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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Giuliani Hears 'your government trained and funded Al-Qaeda' at end of Commission Hearing

    C-Span | May 19 2004

    Eleventh public hearing of the 9/11 Commission, with testimony by Fmr. Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Wind the video on to three minutes before the end to hear the family members of the victims chastise the whitewash commission, where a family member of a victim says, "remmeber this, your government trained and funded Al-Qaeda" - as the rest of the 9/11 families applause.

    KERRAY --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    SLATER: ty vnimas jejich zpravodajstvi jako objektivni a vyvazene? MF Dnes je plna proizraelske propagandy, zejmena jejich komentare (MF prolistuju tak jednou za mesic sobotni vydani, kde je neco podobneho vzdy), HN a Lidovky jen obcas na webu,Ceske televize, zahlednu-li, na me pusobi jakou papousci oficialnich nazoru Izraele, preferuji zahranicni zdroje.

    Nejvic mi ale vadi, ze jsem jeste v ceskych dennicich a TV nezaznamenal puvodni dlouhodobejsi investigativni reportaz z okupovanych uzemi (pamatuji si na neco hodne davno v Reflexu), ktera by popisovala Izraelce strilejici do deti hazejicich kameny a sanitek, ekonomickou blokadu Palestincu, armadu borici domy bez rozdilu vsem jakozto obranu pred Palestinskym terorem, aniz by se stourala v tom, jak jsou trvale pripravovani o moznost slusneho zivobyti a tak snadno podlehaji militantnim filozofiim, patrala by po vazbach mezi Mossadem a Hamasem (ze jich uz v historii klubu docela dost zmineno bylo), byla schopna pohovorit o Sharonove roli v Libanonu, nebala se rict motto Mossadu (By the way of deception thee should do a war) a sla po pricine, zminila by oficialni vyroky Izraleskych zakladatelu v 50. letech hovoricich o nutnosti odsunout vsechny Araby co nejdal...

    ...reportaz, ktera by se nebala polozit si zasadni otazku Qui bono a vytknout Izraeli, ze nasili plodi nasili.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Bývalý starosta Giuliani přiznal chybu, ale odmítl obviňování
    NEW YORK 19. května (zpravodaj ČTK) - Bývalý newyorský starosta Rudolph Giuliani připustil dnes v New Yorku před komisí pro vyšetřování okolností teroristických útoků z 11. září 2001 "hrozné chyby" při záchranných pracích, ale odmítl připisování viny komukoli jinému než teroristům.

    Ve výpovědi před desetičlennou komisí, která dnes končí zasedání v New Yorku, Giuliani řekl, že vinu za selhání komunikace mezi policií a hasiči při záchranných pracích nelze svést na jednotlivce, nýbrž na jedinečné okolností tragického dne.

    Teroristé tehdy unesenými letouny zbořili obě věže newyorského Světového obchodního střediska v dolní části Manhattanu. V troskách zahynulo asi 2800 lidí.

    Komise se také zabývala tím, proč se k lidem v budovách obchodního střediska nedostal příkaz opustit objekty. Podle dosavadních zjištění komise pracovníci nouzového řídícího střediska nebyli informováni o tom, že šéfové policie a hasičů nařídili evakuaci. Pracovníci v budovách naopak vydávali lidem příkazy, aby setrvali na místě. Tento zmatek označili někteří členové komise za skandální.

    Giuliani k tomu poznamenal, že nyní není užitečné se soustřeďovat na vzájemné obviňování. "Poukazování na viníka by mělo jít jedině v jednom směru - na adresu teroristů, kteří zabili naše milované osoby," řekl bývalý starosta.

    Giuliani byl považován za hrdinu tragického dne, protože se pustil s vervou do organizování záchranných prací ve zmatku, který propukl krátce po nárazu letounů do věží. Oheň tehdy zasáhl horní patra Dvojčat, ale nikdo příliš neočekával, že se budovy zhroutí.

    V další předběžné zprávě vydané v úterý komise konstatovala, že záchranářské úsilí do značné míry mařila špatná komunikace policie a hasičů vyplývající mimo jiné z dlouhotrvající rivality obou složek.

    Komise, která se ke slyšení poprvé po dvou měsících přesunula mimo Washington, zkoumá minutu po minutě konkrétní průběh katastrofy, která připravila o život bezmála tři tisíce lidí. Komise varovala pozůstalé po obětech, kteří zasedli v sále univerzity, že fotografie, videozáběry a zvukové záznamy znovu evokující tragédii mohou být pro ně bolestné.

    Před nezávislou komisi, zřízenou americkým Kongresem, veřejně vypovídali hlavní představitelé vlády prezidenta George Bushe. Před komisí stanul nakonec v neveřejné výpovědi i Bush s viceprezidentem Richardem Cheneym. Závěrečnou zprávu má komise vydat 26. července.
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    'Farenheit 9/11' opens big at Cannes

    20 mins standing ovation for FAHRENHEIT 9-11, yelling, screaming, cheering... 'This is the longest standing ovation in the history of the festival! Unbelievable!' declared Cannes stalwart Thierry Fremaux. Moore, raising fist, unable to speak over crowd, vows to fight... Controversial scene in film shows wounded American GI in Iraq talking about how Democrats must win election... Movie shows video of U.S. soldiers laughing as they place hoods over Iraqi detainees, with one of them grabbing a prisoner's genitals through a blanket...

    SLATER --- ---
    PETVAL --- --- 9.21:12 18.5.2004: Muzes mi prosim napsat, ktera ceska media sledujes, kdyz jsi schopen napsat neco takovyho? Pravdepodobne to nebudou zpravodajske relace na zadne z nasich televizi, ani denni tisk (minimalne ne MF Dnes, HN, LN...), ani jejich internetove klony...protoze shodou okolnosti ve vsech tehle mediich je tohle propirano celkem dost...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Iraqatrix: The S&M PsyOp

    By now, you must know the Berg beheading video was some kind of fake or scam. How could you not know? The Internet is abuzz with details of a host of video anomalies.

    Face it. You have just been PsyOped. Brutally. Shrewdly.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Fishy Circumstances and Flawed Timelines Surround American's Beheading

    UPDATE 12:45PM Central: This just in -- U.S. spokesman says decapitated American was never held by U.S. forces

    With several news outlets reporting that Berg's family is angry from the US government over their son's violent death and revelations that "Berg was detained by Iraqi police at a checkpoint in Mosul on March 24. He was turned over to U.S. officials and detained for 13 days" (in other words, he was detained by the US military just prior to his death) -- (AP 5/11/04) we have to question what really happened and who was really behind Berg's horrific murder.

    We have received several emails from listeners questioning what really happened including this one:

    me and a friend were discussing recent news events and trying to piece together the information presented to us, thought you might want to look into this further, they said in the news that nicholas berg was killed 2 weeks ago (i think), however in the video the culprits who killed him said they were "avenging iraqi prisoner abuse" but those photos weren't released until last week, so my question is how is that even a possible motive if he was killed prior to the abuse photos being released??  maybe i am misinformed but thought id ask the question to someone who would look into it

    And this one:

    Hey Alex, I know people like me who have learned not to trust our government tend to see a conspiracy under every rock. With that said... The picture the media is now showing of the guy the terrorist beheaded as revenge for what went on in the Iraqi prisons looks odd to me. If you look at the men dressed in black, they all seem well fed. Actually most look fat. That bothers me, because these guys are fighting a war and eating on the run. They are constantly on the move and should be either very fit and trim or scrawny and malnourished because of the same reasons. One thing they should not be is fat like couch potatoes. If you look at all of the photos of the prisoners who were naked who supposedly were just plucked of the street, most of them are thin. Just an observation Alex

    And this one:

    1) extremely convenient "wag the dog" timing at the height of furor
    regarding U.S. torture of Iraqis

    2) CNN poll question:  "Is the Berg killing a reason for withholding any
    remaining Iraq prisoner abuse pictures?"  Bush has been reported to be
    struggling with question of whether Pentagon should release additional
    torture photos.  Given that the alleged decapitation of Berg was allegedly
    prompted by the first wave of torture photos, Bush could now cite "national
    security" issues for witholding additional materials.

    3) Berg's last known whereabouts was in U.S. custody.

    4) Berg shown in video wearing orange jumpsuit known to be of U.S. issue
    (compare with pictures at Guantanamo).

    5) Berg mysteriously captured by Al-Quaeda (still wearing jumpsuit).  Either
    he escaped from U.S. captors or U.S. let him out -- with orange suit and
    all -- to be immediately apprehended by Al-Quaeda (before he had a chance to

    6) Tape obviously spliced together and heavily edited.  Goes from a) Berg
    sitting in chair talking about family, to b) Berg sitting on floor with
    hooded "militants" behind, to c) blurry camera movement, to d) almost
    motionless Berg on floor as head cut off.

    7) Audio clearly dubbed in.

    8) "Arab" reader flips through pages of "statement" and keeps ending up on
    the same page.  Perhaps doesn't even known enough Arabic to recognize what
    page he's on?

    9) "Arabs" have lily-white hands and (other exposed) skin.

    10) "Arabs" have Western-style body posture and mannerisms.

    11) When Berg decapitated, there was almost no blood.  If Berg were still
    alive at this point, with the cut starting at front of throat, blood would
    have been spraying everywhere.  Berg's severed head, the floor, Berg's
    clothes, and even the hand of the "Arab" who decapitated Berg had no visible
    blood on it.

    12) Berg's body didn't move while on the ground.  Although held down, Berg
    would have tried to instinctively wiggle and writhe away from captor's grip.

    13) Camera angle made it impossible to see if Berg's eyes were even open.

    14) Alleged "scream" from Berg sounded to be that of a woman and was clearly
    dubbed in.

    15) Berg goes to great trouble to identify himself, providing information
    about his family.  Why?  To elicit greater sympathy?  Or to provide a
    positive ID.  FBI visited Berg family in an attempt to "verify his
    identity".  Guy in video looks very little like Berg photos provided by

    I believe that Berg (or this lookalike character) was first killed (perhaps
    by lethal injection, poisoning, etc.), then decapitated after dead (explains
    lack of blood spraying everywhere).  Berg was killed by Al-Quaeda (known to
    be a CIA - Mossad joint venture).  Berg video released at height of furor
    over U.S. torture of Iraqis and just before Bush was to decide whether to
    release additional torture videos.  Now torture videos will be witheld from
    public for reasons of national security.  Now "patriots" everywhere will
    laud the virtues of U.S. torture of "enemies".  Sensitivity level of public
    gets heightened in terms of what's acceptable treatment of prisoners.
    Juxtaposed with decapitation, piling naked men into pyramid is nothing.
    Such treatment will be considered more and more acceptable even in domestic
    situations.  George W. Bush sleeps well tonight while Berg family lives in
    torture.  Serves Berg's father right for opposing Bush and the war of
    aggression against Iraq.

    Jeff Rense has compiled some important information on Berg's detainment and questioning what really happened in his article, " Why Did The US Take
    Custody Of Nick Berg?"

    Two things are for sure:

    First, Berg parents feel that their son was abandoned and betrayed by the US Government.

    Second: NeoCons have already started to use Nick Berg's murder to justify torture and more war

    Related Articles:

    Why Did The US Take Custody Of Nick Berg?

    Berg Time Line

    Nick Berg was on his way out of Iraq. He had been released from the prison where he had been held for 13 days by Iraqi police for reasons he said he did not know.

    Nick Berg's Parents Say US Abandoned Him

    Pa. family angry with American government over son's brutal death

    Qaeda Leader Beheads U.S. Civilian in Iraq

    Awful images change perception of the war

    NeoCons use Nick Berg's murder to justify torture and more war


    JAXXE --- ---
    Is it time for Bush to press the panic button? (updated)

    "Gee, if this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier...just as long as I am the dictator."

    -- G W Bush


    Bush's attempts to claim that the use of torture on Iraqi POWs (a clear violation of the Geneva Convention) was an aberration and the work of a few naughty individuals has fallen apart. Newseek has uncovered a memo that shows the administration signed off on the plans for secret detention centers and "coercive" interrogations. The responsibility for the use of torture lies right in the White House, and the President who openly admits eschewing newspapers in favor of listening to his NeoCon advisers.

    The obvious sham of the Nick Berg beheading did not produce the hoped-for revival in Bush's fortunes. Even before the video had made the evening news, the obvious flaws in the frame-up were rocketing around the world on the Internet It is hardly a stretch to suggest that a government that uses torture executed Nick Berg as a distraction from that scandal. How small a step is it to suggest that 9-11 itself was staged to justify a war of conquest.

    Michael Moore's latest film, "Fahrenheit 9-11" received an unprecedented 20 minute standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival. Bush's attempts to block the film's release in the United States with the cooperation of Disney's Michael Esiner only serves to underscore that Bush has indeed crafted the dictatorship he so openly joked about.
    In this case, it is an impotent tyranny, for in this age of the Internet there will be no way to keep this film and the information it contains from the American people.

    Bush and the NeoCons are in a corner. The time when they can count on the media to promote their particular point of view is fast running out. The time when the media could successfully sell a particular point of view is fast running out. Their fraud and deception will not last until the November elections. Their fraud and deception will not survive another month at the current rate of exposures..

    Bush may be thinking about hitting the "panic button".

    What I refer to is, of course, a last ditch attempt to prop up his sagging poll numbers and revive support for the wars of conquest by staging yet another phony "terror" attack, framing it on the intended invadee. Planes crashing into buildings is now passé, and repeating that stunt would only underscore the utter uselessness of the millions of dollars spent on increased airport security. So, scratch that one. Maybe a truck with a bomb in it on the Golden Gate Bridge? Those San Franciscans got lots of other bridges anyway and there are lots of great places for the news crews to shoot from at the Presidio. Ah, but maybe that's not scary enough. Not every city has a bridge, and Tacoma survived the collapse of "Galloping Gerty" without major trauma. Soooooooooo, mebbe a suitcase nuke welded to the keel of a cargo ship? Not scary enough; most of the nation is landlocked. They don't worry about cargo ships coming into town from far away. So, that leaves us with everyone's favorite boogeyman, BIOLOGICAL TERROR!

    If you are out to scare the crap out of people in order to enslave them, germs make a great tool. But, you don't want to use a germ that might possibly race out of control and kill off more of your gross domestic product than the despot's plan allowed for. Things like that look bad on a resume. That's where Anthrax comes in. Anthrax has a low secondary communicability. That is, the spores will infect people, but infected people will not infect other people easily. Anthrax is not actually a terror weapon, it is a battlefield weapon, specifically chosen to render an army ill but NOT to easily escape into the surrounding population. Real terrorists, of course, would choose a pathogen with a high degree of secondary communicability so that the target population does the work of spreading it around. Fake terrorists choose a pathogen that won't spread beyond its intended target.

    Anthrax has, of course, been bannered around by the mainstream media as the "most likely terror weapon" for years now. Shots for it have been mandated for the military, making the vaccine company rich, but in truth, how does the US know that this one pathogen, out of dozens that a real terrorist might use, is the one to protect the military against? Let me repeat that: Out of all the pathogens available (and more useful) to real terrorists, how does the US Government know that Anthrax is the one pathogen the troops need protection from?

    Makes you think, doesn't it?

    And as the recent exposures of fake terrorism in Macedonia, coupled with the admission that at least two of the Madrid bombers were actually informants, it is clear that we all live in an age where governments manufacture terror with which to try to control their populations.

    So, let's look at this from the NeoCon point of view. Their wars are stalled, the world knows the wars are based on lies and deceptions, and Americans are starting to resent spending their money and children's blood to conquer the Mideast for the NeoCon's masters. They NEED an event that will scare the people of the United States into accepting whatever dictates they are handed. For the scare to work to that extent, especially in a nation of skeptical taxpayers, the threat must be seen as immediate, threatening them personally. A germ is such a fear-maker because it cannot be seen. The population cannot know for certain that it isn't present in the air around them. They cannot know they are not breathing it in at that very moment.

    Therefore, when Bush hits his panic button, look for a staged terror attack involving a biological threat, possibly Anthrax (of which the US has the largest stockpile in the world) to hit several cities at once coast to coast. Bush and the NeoCons will announce an immediate state of emergency, requiring suspension of all civil rights while house to house searches are made for the "terrorists", who are "known" to be in possession of more of these ampoules of germs. And because the "terrorists" are using the Internet to coordinate the attacks, look for the government to shut down all parts of the Internet that are not running a commercial for some corporation.

    I hope I am wrong. And frankly, if I am right I am not sure how Bush and the NeoCons can make this work if the mainstream media has started to split away from the PNAC agenda. But the Bush Administration has shown a blind optimism as to what is really going on, preferring to see the world as they want it to be rather than it is, and I would not be surprised if a last act of desperation is forthcoming from this President.

    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 panel says too many documents are being stamped secret

    That prevents the public from getting vital information, members say

    PETVAL --- ---
    Bushovi a bin Ladinovi: příběh dvou přátelských rodin
    MOZEK --- ---
    JAXXE: tak to je prilis..
    JAXXE --- ---
    The number of babies born deformed and children suffering leukaemia have soared because of the "deadly legacy" of depleted uranium shells used by British and American forces in Iraq, human rights campaigners claimed yesterday.

    Releasing details of health problems and human rights violations suffered by Iraqi children in the past year, they claim the country's youngsters faced a worse existence today than they did under Saddam Hussein's dictatorship.

    Depleted uranium was widely used by Allied forces to penetrate Iraqi tank armour in the Gulf Wars of 1991 and again last year.

    Opponents claim the dust it releases upon impact is rapidly absorbed into the body, causing an upsurge of serious health problems inherited by Iraqi children during the past 13 years from their parents.


    obrazky tady.... na vlastni riziko, je to celkem hnus


    "Unborn children of the region [are] being asked to pay the highest price, the integrity of their DNA."

    - Ross B. Mirkarimi, The Arms Control Research Centre, from his report: ‘The Environmental and Human Health Impacts of the Gulf Region with Special Reference to Iraq.’ May 1992
    JAXXE --- ---
    K atentátu na iráckého premiéra se přihlásil Zarkáví

    Zabitý ministerský předseda irácké prozatímní vlády Abdaz Záhir Usmán Muhammad
    foto: REUTERS

    Skupina abú Músy Zarkávího, který má údajně kontakty s teroristickou sítí al-Kajdá, se přihlásila k pondělnímu atentátu, při němž zahynul předseda irácké vládní rady Abdaz Záhir Usmán Muhammad. Informovala o tom ve středu agentura Reuters.







    Salim Assassination Was 'Inside Job'

    In Iraq, political decisions are not yet made by polls nor at them. There they are still in the French revolution stage of representative government. A senior U.S. official tells NBC News that it may very well have been a, quote, “inside job” that led to the assassination, this morning, of the president of the Iraqi governing council.

    Izzedine Salim was among nine Iraqis killed when a suicide bomber detonated a vehicle at a checkpoint outside coalition headquarters in central Baghdad. The U.S. source says the fear is someone inside that interim Iraqi government tipped off the assassins about his movements of Salim.

    This afternoon a group itself the “Arab Resistance Movement” claimed responsibility for the murder of a man it had called a “traitor and mercenary.” But, General Mark Kimmitt said that the car bomb had the classic hallmarks of the terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi to whom one Web site attributed the murder of the American freelance contractor, Nick Berg.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Had Mossad, Israel’s secret intelligence organization, succeeded, it would have been the perfect crime—the crime of the century. The plan was breathtaking in concept: to assassinate the American ambassador to Lebanon, in Lebanon, with American weapons, intended for Israeli’s defense only. Everything about it would point to Lebanon as the culprit.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    Videozáznam popravy amerického "podnikatele". Důležité otázky zůstávají nezodpovězeny
    Webová stránka Islámského džihádu zaslala na internet fotografie a videoklip stětí amerického zajatce Nicolase Berga, údajně soukromého podnikatele v Iráku. Prohlášení adresované islámské světové komunitě a zveřejněné vedle fotografií a videozáznamu, tvrdí, že poprava byla odpovědí na vraždy, mučení, zneužívání a ponižování, jemuž je vydáno více než 12 000 iráckých zajatců americkými okupačními představiteli a jejich britskými a ostatními lokaji.

    Komuniké, podepsané "Abú Mus'ab az-Zarkáwí, velitel Džama'at at-Tawhíd wa-al-Džihád (Skupina jednoty a džihádu), pravilo, že jejich skupina nabízela výměnu Berga za některé zajatce v koncentračním táboře Abú Ghurajb, ale Američané to odmítli. Prohlášení dává najevo, že Berg byl popraven na obranu cti muslimských vězňů, mužů a žen, držených v Abú Ghurajb a dalších koncentračních táborech v Iráku.

    Dva dny předtím zveřejnila řada islámských webových stránek úvahu podepsanou Husajnem ibn Mahmúdem, která se obírala nedávným zveřejněním stovek fotografií, dokumentujících systematické ponižování, zneužívání a mučení, praktikované americkými okupačními představiteli v jejich síti koncentračních táborů po celém Iráku. Ibn Mahmúd napsal, že je nutno něco dělat, aby se okupantům zabránilo v dalším provádění takových zločinů. "Jsou to váleční zajatci," napsal, "a mudžáhidové mají rovněž válečné zajatce, a jsou povinni udělat Američanům něco, aby je to přinutilo velmi dobře si rozmyslet, zda se mohou odvážit páchat takové ponižující věci. Mudžáhidové nemohou dělat to, co dělali Američané, protože jim to zakazuje jejich víra - sama svou podstatou - a stejně by to na Američany nemělo vliv, protože jsou na takové chování zvyklí. Dělají takové věci dobrovolně, aniž by je k tomu někdo nutil, a beze studu. Nazí svlékající se lidé oddávající se sodomii jsou pro ně běžná věc, věc, na jakou si zvykli. Ale existují věci, které mudžáhidové mohou dělat, takové jako podřezávání hrdel některých vězňů noži, a vysílání jejich fotografií a jmen. Ta mohou být na videozáznamech, vysílaných světovými webovými stránkami, nikoli v médiích, která kontrolují Američané. Je možné oznámit, že tyto činy jsou pouze pomstou za naše bratry a sestry ve vězení Abú Ghurajb. Mudžáhidům se v této věci otevírá možnost různých nápadů."

    V případu Nicolase Berga samotného je mnoho nejasností. Dokonce i americká Associated Press, přizvukující chóru chvály na údajně idealistického, dobře smýšlejícího, ale naivního amerického obchodníka, upozorňuje, že jeho případ zanechal "mnoho nezodpovězených otázek".

    Před svým zajetím iráckým odporem, byl Berg, americký žid, zastaven iráckou loutkovou policií na stanovišti u Mósulu a držen tam dva týdny. Údajně byl zadržen proto, že se podílel na "podezřelých aktivitách". Podle Bergovy rodiny ve Spojených státech byl zadržen okupačními úřady. Ty to ovšem později popřely a prohlásily, že byl zadržován jenom iráckou policií. Ať už to bylo jakkoli, po dva týdny, kdy byl v rukou okupantů a jejich sluhů, byl Berg údajně třikrát vyšetřován FBI, zda je skutečně Američan - věc, jakou lze v době počítačů, neřkuli telefonů, které FBI má, zjistit během několika minut.

    Jedna tisková zpráva Associated Press zmínila, že Berg měl "příbuzného", žijícího v oblasti Mósulu, muže, který byl ženat s jeho nedávno zemřelou sestrou.

    Ačkoli byl údajně podnikatelem pracujícím v oblasti telekomunikací, Berg zjevně neměl žádné styky s firmami spolupracujícími s americkými okupanty, kteří ho přestavují jako podnikatele beze smlouvy. Nicméně podle AP Berg "cestoval hojně a bez doprovodu po Iráku - kteroužto nebezpečnou praxi lidé ze západu málokdy podnikají." Když mu FBI nabídla odlet z Iráku, Berg údajně odmítl proto, že cesta na letiště by prý byla "příliš nebezpečná".

    První tisk, který ve světě poukázal na Bergův židovský původ, byl sionistický Jediot Achronot, vydávaný v okupované Palestině. Protože se často objevují zprávy o sionistických aktivitách provozovaných především v severních oblastech okupovaného Iráku (kde Mósul leží), je možno se zamyslet nad tím, zda by sionisté v Tel Avivu nemohli mít další důležité informace o Nicku Bergovi, které ještě nebyly odhaleny.
    PERPLEX --- ---
    to zrovna myslim, ze klidne...
    jejich zajem preci je, aby se prosty americky lid rozhorcil nad osudem jejich chlapcu a zevnitr vyvolal politickej tlak na ukonceni valky, na tom preci, ovsem az asi po skoro desteti letech, ztroskotal Vietnam, ale obavam se, ze hollywoodsti divaci a vyznavaci combat PC her jsou nsk mnohem cynictejsi a moc je to uz nerozhazii...
    jen tem nemnoha pozustalim zcista temna zklaplo, ale jsou ve svem nemem uzasu alespon pysni na sve hrdiny, ...
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam