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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Road Toll Systems Tested In Yorkshire, England

    Yorkshire Post | April 5 2005

    MOTORISTS could have to pay a fee for every mile they travel if a scheme being tested in Yorkshire proves a success.

    The Department of Transport has organised the research to establish the effectiveness of three different road charging systems and whether they could work on a practical level.

    A group of 450 volunteers are involved in the trial, which will go on until the summer of next year.

    When it is complete, Department of Transport experts will use the information they gather to assess how effective each system might be if introduced on the roads.

    One is a simple London-style congestion charge, where a camera network is used to monitor vehicles entering a certain area.

    The other two systems are more sophisticated and would involved drivers paying for every mile they travel.

    One uses global positioning system technology, with satellites used to monitor the movements of vehicles on the road. Each vehicle would have to be fitted with a small electronic box which could be "seen" by the satellite above.

    The third system uses microwave technology to produce a similar effect, so every vehicle on the road could be identified and charged appropriately.

    The Government stresses that road charging is not a policy at present and the trial is being conducted just to establish what is available.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Companies Profit as Big Brother Watches
    April 03, 2005 11:24:00 AM ET

    By Matthew Verrinder

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - Whether they're driving through a tunnel or taking a cigarette break, Americans are finding even their most mundane movements captured on video.

    Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, corporations and government entities have been on the alert for possible security threats, including among previously ignored civilians. And makers of surveillance equipment are cashing in on the growing budgets of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and its local counterparts.

    ``We've become a video camera society, and the market has absolutely been turned upside down,'' said global security analyst Scott Greiper of C.E. Unterberg Towbin. ``You don't notice them right away, but you look up and they're there.''

    The surveillance camera market has swelled to between $5 billion and $6 billion from about $2 billion before Sept. 11 -- and will grow at 25 percent a year, Greiper said.


    ``If there were another attack in the U.S., you'd see a huge surge in demand for this kind of service,'' said Loren Thompson, director of the Lexington Institute, a Washington area think tank. ``Once (companies) become trusted providers with Homeland Security, this becomes a growing franchise that lasts for a long time.''

    Meanwhile, net earnings for thermal night-vision camera maker Flir Systems Inc. (FLIR) increased more than 60 percent in 2004. The company also announced a 2-for-1 stock split in February.


    ``Current anti-terrorist fears, combined with the surge in road rage, the perception of an increase in crime, and several high-profile school shootings, are causing many to call for increased video surveillance ... in all public spaces,'' the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a Washington-based public interest research group, said on its Web site.


    ``It's all driven by the Bush Administration, the war on terror and their need for surveillance,'' Greiper said. ``Verint is a prime public way to play the wiretapping game.''

    Other analysts said Verint is poised to take advantage of the post-Sept. 11 security market -- where U.S. federal agencies are seeking stealthier ways to combat terrorists.

    ``Ten years ago, we never thought we'd have to tap into a picture e-mail on a cell phone,'' said Timothy Quillin, senior vice president of investment banker Stephens Inc., ``and it's becoming increasingly harder to catch the bad guys.''

    JAXXE --- ---
    RFID Is Getting Under People's Skin

    By Ellen Messmer
    Network World (US)

    (04/04/05)—Joseph Krull doesn't have a chip on his shoulder. But he has one in it.

    The San Antonio security consultant is one of a small but growing number of people who essentially turn themselves into wireless network nodes for the sake of making personal information available to authorized parties with the wave of a radio frequency identification (RFID) scanner.

    In Krull's case, the chip was implanted two months ago so hospital staff could access his medical information quickly in emergency situations. Others are "getting chipped," as those in the know call it, for everything from entertainment to personal safety.


    "I wanted to get chipped," he says.


    Now officially human No. 1020000000, Krull can access his personal data stored online at VeriChip's portal and make any changes he wants by using a reader and a PIN code. Krull elected to store his medical information and address, phone numbers, fax and e-mail at the Web site.

    JAXXE --- ---
    KEMAL --- --- 16:51:39 4.4.2005
    Oznámení o zadávacím řízení/vyhlášení veřejné soutěže o návrh: Řádné Zadávací řízení: Otevřené řízení Předmět VZ: Dodávky Limity VZ: Nadlimitní Veřejná soutěž o návrh: Ne Odvětví zadavatele: Jiné Zadavatel - název/jméno: Ministerstvo financí IČ zadavatele: 00006947 Název VZ: Dodávka speciálního softwaru pro odposlech internetu, e-mailu a mobilních telefonů v rámci projetku Phare programu: Boj proti podvodům vůči finančním zájmům EU a finanční kriminalitě - Lot 1 (re-tender). Lhůta pro podání nabídek: do 24.05.2005 Aktuální: Ano Datum zveřejnění: 25.03.2005 Předpokládaná cena předmětů VZ (bez DPH): 4,446,600.00 Kč
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Wolfowitz prezidentem Světové banky aneb Kozel zahradníkem

    Vladimír Stwora / 1.4.2005

    Posledním políčkem do tváře světové veřejnosti bylo jmenování Paula Wolfowitze do funkce prezidenta Světové banky. Jednomyslné jmenování, abychom byli přesní.

    Světovou banku tvoří 184 členských zemí, rada, která jmenuje prezidenta, má 24 členů. Všech 24 zemí hlasovalo jako jeden muž. Jak je to možné? Nedovedu si to vysvětlit jinak, než že všech 24 zemí jednají pod taktovkou jednoho dirigenta.
    Kdo je Paul Wolfowitz

    Podívejme se, co o něm píše Wikipedia.org.

    PNAC - Project for the New American Century

    Jde o plán na americké ovládnutí světa vytvořený někdy kolem roky 1997 skupinou sdruženou ve washingtonském mozkovém trastu. Skupina je financována Bradley Foundation a v jejím čele stojí William Kristol. Další hlavní členové jsou Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush, Richard Perle, Richard Armitage, Dick Cheney, Lewis Libby, William J. Bennett, a Zalmay Khalilzad.

    Některé myšlenky PNAC

    Vedoucí role USA je dobrá pro Ameriku a je dobrá pro celý svět. Tato role vyžaduje vojenskou sílu a morální principy. Amerika přivedla Západ k vítězství ve studené válce. Ale má nyní vizi, která by těžila z úspěchů minulého století? Má zdroje, aby dokázala tvarovat nové století ve prospěch amerických principů a zájmů? Tam, kde selže diplomacie, Spojené státy musí být připraveny použít vojenskou sílu.

    Je nutno:

    * podstatně zvýšit náklady na obranu,
    * posílit spojenectví se zeměmi nakloněnými USA a změnit režimy v zemích, které nerespektují americké hodnotu a zájmy,
    * posilovat ekonomickou a politickou svobodu mimo USA,
    * ochránit, udržet a rozšířit mezinárodní pořádek nakloněný americké bezpečnosti, prosperitě a principům.

    PNAC od svého počátku žádal zrušení smlouvy ABM mezi USA a Sovětským svazem o omezení šíření raketových zbraní.

    Další myšlenky PNAC najdete přímo na jejich stránkách.


    Narodil se 22.12.1943. Vystudoval matematiku na Yale a politické vědy na Cornellově univerzitě. Nějakou dobu přednášel, ale většinu času věnoval politice. Pro americkou vládou pracuje 24 let a přežil šest prezidentů. Jako tajemník ministra obrany Donalda Rumsfelda a druhá nejmocnější postavička Pentagonu si vzal za úkol přebudovat americkou armádu, aby odpovídala požadavkům 21. století. Je členem PNAC - Project for the New American Century a zastáncem práva Ameriky na preventivní úder. Po 11. září se stal hlavním architektem války proti terorismu a invazí v Afghánistánu a Iráku.

    O tom, jak věci rozumí, svědčí nejlépe jeho projev v Kongresu před iráckou válkou. Předpovídal, že po ovládnuti země bude Američanům v Iráku stačit asi 10 tisíc mužů a že to celé nebude stát více než 65-95 miliard dolarů. V březnu 2005 měli Američané v Iráku 130 tisíc mužů, 20 tisíc v Afghánistánu, plus dalších 30 tisíc tzv. "soukromých kontraktorů". Celková cena se vyšplhala na částku mezi 250-350 miliardami.

    Za Reagana pracoval Wolfowitz jako velvyslanec v Indonésii. Kritikové (včetně indonéských skupin pro lidská práva) mu vytýkají nedostatek kritičnosti vůči režimu generála Suharta, dokonce jeho přímou a otevřenou podporu Suhartově vládě. Wolfowitz je znám svým nedostatečným respektem vůči lidským právům a disidentům nejen v Indonésii.

    Wolfowitz patří mezi washingtonské neokonzervativce, je zřejmě příznivcem Leo Strausse a je znám svým silně proizraelským postojem. Wolfowitzova rodina, včetně sestry žije v Izraeli. Nicméně je mu nutno přičíst k dobru, že uznal utrpení Palestinců a souhlasil s vytvořením palestinského státu.

    Navzdory právě napsanému Wolfowitz je sionista.

    Sionisté už několik desítek let obsazují nejvlivnější pozice jak v USA, tak v politickém světě, ve sdělovacích prostředcích, ve finančnictví a v mezinárodních organizacích jako je Světová banka či Mezinárodní měnový fond, ale dosud se tím příliš nechlubili a působili spíše v pozadí. Nyní tedy vystupují ze stínu.

    Domnívám se, že Wolfowitzovo jmenování prezidentem Mezinárodní banky není náhodné. Řekl bych, že je to provokativní gesto vůči zbytku světa: "Zde jsme a můžeme si dovolit být vidět. Už se nemusíme skrývat. Jsme silní." Je to potvrzení trendu k novému světovému pořádku a k jedné světové vládě. Pod taktovkou jisté skupiny of course.

    JAXXE --- ---
    US relied on 'drunken liar' to justify war

    'Crazy' Iraqi spy was full of misinformation, says report

    An alcoholic cousin of an aide to Ahmed Chalabi has emerged as the key source in the US rationale for going to war in Iraq.


    "We didn't lie. We were all fooled by this drunken bum!"

    "The President was fooled by this drunken bum!

    "The Vice President was fooled by this drunken bum!

    "The guy looking at photos of balloon inflators and claiming they were mobile biological laboratories was fooled by this drunken bum!

    "The CIA was fooled by this drunken bum!

    "The FBI was fooled by this drunken bum!

    "The entire United States Congress was fooled by this drunken bum!

    "ABC was fooled by this drunken bum!

    "NBC was fooled by this drunken bum!

    "CBS was fooled by this drunken bum!

    "FOX was fooled by this drunken bum!

    "CNN was fooled by this drunken bum!

    "Newspapers were fooled by this drunken bum!

    "Clear Channel was fooled by this drunken bum!

    "The weapons inspection teams who scoured Iraq over and over and over and over without finding anything were fooled by this drunken bum!

    "The boys who made the fake Osama video tapes were fooled by this drunken bum!

    "The Mossad agents arrested while cheering the collapse of the World Trade Towers were fooled by this drunken bum!

    "Yessirrebob we were all fooled by this drunken bum. It's all his fault. Honest. Really. None of us did anything wrong."
    JAXXE --- ---
    Hezbollah says blasts serve Israel

    Beirut, Lebanon, Apr. 2 (UPI) -- Lebanon's Hezbollah said Saturday the recent series of blasts in the country served the "Zionist enemy."

    The Shiite group said in a statement that the four explosions that struck the northeastern, predominantly Christian areas, in the past three weeks were aimed at planting sedition and division among the Lebanese.

    The organization demanded the perpetrators of the bombings be found and punished, saying those who carried out the attacks were "serving the Zionist enemy and its schemes."

    It warned against the "dangers of the repercussions of such acts, which target the security, stability and civil peace" of Lebanon.

    Hezbollah's statement came a day after an explosive device blew up in the parking lot of a commercial center in the Christian area of Brummana, 12 miles northeast of Beirut.

    The latest blast, said to have included 55 pounds of explosives, slightly injured nine people, including an American and a Kuwaiti whose identities were not revealed.

    It destroyed 12 cars, damaged more than 50 shops, a sports club, a social club and two large warehouses.


    And only yesterdayIsrael honored the "Lavon Affair" agents, Israeli spies who bombed US and UK assets in Egypt and tried to frame Egyptians for it.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Freemasons: The silent destroyers - a religious cult based on the Knights Templar


    Does Indymedia UK Protect Freemasons?


    JAXXE --- ---
    Orthodox Muscovites Protest Against 1917 Masonic Conspiracy

    There were about 500 people in the procession, mostly the elderly and youngsters, claiming that they advocated “Orthodox monarchy” and protesting against “antichrist globalisation” and “aggressive secularization”.

    Before the procession started the leader of the the Orthodox Gonfalon Holders Unity, Leonid Simonovich, told about 300 people that the main aim of the meeting was to “glorify regal martyrs” and “assist the nation’s moral rebirth”.

    He stressed the last Russian emperor Nicholas II had not abdicated his crown 88 years ago. In Simonovich’s opinion, the events of 1917 were a masonic conspiracy.

    JAXXE --- ---
    More New World Order Conditioning In Video Games

    Propaganda Matrix | April 2 2005

    Reader: "Another video game with NWO message in it, but this one is even more blatant and in your face than previous ones."


    Act of War: Direct Action tells a highly realistic, near-future story of a US elite force fighting an international plot to overthrow the current world order. While offering a "First Look at Tomorrow's War", Act of War: Direct Action takes you through a frightening and believable reality filled with suspense, international intrigue and geopolitical military conflict, wrapped in a top-quality strategy gaming experience.

    Almost fell out of my chair when I saw this one. The kids can now learn how to fight all those who would resist the NWO.

    Thanks for all you do Alex and Paul."


    Watch the trailer below, it appears 'the terrorists' are blonde white women and caucasian men.

    trailer: http://www.propagandamatrix.com/articles/april2005/020405videogames.htm
    JAXXE --- ---
    Tajné prohlídky bytů a odposlechy vzrostly o 75 %


    Od roku 2000 do roku 2004 vzrostly tajné prohlídky bytů a kanceláří a odposlechy prováděné FBI o 75 procent. Před Kongresem o tom hovořil státní žalobce William E. Moschella.

    V roce 2000 bylo provedeno 1003 tajných odposlechů (nikoliv tajných prohlídek), ovšem to bylo ještě před přijetím Patriot Act.

    S příchodem nového zákona dostala policie možnost provádět navíc prohlídky v bytech a kancelářích bez vědomí majitele, přičemž je vyžadován pouze formální souhlas soudce tajného soudu. K žádosti stačí pouze vágní prohlášení, že dotyčný je podezřelý z něčeho nekalého.

    V minulém roce bylo orazítkováno 1 754 takových povolení, v předminulém roce to bylo 1 724. Policie kromě prohlídek a odposlechů také montuje miniaturní skryté video kamery, prohledává tajně zavazadla, automobily a má dokonce i volný přístup do pronajatých bankovních sejfů - safe deposit boxes.

    Skutečný počet prohlídek je rovněž tajný, a nikdy nebyl zveřejněn. Výše uvedená čísla byla zkompilována z veřejných soudních případů, kde byl důkaz zjištěn prostřednictvím tohoto nástroje. Můžeme tedy právem předpokládat, že skutečný počet tajných prohlídek byl mnohonásobně vyšší.

    Zdroj: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7361416/
    JAXXE --- ---
    Israel honors Egyptian spies 50 years after fiasco

    By Reuters

    After half a century of reticence and recrimination, Israel on Wednesday honored nine Egyptian Jews recruited as agents-provocateur in what became one of the worst intelligence bungles in the country's history.
    Israel was at war with Egypt when it hatched a plan in 1954 to ruin its rapprochement with the United States and Britain by firebombing sites frequented by foreigners in Cairo and Alexandria.

    But Israeli hoped the attacks, which caused no casualties, would be blamed on local insurgents collapsed when the young Zionist bombers were caught and confessed at public trials.
    Two were hanged. The rest served jail terms and emigrated to Israel.

    Embarrassed before the West, the fledgling Jewish state long denied involvement. It kept mum even after its 1979 peace deal with Egypt, fearing memories of the debacle could sour ties.

    "Although it is still a sensitive situation, we decided now to express our respect for these heroes," President Moshe Katzav said after presenting the three surviving members of the bomber ring with certificates of appreciation at a Jerusalem ceremony.


    Israel honors spies who staged terror attacks against American and British targets and left evidence to frame Israel's enemies.

    Sound familier?
    JDEE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    zname, ale ufo a jestirky do tohodle klubu radsi netaham.... ;)) ale jinak jsou nektere pasaze velmi zajimave
    JAXXE --- ---
    Sleepwalking to disaster in Iran

    By Scott Ritter

    Wednesday 30 March 2005, 3:19 Makka Time, 0:19 GMT

    Late last year, in the aftermath of the 2004 Presidential election, I was contacted by someone close to the Bush administration about the situation in Iraq.

    There was a growing concern inside the Bush administration, this source said, about the direction the occupation was

    The Bush administration was keen on achieving some semblance of stability in Iraq before June 2005, I was told.

    When I asked why that date, the source dropped the bombshell: because that was when the Pentagon was told to be prepared to launch a massive aerial attack against Iran, Iraq's neighbour to the east, in order to destroy the
    Iranian nuclear programme.

    Why June 2005?, I asked. "The Israelis are concerned that if the Iranians get their nuclear enrichment programme up
    and running, then there will be no way to stop the Iranians from getting a nuclear weapon. June 2005 is seen as the decisive date."

    To be clear, the source did not say that President Bush had approved plans to bomb Iran in June 2005, as has been widely reported.

    The president had reviewed plans being prepared by the Pentagon to have the military capability in place by June 2005 for such an attack, if the president ordered.

    But when Secretary of State Condi Rice told America's European allies in February 2005, in response to press reports
    about a pending June 2005 American attack against Iran, she said that "the question [of a military strike] is simply not on the agenda at this point - we have diplomatic means to do this".

    President Bush himself followed up on Rice's statement by stating that "this notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous". He quickly added: "Having said that, all options are on the table."

    There is always the unspoken 'twist': what if the United States does not fully support European diplomatic initiatives, has no interest in letting IAEA inspections work...
    In short, both the president and the secretary of state were being honest, and disingenuous, at the same time.

    Truth to be told, there is no American military strike on the agenda; that is, until June 2005.

    It was curious that no one in the American media took it upon themselves to confront the president or his secretary of state about the June 2005 date, or for that matter the October 2004 review by the president of military plans to attack Iran in June 2005.

    The American media today is sleepwalking towards an American war with Iran with all of the incompetence and lack of integrity that it displayed during a similar path trodden during the buildup to our current war with Iraq.

    On the surface, there is nothing extraordinary about the news that the president of the United States would order the Pentagon to be prepared to launch military strikes on Iran in June 2005.


    Scott Ritter is the former UN Chief Weapons Inspector in Iraq, 1991-1998 and author of Iraq Confidential: The Untold Story of America's Intelligence Conspiracy, published by IB.

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---


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