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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---


    By David Icke

    Inauguration day 2005 marks the beginning of the next, and even more extreme, stage of the Orwellian global state. If anyone thought the first Bush term breached the realms of insanity, they'd better hold on and strap in.

    The new Bush cabinet is dominated to an even greater extent by the Illuminati neocon conspirators behind 9/11, the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the removal of basic human freedoms. The appointment of Condoleezza Rice has ensured that the State Department will be at one with the wingnuts at the Pentagon, and Stephen Hadley, the National Security Advisor, will 'advise' whatever his close associates, Rice and Cheney, tell him to.

    In the new Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, we have a man with a criminal disregard for human rights and civil liberties, and Michael Chertoff, the new head 'Homeland Security', played a leading role in drafting U.S. 'anti-terror' laws in the wake of 9/11 that removed basic freedoms from the American people. As we have seen with purges at the CIA, FBI and elsewhere, any personnel not 'on message' throughout the government and its agencies have been, or are being, systematically removed from positions of influence.

    The prime centres of government, military, legal, and economic power are all occupied by extremists who either want to set the world ablaze or will unquestioningly serve those who do.

    There is no need to speculate on the agenda these sick people will follow in the next four years. It was detailed by the neocon front, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), in its September 2000 document, Strategies, Forces and Resources For A New Century. This proposed a 'blueprint for maintaining global U.S. pre-eminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests'. What it called this 'American grand strategy' had to be advanced 'as far into the future as possible' and it says that the U.S. must 'fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars' as a 'core mission'.
    American armed forces were described as 'the cavalry on the new American frontier' and these were the very policies pursued in the first Bush term. The report also said:


    Allies like the UK are 'the most effective and efficient means of exercising American global leadership'.


    Peacekeeping missions demand 'American political leadership rather than that of the United Nations'.


    Even should Saddam pass from the scene, bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will remain permanently, despite domestic opposition in the Gulf regimes to the stationing of U.S. troops, as 'Iran may well prove as large a threat to U.S. interests as Iraq has'.


    North Korea, Libya, Syria and Iran are dangerous regimes and their existence justifies the creation of a “world-wide command-and-control system” [World Army]. It was a neocon speech writer, David Frum, who wrote Bush's State of the Union address which talked of an 'Axis of Evil' – Iraq, Iran and North Korea.


    China should be targeted for 'regime change' and the report says 'it is time to increase the presence of American forces in Southeast Asia' that may lead to 'American and allied power providing the spur to the process of democratisation in China'.

    'U.S. Space Forces' should dominate space and it calls for the total control of cyberspace to prevent 'enemies' [anyone exposing the agenda] using the Internet against the U.S.


    The U.S. should consider the use of biological weapons and that 'new' methods of attack - electronic, 'non-lethal', biological - will be more widely available ... combat likely will take place in new dimensions, in space, cyberspace, and perhaps the world of microbes ... advanced forms of biological warfare that can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.

    Note the language: 'specific genotypes' – the biological targeting of specific races. Who said Hitler was dead?
    While following this fascist agenda, the same people had the nerve to say that Iraq must be invaded because it had biological weapons.

    Condoleezza Rice continued this neocon theme in the days before the inauguration when she talked about 'outposts of tyranny' where the U.S. must help 'bring freedom'. She named them as Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Burma and Belarus. Bush's inauguration speech, written for him by his neocon handlers, included lines such as: 'The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands'. And: 'The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world'. This is Orwellian-speak for 'we have other lands to conquer' and key to their strategy is Iran and North Korea. The latter target is connected to the neocon plans for a conflict with China, which borders North Korea.

    When I say 'they,' or the 'neocons,' I don't mean America; I mean the forces that control America. The agenda has nothing to do with America's best interests – look at the demolition of its economy and currency alone in the wake of its wars of conquest. This is about using America to destroy America as a super power, both economically and militarily, because a super power and the planned world dictatorship do not go together. Thus, they want both America and China to destroy each other and come under the heel of the global fascist state.

    So, where do they go from here? The Illuminati/neocon attacks of September 11th provided the excuse to invade the strategically-placed Afghanistan and this momentum led on to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. But now they are bogged down and stretched to the limits militarily and, in the light of the lies about weapons of mass destruction, the U.S. and British governments have lost all credibility with vast numbers of their electorate. For Bush or Blair to say they have to invade Iran because of 'weapons of mass destruction' would be met with both hysterical laughter and massive opposition, especially in the UK where Blair and mendacity have become synonymous in the public mind.

    This leaves them with two options: to drop the agenda for further conquest (no chance); or to orchestrate another 9/11-style 'problem' that they could blame on their next target, almost certainly Iran. I wouldn't expect them to wait too long to begin the process now Bush has launched his second term. This 'problem' could be nuclear or chemical attacks on the United States, maybe Britain and other targets, too. It could be any number of potential horrors (problem) to terrify the people (reaction) that would lead to 'retaliation' against the fall-guy country (solution). This would allow them to justify to the gullible sections of the population the unleashing of 'shock and awe' against yet another nation. It would also be the excuse to introduce the military draft.

    Bush and co denied before the election that they planned compulsory military service, but this was just another blatant lie. They are already at the limit of their capability using those in uniform by choice and without an enormous influx of battle-fodder they could not possibly 'fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars' as a 'core mission'. To expand into other regions they need the young and not-so-young of America to fight and die for their cause of human enslavement. That means the draft.

    One event that would pull all these strands together would be the assassination of President Bush and I certainly would not rule it out. It would not change the neocon policy if Bush were removed because he's just a front man for them and if he were killed the next president would be the neocon super-extremist, the brutal and horrific Dick Cheney. The benefits of a Bush assassination would be enormous to the Illuminati and their neocons. It would have such a massive effect on the American collective psyche that the draft could be introduced and other wars launched with a fraction of the opposition they would otherwise face. It is certainly a possibility in my view.

    Link URL for websites

    JAXXE --- ---
    Cheney voices concern that Israel may attack Iran

    Jerusalem Post | January 21 2005

    Vice President Dick Cheney voiced concern Thursday that Israel may decide to act first against Iran to eliminate the possibility of a nuclear threat.

    "If, in fact, the Israelis became convinced the Iranians had significant nuclear capability, given the fact that Iran has a stated policy that their objective is the destruction of Israel, the Israelis might well decide to act first, and let the rest of the world worry about cleaning up the diplomatic mess afterwards," Cheney said in an interview aired on MSNBC on the day that George W. Bush was sworn into office for his second term as president.

    "You look around the world at potential trouble spots, Iran is right at the top of the list," Cheney said.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Why The Outrage Now? Nobody Cares About Fascist Symbols In The House Of Representatives

    The sudden outrage and in other cases apologetic soft-peddling of Prince Harry's Nazi outfit are another example of a 'Johnny come lately' public and media attitude that shifts the debate away from the true undertones of Nazi influence in our culture and government today.

    Where is the outrage about Fasces symbols which appear on everything from US coins to the House of Congress rostrum?

    The bronze fasces, used since Roman times to symbolize civic authority, are located on both sides of the U.S. flag as seen below. The original Roman fasces consisted of an axe within a bundle of rods, bound by a red strap. Fasces in the root of where the term 'fascism' comes from.

    Roman "Fasces" on the wall behind the Speaker's Podium US House of Representatives chamber, United States Capitol.

    Another shop of the speakers' rostrume. This is from where President Bush has delivered four State of the Union speeches.

    At the Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC, Lincoln's seat of state bears the fasces on the fronts of its arms.

    Well, well, well, what do we have here? The same symbol on a Nazi stamp.

    2Two large crossed FASCES compose the insignia of the National Guard, creating a huge "X" (AX) superimposed upon an openwinged eagle.

    Giant Fasces appear here in 1930's Fascist Italian propaganda.

    A Fascist Italian postage stamp featuring the Fasces.

    The Fasces on a US dime

    The Mace, which is the symbol of the Office of the Sergeant at Arms, is placed by the Sergeant at Arms on a pedestal at the Speaker's right each time the House convenes. The MAce is also used in the British and Australian parliaments and is also a Nazi symbol of power.

    I have focused on just two symbols, the Mace and the Fasces. I could list hundreds of examples.

    Where are all the Jewish groups? Where's the outrage? A fancy dress outfit causes what will be a national debate for three months and yet these things have been in front of our faces for our entire lifetimes and there is no mention of them. Even to highlight this one risks being sidelined as a crackpot.

    Serious questions need to be asked about why the very platform of supposed representative government in the United States is adorned with tributes to Nazi symbols of absolute dictatorial power.

    JAXXE --- ---
    lookash: a tady jedna cerstva inauguracni ;)


    CAIDEL --- ---
    ARVEN: Uf uf.... :-)
    ARVEN --- ---
    Asked if she had ever used Ecstasy, Jenna Bush replied 'I tried it once but I didn't inhale."
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Photographs taken by five British servicemen and shown to the courts martial in Osnabruck, Germany, of three British soldiers from the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers accused of "shocking and appalling" acts of abuse and assault against Iraqi civilians in a humanitarian aid camp known as the Bread Basket, near Basra, in May 2003. The charges include forcing detainees to strip and simulate sex. Lance Corporal Mark Cooley, 25, and Corporal Daniel Kenyon, 33, have entered not guilty pleas to the charges. Lance Corporal Darren Larkin, 30, admitted one charge of assaulting an unknown male at the camp but pleaded not guilty to other charges.
    All photographs: MoD/British court martial handout/PA

    JAXXE --- ---
    Boston terror threat probed

    By Tom Farmer and Michele McPhee
    Wednesday, January 19, 2005

    Authorities are scouring Boston for four Chinese nationals and two Iraqi men who may pose a nuclear threat to the city based on a report from an unidentified man calling from Mexico who claims to have smuggled them over the U.S. border.
    ``They got a call from across the border in Mexico to the California Highway Patrol several days ago, and he said he brought two Iraqis and four Chinese (individuals) across the border and according to him, they stated soon to follow behind them would be some sort of (nuclear) material,'' said a law enforcement source.

    ``He refers to some sort of nuclear material that will follow them through New York up into Boston.''
    The threat was serious enough that Mayor Thomas M. Menino hunkered down with Police Commissioner Kathleen O'Toole and Fire Commissioner Paul Christian and the city's Homeland Security chief in his office at City Hall. The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency also activated its bunker in Framingham with a downscaled staff.
    According to the source, the caller has not identified himself and did not show up for a meeting with federal investigators in California, but he did leave pictures and the names of two Chinese men and two Chinese women - reportedly chemists - at a ``drop'' site at the Mexico-California border. The information also makes reference to something happening ``within four days,'' said another law enforcement source.


    TOPICZ --- ---
    JAXXE: sorry, ja jenom filtroval
    JAXXE --- ---
    topicz: to uz je delsi dobu na home...
    TOPICZ --- ---
    MIROSLAV DOLEJŠÍ (20.11.1931 – 26.6.2001)


    JAXXE --- ---
    Kontroverzné americké skupiny sú za voľbami v Iraku

    "Iracký proces volieb by mal byť spravovaný Iračanmi pre Iračanov," vyhlásil predstaviteľ OSN Ashraf Jehangir Qazi. "Nijak inak to byť nemôže."
    V skutočnosti však vplyvné americké agentúry, ktoré sa opisujú ako pro-demokratické majú stopy po celom Iraku - od formovania politických strán až po monitorovanie prieskumov verejnej mienky.
    Dve z nich - Institute for International Affairs (NDI) a International Republican Institute (IRI) -... tvrdia, že sú nestranné, každá z nich má blízke vzťahy k rovnomennej americkej strane... NDI vedie Madeleine Albrightová a John McCain vedie IRI.
    Tieto americké skupiny sa aktívne zapájajú do vytvárania politických strán a spolupracujú so stranami, ktoré sú politicky preferované Washingtonom. Kritici vyjadrili nielen prekvapenie, ale pohoršenie nad tým, že rovnaká politika, aká sa používala za posledných 20 rokov sa opakuje dnes v Iraku. "Spojené štáty sa naučili, že legitímnych vodcov nie je potrebné nájsť, je ich potrebné vyrobiť," napísal Herbert Docena, vedec, ktorý sa pracuje v think-tanku sp sídlom v Bankoku.

    Profesor William I. Robinson z Global and International Studies pri univerzite v Kalifornii v Santa Barbare nazýva skupiny ako NDI a IRI "predĺžením" americkej vlády. Organizácie a ich pobočky sa pravidelne stretajú s tvrdeniami, že podporujú opozičných kandidátov a hnutia v krajinách, kde vlády - niektoré demokraticky zvolené - sú považované za ohrozenie amerických záujmov.
    Na začiatku roku 2004 americká vláda previedla organizácii NED 25 miliónov dolárov, ktorá ich rozdelila medzi svoje pobočky, USAID dala NED a IRI viac ako 80 miliónov.

    Minulý rok poslanec Ron Paul (republikán - Texas) o NED a IRI povedal, že ciele, na ktoré sú obe organizácie používané vo svete by boli v USA ilegálne.

    Podľa správ Guardian boli obe organizácie extrémne aktívne v kampaniach na Ukrajine na podporu Viktora Juščenka, opozičného kandidáta, ktorého prehra bola okamžite považovaná Spojenými štátmi a západnými masmédiami za volebný podvod. Associated Press 10. decembra oznámil, že Bushova vláda minula 65 miliónov dolárov za posledné dva roky na podporu opozičných kandidátov na Ukrajine.

    Ďalším nedávnym príkladom skupín napojených na NED je miešanie sa do suverénnych národov včítane politického povstania vo Venezuele a Haiti.
    Jedným z mechanizmov, ktoré tieto skupiny používajú na zmenu volebných výsledkov sú prieskumy verejnej mienky a iné sledovacie metódy, ktoré takmer vždy ukážu ako Washingtonom preferovaný kandidát vytlačí svojich oponentov.

    Podľa dokumentov, ktoré získal Reuters od amerického Ministerstva zahraničia Washington poskytne "miernym, demokraticky orientovaným politickým stranám strategické rady, technickú pomoc a iné formy podpory."



    JAXXE --- ---
    US official confirms Allawi shot six dead

    January 19, 2005

    A former Jordanian government minister has told The New Yorker that an American official confirmed to him that the Iraqi interim Prime Minister, Iyad Allawi, executed six suspected insurgents at a Baghdad police station last year.

    The claim is in an extensive profile of Dr Allawi written for this week's issue of the magazine by an American journalist, Jon Lee Anderson, the author of The Fall of Baghdad and a regular Baghdad correspondent for The New Yorker.

    Writing about his research in Jordan in December, Anderson says: "A well-known former government minister told me that an American official had confirmed that the killings took place, saying to him, 'What a mess we're in - we got rid of one son of a bitch only to get another one'."

    The New Yorker also revealed that Anderson was present during an interview conducted by the Herald's chief correspondent, Paul McGeough, in late June, with a man who said he witnessed the executions by Dr Allawi.

    Dr Allawi denied the allegations when they were published in the Herald last July.

    Anderson writes: "The man ... described how Allawi had been taken to seven suspects, who were made to stand against a wall in a courtyard of the police station, their faces covered. After being told of their alleged crimes by a police official, Allawi had asked for a pistol, and then shot each prisoner in the head. [One of the men survived.] Afterward, the witness said, Allawi had declared to those present, 'This is how we must deal with the terrorists.' The witness said he approved of Allawi's act, adding that, in any case, the terrorists were better off dead, for they had been tortured for days."

    Copyright © 2005. The Sydney Morning Herald.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Hardliners in Pentagon ready to neutralise 'nuclear threat' posed by Tehran



    WHAT nuclear threat? Nobody has proven that Iran is doing anything other than setting up a power plant. And even if Iran DID have nukes, they are not a threat to the US.

    The United States has produced some 70,000 warheads since 1945, of which, 60,000 have been dismantled (if you believe the official story). As of the end of 2004, the US admits to having 7000 nuclear warheads in "Active" status, but this number does not include the new generation of tactical nuclear weapons authorized by President Bush.

    So, why would Iran attack the United States? What possible threat is Iran to the United States when the United States can turn all of Iran into a gigantic solid glass radioactive parking lot?

    Get real. Iran is no more a threat than Iraq was.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Issue of 2005-01-24 and 31 Posted 2005-01-17

    What the Pentagon can now do in secret.


    George W. Bush’s reëlection was not his only victory last fall. The President and his national-security advisers have consolidated control over the military and intelligence communities’ strategic analyses and covert operations to a degree unmatched since the rise of the post-Second World War national-security state. Bush has an aggressive and ambitious agenda for using that control—against the mullahs in Iran and against targets in the ongoing war on terrorism—during his second term. The C.I.A. will continue to be downgraded, and the agency will increasingly serve, as one government consultant with close ties to the Pentagon put it, as “facilitators” of policy emanating from President Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney. This process is well under way.


    “This is a war against terrorism, and Iraq is just one campaign. The Bush Administration is looking at this as a huge war zone,” the former high-level intelligence official told me. “Next, we’re going to have the Iranian campaign. We’ve declared war and the bad guys, wherever they are, are the enemy. This is the last hurrah—we’ve got four years, and want to come out of this saying we won the war on terrorism.”


    Rumsfeld will become even more important during the second term. In interviews with past and present intelligence and military officials, I was told that the agenda had been determined before the Presidential election, and much of it would be Rumsfeld’s responsibility. The war on terrorism would be expanded, and effectively placed under the Pentagon’s control. The President has signed a series of findings and executive orders authorizing secret commando groups and other Special Forces units to conduct covert operations against suspected terrorist targets in as many as ten nations in the Middle East and South Asia.


    In my interviews, I was repeatedly told that the next strategic target was Iran. “Everyone is saying, ‘You can’t be serious about targeting Iran. Look at Iraq,’” the former intelligence official told me. “But they say, ‘We’ve got some lessons learned—not militarily, but how we did it politically. We’re not going to rely on agency pissants.’ No loose ends, and that’s why the C.I.A. is out of there.”


    JAXXE --- ---
    Bude mít každý člověk v těle čip?

    JAXXE --- ---
    Microchip to allow wallet-free drinking

    London Telegraph | January 17 2005

    A Scottish nightclub is about to become the first in Britain to offer its customers the chance to have a microchip implanted in their arm to save them carrying cash.

    The "digital wallet", the size of a grain of rice, guarantees entry to the club and allows customers to buy drinks on account. Brad Stevens, owner of Bar Soba in Glasgow, said his customers had responded enthusiastically to the idea.

    The VeriChip is inserted by a medical professional and then scanned for its unique ID number as a customer enters the bar.

    "There are a number of advantages, from instant access, to not having to carry money or credit cards, to letting bar staff know a customer's name and favourite drink," said Mr Stevens. "By the time you walk through the door to the bar, your favourite drink is waiting for you and the bar staff can greet you by name."

    However, he said the bar would also have to make sure that customers with the chip had a limit on how much they could spend to prevent them drinking beyond their ability to pay.

    The scheme was criticised by a spokesman for the Scottish Executive, who said the microchip could encourage excessive drinking, and by Notags, a consumer group set up to resist the spread of radio frequency identification devices.

    A spokesman said: "The chip contains your name and ID number and, as this could be read remotely without your knowledge, that is already too much information."



    BBC report on the "convenience" and "fun" an implantable Microchip will provide

    BBC Radio Five Live | Jan 17 2005

    This short segment focuses on the story of the Verichip being brought into use in bars in the UK. As Alex has been saying now for years, the microchip will initially be sold with a "cool" alternative image. This report also highlights how it will be used as a control method.

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