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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    DENTON --- ---
    ja by som povedal, ze /nielen/ papez vyhlasi o niekom, ze je mesias, nas spasitel, teda antikrist :-). Moj osobny typ je buduci prezident EU. Viac o tejto tematike najdete na http://www.soldierofthelord.4t.com/
    JAXXE --- ---
    An End to Evil: Strategies For Victory in the War on Terror

    by David Frum (Author), Richard Perle (Author)


    zajimave komentare ctenaru:

    A War Criminal's Cookbook, January 3, 2004

    Reviewer: A reader from San Antonio, Texas United States

    If America follows the course of action put forth in this book, it will become the EPICENTER of evil. Peace through conquest was HITLER'S dream, not America's. This book is nothing short of a deranged recipe for global horror and body counts in the millions.


    The Bush administration's Mein Kampf, January 2, 2004

    Reviewer: A reader from Berlin
    A transparently racist manifesto voicing the xenophobic views of the current regime in Washington. You've got to check this out, just to see how insane these people are.


    A must read, January 2, 2004

    Reviewer: rationalrevolutionnet (see more about me) from Vero Beach, FL United States

    This is a must read book. I'm giving it 5 stars because its a book that should be bought, not becuase I agree with it. In fact, I only recently became aware of this book and in fact had reached the conclusion that the disruption of the EU was the primary motive behind the war in Iraq before the war even started. I am still amazed by the boldness of this group and administration.


    And furthermore . . ., January 2, 2004
    Reviewer: Anthony D. Zinnanti from Saugus, California United States
    As an addition to my first review posting, I would like to let the potential reader know a couple of things. This book is jaw-dropping in its openly racist and anti-Islamic statements made by the two purported "intellectuals," Frum and Perle. Try this line on for size: "The software engineer who develops a sudden enthusiasm for Islam is more likely to be funding terrorism that the software engineer who develops a sudden enthusiasm for vintage cars." (Page 79.)

    At the risk of offending some, anyone familiar with "Mein Kampf" will defintiely see the parallel to this work. I'm saying this seriously. This is a bold manifesto that openly calls for the overthrow of certain states, the treatment of France as an adversary and it is openly anti-Islamic.

    Despite the offensive nature of this book, people do need to be aware of it - and act on that awareness - because of the power that the two authors wield with the present administration.


    I Laughed, Cried, Cheered, & Jeered - this book has it all!, December 31, 2003
    Reviewer: Scott E Meredith from Redmond, WA USA
    What a crock of a book~ I annoint Perle's Lotus Feet for delivering such a steaming load of pure bullsh/t into my hands. But stay - I jest!

    Actually this book is fantastic, I LOVED it, except for ONE tiny little DETAIL - 9/11 was obviously an inside job, no Boeing 757 ever hit the Pentagon, and the WTC towers were brought down by internal explosives. Atta & Co. were mere patsies. Thus, the entire starting premise of this book is absolute 24 carat bullsh/t.

    But hey - other than that ? This book ranks with Shakespeare, Milton and Dante as great lit!


    JAXXE --- ---
    Manifesto demands Bush change regimes in other 'rogue' countries

    Washington |By David Rennie | 02-01-2004
    Print friendly format | Email to Friend

    US President George W Bush was sent a public manifesto Tuesday by Washington's hawks, demanding regime change in Syria and Iran and a Cuba-style military blockade of North Korea backed by planning for a pre-emptive strike on its nuclear sites.

    The manifesto, presented as a Manual for Victory in the war on terror, also calls for Saudi Arabia and France to be treated not as allies but as rivals and possibly enemies.

    The manifesto is contained in a new book by Richard Perle, a Pentagon adviser and "intellectual guru" of the hardline neo-conservative movement, and David Frum, a former Bush speechwriter. They give warning of a faltering of the "will to win" in the US.

    In the battle for the President's ear, the manifesto represents an attempt by hawks to break out of the post-Iraq doldrums and strike back at what they see as a campaign of hostile leaking by their foes in such centres of caution as the State Department.
    JAXXE --- ---
    CIA plans new secret police to fight Iraq terrorism

    By Julian Coman in Washington
    (Filed: 04/01/2004)

    Nine months after the demise of Saddam Hussein's regime and his feared mukhabarat (intelligence) operatives, Iraq is to get a secret police force again - courtesy of Washington.


    JAXXE --- ---
    no jasne... a hlavne po vytvoreni nwo uz volal kdekdo, nejen papez

    staci ceknout http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8&q=new+world+order&sa=N&tab=wn
    MARSHUS --- ---
    jaxxe: antikrist nebo satan, je to jen ikonka a da se vyrobit ;) a neverim ze by papez nevedel co slovni spojeni NWO znamena a odkud vitr vane. spis uz bych veril tomu ze byl zfetovanej (jako porad) a jeste porad mel pocit ze dela spravne. nicmene jeho postavicka je jako ikonka spatne vyuzitelna (moc dlouho uz asi nevydrzi) takze bych tohle zavrhl jako cistou spekulaci a shodu nahod ;)
    JAXXE --- ---
    marshus: hehe no to nevim, rek bych to musi byt nekdo prijatelny pro vsechny svetova nabozenstvi, ne papez ;)) kazdopadne to nema byt satan, ale antikrist a jedina osobnost bojujici za mir, ktera se muze chlubit tim, ze ma cislo 666 je zatim nelson mandela...


    TWIG --- ---
    JAXXE: Povinny GPS boxy? Cywe to je svinstvo :/
    JAXXE --- ---
    neco k tematu:_

    JAXXE --- --- 12:06:45 22.12.2003
    Police call for remote button to stop cars

    Motorists face new 'Big Brother' technology

    Juliette Jowit, transport editor
    Sunday December 21, 2003
    The Observer

    After speed cameras, road humps and mobile phone bans, there could be more bad news for Britain's motorists. Police are urging Ministers to give them the power to stop vehicles by remote control.

    In what will be seen as yet another example of the in-creasing power of Big Brother, drivers face the prospect of their cars being halted by somebody pushing a button.

    The police lobby is being led by Superintendent Jim Hammond of Sussex police, who chairs an Association of Chief Police Officers technology working group which is examining the idea.

    'Providing an effective means to remotely stop a vehicle is fast becoming a priority,' Hammond told a European conference. 'The development of a safe and controlled system to enable remote stopping has the potential to directly save lives.'

    However, Bert Morris, deputy director of the AA Motoring Trust said: 'People don't like the idea of Big Brother taking over their driving. In years to come that might be acceptable, but it's very, very important that there's a step-by-step approach.'

    Cars could be stopped by the gradual reduction of engine power so it slowly comes to a stop, or by making sure when drivers come to a halt they can not move again.

    Stopping cars remotely sounds futuristic, but the basic technology is already available and used in lorries to limit the top speed to 56mph and in new systems to immobilise stolen cars.

    The key is the electronics box in most new cars which, when the driver presses the accelerator or brake, sends a message to the engine to speed up or slow down. It can be programmed to limit the speed generally or according to the position of the car, established via a GPS satellite. For remote operation, a modem, which works like a mobile phone, can be used tell the car to slow down or stop.

    Similar radio telemetry was used by Formula One pit crews to adjust the engines of racing cars at up to 200mph - until it was banned this year.

    'The technology exists and will become more refined as time goes on,' said Nick Rendell, managing director of the Siemens business developing this technology in the UK.


    MARSHUS --- ---
    JAXXE --- --- 12:32:07 4.1.2004
    zajimave.. kdyz budem povazovat nwo za neco spatnyho (podle apokalypsy) tak ten kdo ho privolava musi byt satan.. tzn. je to papez? ;))))
    JAXXE --- ---
    twig: no ono uz to proslo, krome toho "stop buttonu"... v nemecku se ted chysta neco podobneho, nejdrive na kamiony a postupne i na osobaky... a to jeste EU nespustila satelity galileo
    JAXXE --- ---
    TWIG --- ---
    JAXXE: No to uz je trochu neco jinyho :)) ...ale zase neni jisty, jestli by to tak lehce proslo...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Pope Wants New International Order to Keep Peace

    Thu January 1, 2004 06:05 AM ET

    By Claire Soares

    VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The world needs a "new international order" to solve its conflicts and ensure peace, Pope John Paul said in his New Year's Day address on Thursday.

    The ghosts of 2003 -- when the United States invaded Iraq without United Nations approval -- dominated the pope's first speech of 2004.

    "More than ever we need a new international order which draws on the experience and results of the United Nations," the 83-year-old pontiff said at a mass in St Peter's Basilica.

    "An order which is capable of finding adequate solutions to today's problems, based on the dignity of human beings, on integrating all society, on solidarity between rich and poor countries, on the sharing of resources and the extraordinary results of scientific and technological progress," he added.

    Speaking at Christendom's largest church, the pope urged people not to lose hope of finding peace in the Holy Land, which the Vatican feels is vital to winning the war on terror.

    "The land in which Jesus was born sadly continues to live in a dramatic condition. And in other parts of the world sparks of violence and conflict have not been extinguished either. But we need to persevere and not bow to the temptation of losing hope."

    Turning to Africa, the pope paid tribute to his Burundi ambassador, Michael Courtney, killed on Monday in an ambush the army has blamed on rebels who have refused to join a peace process to end a 10-year conflict.

    "(He) was tragically killed...while he was going about his mission of promoting dialogue and reconciliation. We pray for him and hope his example and sacrifice will bear the fruits of peace in Burundi and the world," the pope said.

    The leader of the world's one billion Catholics, who suffers from Parkinson's disease that makes it difficult for him to talk, seemed alert and read all of his homily in a clear voice.

    But it is unclear what 2004 holds for him. For the first time since his election in 1978, the pope enters the new year with no firm plans for travel, although there have been some invitations.

    He was particularly weak on his last foreign trip, a visit to Slovakia in September, when aides had to read most of his addresses for him.

    JAXXE --- ---
    twig: pred tydnem jsem tu daval clanek o tom ze britska policie chce zavest povinne GPS boxy v autech /ktere uz v tech novych tak jako tak jsou/. boxy maji slouzit pro "spravedlive" placeni mytneho, presne podle ujetych kilometru, zamezit kradezim a prekracovani maximalni rychlosti a je tam i funkce na dalkove zastaveni vozidla. nahrad si jen slovo no-fly zone slovem no-drive zone...
    TWIG --- ---
    PETVAL: No to mi nepripada jako nejakej pokus o ovladani lidi nebo o pronikani do jejich soukromi :/
    PETVAL --- ---
    SoftWalls is the name of an aviation project at UC-Berkeley that's developing a system for commercial airliners that establishes and enforces no-fly zones. Basically, through GPS, if a plane begins to enter a no-fly zone (eg, around a mountain, or over Lower Manhattan), an alarm goes off in the cockpit. If ignored, the system actively removes control of the plane away from the pilot and co-pilot to steer the plane out of the no-fly zone. The technology is intended as both an accident prevention technique and a deterrent to terrorists planning to ram a building. ABCNews recently profiled the project (with video) and also rode along with a working prototype built by Honeywell that successfully kept a Beechcraft from hitting a mountain.

    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    'A barrel of Coca-Cola is worth $78.80, a barrel of milk $150, a barrel of good wine $1,780 -- but what could you all do without oil?'

    -- Hugo Chavez
    Former President of Venezuela and OPEC
    JAXXE --- ---
    In response to the national terrorism alert, Los Angeles police have made "a number of pre-emptive arrests," a high-ranking LAPD source said Tuesday.

    Those arrests were made in the past 48 hours and included people who came to authorities' attention after the September 11, 2001, al Qaeda terror attacks in the United States.

    The source stressed that none has been charged with any terrorism-related offense but were rounded up on unrelated charges -- in one case, credit card fraud -- in an effort to get information about possible threats. None of those picked up was identified.




    This is beyond the pale. Arbitrary, secret arrests. Pure tyranny.

    How many people were arrested? Unknown.

    What are their names? Unknown.

    Can thought crimes get a person on the pre-emptive arrest shitlist? What will happen when this thing goes Red? Is there going to be a knock on my door? Is there going to be a knock on your door? After all, you're a thought criminal if you read information produced by thought criminals. Seriously, when this thing goes Red, and it will, I wouldn't be surprised if I was taken down. The shitlist is probably much longer under Red. Run of the mill thought criminals are probably included on that thing, and who would say or do anything about it? Most of my regular readers won't even throw me a dollar. If Cryptogon suddenly went silent, there would be concerned emails from about ten people, and that would be it. It seems like we're getting close to very bad things, writ large. And it's too late to do anything about it.

    Doubleplusungoodthinkers, know this: We are the dead:
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