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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Warning To The World About The New America

    JAXXE --- ---
    Pentagon to broadcast to millions of U.S. homes

    Big News Network.com Wednesday 9th February, 2005

    The U.S. military is to beam its own news coverage to millions of Americans.

    Moving on from its phase of embedding journalists, or as some would say, 'a policy of restricting and controlling the flow of information,' the Pentagon will now produce and disseminate the news itself. It will be beamed to the public at no charge. The service will emanate from what is known as the Pentagon Channel, an internal public relations television unit within the Department of Defense. It was set up nine months ago.

    The government-run TV service will be channeled to the public through EchoStar Communication's Dish Network which will offer the Pentagon Channel to its more than 11 million viewers on a no-cost basis. Programming will appear on the network's public interest channels and will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    Dish viewers will be kept up to date with current military news and information including Department of Defense news briefings, military news, interviews with top defense officials, and short stories about the work of military people.

    'We appreciate Dish Network's decision to carry the new Pentagon Channel on their satellite TV system,' said Defense Department spokesman Larry Di Rita. 'Their support helps us fulfill our mission of providing timely military news and information.',

    JAXXE --- ---
    Tragically, too much of the legislation enacted by Congress [is] in a knee-jerk reaction to 9/11 . . . The Patriot Act took the first, disastrous step toward fundamentally changing our way of life. Then came the homeland security bill, followed by the 9/11 intelligence reorganization bill. And now the Real ID Act of 2005 (H.R. 418) will be voted on Thursday, February 10th.


    What's wrong with H.R. 418 -- a bill we are told will stem the flow of illegal aliens
    through our porous borders? For starters, it does NOTHING to stem the flow of
    illegal aliens. Instead, H.R. 418 will:

    1. Establish a national ID card.
    2. Establish a federally-coordinated database of personal information on American citizens with Canada and Mexico.
    3. Use the new national ID to track American citizens when traveling outside the U.S. -- and within the U.S.
    4. Re-define "terrorism" in broad new terms that could include members of firearms rights and pro-life groups or other such groups as determined by whoever is in power at the time.
    5. Authorize the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to unilaterally expand the information included in driver's licenses, including such biometric information as retina scans and DNA information -- and even radio frequency identification (RFID) tracking technology. Carry a driver?s license with RFID and governmental officials will know your whereabouts 24/7.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Teroristé z al-Kajdá procházejí výcvikem v US army

    Americký list New York Daily News zveřejnil nedávno šokující zprávu. Jeden z přívrženců teroristické organizace al-Kajdá ze Saúdské Arábie se školil v minulém roce v kurzu amerického vojenského letectva. Po jeho ukončení ho spolu s rodinou těsně před odletem z USA zadrželi agenti FBI. Vycvičený terorista nakonec odletěl do Saúdské Arábie, kde ho zadržely místní bezpečnostní orgány. Velkým otazníkem zatím zůstává, na jakou odbornost ho americké vojenské letectvo školilo. Podle důvěrných zdrojů se v tomto případě nejednalo o běžného teroristického pěšáka. Zadržený terorista, příslušník saúdských ozbrojených sil, zjevně patří k vyšším řídícím článkům al-Kajdá. Znal mimo jiné adresy řady konspiračních bytů teroristické organizace v Saúdské Arábii a výsledkem jeho výslechů bylo údajně zatčení 51 dalších příslušníků al-Kajdá. Americké i saúdské tajné služby uvalily na celou záležitost nejpřísnější embargo. I přesto však pronikly na veřejnost některé velmi důvěrné informace. Poté, co byly odhaleny styky saúdského frekventanta s al-Kajdá, zasáhli do celé záležitosti zvláštní agenti tajné služby amerického vojenského letectva pod velením brigádního generála Pattersona. Ten později zveřejnil prohlášení, že jeho skupina provedla ve spolupráci s FBI úspěšnou antiteroristickou operaci. Po zveřejnění šokující informace o průniku příslušníka al-Kajdá do nejtajnějších struktur amerického vojenského letectva přijala americká armáda nejpřísnější bezpečnostní opatření. Znalci amerických tajných služeb jsou však v tomto směru poměrně skeptičtí. Poukazují na skutečnost, že přes rozsáhlá antiteroristická bezpečnostní opatření existují v americkém ochranném systému díry, umožňující infiltraci teroristů z al-Kajdá. Americký list na základě důvěrných informací upozorňuje, že Saúdská Arábie se stala největším výrobcem a sponzorem teroru . Přitom tento režim patří k nejvěrnějším spojencům USA. V souvislosti s tím se v zahraničních médiích objevila další úvaha: jestliže se teroristé, kteří zaútočili 11. září na mrakodrapy newyorského Světového obchodního centra, připravovali na tuto akci v amerických civilních leteckých školách, nově příchozí stoupenci al-Kajdá se, jak ukázala poslední akce FBI, připravují na nejvyšší úrovni v samém srdci amerických ozbrojených sil. A to je obzvlášť znepokojující zpráva.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Congress Considers Evacuation Tracking

    The U.S. House is evaluating tracking technology for possible deployment at Congressional facilities in order to locate House members, staff and visitors during emergencies.


    "An RFID-hybrid solution would be optimal," Michielsen says. Such a hybrid could combine biometric identifiers with RFID. "We're going to be seeing more of the RFID-biometrics hybrids in the next year," Michielsen predicts, because the U.S. government has shown an interest in that kind of solution.

    The House is seeking a real-time geographic information system (GIS) that would not only provide a 3-D graphical display of the buildings but also show the current position of all individuals within and around the buildings during an emergency. The system should also be able to indicate which individuals have left the buildings and are now in safe locations.


    JAXXE --- ---
    San Francisco - Parents in a northern California public school district and civil liberties groups are urging a school district to terminate the mandatory use of Radio Frequency Identification tags ( RFIDs ) by students. Several civil liberties groups, including the ACLU of Northern California ( ACLU-NC ), Electronic Frontier Foundation ( EFF ), and the Electronic Privacy Information Center ( EPIC ) sent a letter today expressing alarm at the Brittan School District's use of mandatory ID badges that include a RFID device that tracks the students' movements. The device transmits private information to a computer on campus whenever a student passes under one of the scanners. The ID badges also include the student's name, photo, grade, school name, class year and the four-digit school ID number. Students are required to prominently display the badges by wearing them around the neck at all times.

    "Forcing my child to be tracked with a RFID device – without our consent or knowledge – is a complete invasion of our privacy," said Michael and Dawn Cantrall. "Our 7th grader came home wearing the ID badge prominently displayed around her neck– if a predator wanted to target my child, the mandatory school ID card has just made that task easier."

    "It is dehumanizing to force these children to wear RFIDs, and their parents are rightfully outraged," said Electronic Frontier Foundation senior staff attorney Lee Tien. "We are doing everything we can to support the parents in this fight to protect student privacy."

    JAXXE --- ---

    Peace of Mind for Parents.
    Cool for Kids.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Washington's Masonic shrine

    By Gabriella Boston

    The George Washington Masonic National Memorial, the impossible-to-miss 333-foot building on the western edge of Old Town Alexandria, boasts the best view in town.

    "I see it as offering lessons in art history, American history and the history of Freemasonry," says Harry Shaffer, tour-guide director at the memorial.

    Freemasonry is the oldest and largest fraternal order in the world, he says.


    It is not a Christian organization, but members are expected to profess belief in a god, of any faith, he says. The words Mason and Freemason are used interchangeably.

    Students of architecture might find it interesting that the 40-foot columns in the hall are a mix of the Ionic, Corinthian and Doric styles, that the entrance is a Parthenon look-alike and that the tower itself is modeled after the ancient lighthouse in Alexandria, Egypt.

    "What George Washington learned through Masonry helped form the beginning of this country," he says. "And did you know that 13 of the signers of the Constitution were Masons?"


    JAXXE --- ---
    What Does Freedom Really Mean?

    JAXXE --- ---
    Noted Security and Privacy Expert Implanted with VeriChip


    Mandatory Student ID Cards Contain RFIDs

    JAXXE --- ---
    America advertises the benefits and advantages of WMD

    "The Insider" mailing list article, 08 February 2005.

    US nuclear upgrade may violate test ban

    As it accuses Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons, America is preparing to upgrade and renew parts of its own ageing nuclear arsenal. Critics believe the upgrades could lead the US to breach the treaty banning the testing of nuclear weapons.

    Since the project will probably involve replacing technology that originated in the Sixties, watchdogs are concerned the US might be inclined to test the newer systems and, therefore, breach the 1996 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

    Of more concern to watchdogs is President George Bush's dedication to developing a new breed of "bunker-buster" nuclear weapon, designed to penetrate toughened underground defences. Critics say the plan reveals the administration's hypocrisy and undermines international efforts to persuade other countries not to develop weapons.

    Last week, it was revealed that the Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, had sent the Department of Energy a memo requesting that it set aside funds to resume a study to examine the development of a bunker-buster bomb. The study had been halted last year after Congress removed its funding.


    The Independent, "America acknowledges the advantages of WMD", 8 February 2005.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Who's got an eye on you?

    Secret cameras are everywhere

    By Andrea Cavanaugh, Staff Writer


    If you're making your way around Los Angeles -- or any metropolitan area in America these days -- there's a good chance your movements are being recorded by a surveillance camera.

    Once limited mostly to banks and convenience stores, the beady eye of the surveillance camera has appeared nearly everywhere over the past decade. Cheaper surveillance systems and heightened fears of terrorist attacks have created a world that is increasingly captured on camera.

    "If you're outside doing anything, you're being recorded 50 percent of the time," said Paul Ramos, vice president of sales and marketing for Fairfax Electronics, a Los Angeles company that sells security systems.

    "If you're shopping or attending an event, it goes up to 90 percent. Yes, Big Brother is there, and Big Brother is strong."

    "When people start talking about Big Brother, I say, 'I've got nothing to hide.' Those cameras aren't looking into my home, and if they were, it would be pretty boring."

    "These are beautiful tools," said Ramos, whose company sells 20 to 30 surveillance systems each month. "It's the ability to be anywhere in the world and see what's going on, and also review what happened yesterday, or last week, or last month."

    "Most people just don't care about being on camera," Noll said. "In Los Angeles, they probably enjoy it. They probably see it as a screen test."

    "A lot of people don't care, but they haven't thought about it," he said. "The dark side of this stuff isn't discussed."

    "Unless we want to live in a pervasive surveillance society where all of your moves are tracked and recorded, we'd better start putting rules in place."

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    The 9/11 WTC Collapses: An Audio-Video Analysis

    JAXXE --- ---
    Prozündelovská demonstrace byla napadena maskovanými muži z ARA za mlčenlivé asistence policie


    Před kanadským velvyslanectvím ve Washnigtonu DC dnes probíhala ohlášená mírumilovná demonstrace skupinky lidí na podporu politického vězně Ernesta Zündela, kterého kanadská vláda drží bez obvinění a bez soudu už třetí rok na samotce v torontském vězení za zločin špatného myšlení. Zündel vyjádřil pochybnosti o holocaustu.

    Skupinka demonstrující pro Zündela byla obklíčená a fyzicky napadena gangem maskovaných mužů (maskování je v rozporu se zákonem, ale přítomné policii to nevadilo) vybavených klacky, železnými klíči, obušky a dalšími zbraněmi. Útok provedla skupina ARA (Anti Racist Action). ARA zničila transparent s nápisem "Ostuda Kanady" a na účastníky demonstrace házela sáčky naplněné močí a hnojem.

    Přítomná policie v počtu třiceti amerických a šesti kanadských policistů učinila pokus zabránit konfrontaci, ale příliš se jí to "nedařilo". Nikdo z útočníků nebyl zatčen ani legitimován.

    Poté, co ARA rozehnala demonstraci, rozeslala skupinky svých věrných na zástavky hromadné dopravy a stanoviště taxíků v okolí, aby pronásledovaly účastníky prozündelovské demonstrace i tam.

    Levicová organizace samozvaných bojovníků proti rasismu ARA je na seznamu teroristických skupin, a existují náznaky, že byla v minulosti financována vládou a židovskými organizacemi, které ji rády používají na vykonávání špinavé práce.

    Zdroj: http://www.nationalvanguard.org/story.php?id=4579

    I want to talk about the "crime" of holocaust denial, because Zundel isn't denying anything. He is asking questions, which is what one does when examining history.

    Certainly in an age where we were lied to about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction to create a war, prudence demands that we always re-examine everything we have ever been taught by those same people who just lied to us about Iraq's WMDs.

    Now, I want you to consider the following list.

    Ottoman Turkey 1915-17 1-1.5 Mil. killed
    Soviet Union 1929-53 20 Million killed
    Nazi Germany 1933-45 13 Million killed
    China 1948-52 20 Million killed
    Guatemala 1960-81 100,000 killed
    Uganda 1971-79 300,000 killed
    Cambodia 1975-79 1 Million killed

    Nobody worries about re-examining the historical record of these genocides. There are no laws punishing those who go back and re-check the facts, to separate the truth from the politically expedient lies which Iraq has made clear are a part of our daily existence. Nobody screams and denounces those who want to look at the historical reality behind the screed.

    With one exception, of course.

    Out of all the horrors listed above, one and only one is protected from examination by force of law, at the request of the victims. Only one is declared off limits a priori, by the victims. Only one is remanded to the courtroom rather than in the library, by the victims.


    I can understand the PERPETRATORS wanting to bar all possible examination, but to have the victims demand there be no examination of the facts?

    Out of all the genocides, many more recent and even larger than that of Germany, is one and only one declared totally off limits by the victims. Think about that.

    Truth needs no laws to support it. Throughout history, from Galileo to Zundel, only lies and liars resort to the courts to mandate adherence to dogma.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bulletproof Cameras ready to Patrol New Orleans

    NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- The intent was obvious. The man aimed an AK47 at the newly installed crime camera and fired away. "All it did was get him arrested," chuckled New Orleans' chief technology officer Greg Meffert. "The camera immediately notified the police and tracked him until he was caught."

    New Orleans is installing a citywide security system with state-of-the-art cameras that can monitor an eight-block area around each one, as well as communicate with police, track crime in the area and provide proof in court.

    Don't call it Big Brother, however. City officials insist it's much more like the old days when cops walked a beat than like government spying.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Russia officially an ally of Syria and Iran


    The idea of cloud seeding, as the technique is known, is simple and dates back to the 1940s when some believed that to control the weather would be to control the world.


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