This website is the result of research which began shortly after September 11th 2001, at which time it soon became apparent that the 'War on Terrorism' is merely a smoke screen that masks a hidden agenda. That agenda being the plan to shake up the Middle East & Central Asia in favour of vital western interests, being primarily oil & gas supplies, which are known to be in decline. By declaring a 'War on Terrorism' the Bush administration was in fact going to invade other countries under the pretence of 'fighting the war on terror'. To kick start this plan would require one catastrophic event to galvanize the people into supporting a war. The evidence, accessible from this website, shows that the US were indeed aware of the impending attacks, but more importantly were instrumental in their execution. That evidence is presented in the form of mainstream news articles, documentary films and university lectures, by a diverse range of people that includes professors, government officials, investigative journalists, law enforcement officers, scientists, analysts, radio talk show hosts, satirists and intelligence agents. Browse the site to see for yourself, and make up your own mind.
Below is a brief summary of some of the key points :
Project for the New American Century
- In 1997 a group of neo-conservatives founded the 'Project for the New American Century' (PNAC) - A year later PNAC called for the removal of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq - In 2000 they predicted that the shift in US foreign policy towards that aim would come about slowly, unless there were "some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor". That event happened on September 11th 2001 - Ten people in the Bush administration are currently members of PNAC. They include Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Armitage, John Bolton, Zalmay Khalilzad and member of the advisory Defense Science Board, Richard Perle -
- Global oil production is on the brink of terminal decline - The rate of oil discovery has been falling since the 1960's - The vast majority of the world's remaining reserves are located in the Middle East and Central Asia - Over 60% of oil consumed by the US is imported - By 2015 the UK too, will be importing over 50% of its oil requirements - According to independant Geologist Dr Colin Campbell, the global decline will start by 2010 "It starts with a price shock due to control of the market by a few countries, and it is followed by the onset of physical shortage, which just gets worse and worse and worse" -
Afghan Pipelines
- Afghanistan is located in a prime position for the transportation of the vast amounts of oil & gas from the Caspian Basin – A UNOCAL-led consortium competing with Argentinian firm Bridas, proposed to build pipelines through Afghanistan years ago - In 1997 Taliban officials visited UNOCAL HQ’s in Texas to discuss the agreement – Negotiations between UNOCAL and the Taliban were conducted by Enron through Saudi intelligence - FBI Counter-Terrorism Chief John O’Neill resigned from the FBI in disgust, stating that he was ordered not to investigate Saudi-al-Qaeda connections because of the Enron pipeline deal (O’Neill was amongst the 3000 people that died at the World Trade Centre) - The US installed Afghan leader Sir Hamid Karzai, a former UNOCAL consultant – A pipeline agreement has now been signed - This pipeline may have saved Enron from collapse by providing cheap gas to one of its 'loss making' power stations in India - The invasion of Afghanistan was planned before Sept 11 – Taliban leaders & al-Qaeda fighters were flown to safety with secret US approval during the war - Opium production has increased by 1400% -
Terror Hijackings
- On the morning of Sept 11 2001, CIA official John Fulton and his team at the National Reconnaissance Office were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building - When it was known that four airliners had been simultaneously hijacked, the US National Command Authority waited 75 minutes before scrambling aircraft to intercept - Osama bin Laden has connections to the CIA, Le Figaro claim that whilst in hospital for kidney treatment in July 2001 he was met by the local CIA officer in Dubai. CBS News claim that he also underwent secret kidney dialysis at a military hospital in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, on the day before Sept 11 - During the months before the attack, Pakistani ISI Chief Gen. Ahmad (intelligence service) orders an aide to wire transfer $100,000 to Mohammed Atta. On the morning of Sept 11, Ahmad was at a meeting on Capitol Hill hosted by the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees - At least 6 of the supposed hijackers have been found alive - It has been claimed that some of the hijackers were trained at secure US military bases - The CIA have overturned refusal of visa applications in Saudi Arabia, to people with terrorist connections - FBI agents were forced to close down investigations into the bin Ladens and terror networks by the US government -
- Straight after the attacks, United Airlines’ stock prices plummeted. At the time it was reported that suspicious 'put options' had been purchased. Basically, if you buy put option shares you are taking a gamble that those shares are going to drop in price, because you can then sell them at the original high price but purchase them at the new low price. The amount of these put options bought was way above the norm. Investigations into who was responsible for these deals lead to Deutsche Bank/Alex Brown Inc. The bank’s chairman up until a few years ago was current CIA executive director, Buzzy Krongard - An Israeli shipping company with offices based at the World Trade Centre, broke its lease two weeks before the attacks -
Operation Northwoods Document - click here to view - adobe reader required:
- In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in US cities to create public support for a war against Cuba -
- Under former CIA 'hitman' Saddam Hussein, Iraq was the first OPEC member to start trading oil for euros instead of dollars, thus threatening the strength of the US dollar - By changing Iraq’s regime and removing the country from OPEC, this will loosen the stranglehold that OPEC has on world oil prices - Weapons of mass destruction were sold to Hussein by Western companies right up until the late eighties – A US Army War College report states that Iranian gas killed the Kurds in 1988 - As president of the air council in 1919, Winston Churchill wrote: "I do not understand the squeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using poisonous gas against uncivilised tribes." A few years later mustard gas was used against the Kurds - The US has tested chemical and biological weapons on American and British soil - Iraq has vast and easily accessible oil reserves - Saudi Arabia, which has the world's largest oil reserves, is currently under threat from Islamic revolt...