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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---

    Experts warn that beefed up security critical to our safety

    Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda network has been blamed for the Madrid train attacks
    The bloody bomb attacks in Spain that slaughtered 200 and wounded more than 1,500 can happen here -- unless we act FAST, warn top security experts.

    The ENQUIRER spoke to key sources in the intelligence community and discovered shocking information -- Al Qaeda is targeting U.S. trains!

    "It's a frightening prospect but it most definitely could happen in the U.S.," Ross Bulla, president of The Treadstone Group, a leading private security agency, told The ENQUIRER.

    "We need to beef up security at our ports, where containers are loaded onto trains, and especially at yards where hazardous materials are handled. And we need to screen passengers before they board trains.

    "It would be a massive task, but unless we act, we face the prospect of seeing something similar to what happened in Spain happening in the U.S."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Assassinating Sheikh Yassin - Sharon Edges Closer to World War

    March 22, 2004


    Hamas spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin was murdered at daybreak on Monday. Israel Air Force helicopters fired missiles at the car carrying the wheelchair-bound head of the Islamic group as he left a mosque near his house in Gaza City. It also appears Ariel Sharon was in direct command of the assassination operation, not entirely surprising considering his bloody history.

    For those who fail to realise, today's barbaric Israeli act is an open call for a world war. It is the final wake up call for every Muslim around the world. It is violent proof that Israel isn't only against the Palestinians but rather against Islam. Israel killed a prime spiritual leader on his way out of the mosque. I have no doubt that this Israeli act won't be forgiven. I also have no doubt that many Israelis will pay with their life for Sharon's act. Moreover I am sure that sooner rather than later many innocent non-Israelis around the world will die just for being near by an Israeli embassy, Israeli consulate, a synagogue or even an American bank...This is the reality Sharon favours the most.

    This is exactly what Israel wants: to turn the entire world into a victim of terror. This might help us to realise the main difference between the Israeli left and right. While both believe in the right of the Jews to live in Zion at the expense of the Palestinian people, the Israeli right wing rely on maintaining a bloody struggle, oppressing the Palestinian people (in particular) and humiliating Arabs (in general). While the Israeli left would attempt to come up with some unrealistic righteous suggestions to appease the Palestinian people and the world community (Oslo accord for instance), the right wing Israelis will suggest that the only method to guarantee Israeli security is to maintain the conflict with the Palestinian people and to let it escalate into an international battle.


    DRIFTER --- ---
    The Apparat

    George W. Bush's back-door
    political machine

    It's anti-democratic, anti-Constitutional, and is working to create a one-party America

    © 2004 by Jerry M. Landay
    for Mediatransparency.org

    POSTED MARCH 18, 2004 --

    On a Tuesday evening in mid-January, a right-wing Washington writer-for-hire named Clark Judge appeared on public radio's Marketplace.

    In a commentary heard by an estimated five million people, Judge complained that the philanthropist George Soros was engaged in an "unethical" effort to outwit legal restrictions on campaign contributions.

    Judge huffed that Soros, along with the Democratic Party, was "ponying up" millions of dollars in funding to tax-exempt, liberal advocacy organizations to prevent the re-election of George W. Bush. He labeled Soros and the Democrats "prime abusers," for using barely legal tactics to evade the contribution ceilings of the McCain-Feingold campaign reform law.

    Judge was correct when he implied that legal and IRS regulations that are supposed to curb political activities by tax-exempt non-profit organizations are riddled with loopholes. Judge went much farther, though, implying that Soros and the Democrats had cornered the market on cheating. He warned his listeners to "brace...for the biggest tidal wave of political sewage in American history" from these Soros-supported organizations.

    The Pot and the Kettle

    In political parlance, Judge was acting as a surrogate. He had no apparent connection with the Bush campaign. But he had struck a blow for Bush's re-election on behalf of the political propaganda machine of the organized right. To the uninitiated, Judge's credentials seemed to lend throw-weight to his attack: managing director of the White House Writers Group, an umbrella firm of former ghostwriters for Republican presidents and bureaucrats now at the service of anyone willing to pay.

    But only those in the know would understand the flaws in Judge's statements. He failed to mention that hundreds of tax-exempt organizations of the far right have been exploiting the twilight zone of campaign and IRS regulations for three decades -- receiving billions of dollars in grants and contributions to wage ideo-political warfare for far-right ideas, causes, and Republican candidates. Liberal political organizations resort to the same shortcuts, but they pale when compared to the scale and duration of right-wing mischief. Judge is one more cog in a vast machine that, in the judgment of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) has "played a critical role in helping the Republican Party to dominate state, local and national politics." It is now operating at full throttle to keep Bush in office.

    Though its activists like to call themselves conservatives, there is nothing they wish to "conserve" beyond their power, status, and wealth. They are right-wing radicals who have stolen the GOP away from the true conservatives who once dominated it.


    DRIFTER --- ---
    Wednesday, Mar. 24, 2004 10:26 AM EST
    9/11 Commission: Clinton Refused to Let CIA Kill Bin Laden

    Announcing some of its preliminary findings on Wednesday, the 9/11 Commission has confirmed that President Clinton ordered the CIA to take Osama bin Laden alive or not at all - a directive that made the task of neutralizing the terrorist kingpin infinitely more difficult.

    In a statement read at the beginning of Wednesday's session, 9/11 staffer Michael Hurley revealed:

    "CIA senior managers, operators and lawyers uniformly said that they read the relevant authorities signed by President Clinton as instructing them to try to capture bin Laden.

    "They believed that the only acceptable context for killing bin Laden was a credible capture operation. 'We always talked about how much easier it would have been to try to kill him,'" a former chief of the bin Laden station told the Commission.

    "Working level CIA officers were frustrated by what they saw as the policy restraints of having to instruct their assets to mount a capture operation," the Commission statement said.

    Commission staffer Hurley detailed one attempt to recruit indigenous Afghan forces in a bin Laden capture operation, explaining, "When Northern Alliance leader Massoud was briefed on the carefully worded instructions for him, the briefer recalled that Massoud laughed and said, 'You Americans are crazy. You guys never change.'"

    The Commission found that at least two senior CIA officers would have objected to killing bin Laden even if Clinton had authorized the hit. "One of them, a former counterrorism center chief, said that he would have refused an order to directly kill bin Laden," the Commission statement said.

    Last week NBC News quoted former CIA official Gary Schroen as saying that White House orders to spare bin Laden's life cut the chances of getting him in half, from 50 to 25 percent.

    Schroen's revelation - now confirmed by the 9/11 Commission - was ignored by the mainstream press beyond its initial coverage by NBC.

    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Tyhle valecny fotky sou sice moc husty, ale imho valka je realita natolik odlisna od ty v ktery zijem my ze tyhle fotky pozbyvaj vyznamu. Navic prezentovat je jako dukaz valecnych zlocinu a porovnavat je s civilizovanym svetem je zcestny... valka je zlocin... v te civilizovany svet neexistuje....

    Pride mi to stejny jako vysvetlovat nekomu z medii co se deje sedmej den na technivalu... taky to nikdo nepochopi... ale to nic, jenom takovej komentar
    JAXXE --- ---
    UNICEF Nigerian Polio Vaccine Contaminated with Sterilizing Agents Scientist Finds
    Scientist says things discovered in vaccines are "harmful, toxic"

    KADUNA, Nigeria, March 11, 2004 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A UNICEF campaign to vaccinate Nigeria's youth against polio may have been a front for sterilizing the nation. Dr. Haruna Kaita, a pharmaceutical scientist and Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, took samples of the vaccine to labs in India for analysis.

    Using WHO-recommended technologies like Gas Chromatography (GC) and Radio-Immuno assay, Dr. Kaita, upon analysis, found evidence of serious contamination. "Some of the things we discovered in the vaccines are harmful, toxic; some have direct effects on the human reproductive system," he said in an interview with Kaduna's Weekly Trust. "I and some other professional colleagues who are Indians who were in the Lab could not believe the discovery," he said.


    JAXXE --- ---
    na military.com probiha zajimava debata.... radi by zavreli proitvalecne servery. doporucuju precist, zajimave postrehy z mysleni US vojaku...


    Let's shut this guy down http://tvnewslies.org/html/news.html

    The link above is to an AntiAmerican, AntiMilitary **********. I was surfing the net and found it while doing a search for PFC Patrick Miller. I never did find out why Miller's name brought up this hit.

    The server has been shut down before because of too many hits. If we all hit it at least once a day, they may have to shut it down again.

    FYI check out his link from "Do the math" that goes to opinion.telegraph.co.uk about Hating America.


    pak se tam objevi i majitel serveru a tohle je protiargument na ty tuny informaci co tam ma ;)

    "Helllllo Mr Truth Fighter! Ever seen the video of OBL admitting that he authorized the terrorist attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon?" But unlike you, we are sane and we know the difference between truth and bullsh*t.

    The UN is impotent. The UN didn't care about the Iraqi people at all or they would have done something sooner.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Terror suspect worked with spy agency

    Tue 23 March, 2004 23:05

    BEEJBI --- ---
    Izraelska rozviedka chybne informovala o Iraku

    BEEJBI --- ---
    tyve a este je na tej hlavni aj zly spelling, omg!
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Iraq War Crimes: Disturbing Picture

    Is this what Bush means when he says: "We the Civilized World"

    "Lcpl [Lieutenant Corporal] Boudreault killed my Dad then he knocked up my sister!"

    This photo is disturbing, it certainly reflects the military training and indoctrination of the troops, which encourage them to kill civilians indiscriminately as confirmed in numerous reports.

    It also confirms the crudest form of war crimes committed by an Occupation Army: murder and rape.

    The two smiling children on the picture do not know what is written on the card-board poster.

    We are not dealing with an isolated event.

    We are dealing with a code of conduct which emanates from the US occupation high command. The war is criminal and it instills criminality among occupation forces.

    Is this what Bush means when he says: "We the Civilized World"

    Circulate this posting. An international inquiry into Bush Administration war crimes is long overdue. The individual in the picture should be arrested and judged not by the US Military but by the people of Iraq.

    Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research (Canada), 24 March 2004.
    PETVAL --- ---
    Fast Pass at Airport Security
    Business travelers may soon have one more item to stuff in their carry-on: a trusted-traveler card to speed them through security lines.

    The Transportation Security Administration plans to start testing a registered-traveler identification program in June, which will let those who volunteer for a background check avoid tight screening at the airport.

    While civil liberties groups have questioned the plan's merits, travel industry groups have welcomed it, calling the proposal a way to expedite travel and increase security without the costs and privacy concerns associated with CAPPS II, the TSA's ongoing attempt to create a new computerized passenger-screening program.

    DRIFTER --- ---
    Bush administration eases logging rules
    Wednesday, March 24, 2004 Posted: 11:50 AM EST (1650 GMT)

    SEATTLE, Washington (AP) -- The Bush administration on Tuesday eased restrictions on logging old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest, completing a rules change that will allow forest managers to begin logging without first looking for rare plants and animals.

    Instead, the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management will rely on information provided by Washington, Oregon and California to decide whether to allow logging, controlled forest fires, and trail- or campground-building, agency spokesman Rex Holloway said.

    Environmentalists decried the change, saying it would double logging on federal land in the region and have disastrous consequences for rare species.

    Regna Merritt, executive director of Oregon Natural Resources Council Action in Portland, Oregon, said the decision ignored environmental science.

    "The idea of looking before you log was that way we could prevent hundreds of species from going extinct," she said.

    Holloway said most old-growth forests in the region remain protected. The change applies only to old-growth and other forests designated for logging in 1994.

    "We feel fairly confident that remaining old growth will provide sufficient habitat for the remaining species," Holloway said.

    The change was prompted by a timber industry lawsuit and is intended to increase logging on 24 million acres of public land.

    The timber industry had complained for years that so-called "survey and manage" rules are intrusive and can take years to complete. Those rules require study of the potential effects of logging on about 300 plant and animal species.

    DRIFTER --- ---
    Utajeno může být téměř cokoliv
    Stručné shrnutí negativních dopadů návrhu nového zákona o utajovaných informacích
    Helena Svatošová
    Národní bezpečnostní úřad připravil nový zákon o utajovaných skutečnostech (utajovaných informacích dle nové terminologie), který by v lednu 2004 měla projednávat vláda. Návrh představuje hrozbu širokého, svévolného a nekontrolovatelného utajování téměř čehokoli, co si státní úředník nebo třeba i zbrojovka vzpomene. Pod novou, mnohem volnější definici utajované skutečnosti, se dá dosadit téměř cokoli. Návrh nového utajovacího zákona z pera NBÚ tak představuje vážné nebezpečí pro svobodný přístup veřejnosti k informacím, pro rovná práva před soudem i pro samotný demokratický standard poměrů ve státě.

    Koalice nevládních organizací Iuridicum remedium, Otevřená společnost a Transparency International ČR proto před návrhem varuje. Jednotlivé sdružené organizace totiž hájí právě ta práva, která by přijetí tohoto zákona závažně ohrozilo.

    Dnes je každému občanu zřejmé, co je utajovaná skutečnost, chráněná specifickými povinnostmi a dokonce i trestním zákonem. Nový zákon počítá pouze s nejasnou definicí, která v podstatě říká, že jsou to ty informace, jejichž vyzrazení by mohlo způsobit újmu zájmům státu nebo mezinárodních organizací nebo být pro jejich zájmy nevýhodné. Zda je definice naplněna, bude rozhodovat předem neznámý okruh úředníků a soukromých subjektů - slovy zákona ti, u kterých informace vznikne. To vytvoří zcela nepřehledné, chaotické a ke zneužívání vybízející klima ve veřejné správě i soukromém sektoru. Kromě samotné koncepce zákona založené na mlhavém vymezení utajované skutečnosti, jsou znepokojující i další místa návrhu.

    I. Dnes jsou ústavní činitelé či soudci osobami, které se nemusí podrobit bezpečnostní prověrce, aby se mohli seznamovat s utajovanými skutečnostmi. Jak konstatoval Ústavní soud, prověrky NBÚ představují závažný zásah do ústavně zaručených práv osob. Je proto třeba zájem státu na prověření osob a důležitá práva plynoucí z ústavy vyvážit. Díky právu voličů zvolit si kohokoli podle své vůle za svého zástupce se prověrkám nepodrobují poslanci, ústavní maxima nezávislosti justice brání prověřování soudců apod. Volební právo odvozené v případě členů vlády a prezidenty republiky také nelze omezit na osoby, které pověřil jeden z orgánů exekutivy, NBÚ. Podle nového zákona by však existovala privilegovaná kategorie tajných informací -informace z EU či NATO, které bez prověrky nemůže znát ani člen vlády, soudce ani člen parlamentu. (Jde přitom o řádově tisíce dokumentů denní agendy většiny resortů, které po vstupu do EU budou mít české úřady k dispozici.)

    Že tito představitelé státu s těmito informacemi musí pracovat, je zřejmé. NBÚ by pak prověřoval nejvyšší výkonný ústavní orgán státu - vládu. Prověřoval by premiéra, který jmenuje předsedu NBÚ. Dostal by i právo prověřovat zvolenou hlavu státu. To představuje vážné vychýlení v dělbě moci ve prospěch jednoho exekutivního orgánu, navíc zhusta pracujícího v utajeném režimu. /p>

    II. Návrh omezuje v případě utajovaných informací z EU a NATO rovněž práva účastníků soudního řízení. Pokud se před soudem probírají utajované informace, není plně zajištěno právo svobodně si zvolit právního zástupce. Zastupovat může jen právní zástupce s bezpečnostní prověrkou. Advokacie je tradičně a oprávněně profesí, kde je důvěrnost vztahu ke klientovi základním předpokladem fungování spravedlivého procesu a proto je i státem respektována (povinnost mlčenlivosti advokáta apod.).

    Bezpečnostní prověřování advokátů je proto věc značně problematická a nelze předpokládat velký zájem advokátů o prověrku své osoby z obav o důvěru svých klientů. Možnost výběru právního zástupce z úzké množiny prověřených advokátů v řízeních, kde se utajované skutečnosti vyskytují, tak jen paroduje existenci práva na svobodnou volbu právního zástupce danou v Listině. Nejde jen o právní zástupce, procesní práva neprověřených účastníků jsou omezena plošně, přičemž není jasně řečeno, jak se bude postupovat u soudců.

    V případě trestního řízení není dnešní úprava jednoznačná. Podle některých výkladů může být v trestním řízení, kde jde o utajované skutečnosti obhájcem také pouze prověřený advokát. To představuje ještě větší riziko nedostupnosti profesionální právní pomoci, neboť jde např. o případy obvinění z ohrožení utajované skutečnosti, případy, kdy důkaz obhajoby může být označen za utajovanou skutečnost apod. /p>

    III. Kritéria dalšího typu prověřované kategorie, tzv. bezpečnostní způsobilosti osob, opakují vadu zrušenou v dnešním zákoně Ústavním soudem. Jsou příliš obecně formulována, takže za skutečnosti klasifikující osobu jako bezpečnostně nespolehlivou si lze dosadit téměř cokoli. Navíc toto posuzuje to orgán, koncentrující velkou část exekutivní agendy, jejíž značnou část vykonává tajně. Ustavní soud již dříve rozhodl, že takto bezpečnostní rizika libovolně rozšiřovat nelze.

    Již stávající, pět let starý zákon je právníky označován za problematický. Vůbec poprvé do českého právního řádu zavedl prověrky osob, které s utajovanými skutečnostmi mohou přijít do styku. Legislativním trikem se dokonce v roce 2002 rozšířil tak, že prověřování se týká i osob, které s utajovanými skutečnostmi do kontaktu nepřichází, zato vykonávají "citlivé činnosti". Dává značnou moc Národnímu bezpečnostnímu úřadu, která byla zpočátku minimálně kontrolovatelná. Ústavní soud dal kritikům v mnohém zapravdu a nejkřiklavější části zákona zrušil; shledal rozpor s Listinou (právo na řádný proces a právo na svobodný výkon povolení) i Ústavou a to hned s úvodním článkem, označujícím ČR za demokratický a právní stát.

    Navržená úprava však vychází utajování a prověřování bez dostatečné kontroly vstříc ještě podstatně více.

    Téměř totožný tlak na rozvolnění pravidel pro utajování ve státním zájmu a oslabení dozoru lze zaregistrovat i v okolních státech. Neoficiálně jsou důvodem požadavky NATO. Ty však nemají oporu v žádném mezinárodním závazku ČR a nemohou sloužit jako přesvědčivý a legitimní důvod. Příslušné vnitřní dokumenty NATO mají původ v padesátých letech minulého století a jejich naplňování se jeví kolizní s mezinárodními závazky členů na poli základních práv.

    Odkazy na informace o zbraních hromadného ničení, kterými by měly české orgány disponovat, v novém návrhu spíše vyvolávají dohady o účelu nové úpravy. Ta totiž zásadně ztíží demokratickou kontrolu veřejnosti týkající se obchodu se zbraněmi, jednání představitelů ČR v mezinárodních organizacích jako např. WTO nebo MMF a mnoha dalších otázek veřejného zájmu.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Cameras to guard new city parks

    By Kyle Weaver Staff Writer kylew@nwanews.com

    Tuesday, March 23, 2004

    ROGERS — Beginning with the skate and splash park, all new city parks in Rogers will have an all-day, all-night patron — Big Brother.

    Parks director Jim Welch said Monday morning at a special meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission that a recent arson incident with damage estimates exceeding $100,000 precipitated his directive to make surveillance cameras part of future park plans. "It’s like anything else if you know a camera’s watching," Welch said. "It will keep honest people honest."

    Welch said that a video camera for the skate and splash park — bids should go out in about a month for the project — was in the plans prior to the Feb. 29 fire that consumed the soccer field concession stand and pavilion at the Rogers Activity Center. On Thursday, Welch said that finding the culprits responsible for setting the blaze in a plastic trash can placed on top of a picnic table is unlikely because of the remote location of the concession stand.

    While cameras won’t keep vandalism from happening, it will keep the perpetrators from staying unidentified.

    Welch also said that current parks could also receive surveillance-camera installations.

    Currently, the parks department is evaluating the amount of vandalism at all city parks, and Welch said that those showing the most signs of defacing or destruction will receive cameras first.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Homeland Security liaison to keep Hollywood in line

    Chicago Sun-Times | March 23 2004

    WASHINGTON -- Protecting America against terrorist attacks and other disasters requires strong interagency communication and superior intelligence-gathering. Oh, and a little help from Hollywood.

    The Homeland Security Department has posted a job for a ''liaison to the entertainment industry.'' The salary could be as high as $136,000, plus benefits.

    The department is creating the job to make sure that dramatic portrayals of it are as accurate as possible, spokesman Dennis Murphy said Friday.

    It's not a new concept. The Pentagon has been working with TV and film producers for years. Murphy, in a former position at the Customs Service, provided technical advice to the Oscar-winning film ''Traffic.''

    The job calls for ''providing strategic counsel'' to Homeland Security officials when they are asked for help with a film and approving assistance for projects that commit the department to cooperate.

    ''There can be a tremendous impact on the public with the ability to communicate to people what we're doing,'' Murphy said.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Government will track ID card use

    Alan Travis, home affairs editor
    Tuesday March 23, 2004
    The Guardian

    The pattern of everyday use we make of our identity cards, known as the audit trail, will be logged and kept on a central computer to allow abuses to be investigated once the scheme is introduced, a senior Home Office official indicated yesterday.

    Stephen Harrison, the head of the Home Office's identity card policy unit, said yesterday there were also plans to introduce mobile electronic fingerprint and eyescan units to allow elderly and infirm people in rural areas to register for identity cards without travelling long distances.


    DRIFTER --- ---
    Tuesday :: March 23, 2004
    Police Forcing Blood Tests to Catch Drunk Drivers

    The Wall Street Journal (paid subscription required) reports that in many states, police are opting for blood tests instead of breath tests for suspected drunk drivers -- even if they have to take the blood by force.

    The tests raise two nettlesome questions: How much force should police be able to use in extracting blood from uncooperative suspects? And should medical professionals, who are honor-bound to obey patients' treatment wishes and protect their privacy, be compelled to do otherwise?

    Prosecutors say the blood tests are more accurate than breath tests. Also, many drivers refuse to take either test, and police say you can't force someone to take a breath test, but you can strap someone down to draw blood from them.

    At least eight states -- Alaska, Arizona, Iowa, Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada and Texas -- have in recent years enacted statutes specifically permitting police to use reasonable force to obtain blood samples in DUI cases.
    Laws in at least seven other states allow police to take blood without the driver's consent, without explicitly authorizing force. In most other states, court rulings have authorized reasonable force to obtain blood. Many such rulings cite a little-known fact about driving laws in the U.S.: All motorists are considered to have consented to a search of their blood, breath or urine. Such "implied consent" laws were introduced in New York in 1953, and today all 50 states and the District of Columbia have them.

    A few courts have intervened to protect the civil liberties of drivers:

    Critics of the practice see a threat to privacy and civil liberties, with judges in Rhode Island, New Jersey and Wisconsin barring, limiting or questioning the practice in recent years. In Pennsylvania, the state police say they don't take blood if a driver refuses, but might if the driver is unconscious.

    Doctors have balked at the practice as well:

    For me to draw blood from a patient who is refusing to have his blood drawn, unless I have compelling medical reasons for that blood sample, I'm committing assault and battery, and I'm not going to do it," says Dr. Phil Brewer, president of the Connecticut College of Emergency Physicians and a fellow at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

    Would the Supreme Court uphold the practice today? The last time it considered the issue was in Schmerber v. California--in upholding the practice it stressed the way the blood was taken--in a hospital by a physician.

    The majority warned that "serious questions ... would arise" if the blood were extracted "in other than a medical environment -- for example, if it were administered by police in the privacy of the stationhouse" because allowing that might "invite an unjustified element of personal risk of infection and pain." It added that "more substantial intrusions, or intrusions under other conditions" might not pass muster.

    State and federal courts have countenanced a range of police conduct in obtaining blood, from putting a chokehold on the carotid artery of a suspected drunk in California to shooting one in the arm with a stun-gun in Delaware. And blood often is extracted in police lockups and jailhouses -- just the sort of environment the Supreme Court said might be constitutionally troublesome.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Ever wondered what it was like living in the Middle East?


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