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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    ENEMY WANTED. Serious enemy needed to justify Pentagon budget increase. Defense contractors desperate. Interested enemies send letter and photo or video (threatening, ok) to Enemy Search Committee, Priorities Campaign, 1350 Broadway, NY, NY, 10018.


    - Why does the Pentagon need a budget of $344 billion -- which would be over three times as much as the combined defense spending of Russia, China, and America's potential adversaries (Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria)? And this does include not the over $200 billion spent by U.S. allies annually on defense.

    - How do Congress and the President know how much money the Pentagon needs when it can't pass a financial audit -- despite legal obligations to do so? Without audited books, the President and Congress do not know for certain what the Pentagon has and what it really needs.

    - Why does the federal government want to spend $344 billion on the Pentagon, when the federal government currently spends only $42 billion on education, $26 billion on affordable housing, $6 billion on Head Start, and only $1 billion on school construction? Does it appear that our national priorities are mixed up or what?

    These would be tough questions, even if America had a serious enemy. Without one, these are devastating questions -- and it's so painful to see our politicians trying to answer them that I want to help them find an enemy as quickly as possible.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Police charged over Beslan siege


    PETVAL --- ---
    Europe opts for biometric pasports
    Published: October 27, 2004, 5:56 PM PDT
    By Lars Pasveer
    Special to CNET News.com

    Ministers for European Union member states agreed on Tuesday to adopt biometric passports.

    The first biometric passports are set to arrive in 18 months and initially will record the facial characteristics of the bearer.

    In three years, European travelers will also have to provide a fingerprint for the passport. The facial and fingerprint data will be stored on an embedded chip, along with a digital copy of the bearer's photo.

    The decision, made at a meeting of interior ministers in Luxembourg, is not yet final. Austria, Finland and the Netherlands have voiced minor concerns about the proposal, but they will probably not turn out to be insurmountable obstacles.

    The European push for biometrics is heavily influenced by a United States policy change for passports http://news.com.com/U.S.+moves+closer+to+e-passports/2100-1012_3-5425314.html?tag=nl for people from "visa waiver" countries after the Sept. 11 attacks. U.S. plans to introduce a biometric passport requirement by this fall for these countries were widely seen as unrealistic. However, by Oct. 26 next year, all visitors from these countries will have to provide a machine-readable passport with biometric data.

    PETVAL --- ---
    Some people don't like the civil rights concerns. Some think they'll cost too much. Some think they'll lead to more identity theft than identity verification. Some think governments can't manage big database projects and there are bound to be mistakes and over-runs. Any way you look at it, compulsory ID cards have a lot of potential drawbacks, so is the UK's Home Secretary, David Blunkett, starting to back down from the idea? Combining ID cards with passports and driving licenses was the key way to force them on an often unwilling UK population, and seems to have gone for good, but apparently legislation to bring in some form of ID card is still likely in the next Queen's Speech. Is it the beginning of the end of a bad idea, or just more spin to dodge the remaining concerns?

    TERMIX --- ---
    PETVAL: Jj, dik. Uz to prave taham odtamtud...
    PETVAL --- ---
    TERMIX: torrent mi taky nejel, ale ed2k v pohode
    KERRAY --- ---
    Marc Perkel sez, "I'm distributing Fahrenheit 9-11 on my web site. I spent $2000 to buy 100mb line for 2 weeks before the election. If you haven't seen it - take a look and pass the link around."
    TERMIX --- ---
    PETVAL: Nejede. Nebo je chyba u me...?
    JAXXE --- ---
    Radiation at Pentagon on 9/11

    American Free Press Oct 22, 2004:

    Around the Pentagon there were reports of high radiation levels after 9-11. American Free Press has documentation that radiation levels in Alexandria and Leesburg, Va., were much higher than usual on 9-11 and persisted for at least one week afterward.

    In Alexandria, seven miles south of the burning Pentagon, a doctor with years of experience working with radiation issues found elevated radiation levels on 9-11 of 35 to 52 counts per minute (cpm) using a ?Radalert 50? Geiger counter.

    One week after 9-11, in Leesburg, 33 miles northwest of the Pentagon, soil readings taken in a residential neighborhood showed even higher readings of 75 to 83 cpm.


    If the radiation came from the explosion and fire at the Pentagon, it most likely did not come from a Boeing 757, which is the type of aircraft that allegedly hit the building.

    ?Boeing has never used DU on either the 757 or the 767, and we no longer use it on the 747,? Leslie M. Nichols, product spokesperson for Boeing?s 767, told AFP. ?Sometime ago, we switched to tungsten, because it is heavier, more readily available and more cost effective.?


    DU is used in a wide variety of missiles in the U.S. arsenal as an armor penetrator. It is also used in the bunker-buster bombs and cruise missiles. Because no photographic evidence of a Boeing 757 hitting the Pentagon is available to the public, 9-11 skeptics and independent researchers claim something else, such as a missile, struck the Pentagon.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Válka proti terorismu jak ji definoval E.Goldstein v Orwellově románu 1984

    Michael Rivero 27.10.2004

    Článek tvoří v podstatě úryvky z Orwellova románu 1984. Kliknutím na jednotlivé části textu se dostanete na články (bohužel všechny v angličtině), které tak či onak promítají historický text do současných událostí.

    cely text:

    JAXXE --- ---
    US gave date of war to Britain in advance, court papers reveal
    By Colin Brown, Deputy Political Editor

    27 October 2004

    Secret plans for the war in Iraq were passed to British Army chiefs by US defence planners five months before the invasion was launched, a court martial heard yesterday.

    The revelation strengthened suspicions that Tony Blair gave his agreement to President George Bush to go to war while the diplomatic efforts to force Saddam Hussein to comply with UN resolutions were continuing.

    Alan Simpson, the leader of Labour Against the War, said the documents were "dynamite", if genuine, and showed that Clare Short was right to assert in her book, serialised in The Independent, that Mr Blair had "knowingly misled" Parliament.


    PETVAL --- ---

    JAXXE --- ---
    Eminem's New Video Highlights 9/11, Illuminati

    GNN/Liberty Think | October 26 2004

    Eminem has released a new video of the cut "Mosh," from his upcoming album Encore. The largely animated video , produced in association with Guerilla News Network, opens with Eminem reading to schoolchildren in the shadow of the World Trade Center on 9/11, not unlike Bush did in Florida.

    It then cuts to Eminem standing before a wall collaged with newspaper clippings and photos featuring headlines about Bush's foreknowledge of 9/11 (including the famous BUSH KNEW New York Post headline); the civil rights abuses of the PATRIOT Act; maltreatment of soldiers; war profiteering and even the Illuminati's all-seeing eye.

    Eminem then rallies a crowd of youngsters to action, crying "F*** Bush!" as black helicopters buzz over. This is intercut with a scene of a soldier coming home only to immediately receive an order sending him back to Iraq. As Eminem calls Bush "this monster, this coward we empowered," one of the infamous "bin Laden videos" plays on a television set -- only to have OBL's backdrop collapse to reveal a giggling Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld on a Hollywood set.

    The lyrics slam the government's "psychological warfare"
    as the animated Eminem leads a crowd of youth to a voting booth. But perhaps Eminem isn't cyncial enough here, as a word about the electronic voting scam machines would be worthwhile as well. At least Eminem hasn't fallen into the trap of endorsing Bush's sworn Bones blood brother Kerry, though he came a little too close for this writer's tastes in his new Rolling Stone interview.

    The last video Eminem produced in association with GNN, "White America," was banned from MTV Networks.

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Is 'Al Qaeda' the Modern Incarnation of 'Emmanuel Goldstein'?


    The "War on Terror" as Defined by 1984's Emmanuel Goldstein

    JAXXE --- ---
    Evil Seed: Bush and Kerry are Related to Dracula

    JAXXE --- ---
    vreeland, ktery vedel o 9/11 predem, ted opet varuje pred dalsim utokem a byl zatcen...

    Vreeland resurfaces with warning

    From Rigorous Institution blogspot October 23, 2004:

    There is a convergence of - let's call it "chatter" - regarding an impending bombing in the Twin Cities. According to the story, the attack would be nuclear. Whether suitcase or radiological "dirty bomb" is uncertain. The window seems to be Oct 27-31. The Mall of America is a known high-value target.

    One, big trigger for this buzz has been the arrest of Delmart Vreeland. It's true, Vreeland is a criminal, but he's more than a criminal. The criminal Vreeland is his "legend." He is also, as was proven in a Toronto court and supported by other covert operatives, an asset of the Office of Naval Intelligence. He stumbled upon advance warning of 9/11, and for several months his Canadian attorneys tried desperately to find a security service which would take heed of it. Vreeland vanished while on bail, awaiting a ruling in his extradition hearing.

    That Vreeland turns up now is suspicious enough. That he claims to have allowed himself to be arrested because he's learned of another imminent attack is worrisome. That his warning reportedly confirms what some others have heard - Twin Cities, nuclear, end of October - is ominous.
    Vreeland and his latest warning are discussed, heatedly, in several other active threads at Democratic Underground, including:



    JAXXE --- ---
    Irácký konflikt z hlediska mezinárodního práva – kdo je teroristou?

    Richard Král 24.10.2004

    V souvislosti s Irákem se v médiích často hořekuje nad "popravami rukojmích" a krvelačných "teroristech". Jak je tomu z hlediska platného pozitivního mezinárodního práva?

    Nezávislý pohled na irácké tažení z pohledu mezinárodního práva dává profesor Michael Dorf z Kolumbijské univerzity. Nejde až do důsledků, neboť by potom asi přestal učit, ale drží se platného mezinárodního práva, které USA nerespektují.

    Útok na Irák je učebnicovým případem tzv. útočné války jako ozbrojeného útoku - agrese, jak je definovala rezoluce VS OSN ze dne 14. prosince 1974. Čl. 2 této rezoluce praví, že "použití ozbrojené síly státem v rozporu s Chartou (OSN) zakládá zřejmý důkaz útočného činu?" Čl. 5 odst. 1 rezoluce praví, že "žádná úvaha jakékoli povahy, ať politické, hospodářské, vojenské nebo jiné, nemůže sloužit jako důvod k ospravedlnění agrese". Z toho vyplývá, že americké pohádky o zbraních hromadného ničení, ohrožení amerických národních zájmů atp. jsou naprosto liché a bezpředmětné. Dále cit. Čl. 5 odst. 2 rezoluce - "Útočná válka je zločinem proti mezinárodnímu míru. Agrese zakládá mezinárodní odpovědnost." OSN, jak víme, mlčí a dokonce se nesměle snaží na irácké anabázi také přiživit.

    USA zaútočily a Irák se bránil. Stále pokračuje odpor kombatantů proti okupačním silám, přičemž o nich nelze hovořit jako o "teroristech", jsou to osoby podléhající ochraně dle Ženevských úmluv (právo na status válečného zajatce), útočí-li na americké cíle či americkou okupační správu. Ve smyslu čl. 44 8. Dodatkového protokolu k Ženevským úmluvám nejsou kombatanti povinni nosit uniformy či se permanentně označovat či odlišovat od civilních obyvatel, postačí, že během každého vojenského střetnutí a před ním nosí veřejně zbraň. Slovo "terorista", tak hojně používané a nikde platně pozitivně nedefinované, lze použít na bojovníky útočící proti civilním cílům, na které však útočí především američané (ať již úmyslně či neúmyslně, své pohnutky z hlediska práva neprokážou, podstatné jsou fakta). Dokonce ani pana Abú Zarkávího, kterého američané tak fanaticky nenávidí, neboť proti nim organizuje efektivní odpor, nelze paušálně označit za "teroristu". Pokud byl najat nebo má slíbenou odměnu, účastní se nepřátelských akcí, není občanem strany konfliktu a neútočí na civilní cíle (policejní stanice jsou součástí okupační americké správy), spadá do definice "žoldnéře" podle Ženevských úmluv a i on má právo na ochranu, tj. status kombatanta nebo válečného zajatce.

    Čl. 53 8. Dodatkového protokolu k Ženevským úmluvám výslovně zakazuje mj. "provádět jakékoli nepřátelské činy proti místům konání bohoslužeb".

    Z hlediska mezinárodního práva nedošlo k řádnému vyhlášení války, tento institut, který byl respektován po staletí USA ignorovaly, což dává iráckým bojovníkům výhodu neomezených legálních útoků, neboť z hlediska mezinárodního práva válka sice započala (náhlým přepadením jednotkami USA), ale legálně neskončila a stále trvá. Iráckým kombatantům se tak otvírá prostor pro "Útoky" ve smyslu čl. 49 8. Dodatkového protokolu k Ženevským úmluvám.

    Taková je tedy situace z hlediska mezinárodního práva veřejného.

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam