from San Antonio, Texas United States
If America follows the course of action put forth in this book, it will become the EPICENTER of evil. Peace through conquest was HITLER'S dream, not America's. This book is nothing short of a deranged recipe for global horror and body counts in the millions.
The Bush administration's Mein Kampf, January 2, 2004
Reviewer: A reader from Berlin
A transparently racist manifesto voicing the xenophobic views of the current regime in Washington. You've got to check this out, just to see how insane these people are.
A must read, January 2, 2004
Reviewer: rationalrevolutionnet (see more about me) from Vero Beach, FL United States
This is a must read book. I'm giving it 5 stars because its a book that should be bought, not becuase I agree with it. In fact, I only recently became aware of this book and in fact had reached the conclusion that the disruption of the EU was the primary motive behind the war in Iraq before the war even started. I am still amazed by the boldness of this group and administration.
And furthermore . . ., January 2, 2004
Reviewer: Anthony D. Zinnanti from Saugus, California United States
As an addition to my first review posting, I would like to let the potential reader know a couple of things. This book is jaw-dropping in its openly racist and anti-Islamic statements made by the two purported "intellectuals," Frum and Perle. Try this line on for size: "The software engineer who develops a sudden enthusiasm for Islam is more likely to be funding terrorism that the software engineer who develops a sudden enthusiasm for vintage cars." (Page 79.)
At the risk of offending some, anyone familiar with "Mein Kampf" will defintiely see the parallel to this work. I'm saying this seriously. This is a bold manifesto that openly calls for the overthrow of certain states, the treatment of France as an adversary and it is openly anti-Islamic.
Despite the offensive nature of this book, people do need to be aware of it - and act on that awareness - because of the power that the two authors wield with the present administration.
I Laughed, Cried, Cheered, & Jeered - this book has it all!, December 31, 2003
Reviewer: Scott E Meredith from Redmond, WA USA
What a crock of a book~ I annoint Perle's Lotus Feet for delivering such a steaming load of pure bullsh/t into my hands. But stay - I jest!
Actually this book is fantastic, I LOVED it, except for ONE tiny little DETAIL - 9/11 was obviously an inside job, no Boeing 757 ever hit the Pentagon, and the WTC towers were brought down by internal explosives. Atta & Co. were mere patsies. Thus, the entire starting premise of this book is absolute 24 carat bullsh/t.
But hey - other than that ? This book ranks with Shakespeare, Milton and Dante as great lit!