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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    BREAKING: Cindy Sheehan arrested in Manhattan.

    by Five of Diamonds
    Mon Sep 19th, 2005 at 12:42:39 PDT

    I witnessed this with my own eyes. Here is my account.

    Cindy Sheehan was arrested moments ago in Union Square, Manhattan for allegedly speaking in the square without the proper permit.

    A small group of police began to congregate around 2:00 on the south east corner of Union Square. Cindy and her peace entourage were slightly late to the event, contending with public transportation.

    Upon her arrival, applause and cheers filled the crowd awaiting her speech. A few other members of the tour movement spoke. Afterward, about 2:50, Cindy began her speech. It was friendly and empowering. She was grateful for the support and urged everyone to go to Washington DC on the 24th of September for a march on Washington.

    At the conclusion of her speech, from my perspective, a few loud and impassioned boos erupted, then I saw a hand come from behind Cindy and grab her shoulder-strap on her backpack. The arm jerked her backwards, with such force as to snap her head forward, and she fell from my view.

    The crowd erupted in booing and jeering. The crowd rushed the elevated park where she once stood, not to fight but to witness what was happening. People crowded the police, who had formed a semi-circle around what was happening to Cindy (which I could not witness from my vantage point).

    "Nazis," "Gestapo," "free speech," "burn the constitution," "traitors," "you can't have her," could be heard from all sides of the angry crowd. The police stood shoulder-to-shoulder with emotionless looks on their faces. One woman from the tour, I did not see who, urged everyone to that it is a waste of energy to yell at the police, we can't stop it from happening, but what we can do is trumpet this event to the rest of the United States.

    Many media cameras were there. One New York Times reporter was also there (at least), and she was moving around the crowd asking questions. Upon the arrest, she inserted herself into the middle of the screaming, recording it all with her mini-recorder.

    I'm not sure the details of the permit situation. The announcer said they sought a permit for weeks with no response from the city government.

    Spread the word Kossaks! More as it unfolds.

    UPDATE: Details prompted by comments There was no violence, no violent rhetoric, and the spirit of the event was positive and strong. She was only there for about 10 minutes before she spoke, and spoke for about 5 minutes. The crowd was respectful and peaceful. Cindy and the other speakers were using a microphone and speakers, which may have caused the problem with the permits. The announcer told the crowd that they had been officially warned before Cindy got there. I'm trying to find out the permit stuff right now. She was speaking at "Camp Casey NYC" in Union Square. It was a planned event, advertised in the newspaper. And from what I heard (Union Square is a noisy place), they tried to get a permit but did not get a response from city government after many messages were left. My view was not the best, so I did not see if it was a cop behind her that jerked her away. The immediate booing and rushing of the "stage" (a large part of the park raised by about 3 steps) made me believe it was the police. I could not see if she resisted or not. Sorry for the bad view...I wish I had more. Watch the wires, this will be out soon.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Britské tanky prý osvobodily vojáky z irácké věznice

    Vojáci za pomoci tanků osvobodili své dva kolegy.

    19. září 2005 22:37

    Britští vojáci v jihoirácké Basře v pondělí večer s pomocí tanků zbořili zdi hlavní věznice a osvobodili dva své kolegy, tvrdí irácké úřady. Dva Brity předtím irácká policie zadržela a obvinila ze střelby na policisty. Britská armáda tvrzení iráckých úřadů o útoku na věznici odmítla.

    Britské ministerstvo obrany podle agentury Reuters násilný zákrok proti věznici popřelo a uvedlo, že dvojice vojáků byla propuštěna po vyjednávání.

    "Neslyšeli jsme o ničem, co by potvrzovalo náš útok na věznici," sdělil mluvčí britského ministerstva obrany v Londýně. "Pochopili jsme, že proběhlo vyjednávání," dodal.

    Dva údajné příslušníky britských speciálních jednotek zadržely irácké úřady v Basře poté, co prý oba muži stříleli na irácké policisty. Při přestřelce byli zabiti nejméně dva civilisté a 15 dalších lidí bylo zraněno.

    Britská armáda poté podle iráckých úřadů obklíčila věznici, v níž byli oba muži zadržováni. Kolem se shromáždili nespokojení Iráčané, kteří na britské vojáky házeli zápalné lahve.

    Podle jednoho z činitelů iráckého ministerstva vnitra nakonec britské oddíly na vězeňský komplex zaútočily s pomocí desítky tanků. Situace prý využilo asi 150 iráckých vězňů, kteří z pobořené káznice rovněž uprchli.

    Guvernér Basry označil údajnou osvobozovací akci britské armády za barbarský, surový a nezodpovědný čin. "Britské jednotky o síle více než deseti tanků podporované vrtulníky napadly hlavní věznici a poničily ji. Je to nezodpovědný čin," řekl guvernér.



    Britské tanky osvobodily vojáky zadržené v Basře

    [Dva Brity zadrželi 19. září iráčtí činitelé v Basře na jihu země a obvinili je, že stříleli na policisty.]

    BASRA (Irák) - Britští vojáci v jihoirácké Basře dnes večer s pomocí tanků zbořili zdi hlavní věznice a osvobodili dva své kolegy, údajně příslušníky speciálních jednotek. Ty irácká policie zadržela a obvinila ze střelby na příslušníky iráckých bezpečnostních sil.

    Jak uvedla agentura AP s odvoláním na očité svědky, situace využilo asi 150 iráckých vězňů, kteří rovněž uprchli z pobořené věznice.

    Britští vojáci opouštějí hořící tank při násilných střetech, které propukly 19. září v Basře poté, co irácké úřady zadržely dvojici Britů v civilu za údajnou střelbu po iráckých policistech.

    Dva Brity dnes zadržely irácké úřady v Basře poté, co oba muži údajně stříleli na policisty. Při přestřelce byli zabiti nejméně dva civilisté a 15 dalších lidí bylo zraněno. Britská armáda prý irácké úřady informovala, že jde o britské vojáky v civilním oblečení. Podle agentury AP byli vojáci přestrojeni za Araby.

    Britská armáda poté obklíčila věznici, v níž byli oba muži zadržováni. Kolem se shromáždili nespokojení Iráčané, kteří na britské vojáky házeli zápalné lahve.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Váleční zločinci, táhněte z Prahy! - úvodní tisková zpráva

    Autor: Jindřich Lacina - 19.09.2005 - verze pro tisk

    Ve dnech 18. a 19. října se má v Praze na Žofíně uskutečnit konference „Dny EU a USA“, pořádaná agenturou Teleaxis. V jejím rámci mají hlavní projevy přednést lidé, spojovaní s dlouhou řadu zločinů proti lidskosti, porušování lidských práv a agresivními válečnými konflikty.

    Hlavními řečníky budou bývalý americký generální prokurátor John Ashcroft, zodpovědný za likvidaci řady lidských práv a občanských svobod v USA ve jménu „boje proti terorismu“. Ashcroft v zájmu ochrany "demokracie" neváhal obhajovat a prosadit praktiky jako z repertoáru bývalé bolševické Státní bezpečnosti. Připomeňme jen možnost soudit podezřelé z terorismu vojenskými tribunály, které mohou vynést rozsudek smrti bez možnosti odvolání. Dále například totální státní dohled nad sítí internet, téměř neomezené možnosti odposlechu, tajné domovní prohlídky, o kterých není jejich oběť oficiálně informována, legální umisťování šmírovacího software do soukromých počítačů a mnoho dalšího, zač by se nemusel stydět ani Orwellův Velký Bratr.

    Dalším nechvalně proslulým hostem konference je bývalý vrchní velitel americké armády při útoku na Irák a Afghánistán generál Tommy Franks, muž, na jehož rukou ulpěla krev desítek tisíc mrtvých obětí z řad civilistů, kteří doplatili na americké dobyvačné války.

    Svatou trojici amerického neokonzervativismu doplňuje bývalý starosta New Yorku Rudolph Giuliani, jehož politika „nulové tolerance“ proti porušování zákona v New Yorku podle mnoha kritiků spíše připomínala fašistické metody.

    Dalším účastníkem je bývalý britský premiér John Major, věrný pokračoval asociální politiky své předchůdkyně Margaret Thatcherové, který je podepsán mj. pod svobodu shromažďování a umělecké tvorby oklešťujícími "protitechnařskými" zákony (Criminal Justice Act).

    Nehodláme přihlížet k tomu, jak se tito lidé snaží exportovat svoje názory, ospravedlňující koncentrační tábor v Guantanámo Bay, totalitní legislativu typu amerického Patriot Act nebo krvavou válku v Iráku. V říjnu se proto odehraje série protestů proti konferenci „Dny EU a USA“, o kterých vás budeme dále informovat.

    Více informací bude postupně zveřejněno na internetových stránkách:

    Kontaktní email: prague.on.fire@anarchismus.org

    Pořádání rautů pro sbírku válečných zločinů z první ligy globálního kapitalismu považujeme za naprosto nepřijatelné v Praze nebo kdekoli jinde – a my cítíme jako svoji povinnost jim v tom zabránit.

    - Kolektiv iniciativy

    JAXXE --- ---
    iracka policie zatkla 2 "teroristy", kteri na ne strileli, byli obleceni jako arabi a meli auto plne vybusnin... po uspesnem zatceni, kdyz se ukazalo, ze nejde o iracany ale o dva britske vojaky, vjela britska armada tanky pres zed do vezeni v basre, aby je osvobodila...

    UK soldiers 'freed from militia'



    Two undercover British soldiers were caught driving a car full of explosives while dressed as Arabs. They were arrested after firing on Iraqi police. Needless to say, the extreme methods used by the British to wrest their men from the regular legal authority only underscores that they have something to hide. Of course, it's too late. This whole incident confirms that the so-called "insurgent" bombings are really being carried out by UK and US operatives.


    British tanks smash Iraqi jail to free UK soldiers



    Meltdown in Basra






    British tanks smash Iraqi jail to free UK soldiers


    wrh comment: Okay, here is the story. The Iraqi police stopped a suspicious car with two occupants wearing Arab clothing. The car was packed with explosives, and the occupants opened fire on the police. The police succeeded in capturing the occupants of the car and surprise, surprise, what they found they had were not insurgents but two undercover British soldiers!

    This is, of course, proof that the so-called suicide bombings pointed to as reason to oppose the Iraqi people's efforts to oust the occupation are in fact false-flag operations by the occupiers themselves. The British really did not have any choice but to break their men out of that jail before they talked, but in all honesty, doing so amounts to a confession of guilt anyway.


    Iraqi police detain two British soldiers in Basra

    www.chinaview.cn 2005-09-19 22:46:55

    BAGHDAD, Sept. 19 (Xinhuanet) -- Iraqi police detained two British soldiers in civilian clothes in the southern city Basra for firing on a police station on Monday, police said.

    "Two persons wearing Arab uniforms opened fire at a police station in Basra. A police patrol followed the attackers and captured them to discover they were two British soldiers," an Interior Ministry source told Xinhua.

    The two soldiers were using a civilian car packed with explosives, the source said.

    He added that the two were being interrogated in the police headquarters of Basra.

    The British forces informed the Iraqi authorities that the two soldiers were performing an official duty, the source said.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Muslimský duchovní tvrdí, že Al Zarkawi je již dlouho mrtev

    Al Jazeera - Saturday 17 September 2005, 8:12 Makka Time, 5:12 GMT

    Vůdce Al Kajdy v Iráku Abu Musab Zarekawi je mrtvý, ale Washington stále užívá jeho jména jako strašáka pro ospravedlnění jejich vojenské okupace, řekl šíitský duchovní v jednom rozhovoru.

    Šejch Jawad al Kalesi, imám v mešitě al Kadhimiyah v Bagdádu řekl v pátek francouzským novinám Le Monde : "Nemyslím si, že Abu Musáb Zarkawi existuje jako takový. Jednoduše je to vynález k rozdělení lidí".

    Al Kalesi tvrdí, že Al Zarkawi byl zabit v kurdském regionu na začátku války když se sešel se členy Ansár Al Islam. Jeho rodina dokonce uspořádala jeho pohřeb. Al Zarkawi je užíván Spojenými státy, aby ospravedlnili pokračující okupaci. Je to záminka, aby zůstali v Iráku.

    Falešné prohlášení

    Duchovní také připustil, že Zarkáwiho TV prohlášení jsou falešná.

    Duchovní také řekl, že zvuková nahrávka poslána ve středu na internet a která byla připsána Zarkawimu, má za cíl to, aby se šíité připojili k Američanům než k odporu.

    V nahrávce Zarkawi vyhlásil "totální válku" šíitům a přihlásil se k útokům kde zahynulo 150 lidí, většinou šíité, když čekali v Bagdádu na práci.

    Iráčtí sunničtí duchovní jasně odsoudili tuto výzvu, kterou považují za krajně nebezpečnou, ve které vidí jasný pokus rozdělení země a snahu rozpoutat občanskou válku.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    JAXXE: tady se jedná hlavně o to, že christianie je uprostřed města tzn. jednalo se tam o luxusní pozemky. než na omezování svobody myšlení (mindcrime) to spíš ukazuje na současné mocenské poměry (peníze = politická moc = vojenskopolicejní moc) .. to není o nic lepší, nicm. v dánsku je takových svobodných komunit mnohem víc..
    JAXXE --- ---
    Proti free-komunitě tvrdě zakročila rovněž dánská policie

    Dánská policie provedla razii v části nazvané Christiania (Křesťanov) v Kodani v Dánsku. Kolem 200 těžkooděnců zaútočilo na svobodnou zónu a rychle zatarasilo "Fredens Eng" (Louka míru), která je součástí místa, kde lidé žijí v maringotkách. Jde o jedno z největších zatýkání v Dánsku v celé historii, policie zatkla více jak 100 lidí. Podle zpráv došlo k mnoha zraněním. Většina lidí byla obviněna z neuposlechnutí policejních příkazů, někteří dokonce z násilí proti policistům.

    Christiania byla samosprávní území, což znamená, že nebylo potřeba žádného povolení k postavení nové zástavby či zaparkování maringotky. Podle nově přijatých zákonů již nic takového není v Dánsku možné. Lidé z Christianie se novému zákonu již léta brání. Přejí si, aby zůstaly zachovány struktury samostatného rozhodování, které bez problémů fungovaly více jak 20 let.

    Stránky Christanie, http://www.christiania.org/ další fotky z brutálního policejního zásahu

    Pozn. red.: Jde o další názornou ukázku policejní brutality proti svobodným a volným uskupením lidí, kteří odmítají přijmout Režimem vnucovaný styl života. Systém se ve skutečnosti brání "jinému myšlení", které by mohlo ohrozit zavedené mocenské struktury. Před časem se podobným zásahem na přímluvu premiéra Paroubka prezentovala i česká policie při známém brutálním zásahu proti technařům na Czech-tekku. Do budoucna se dá očekávat ještě větší zesílení těchto represivních akcí, což umožní již poměrně rychlý a "bezproblémový" přechod ke globálnímu policejnímu fašistickému státu. V rámci "ochrany a bezpečí" Orwellovský Stát začal chránit občany před sebou samotnými...

    JAXXE --- ---
    Many Iraqis believe ’suicide’ bombings done by US to start a civil war

    'Ali Ghazi, also a Shia from the Iraqi deep south: "I believe it is the Americans who are doing this, pretending it is the Sunni, so there will be a civil war and they can control our wealth." Many survivors lying mangled by this morning’s bombs subscribed to a conspiracy theory according to which the US wants to rule Iraq by fomenting differences between Shia and Sunni ... many of those wounded denied there would be a war between Shia and Sunni. Mohammed Abdul Karim, an injured Shia at Noman hospital, pointed out that he was in a Sunni district and the Sunni doctors were doing everything to help him.'

    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Hugo Chavez Says He Has Documentary Evidence That U.S. Plans to Invade Venezuela

    WASHINGTON Sep 17, 2005 — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Friday he has documentary evidence that the United States plans to invade his country.

    Chavez, interviewed on ABC's "Nightline," said the plan is called "Balboa" and involves aircraft carriers and planes. A transcript of the interview was made available by "Nightline."

    He said U.S. soldiers recently went to Curacao, an island off Venezuela's northwest coast. He described as a "lie" the official U.S. explanation that they visited Curacao for rest and recreation.

    "They were doing movements. They were doing maneuvers," Chavez said, speaking through a translator.

    He added: "We are coming up with the counter-Balboa plan. That is to say if the government of the United States attempts to commit the foolhardy enterprise of attacking us, it would be embarked on a 100-year war. We are prepared."

    Chavez has been attending the summit of world leaders at the United Nations in New York this week. On Thursday, he denounced the U.S.-led war in Iraq and told other leaders they should consider moving the U.N. headquarters out of the United States.

    To prove U.S. intentions to invade Venezuela, Chavez offered to send "Nightline" host Ted Koppel maps and other documentation.

    "What I can't tell you is how we got it, to protect the sources, how we got it through military intelligence," he said.

    In the event of a U.S. invasion, Chavez said the United States can "just forget" about receiving any more oil from his country.

    Copyright 2005 The Associated Press.

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    "Abu Musab al-Zarqawi died. His name is used by the occupants to remain in Iraq "

    Babel Fish translation of http://www.lemonde.fr/web/article/0,1-0,36-689730,0.html

    Sheikh Jawad Al-Khalessi is Imam Shiite of mosque Al-Kazemiya, in Baghdad, and senior of the contiguous religious school. He is in Paris after the interreligieuse meeting of Sant' Egidio, in Lyon.

    Abu Musab al-Zarqawi declared the "all-out war" with the Shiites and perpetrated the bloodiest massacre in Baghdad, Wednesday September 14, since the beginning of the war in Iraq. What do you think of this declaration?

    I do not think that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi exists as such. He is only one invention of the occupants to divide the people because he was killed in the north of Iraq at the beginning of the war whereas it was with the group of Ansar Al-Islam, in Kurdistan. His family, in Jordan, even proceeded to a ceremony after her death. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is thus a toy used by the Americans, an excuse to continue the occupation.

    It is a pretext not to leave Iraq. But why declare the "all-out war" with the Shiites?

    In order to bring them closer the occupying forces. In this manner, the Shiites will find refuge near the Americans rather than to join resistance. Because the Shiites take part in resistance to the south, as the recent made attacks testify, in particular, in Bassora.

    However, it has been just announced that Nadjaf had passed under the control of the Iraqi forces and that other cities of the South were going to follow?

    It is not true. It is right an effect of advertisement for the media. Actually, the Iraqi forces do not control the situation and the troops of occupation remain with the periphery to intervene as soon as there are problems.

    The project of Constitution adopted will be subjected to a referendum on October 15. What do you think about it?

    It is a text adopted with haste to answer the diary of the Americans. It does not reflect the hopes of the Iraqi people, which are worried more by his survival from day to day and his safety. The project was concocted in the "green zone", in Baghdad, under the crook of the American ambassador. Like said it a British specialist in Iraq: "the Constitution, it is as if one occupied oneself of arranging the deckchairs on the bridge of Titanic running". However Iraq is sinking.

    Will the referendum be a success, like were to it the elections of January 30?

    Personally, I call with the boycotting, but if my fellow-citizens decide to go to vote "not", we will not oppose it. In any event, - George Bush has prepared a declaration affirming that this consultation was a success and a progress on the way of the democracy. But what will that change for Iraq?

    What is the position of grand ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani on this referendum?

    He did not give an opinion yet. Those which are in favour of the process will try to use it to encourage the population to vote. It can say "yes" or not speak. For January 30, it had supported the elections, but the Iraqi people of not drawn the discounted effects and the promises were not held. Since, the situation did nothing but worsen. Those which were elected are worried by their place and their wellbeing that by that of the people.

    The corruption is generalized. Even the budget of the rebuilding could not start to be carried out. Ibrahim Al-Jaafari is a bad Prime Minister as he is a bad doctor. It is not like your Pétain, which was a good General before being a bad politician...

    Then, in your opinion, what are the solutions to save Iraq?

    First thing: a calendar of withdrawal of the troops. Secondly: to put national competences under the supervision of UNO at the service of the country, and either of the politicians. Thirdly: a national dialogue with the organization of elections under international supervision. If the occupation continues, the situation only will not worsen and Iraqi will join resistance more and more.


    comment: The only living Al Qaeda they seem to be able to come up with is Adam Pearlman!
    JAXXE --- ---
    a takhle to vypada, kdyz se vrati z WC.... co tam delaji ??? ;))

    MARSHUS --- ---
    IMHO LOL - hlavně obsah článku, aneb jak se elegantně nezeptat na to podstatné...
    Smím jít na WC? ptal se Bush v OSN Riceové

    GYD --- ---
    PETVAL: great
    PETVAL --- ---
    tak za 2-3 hodiny bude na FTP dokoncen upload
    PETVAL --- ---
    vymena stran jako problem-reaction-solution? jerusalemsky chram zase o krucek bliz? tak to uz fakt jen
    JAXXE --- ---
    Chavez Takes Bush to Task Over Iraq War

    By KIM GAMEL, Associated Press Writer Fri Sep 16, 5:20 AM ET

    UNITED NATIONS - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez took
    President Bush to task in front of a global summit for waging war in
    Iraq without U.N. consent and won rousing applause for his critique.

    The leftist leader told a U.N. summit on Thursday that fighting the war without U.N. authorization showed Washington did not respect the world body. He recommended moving U.N. headquarters to a country that has more regard for the organization.

    "There were never weapons of mass destruction but Iraq was bombed, and over U.N. objections, (it was) occupied and continues being occupied," Chavez said. Bush alleged that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction but none have been found, shattering one of his main arguments for going to war.

    "That's why we propose to this assembly that the United Nations leave this country, which is not respectful of the very resolutions of this assembly," Chavez said.

    Chavez, a close ally of Cuban leader

    Fidel Castro, suggested moving U.N. headquarters New York to an international city "outside the sovereignty of any state" and said some have mentioned Jerusalem as one possibility


    World leaders at the summit had been asked to speak for five minutes but Chavez ran long and when the presiding diplomat passed him a note saying his time was up, he threw it on the floor. He said if Bush could speak for 20 minutes, so could he.

    When he finally stopped, he got what observers said was the loudest applause of the summit.

    Relations between Chavez and Washington have become increasingly strained, though the United States remains the top buyer of Venezuelan oil.




    Chavez calls for new international political, economic order

    UPDATED: 13:29, September 16, 2005

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Thursday called for the establishment of a new international political and economic order.

    Speaking at the UN Summit, Chavez said this historic meeting dismisses to secondary importance a most urgent need, which is to adopt measures that will confront the real problems hindering the whole world's development.

    "Five years have passed since the Millennium Summit took place, " he said. "The crude reality is that most of the goals we then set, as modest as they were, will not be accomplished."

    Thus Chavez called on nations to build a new international economic order, saying "it is practically and ethically unacceptable to sacrifice the human species, by outrageously defending the legitimacy of a socioeconomic model with destructive capability."

    It is suicidal to insist on spreading and imposing this model as the infallible remedy for the evils that it itself causes, he added.

    Meanwhile, the president also appealed for the establishment of a new international political order.

    "We must not allow a handful of nations to reinterpret the principles of international law with impunity, in order to impose doctrines such as preemptive war, and the so-called duty to protect, which are incompatible with effective International Law," he said.

    Chavez stressed that the full respect of the principles of international law and of the UN Charter must be the fundamentals of international relations in today's world, and also the basis for a new world order.

    "The reform of the United Nations cannot be limited to a simple cosmetic change of the Security Council, aimed at ensuring the unipolar hegemony of developed countries," he declared.

    When talking about terrorism, he said the international community must confront terrorism with effective policies.

    "We cannot allow (terrorism) to be used as a pretext for unjustified military aggressions which violate international law, and which seem to be the ruling doctrine after the Sept. 11 attacks," he stressed.


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