V Iráku se ztratilo 350 tun výbušnin
Několik stovek tun konvenčních výbušnin se ztratilo z bývalého iráckého vojenského zařízení, které dříve hrálo klíčovou roli v úsilí Saddáma Husajna vyrobit jadernou bombu. Ztrátu potvrdil šéf Mezinárodní agentury pro atomovou energii (MAAE) Muhammad Baradej Radě bezpečnosti OSN.
Zprávy o ztracených výbušninách se včera v USA okamžitě chopili manažeři kampaně Johna Kerryho. Podle nich musí Bushova administrativa "najít příčinu selhání, které je možná nejkatastrofálnější v celé tragické sérii iráckých omylů".
Mezi zmizelými explozivními látkami byly i výbušniny typu HMX a RDX, které se mohou používat k bourání domů, ale také k výrobě raketových hlavic a rozbušek pro jaderné zbraně, uvedl v pondělí americký deník The New York Times.
Materiál je klíčovou součástí plastických trhavin, jako je například semtex či C-4. O jejich síle svědčí fakt, že libyjští teroristé potřebovali v roce 1988 jen necelý kilogram k tomu, aby vyhodili letoun PanAm nad skotským Lockerbie, a zabili tak 170 lidí.
"Nevíme, co se s výbušninami stalo ani kde jsou uschovány," řekla Flemingová. MAAE je připravena opět pracovat v Iráku, pokud ji o to Bagdád požádá. Inspektoři MAAE a OSN odešli z Iráku před začátkem americko-britské invaze loni v březnu.
PNAC, "Clean Break" and the Defense Planning Guidance, still seems to work into the same direction:
A setup for the next World War, with either Bush or Kerry:
Russians ‘may have taken Iraq explosives’
Financial Times -October 28 2004
The controversy over Iraq’s missing explosives intensified on Wednesday as the Bush administration rejected charges of incompetence and a senior Pentagon official claimed the munitions may have been removed by Russians before the US-led invasion...
WashTimes -October 28
Russian special forces troops moved many of Saddam Hussein's weapons and related goods out of Iraq and into Syria in the weeks before the March 2003 U.S. military operation, The Washington Times has learned.
John A. Shaw, the deputy undersecretary of defense for international technology security, said in an interview that
he believes the Russian troops, working with Iraqi intelligence, "almost certainly" removed the high-explosive material that went missing from the Al-Qaqaa facility, south of Baghdad...
"The Russians brought in, just before the war got started, a whole series of military units," Mr. Shaw said. "Their main job was to shred all evidence of any of the contractual arrangements they had with the Iraqis. The others were transportation units."
Mr. Shaw, who was in charge of cataloguing the tons of conventional arms provided to Iraq by foreign suppliers, said he recently obtained reliable information on the arms-dispersal program from two European intelligence services that have detailed knowledge of the Russian-Iraqi weapons collaboration.
Neo-Conservative Ascendancy in the George W. Bush Administration
Al-Hayat 2004/10/10
Jihad Al Khazen
I have been monitoring the activities of Israel's supporters in the U.S. administration for 25 years. I saw them attain and lose power, and work in research institutes. Nevertheless, I never imagined that the day would come when they would control American policy as they do today in the Bush administration...
Many neo-cons (including former CIA director James Woolsey) agree with prominent neo-cons academic Eliot Cohen, Professor of Strategic Studies at John Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies, that we are already in World War IV; the Cold War having been World War III...
...The post-9/11 climate has accelerated the fusion of the worldviews of the classic neo-conservatives (many of them Jewish), traditional hard-line hawks, the Christian right and key presidential advisors, notably Karl Rove...
The classic neo-conservatives have worked tirelessly over the years to develop their key set of policies. These policy tenets are illustrated in a series of documents and projects produced over the past decade, which now read like blueprints for the George W. Bush program. They include:
1. The
Defense Planning Guidance drawn up by Paul Wolfowitz and Libby Lewis for then Defense Secretary Dick Cheney in 1992. The document, with its emphasis overwhelming U.S. military domination, unilateral U.S. action and the use of pre-emptive force was seen as too extreme at the time.
2. The paper A
Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, drawn up in 1996 for then new Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by a team including Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, and the husband and wife team of David and Meyrav Wurmser. A Clean Break envisages a redrawing of the Middle East political map. It insists that Saddam must be overthrown and advocates a program of neutralizing Syria, and of hot pursuit of the Palestinians. Much of this paper has been translated into official administration policy.
The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), founded in 1997 with the support of Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney among others, has been another vehicle for forceful promulgation of neo-conservative views. Bush's National Security Strategy issued in September 2002 shows the profound influence the opinions of the neo-conservatives have had in molding the new strategic approach.
A number of well-funded think tanks and foundations provide a focus for the development and dissemination of neo-conservative policies and a platform through which neo-conservatives prepare studies, which have an influence on policy making. They include the Center for Security Policy (CSP), the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), the Middle East Forum (MEF), the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), the Bradley Foundation, the Heritage Foundation and the Hudson Institute.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) set up by Meyrav Wurmser and Colonel Yigal Carmon, a former advisor on terrorism to the Israeli Prime Minister, translates and brings to wide attention articles from the Arabic press that show the Arabs in a particularly bad light.
The neo-conservatives benefit from a highly effective publicity apparatus, one element of which is the public relations company Benador, which has neo-conservatives as clients, and guarantees them a high profile in the media and on the lecture circuit. Clients include Richard Perle, Michael Ledeen, Frank Gaffney, Barry Rubin, Martin Kramer, Daniel Pipes, and former CIA director James Woolsey.
The neo-conservatives are regular contributors to the major American newspapers. An important press vehicle for their opinions is the Weekly Standard edited by William Kristol and bankrolled by right-wing publisher Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation...