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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Security under the skin

    By Sean Coughlan
    BBC News Online Magazine

    A US company has been given the green light to implant microchips in humans. It's intended to provide medical information ... but will it turn into a surveillance system?

    How would you like to have the equivalent of a barcode built into your arm?

    It would be convenient. A quick scan could save the need to show passports or ID cards. It would be handier than carrying cash or producing medical records.

    And a particularly clever barcode would let people find you if you were lost or abducted.

    Would it mean less hassle and more security? Or would it make you feel like a DVD tagged in the supermarket? Or like a criminal being monitored everywhere you went?

    These are the questions being raised by the emergence of microchips that can be implanted in people's arms - with the technology moving from geeky future-gazing to a mainstream proposition.

    This week, the United States Food and Drug Administration gave its approval for an implantable chip which can be used for medical purposes.

    JAXXE --- ---

    I remember as a child being taught that Americans were a moral people. Our moral superiority was the reason we had won two world wars, and why the rest of the world looked to us to establish the standards in human rights. Even the United Nations supposedly took their cues from the US in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    How far we have fallen.

    The United States Government now admits having invaded Iraq under false pretexts. There were no weapons of mass destruction. Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. Iraq was not supporting Al Qaeda. Indeed Al Qaeda appears to be a manufactured front group for the Mossad.

    Yet the supposedly moral American people do not speak out, do not denounce the leaders and media who lied to start a war.

    President Bush willfully engaged in fraud to activate the Congressional Authorization for the use of force in Iraq. The Authorization required President Bush to prove Iraq was in violation of United Nations Resolutions by being in posession of banned weapons of mass destruction, and that proof be provided that Iraq was connected to the events of 9-11. Clearly, Bush had no proof of either claim. The US Government now openly admits there was no connection from Iraq to 9-11, and that Iraq had in fact complied with the United Nations by destroying all of its banned weapons. President Bush lied to the US Congress.

    Yet the supposedly moral Congress does not speak out against the President who lied to them, who abused their trust, and exceeded his lawful authority. And the supposedly moral American people do not speak out against the Congress that has shirked its responsibility as check and balance on the Executive Branch.

    Vote fraud is rampant. Even before the elections, scandal after scandal over fraudulent registration, disenfranchisement, and rigged voting equipment surface.

    Yet the supposedly moral American people do not speak out, do not demand verifiable elections, do not refuse to obey and support politicians who cannot prove the honesty and accuracy of the elections by which they claim authority.

    A foreign spy ring is discovered inside the very Pentagon office from which flowed the now exposed lies that tricked this nation into war in the Mideast. The White House orders the investigation halted.

    Yet the supposedly moral American people do not speak out, do not demand arrests and expulsion of the spies, or that said spies be hunted down to the last, to wrest control of this nation back to the people of this nation.

    The United States tortures prisoners. The excuse was the necessity to find Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. But now we know there were no weapons of mass destrution, and that the US Government has been torturing innocent people.

    Yet the supposedly moral American people do not speak out, do not denounce the leaders and media who justified and excused the torture of innocents.

    What is shocking and amazing isn't what our nation's leaders have turned this nation into, but the silence of most Americans willing to tolerate it, to go along, to stay silent, to cling to the lies, indeed to see their neighbors' children go off to die in war. America is no longer a moral nation. We do not build, we do not lead, we do not set the standard. Obeisence to the government has turned our people from a nation of innovators and builders to a nation of clerks and accountants, sorting buttons and looking under each others' seat cushions for loose change, burying our noses into forms and documents and receipts such that we may not have to look at the horror that this nation has become around us.

    I will be honest; I did expect the release of the Duelfer Report, admitting there never were any Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, to produce at least some degree of outrage among the supposedly moral American people. Instead, there was barely a whisper. And I am very dissapointed in Americans for that. This nation is lost, for the people are lost.

    History will visit a harsh judgement on Americans of the 21st Century, and sadly, most Americans will deserve it.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Iraq's interim prime minister has threatened to attack Fallujah unless it turns in foreign militants, but a negotiator for the rebel-held city said its people were being asked to chase shadows.

    Iyad Allawi told Iraq's interim assembly that Fallujah must surrender Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, America's top enemy in Iraq, or face military action.

    "We want to know what proof there is that Zarqawi is in Fallujah," Hatem Maddab, a member of a Fallujah negotiating committee, told Arabic Al Jazeera television, adding that the government had now halted peace talks.

    US warplanes have repeatedly struck at targets the military says are hideouts used by Zarqawi and his followers in the Sunni Muslim city 50 kilometres west of Baghdad.

    "Zarqawi is like the weapons of mass destruction that America invaded Iraq for," Mr Maddab said, alluding to Saddam Hussein's arsenal of banned arms that proved not to exist.

    "We hear about that name (Zarqawi), but he is not here. More than 20 or 30 homes have been bombarded because of this Zarqawi and his followers but only women, children and the elderly have been affected," the negotiator added.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Uncensored Version

    In a move that is sure to inspire some to question whether we have finally lost our edge and gone corporate, GNN is proud to release our collaboration with Interscope recording artist, Eminem.

    Inked in mid-April, the deal between Interscope and Guerrilla News Network to produce a Flash-driven animated video for Eminem's ultra-controversial track, White America, was kept an industry secret.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Německý novinář v případu Milošević: Válka v Kosovu zinscenovaná
    HAAG - Svědeckou výpovědí německého novináře pokračoval v Haagu před Mezinárodním soudním tribunálem pro bývalou Jugoslávii (ICTY) proces proti bývalému srbskému prezidentovi Slobodanu Miloševičovi. Svědek vyjádřil názor, že válka v Kosovu byla přinejmenším zčásti zinscenovaná.

    Soud ani nevyčkal rozhodnutí ve věci Miloševičova odvolání proti tomu, že mu byl přidělen obhájce a znemožněno, aby se obhajoval sám. Jeho obhajobu nyní zastupuje britský advokát Steven Kay.

    Německý novinář Franz Josef Hutsch (41), který působil na Balkáně řadu měsíců jako zpravodaj listů Springerova vydavatelského koncernu, byl předvolán jako svědek obhajoby, opakovaně však zdůrazňoval, že "říká jen to, co ví, a neslouží jako nástroj žádné strany".

    Hutsch, bývalý major bundeswehru, podrobně líčil své zkušenosti z kosovského konfliktu a ze styků s albánským povstaleckým hnutím UCK. Vyjádřil názor, že v Kosovu šlo o zinscenovanou válku. Poukazoval na to, že UCK úmyslně provokovala srbskou armádu k odvetným akcím, které pak byly využívány k obviněním z genocidy proti Albáncům.

    UCK měla zjevně dobré poradce, pokud šlo o práci s veřejností, uvedl Hutsch. Například kosovské Albánce prchající před srbskou armádou a policií zadržovala v lesích, aby je mohla předvést západním novinářům, kteří se pak postarali o to, aby byl celý svět seznámen s utrpením Albánců.

    V jiných případech byli albánští civilisté nuceni zůstat ve městech a vesnicích, na něž srbští vojáci útočili. Bylo jim zabráněno uprchnout, aby způsobené oběti byly vyšší a stupňoval se tak tlak na Západ, aby zasáhl ve prospěch Albánců v konfliktu.

    UCK byla dobře organizovaná síla, které pomáhali zahraniční důstojníci cvičení v Turecku, uvedl dále Hutsch. K financování nákupu moderních zbraní sloužily obchody s drogami a nucená prostituce.

    K nevyjasněnému atentátu v obci Račak, při němž bylo zavražděno 45 neozbrojených Albánců a který se stal rozhodujícím podnětem pro zahájení leteckých útoků NATO proti Srbsku, Hutsch uvedl, že vesnici krátce po události navštívil s americkým velvyslancem Williamem Walkerem. Poukázal na to, že k jeho překvapení americký diplomat okamžitě označil událost za masakr a zločin proti lidskosti, který spáchali Srbové, a to ještě dříve než byla událost vyšetřena.

    Autor: ČTK


    Pozn. jm: Jak účelově pracuje naše národní tisková agentura zjistíme, pokud se podíváme na stejnou záležitost v podobě, v jaké o ní referuje např. ruský deník Pravda v článku nazvaném Celá pravda v Haagu. Dozvíme se v ní prakticky totéž (až na to, že ČTK v jednom případě změkčuje Hutschovu výpověď slovy ´zčásti zinscenována´), ovšem s výjimkou posledního odstavce. V něm v Rusku uvedená informace byla pro Česko z nějakého důvodu vypuštěna. Totiž informace, že podle Hutsche 80-100 arabských důstojníků pracovalo s KLA (Kosovská osvobozenecká armáda) a každá jednotka byla řízena jedním mudžahedínem, kterému byly vypláceny "tučné sumy" společností MPRI, která je cvičila na základnách v Turecku.

    A národnost společnosti MPRI? Tipněte si! Spojené státy americké.

    Již jenom dodám, že české deníky Lidové noviny, Právo, ani MF Dnes ve čtvrtečním vydání o celé záležitosti NEINFORMOVALY vůbec. Zato jsme se v zahraničních rubrikách dozvěděli tak důležité věci, jako že Papeže čeká darem ferrari (Právo i Lidovky), Berlusconi se vysmíval německému sluchátku (Lidovky), Eminem zesměšnil Jacksona (Právo), Už dvěstě miliónů Číňanů trpí nadváhou (MF Dnes), nebo že Al-Kajdá vydává časopis pro ženy (samozřejmě teroristický!, v MF Dnes).
    JAXXE --- ---
    Motorola, MasterCard trial RFID PayPass system

    By Larry Garfield, Wednesday 13 October 2004

    Motorola and MasterCard are conducting field tests of new mobile phones that include Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips embedded in them as part of a cashless payment system dubbed PayPass. The phones will be equipped with Near Field Communication (NFC) systems, which will allow them to communicate with nearby readers to, for instance, pay for small purchases or tickets for transit or events simply by passing their phone close to a reader.

    Once the phone and account has been identified by the RFID tag, the user's MasterCard account will be billed automatically by the network for the appropriate amount. MasterCard also sees potential for the phones as contactless readers, which it claims opens the door for "a variety of marketing and promotional applications", on which the company did not elaborate further.

    The PayPass trials will be run by the end of the year at various locations in the United States.

    GORG --- ---

    NORAD/U.S. Missile Defence: A Detective Story That Gets To Innermost 911
    by Michael C. Ruppert • Thursday September 02, 2004 at 02:08 PM

    I will name Vice President Richard Cheney as the prime suspect in the mass murders of 9/11 and will establish that, not only was he a planner in the attacks, but also that on the day of the attacks he was running a completely separate Command, Control and Communications system which was superceding any orders being issued by the FAA, the Pentagon, or the White House Situation Room;
    TERMIX --- ---
    JAXXE: Uz to tu padlo. Podle vseho je to obycejnej kosmodisk. Takze neni co resit... ;)
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Project for a New American Century: the "Mein Kampf" of World War IV

    JAXXE --- ---
    Rumsfeld defends general who commented on war and Satan

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are defending a new deputy undersecretary of defense "who has reportedly cast the war on terror" in religious terms.

    Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, whose promotion and appointment was confirmed by the Senate in June, has said publicly that he sees the war on terrorism as a clash between Judeo-Christian values and Satan, the Los Angeles Times reported Thursday.

    Appearing in dress uniform before a religious group in Oregon in June, Boykin said Islamic extremists hate the United States "because we're a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christians. ... And the enemy is a guy named Satan."

    In its report, the Times said Boykin was not available for comment and did not respond to written questions the newspaper submitted to him Wednesday. Audio and video tapes of Boykin's public appearances before religious groups over the past two years were obtained exclusively by NBC News, which reported on them Wednesday night on the "Nightly News" with Tom Brokaw.

    Discussing a U.S. Army battle against a Muslim warlord in Somalia in 1993, Boykin told one audience, "I knew my god was bigger than his. I knew that my god was a real god and his was an idol."




    Picture the Holy Crusades with nuclear weapons

    "I knew my god was bigger than his. I knew that my god was a real god and his was an idol." - General William Boykin
    This article is a PR stunt.

    Bush and his co-conspirators have failed to sell the threat of WMDs as justification for Iraq, let alone future planned wars to conquer the Mideast's oil. So, what was a "war on terror" (Reg Trademark White House) is being morphed into a new Holy Crusade. One reason given for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq was that they were supposedly ridding the world of autocratic religiously based rule (which was not true in Iraq's case, as Saddam's government was a secular one), but apparently theocracy is now back in fashion in the US. It just depends on whose hands hold those collection plates.

    I can see why Bush and his buddies are playing the "God Gambit". The Christian fundies are already convinced that they are going to get a free ride into heaven if they just help Israel blow up the whole world first. And, citing the gods as an authoritative source avoids those embarrassing questions about whether there really were WMDs or a threat.

    There is no rational answer to "God told me to kill all those people and steal their oil." Being on a mission from god means never having to say you're sorry to the taxpayers. Screw them! They are sinners if they don't understand. Time to grab those heretics who whine about the Geneva Protocols and torture them into seeing things our way. Boy it will be fun, we haven't had a good witch-burning in a while!

    Folks, we have put men on the Moon. US spacecraft have left the solar system and are on their way to the stars. We've cracked the DNA code that makes us all work. Whacking each other over whose gods have the bigger dicks went out with whale oil lamps. "Killing for Jesus" has no place in the modern world and makes about as much sense as two kids fist fighting over whether Superman or Batman is the greater comic book hero!

    We've been suckered down this road before. Holy Crusades make the rich richer and kill a lot of innocent and harmless people along the way.

    JAXXE --- ---
    October Surprise?

    Insiders Predict Bin Laden to Be Caught Before Election

    By Vince Ryan

    There is growing speculation in Washington that alleged terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden may be making a surprise appearance in U.S. custody just be fore the November election. Alan Abel son, the distinguished writer for Barron’s, a weekly publication of Dow Jones, noted in his column of Sept. 27, 2004, that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld let slip some classified information in a briefing at the National Press Club “that the man we are holding captive is not Saddam Hussein, who, indeed, was deep-sixed beneath the desolate sands, but none other than Osama bin Laden. (In case you’re wondering, it wasn’t Saddam, but one of his many doubles, who appeared before an Iraqi judge following his purported capture.)”

    Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) told The Hill newspaper in February that “bin Laden will be caught between now and the election. I think they’re on his trail now in a way they haven’t been all year. It will happen because we will be able to divert more resources [to hunting down bin La den].” Grassley declined to say where he got his information but he did say it was not from any intelligence briefing.


    In December 2003, former Secretary of State Madeleine Al bright said that President Bush may reveal the capture of bin Laden as an “October surprise” in time for the election.

    Albright said this while waiting to appear on a Fox new television program. According to Fox news analyst Morton Kondracke, who was present, Albright said: “Do you suppose that the Bush administration has Osama bin Laden hidden away somewhere and will bring him out before the election?” Kondracke added: “She was not smiling.” Albright later said her comment on bin Laden was “tongue-in-cheek.” But Kondracke maintained she was serious.

    All should unravel by Election Day. What might is speculation today will be known as either fact or fiction.

    © American Free Press 2004

    JAXXE --- ---

    Voice of the White House

    In recent past issues, we have carried comments from a reporter assigned to the White House press corps. Some of these remarks, most especially one about Bush’s physical and mental problems, drew an enormous number of viewers and hundreds of inquiries, most especially from foreign press entities. The reporter advised us by email that there was rampant fury in the White House and security was becoming very tight. As a result of this, he decided to lay low for a few weeks and see how the wind was blowing. Yesterday, he sent us the following material which we are now posting. Some of it is outrageous in the extreme but to date, no one has proven him wrong. Our source was the first to expose and we were the first to make public, the accusations that the President of the United States was a man that suffered from serious psychological problems. Since our initial publication of what we call the Madness of King George, there has been increasing interest in the subject and herewith, we present additional input from inside the White House.

    October 10, 2004: “This time, friends, I have some very important news for all of you. Unlike the usual silly gossip that goes on around the White House, intermingled with loud praying, this is really news. We are about to embark on another war! Yes, it has been decided and carefully planned. Who are we going to war with? Iran. Background here: (I am taking this from a paper which I have to return)

    Thesis: Iran hates the United States and Israel. Iran has atomic weapons and missiles (the Shahab, courtesy of North Korean/Russian technicians) It can easily reach Tel Aviv. It can also reach US troop concentrations in Iraq. Israel is scared shitless. Their pressure groups have leaned on the White House, with a great deal of assistance from Cheney and the Neocons. The actual plan is this:

    The U.S. has no troops available for an Iranian adventure and the Israelis would rather not lose any warm bodies so…it has been firmly decided that both Israel and the U.S. will launch a surprise attack against 1., Iranian missile sites, 2. Iranian nuclear facilities and 3. the leadership of Iran located in and around Tehran. How will this be done? By aircraft attack using U.S. developed “smart bombs” and the so-called “bunker-buster” bombs designed to destroy underground reinforced concrete facilities .We just sent these to Israel. Because of the political ramifications, the Israelis will conduct the main strikes, supported by U.S. aircraft as needed. The aim will be to wipe out any vestige of nuclear weaponry, its delivery system and all the Iranian leaders capable of starting any attacks on Israel (mostly Tel Aviv…too many fellow Muslims in Jerusalem.) Since it would be a problem for Israeli Air Force units to fly round trip from Israel, the solution will be to launch these attacks from U.S. aircraft carriers located in the Persian Gulf area. As I write, the super carrier USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67) is now in the Persian Gulf along with the so-called Essex Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) [31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) (SOC)] which consists of:: USS Essex (LHD 2) USS Juneau (LPD 10) USS Harpers Ferry (LSD 49) USS Mobile Bay (CG 53USS Hopper (DDG 70) USS Preble (DDG 88) The initial attacks will be an early-morning surprise attack launched to coincide with religious services in Tehran’s Muslim mosques with the idea of catching not only the leading Mullahs inside but a large number of their congregations as well. One attack will concentrate on these religious centers and the other will hit both the underground nuclear facilities and identified (courtesy of U.S. satellite shots) missile launching sites. The U.S. will supply observation and radio surveillance aircraft with radar-jamming capacities operating out of Turkey and Italy. The entire attack is scheduled to last no more than one hour with at least three waves of Israeli aircraft utilized. No warning will be given to the Iranians and no declaration of war. The possible deaths of foreign diplomats in the attacks has been discussed and accepted as part of the price. This attack has the full support of the President who wants it launched before the elections. He can then make a speech to the American people stating that the evil Iranian nuclear weaponry has been destroyed by the Israelis with the full cooperation of his government as part of his heroic war against terrorists. Believe me, that speech has already been written and I have seen a copy of it. The brass here feels that this will have a tremendous impact on the American people, just before the elections. No U.S. ground troops will be used; Bush will stress that this is a joint U.S.-Israeli anti-terrorist project. Part of the speech deals with ongoing Shiite Iranian physical support of their Shiite brethren in Iraq and that by knocking out the Iranian nuclear weaponry, at the same time, they are protecting GIs from ongoing guerrilla warfare. The brass is literally rubbing it’s hands and drooling over what they see as Bush’s Final Victory. I have seen a negative report copy from someone in the Pentagon [who is not going to get promoted] that says if the Iranians get wind of this little game, they might strike first and they might also realize that large numbers of vulnerable American troops are concentrated inside Iraqi cities, prime targets for a nuclear tactical attack. These people are literally insane and I really hope you don’t delete this. Something really has to be done to stop these maniacs before we all die of radiation sickness!”

    JAXXE --- ---
    Terror: US Given Sharon Green Light to Attack Iran



    Missing Iraqi nuke equipment worries IAEA



    Iraqi 'dirty bomb' risk dismissed



    Dayton closes D.C. office over security concerns



    Oh yes, terrorists will bomb the Capitol building while it is empty. Yes indeedy! On the other hand, if the reports of a pre-election attack on Iran
    are accurate, then the US will need an event to justify the attack, as
    mere verbal claims of Iran's weapons of mass destruction will lack
    credibility. Couple this with the news that nuclear materials have been
    smuggled out of Iraq while IAEA inspectors were being blocked by the
    US, and a very troubling possibility of yet another Reichstag Fire starts to emerge.

    The Reichstag,
    after all, was the building the German Legislature met in. And now we
    have the building the American Legislature meets in, currently devoid
    of the legislators, while one of those legislators mentions a
    classified report of a threat that endangers his staff between now and
    the election.

    And Bush is slipping in the polls.

    Cornered animals are the most dangerous.

    And "Dirty bombs" make great headlines.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The two car bombs used in last week's attack at the Ras al-Satan resort in Sinai may have been remotely detonated and not set off by suicide bombers, the head of the Israel Defense Forces' Home Front Command, Major General Yair Naveh, said yesterday



    "Hey you, Arab person. I'll pay you to deliver this box of, umm, cookies. Yeah, that's it, cookies, to that hotel over there room, oh ah, 1234. Yeah. 1234. And I'll pay you when you get back here... with the receipt. yeah, that's it, ask for a receipt."
    JAXXE --- ---
    Dayton closes office on the Hill

    Rob Hotakainen, Kevin Diaz, Greg Gordon and Paul Sand, Star Tribune Washington Bureau Correspondents

    October 13, 2004 DAYT1013

    WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sen. Mark Dayton abruptly closed his Washington, D.C., office Tuesday and advised Minnesotans to stay away from Capitol Hill until Election Day, citing the threat of terrorism.

    "I would not bring my two sons to the Capitol between now and the election, and I say that out of extreme but necessary precaution," Dayton, D-Minn., told reporters.

    He said he acted after receiving a top-secret intelligence briefing on national security from Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn.

    Dayton said it would be illegal for him to disclose specifics of the threat.

    According to a Senate staffer who spoke on condition of anonymity, the briefing included a report of possible terrorist surveillance around the Capitol.

    A separate government official said Dayton and other senators were shown a CIA document that projected a worst-case scenario of a terrorist attack based on an uncorroborated piece of intelligence that did not contain any specifics. The official said CIA analysts projected a doomsday scenario in which synchronized attacks would be attempted in multiple cities.




    Chechen terrorists probed

    By Bill Gertz

    U.S. security officials are investigating a recent intelligence report that a group of 25 Chechen terrorists illegally entered the United States from Mexico in July.
    The Chechen group is suspected of having links to Islamist terrorists seeking to separate the southern enclave of Chechnya from Russia, according to officials familiar with intelligence reports.
    Members of the group, said to be wearing backpacks, secretly traveled to northern Mexico and crossed into a mountainous part of Arizona that is difficult for U.S. border security agents to monitor,
    said officials speaking on the condition of anonymity.

    The intelligence report was supplied to the U.S. government in late August or early September and was based on information from an intelligence source that has been proved reliable in other instances, one official said.
    A second U.S. official said the report is being investigated, but said it could not be determined whether the group of Chechens actually entered the country, as the intelligence source reported.
    "We don't know whether or not that report is true," this official said.


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