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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    BEEJBI --- ---
    toto uz je zlee zlee!!! fuj...ak to dojde az sem, tak to bude koniec...
    JAXXE --- ---
    School bags equipped with GPS to protect kids from crime

    Thursday, October 28, 2004 at 07:29 JST
    TOKYO — School bags with a built-in global positioning system will be sold in Japan from November to protect children from crime, Kyowa Corp said Wednesday.

    Cooperating with leading security firm Secom Co, Kyowa said it has decided to market the high-tech bags, believed to be first of their kind in the world, to meet demand from parents who are concerned about the growing number of crimes and accidents involving their children. The system is able to track the location of the school bags by using satellite and cell phone waves, Kyowa said. (Kyodo News)



    'Big Brother' gets new binoculars

    Posted: Wednesday, Oct 27, 2004 - 04:55:00 pm EST
    By Jim Hightower-Minuteman Media

    If you're an aspiring performer who wants to be on the screen, Chicago might be your kind of town. In fact, virtually everyone in the Windy City will soon be seen--by various police authorities.

    In a leap into the abyss of the surveillance society, Chicago authorities are installing a web of spy cameras linked to a sophisticated new computer program that not only will view everyone who appears on various streets, but also will alert police agents when anyone is "acting suspicious." What is "suspicious?" Wandering around aimlessly; lingering outside a building; pulling your car over to the shoulder of a highway; leaving a package in a doorway - and other common acts you and I have done a thousand times.

    "What we're doing is a totally new concept," says the director of this intrusive technology. "It's going to take us to a whole new level." I'll say! The snoopervision cameras can zoom in on you and follow you from camera to camera, recording your every move, whether or not you're doing anything wrong.

    Faceless bureaucrats will sit in an undisclosed, fortified building, monitoring the screens and dispatching armed police to accost loiterers, aimless wanderers, and other "suspicious" characters. Not only will the police place these so-called "smart" cameras around town, but so will housing, transportation, and other city agencies - even street sweepers! - making Chicagoans the most-watched people in America. Orwell would be so proud!

    Of course, the authorities insist that this is for our own good, claiming we'll all be safer. Chicago's new surveillance director says: "The value we'll gain in public safety far outweighs any perception by the community that this is Big Brother who's watching."

    But, wait a minute, it is Big Brother watching! Yet, Chicago's mayor dismisses all of us pesky civil libertarians, saying that, after all, "We're not inside your home or your business."

    Not yet, they're not.

    Jim Hightower is the best-selling author of "Thieves In High Places: They've Stolen Our Country And It's Time To Take It Back," on sale now from Viking Press.

    BEEJBI --- ---
    FBI rozšírila vyšetrovanie Halliburtonu

    JAXXE --- ---
    velmi zajimave video bushe pred projevem

    JAXXE --- ---
    Firefighter Said Black Boxes Were Found at Ground Zero

    By Bryan Sacks and Nicholas Levis
    Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2004

    An article by Pulitzer Prize winner William Bunch (Philadelphia Daily News, Thursday, 10/28/04 - longer version published tonight on his "Campaign Extra" weblog) uses an account from the book to the left, "Behind-the-Scenes: Ground Zero," as one source for the claim that three black boxes from the aircraft that crashed into the World Trade Center were discovered by authorities during the recovery efforts in 2001-2002. This is contrary to the official story.

    JAXXE --- ---


    In the last week before the election, ABCNEWS is holding a videotaped message from a purported al Qaeda terrorist warning of a new attack on America, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

    The terrorist claims on tape the next attack will dwarf 9/11. "The streets will run with blood," and "America will mourn in silence" because they will be unable to count the number of the dead.
    Further claims: America has brought this on itself for electing George Bush who has made war on Islam by destroying the Taliban and making war on Al Qaeda.

    ABCNEWS strongly denies holding the tape back from broadcast over political concerns during the last days of the election.

    The CIA is analyzing the tape, a top federal source tells the DRUDGE REPORT.

    ABCNEWS obtained the tape from a source in Waziristan, Pakistan over the weekend, sources tells DRUDGE.

    "We have been working 24 hours a day trying to authenticate [the tape]," a senior ABCNEWS source said Wednesday morning, dismissing a claim that ABC was planning to air portions of the video during Monday's WORLD NEWS TONIGHT.

    The terrorist's face is concealed by a headdress, and he speaks in an American accent, making it difficult to identify the individual.

    US intelligence officials believe the man on tape may be Adam Gadhan - aka Adam Pearlman, a California native who was highlighted by the FBI in May as an individual most likely to be involved in or have knowledge of the next al Qaeda attacks.

    According to the FBI, Gadahn, 25, attended al-Qaida training camps and served as an al-Qaida translator.

    The disturbing tape runs an hour -- the man simply identifies himself as 'Assam the American.'


    The video appears to be from al-Qaeda's media liaison organization. It has a banner crediting the Sahab Production Committee. The speaker refers to Bin Ladin and Zawahiri as "our leaders" and praises the 11 September attacks. The video appears to have been made in the past several months based on the speaker's discussion of the conflict in Darfur, the 9/11 Commission and other recent events


    Filed By Matt Drudge
    Reports are moved when circumstances warrant
    http://www.drudgereport.com for updates
    (c)DRUDGE REPORT 2004
    Not for reproduction without permission of the author

    JAXXE --- ---
    V Iráku se ztratilo 350 tun výbušnin

    Několik stovek tun konvenčních výbušnin se ztratilo z bývalého iráckého vojenského zařízení, které dříve hrálo klíčovou roli v úsilí Saddáma Husajna vyrobit jadernou bombu.
    Ztrátu potvrdil šéf Mezinárodní agentury pro atomovou energii (MAAE) Muhammad Baradej Radě bezpečnosti OSN.

    Zprávy o ztracených výbušninách se včera v USA okamžitě chopili manažeři kampaně Johna Kerryho. Podle nich musí Bushova administrativa "najít příčinu selhání, které je možná nejkatastrofálnější v celé tragické sérii iráckých omylů".

    Mezi zmizelými explozivními látkami byly i výbušniny typu HMX a RDX, které se mohou používat k bourání domů, ale také k výrobě raketových hlavic a rozbušek pro jaderné zbraně, uvedl v pondělí americký deník The New York Times.

    Materiál je klíčovou součástí plastických trhavin, jako je například semtex či C-4. O jejich síle svědčí fakt, že libyjští teroristé potřebovali v roce 1988 jen necelý kilogram k tomu, aby vyhodili letoun PanAm nad skotským Lockerbie, a zabili tak 170 lidí.

    "Nevíme, co se s výbušninami stalo ani kde jsou uschovány,"
    řekla Flemingová. MAAE je připravena opět pracovat v Iráku, pokud ji o to Bagdád požádá. Inspektoři MAAE a OSN odešli z Iráku před začátkem americko-britské invaze loni v březnu.



    PNAC, "Clean Break" and the Defense Planning Guidance, still seems to work into the same direction: A setup for the next World War, with either Bush or Kerry:

    Russians ‘may have taken Iraq explosives’

    Financial Times -October 28 2004 http://news.ft.com/cms/s/a4bc50c6-2870-11d9-9308-00000e2511c8.html

    The controversy over Iraq’s missing explosives intensified on Wednesday as the Bush administration rejected charges of incompetence and a senior Pentagon official claimed the munitions may have been removed by Russians before the US-led invasion...

    WashTimes -October 28 http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20041027-101153-4822r.htm

    ...Russian special forces troops moved many of Saddam Hussein's weapons and related goods out of Iraq and into Syria in the weeks before the March 2003 U.S. military operation, The Washington Times has learned.

    John A. Shaw, the deputy undersecretary of defense for international technology security, said in an interview that he believes the Russian troops, working with Iraqi intelligence, "almost certainly" removed the high-explosive material that went missing from the Al-Qaqaa facility, south of Baghdad...

    "The Russians brought in, just before the war got started, a whole series of military units," Mr. Shaw said. "Their main job was to shred all evidence of any of the contractual arrangements they had with the Iraqis. The others were transportation units."

    Mr. Shaw, who was in charge of cataloguing the tons of conventional arms provided to Iraq by foreign suppliers, said he recently obtained reliable information on the arms-dispersal program from two European intelligence services that have detailed knowledge of the Russian-Iraqi weapons collaboration.

    Neo-Conservative Ascendancy in the George W. Bush Administration

    Al-Hayat 2004/10/10 http://english.daralhayat.com/Spec/10-2004/Article-20041010-83649c00-c0a8-01ed-004f-353965679db8/story.html

    Jihad Al Khazen

    I have been monitoring the activities of Israel's supporters in the U.S. administration for 25 years. I saw them attain and lose power, and work in research institutes. Nevertheless, I never imagined that the day would come when they would control American policy as they do today in the Bush administration...

    ...Many neo-cons (including former CIA director James Woolsey) agree with prominent neo-cons academic Eliot Cohen, Professor of Strategic Studies at John Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies, that we are already in World War IV; the Cold War having been World War III...

    ...The post-9/11 climate has accelerated the fusion of the worldviews of the classic neo-conservatives (many of them Jewish), traditional hard-line hawks, the Christian right and key presidential advisors, notably Karl Rove...

    The classic neo-conservatives have worked tirelessly over the years to develop their key set of policies. These policy tenets are illustrated in a series of documents and projects produced over the past decade, which now read like blueprints for the George W. Bush program. They include:

    1. The Defense Planning Guidance drawn up by Paul Wolfowitz and Libby Lewis for then Defense Secretary Dick Cheney in 1992. The document, with its emphasis overwhelming U.S. military domination, unilateral U.S. action and the use of pre-emptive force was seen as too extreme at the time.

    2. The paper A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, drawn up in 1996 for then new Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by a team including Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, and the husband and wife team of David and Meyrav Wurmser. A Clean Break envisages a redrawing of the Middle East political map. It insists that Saddam must be overthrown and advocates a program of neutralizing Syria, and of hot pursuit of the Palestinians. Much of this paper has been translated into official administration policy.

    3. The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), founded in 1997 with the support of Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney among others, has been another vehicle for forceful promulgation of neo-conservative views. Bush's National Security Strategy issued in September 2002 shows the profound influence the opinions of the neo-conservatives have had in molding the new strategic approach.

    A number of well-funded think tanks and foundations provide a focus for the development and dissemination of neo-conservative policies and a platform through which neo-conservatives prepare studies, which have an influence on policy making. They include the Center for Security Policy (CSP), the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), the Middle East Forum (MEF), the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), the Bradley Foundation, the Heritage Foundation and the Hudson Institute.

    The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) set up by Meyrav Wurmser and Colonel Yigal Carmon, a former advisor on terrorism to the Israeli Prime Minister, translates and brings to wide attention articles from the Arabic press that show the Arabs in a particularly bad light.

    The neo-conservatives benefit from a highly effective publicity apparatus, one element of which is the public relations company Benador, which has neo-conservatives as clients, and guarantees them a high profile in the media and on the lecture circuit. Clients include Richard Perle, Michael Ledeen, Frank Gaffney, Barry Rubin, Martin Kramer, Daniel Pipes, and former CIA director James Woolsey.

    The neo-conservatives are regular contributors to the major American newspapers. An important press vehicle for their opinions is the Weekly Standard edited by William Kristol and bankrolled by right-wing publisher Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation...

    JAXXE --- ---
    Why is Alcohol Legal and Marijuana Illegal?

    JAXXE --- ---

    JAXXE --- ---
    ENEMY WANTED. Serious enemy needed to justify Pentagon budget increase. Defense contractors desperate. Interested enemies send letter and photo or video (threatening, ok) to Enemy Search Committee, Priorities Campaign, 1350 Broadway, NY, NY, 10018.


    - Why does the Pentagon need a budget of $344 billion -- which would be over three times as much as the combined defense spending of Russia, China, and America's potential adversaries (Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria)? And this does include not the over $200 billion spent by U.S. allies annually on defense.

    - How do Congress and the President know how much money the Pentagon needs when it can't pass a financial audit -- despite legal obligations to do so? Without audited books, the President and Congress do not know for certain what the Pentagon has and what it really needs.

    - Why does the federal government want to spend $344 billion on the Pentagon, when the federal government currently spends only $42 billion on education, $26 billion on affordable housing, $6 billion on Head Start, and only $1 billion on school construction? Does it appear that our national priorities are mixed up or what?

    These would be tough questions, even if America had a serious enemy. Without one, these are devastating questions -- and it's so painful to see our politicians trying to answer them that I want to help them find an enemy as quickly as possible.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Police charged over Beslan siege


    PETVAL --- ---
    Europe opts for biometric pasports
    Published: October 27, 2004, 5:56 PM PDT
    By Lars Pasveer
    Special to CNET News.com

    Ministers for European Union member states agreed on Tuesday to adopt biometric passports.

    The first biometric passports are set to arrive in 18 months and initially will record the facial characteristics of the bearer.

    In three years, European travelers will also have to provide a fingerprint for the passport. The facial and fingerprint data will be stored on an embedded chip, along with a digital copy of the bearer's photo.

    The decision, made at a meeting of interior ministers in Luxembourg, is not yet final. Austria, Finland and the Netherlands have voiced minor concerns about the proposal, but they will probably not turn out to be insurmountable obstacles.

    The European push for biometrics is heavily influenced by a United States policy change for passports http://news.com.com/U.S.+moves+closer+to+e-passports/2100-1012_3-5425314.html?tag=nl for people from "visa waiver" countries after the Sept. 11 attacks. U.S. plans to introduce a biometric passport requirement by this fall for these countries were widely seen as unrealistic. However, by Oct. 26 next year, all visitors from these countries will have to provide a machine-readable passport with biometric data.

    PETVAL --- ---
    Some people don't like the civil rights concerns. Some think they'll cost too much. Some think they'll lead to more identity theft than identity verification. Some think governments can't manage big database projects and there are bound to be mistakes and over-runs. Any way you look at it, compulsory ID cards have a lot of potential drawbacks, so is the UK's Home Secretary, David Blunkett, starting to back down from the idea? Combining ID cards with passports and driving licenses was the key way to force them on an often unwilling UK population, and seems to have gone for good, but apparently legislation to bring in some form of ID card is still likely in the next Queen's Speech. Is it the beginning of the end of a bad idea, or just more spin to dodge the remaining concerns?

    TERMIX --- ---
    PETVAL: Jj, dik. Uz to prave taham odtamtud...
    PETVAL --- ---
    TERMIX: torrent mi taky nejel, ale ed2k v pohode
    KERRAY --- ---
    Marc Perkel sez, "I'm distributing Fahrenheit 9-11 on my web site. I spent $2000 to buy 100mb line for 2 weeks before the election. If you haven't seen it - take a look and pass the link around."
    TERMIX --- ---
    PETVAL: Nejede. Nebo je chyba u me...?
    JAXXE --- ---
    Radiation at Pentagon on 9/11

    American Free Press Oct 22, 2004:

    Around the Pentagon there were reports of high radiation levels after 9-11. American Free Press has documentation that radiation levels in Alexandria and Leesburg, Va., were much higher than usual on 9-11 and persisted for at least one week afterward.

    In Alexandria, seven miles south of the burning Pentagon, a doctor with years of experience working with radiation issues found elevated radiation levels on 9-11 of 35 to 52 counts per minute (cpm) using a ?Radalert 50? Geiger counter.

    One week after 9-11, in Leesburg, 33 miles northwest of the Pentagon, soil readings taken in a residential neighborhood showed even higher readings of 75 to 83 cpm.


    If the radiation came from the explosion and fire at the Pentagon, it most likely did not come from a Boeing 757, which is the type of aircraft that allegedly hit the building.

    ?Boeing has never used DU on either the 757 or the 767, and we no longer use it on the 747,? Leslie M. Nichols, product spokesperson for Boeing?s 767, told AFP. ?Sometime ago, we switched to tungsten, because it is heavier, more readily available and more cost effective.?


    DU is used in a wide variety of missiles in the U.S. arsenal as an armor penetrator. It is also used in the bunker-buster bombs and cruise missiles. Because no photographic evidence of a Boeing 757 hitting the Pentagon is available to the public, 9-11 skeptics and independent researchers claim something else, such as a missile, struck the Pentagon.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Válka proti terorismu jak ji definoval E.Goldstein v Orwellově románu 1984

    Michael Rivero 27.10.2004

    Článek tvoří v podstatě úryvky z Orwellova románu 1984. Kliknutím na jednotlivé části textu se dostanete na články (bohužel všechny v angličtině), které tak či onak promítají historický text do současných událostí.

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