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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Izrael – Palestina: Fakta, která stojí za povšimnutí

    Smlouva z Oslo: Dostanete 22 procenta z území, které bylo původně vaše.

    Velkorysá Barakova nabídka: Dostanete 80 procent z 22 procent z území, které bylo původně vaše.

    Sharonův "mírový plán": Dostanete 42 procenta z 80 procent z 22 procent území, které bylo původně vaše.

    Plán amerických sionistů: Podle naší verze Bible můžete dostat 0 procent z 42 procent z 80 procent z 22 procent z původního území.

    Bushovy představy řešení palestinského problému, jeho poslední, halasně vytrubována iniciativa nazvaná "The Road Map": Zastavíte-li svůj odpor (který my nazýváme terorismem) vůči okupaci, a vaši utečenci se natrvalo vzdají svých práv na návrat do svých domovů zděděných po předcích, a budete-li ukázněně volit do své státní správy jen ty politiky, kteří jsou akceptovatelní Bushem a Sharonem, a uvězníte-li všechny své bojovníky odporu, a souhlasíte-li s tím, že budete jezdit jen cestami, které vám Sharon určí, a nebudete-li nic namítat proti plotům a zdem, které Sharon staví, a vzdáte-li se práva na Jeruzalém, jako svého hlavního města, a souhlasíte-li s tím, že se vaše děti budou učit pouze z učebnic, které schválí izraelská vláda, a zavážete-li se, že nebudete mít více než tři děti na rodinu, Sharon může uvážit to, že by vstoupil do jednání o 42 procentech z 80 procent z 22 procent z území, které vám dříve patřilo.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Vyšetřovatelé: Většinu rukojmích v Beslanu zabily ruské jednotky

    Většinu z více než 330 lidí, kteří loni zahynuli v základní škole v severoosetském Beslanu, nezabili teroristé, ale příslušníci ruských sil, kteří na budovu zaútočili. K tomuto závěru došla severoosetská vyšetřovací komise, která se masakrem zabývala a během několika týdnů má zkompletovat shrnující dokument.

    22.6. 2005 09:11

    MOSKVA - Ze zprávy přednesené členem komise a místopředsedou severoosetského parlamentu Stanislavem Kesajevem citoval Český rozhlas. Kesajev prohlásil, že většina lidí zahynula kvůli zborcení střechy a požáru, které způsobilo ruské ostřelování objektu tanky a granátomety. Moskva přitom tvrdí, že masakr způsobily výbuchy bomb odpálené teroristy.

    Kesajev také upozornil, že Kremlem podávaná verze vůbec neobsahuje zmínku o požadavku ozbrojenců, aby se stáhly ruské síly působící v Čečensku.

    Mezinárodní skupina teroristů obsadila loni 1. září školu a držela v ní tři dny více než 1200 rukojmích. Kreml přitom dlouho tvrdil, že v budově je daleko méně lidí.

    Krize vyvrcholila zásahem ruské bezpečnosti, který - jak mnozí experti a rodiny dětí od počátku tvrdili - byl bezohledný k životům zajatých. Útok tak sice nepřežil téměř nikdo z 32členného komanda teroristů, ale ani desítky civilistů, většinou dětí. Objevily se navíc oficiálně popírané zprávy, že někteří z nalezených extremistů byli zabiti jinde a Moskva nechala jejich těla z propagandistických důvodů převézt do rozvalin vypálené školy.

    V souvislosti s Beslanem je ve Vladikavkazu souzen jediný přeživší terorista, Čečenec Nur Paša Kulajev.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Report: Rumsfeld considers striking Hizbullah to provoke Syria


    US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is considering provoking a military confrontation with Syria by attacking Hizbullah bases near the Syrian border in Lebanon, according to the authoritative London-based Jane's Intelligence Digest.

    In an article to be published on Friday, the journal said multi-faceted US attacks, which would be conducted within the framework of the global war on terrorism, are likely to focus on Hizbullah bases in the Bekaa Valley of eastern Lebanon.

    It noted that the deployment of US special forces in the Bekaa Valley, where most of Syria's occupation forces in Lebanon are based, would be highly inflammatory and would "almost certainly involve a confrontation with Syrian troops."

    Such a conflict might well prove to be the objective of the US
    , said the journal, which described Washington's strategic benefits from a confrontation with Syria. These include:

    * Pressuring Damascus into ending its support for anti-Israel Palestinian groups;

    * Persuading Syria to abandon its weapons of mass destruction and to withdraw its troops from Lebanon;

    * Stimulating a situation where Syrian leader Bashir Assad can be ousted;

    * Crushing Hizbullah and ending its presumed connections with al-Qaida.

    "The political consequences of a US attack against Lebanon. . . could result in the destabilization of a country that is still rebuilding its infrastructure a decade after a ruinous 15-year civil war," noted the journal.

    "It would also fuel Muslim and Arab hostility toward the US at a time when US-led occupation forces are fighting the ongoing insurgency in Iraq.

    "In these circumstances, taking on Hizbullah in the Bekaa Valley is likely to prove a highly risky undertaking.

    "However," it continued, "given the Bush administration's doctrine of pre-emptive strikes, it remains entirely possible that Washington will soon launch military strikes against Lebanon, regardless of the consequences for wider regional stability."

    The journal noted that the US administration has long considered Damascus "a prime candidate for regime-change," along with Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and, possibly, Saudi Arabia.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Šéf CIA tuší, ale nepoví, kde je Usáma

    Autor: Reuters

    20.06.2005 12:35 - Ředitel CIA Porter Goss opět oživil zájem o nejhledanějšího teroristu světa Usámu bin Ládina. Tvrdí, že má "výborné tušení", kde se šéf Al-Kajdy skrývá. Ale vzhledem k americkému respektu národní suverenity bude jeho zatčení velmi složité, cituje Gosse zpravodajský server CNN.

    Usáma bin Ládin je už zase mrtvý

    USA prý zdvojnásobí odměnu za bin Ládina

    Podle CNN mluvil Goss v rozhovoru pro časopis Time, který vyjde 27. června, o pokroku v hledání bin Ládina.

    "Když se budeme bavit o azylu v suverénním státě, dostaneme se do konfliktu s naším smyslem pro mezinárodní závazky a fair play," řekl Goss. "Musíme najít cestu pro nekonvenční způsob v konvenčním světě," dodal.

    Na otázku, zda ví, kde se bin Ládin ukrývá, Goss odpověděl: "Mám výborné tušení, kde je. Jaká je další otázka?"

    Neprozradil ani, o který stát nebo státy se jedná. Odvolává se pouze na zahraniční útočiště.

    Ale američtí představitelé už dlouho spekulují o tom, že se bin Ládin ukrývá v horách na afghánsko-pákistánské hranici, dodal server CNN.

    Koncem dubna se objevila už několikátá zpráva, že bin Ládin zemřel. Tentokrát ji přinesl server izraelského listu Haaretz s odvoláním na islamistický web, který má kontakty na teroristickou síť Al-Kajda. Jiný zdroj ale zprávu nepotvrdil. - více zde

    Americké tajné služby po vůdci teroristů stále pátrají. Začátkem letošního roku uvažovaly, že zvýší odměnu za jeho dopadení na 50 milionů dolarů.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Twelve years go David Icke wrote this in his book, And The Truth Shall Set You Free:

    'The Elite plan includes the microchipping of all babies at birth ... The technology already exists and the only thing that remains is to persuade public opinion to accept it, or even demand it. One way this will be done is to highlight missing children stories, including the abduction of babies from materinity wards.'



    'Specialist security company Visonic Technologies has revealed their system —known as BabyMatch — will be the first to be used on newborns in Scotland. It will be operational at a maternity unit by the end of July. And they believe many more maternity units will follow. Baby tagging is being introduced to the NHS following the widespread use of the technology for released prisoners and failed asylum seekers at risk of absconding.

    Under the BabyMatch system, as soon as a mother gives birth a personalised electronically-programmed tag is attached to the baby’s ankle.'

    JAXXE --- ---
    Paul Vigay looks into the shady world of global conspiracies and

    His findings are at least eye-opening, at worst downright frightening.
    Have you ever wondered if there really is a 'global elite'? Some secret group
    of people who control world events and hide their agenda from public

    Could there be a group of people; politicians, heads of multinational
    companies, directors of world banking organisations and even royalty, who
    decide what policies will determine the way ordinary people live - and die?

    As David Icke says, it is relatively easy for a small group of people to
    control the masses when everyday we give our power and freedom away, fearing
    to step out from the comfort of our 'hassle free zone'. Who perpetrate the
    'Problem, Reaction, Solution' events which shape and manipulate our perceived
    'democracy and freedom'?

    If you control governments and the media you control the world, or do you?
    What if a problem so terrible, so grotesque, so 'unbelievable' begins to
    occur with startling regularity? Do you demand answers? Do you demand what
    'the government' is going to do about it? Do you pass the problem to someone
    else do deal with? What happens if that person you hand the solution to, is
    the person who created the problem in the first place? So forms the basis for
    the problem, reaction, solution method of controlling the people with the
    minimum of effort.

    Imagine a scenario where a lone-gunman walks into a crowded shopping centre
    and guns down a number of innocent people. Terrible enough, but what if at a
    later time, some innocent school children in a quiet, peaceful school are the
    targets? The more outrageous and disgusting an event, the more people will
    demand something must be done; "Guns must be banned",
    "Something must be done now!".

    Believe it or not, David Icke predicted just such a scenario in his 1994 book
    "The Robots' Rebellion", before we witnessed the terrible events at

    Supposing someone, somewhere wanted the end 'solution' to be "to ban
    guns". Obviously, gun clubs, enthusiasts and legitimate people are going
    to complain, perhaps with the backing or at least, indifference, of the
    general public. After all "it doesn't affect us does it". You need
    to somehow manipulate the public to demand that you offer the solution. You
    need a public 'reaction', for which you need to stage a perceived 'problem'.
    The more horrific and unbelievable you can make it, the more the public will
    demand what you wanted to do in the first place.

    Rising Crime? or Big Brother?
    What if you want to install video cameras and monitoring equipment into towns
    and villages. Of course, this costs huge amounts of money, which could be
    spent on hospitals, research into illnesses or saving the environment, so you
    need the public to demand you do it, or at the minimum, not offer resistance
    when you propose it. You need the 'problem' of rising crime, which needs to
    be perpetuated throughout the media and on TV. People will then fear being
    mugged in the streets and approve the 'safety' offered by cameras and
    surveillance equipment - even though the need was not high enough in the
    first place.

    Does such a group of people exist? There is ample evidence to say that there
    does, and what's more, once you become aware of the facts, you can see their
    influence in world events - even though seemingly forged by 'opposing

    Democracy or Denial?
    Why are the public losing interest in government and their right to vote? Is
    it because people think "it doesn't matter who you vote for, they both
    end up doing the same old things". How precise this turns out to be,
    once you dig deep enough.


    JAXXE --- ---
    The Marijuana Conspiracy - The Real Reason Hemp is Illegal

    by Doug Yurchey, 2005


    JAXXE --- ---
    Army could patrol UK streets

    SA | June 19 2005

    Young Britons enjoying drink-soaked nights out around Britain this summer could soon be in for a shock, a report said late on Saturday - troops patrolling the streets to keep order.

    In an attempt to crack down on alcohol-fuelled disorder, dozens of towns around the country will draft in military police to help civilian officers arrest drunken yobs, the Sunday Telegraph newspaper said.

    Home secretary Charles Clarke has ordered the initiative following an experiment at a town in Hertfordshire, southern England, where military police were used to patrol the streets late at night.

    They were mainly there to keep order among soldiers from a nearby army base, but also arrested civilians who were drunk and causing trouble, which they are entitled to do under British law, the paper said.

    Local police found people responding well to the uniformed military officers - who were not armed, but carried batons - and the government decided to expand the experiment to a series of other towns, mainly near military bases.

    "We do not expect hundreds of troops on the streets, but we think the very presence of unarmed troops will deter bad behaviour," a ministry of defence official told the paper.

    However, civil rights groups have expressed concern, the report added.

    Previously, the military had only been used to preserve civil order in Northern Ireland and the government had to be "very careful" about using them on the mainland in peacetime, campaign group Liberty said.

    The government has put increasing pressure in recent months on pubs and bars to eradicate alcohol-fuelled disorder, for example ending "happy hours" where drinks are sold at a discount.

    A series of surveys about the increasing amounts of alcohol consumed by young Britons, both men and women, have caused alarm among ministers.

    Deaths from cirrhosis of the liver among 25- to 44-year-olds, one of the best indicators of heavy drinking, have shot up almost 10-fold over the past three decades, according to government figures.


    Now happy hour ends with 'martial law'

    London Telegraph | June 19 2005

    Ministers have ordered the Army on to the streets to join an all-out summer campaign against anti-social drunken and violent behaviour by yobs.

    Military police and ordinary uniformed soldiers will help keep youths under control in up to 20 towns and cities near military barracks.

    The strategy comes as police forces in more than 230 towns and cities begin a clampdown on disorderly behaviour by alcohol-fuelled youngsters, in response to a Home Office survey showing a disturbing rise in youth crime.

    Charles Clarke, the Home Secretary, has asked the Ministry of Defence to support police forces around the country after an experiment in Royston, Hertfordshire, where uniformed Redcaps - military police - were deployed to crack down on late-night violence by drunken yobs. As well as dealing with off-duty soldiers from a nearby base, they targeted civilians in the non-garrison town.

    Their patrols were judged a success and the Redcaps are now seen regularly on the streets, alongside Hertfordshire beat police, in the small market town, where local officers have welcomed them.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Podle experta WTC nezbořila letadla

    Zhroucení dvou věží Světového obchodního střediska 11. září 2001 v New Yorku nemohl přivodit ani samotný náraz letadel unesených teroristy, ani žár jejich hořícího paliva, jak uvádí oficiální vyšetřovací verze.
    20.6. 2005 09:02

    WASHINGTON - Řada indicií svědčí o řízené demolici. Tvrdí to Morgan Reynolds, penzionovaný profesor Texaské univerzity a někdejší činitel ministerstva práce v první vládě prezidenta George W. Bushe. Vertikální nosné traverzy z pětkrát předimenzované oceli po nárazu nejevily známky narušené statiky, uvedl. Žádná výšková budova s ocelovou konstrukcí se ještě nezhroutila vlivem žáru, upozornil Reynolds.

    Požár mrakodrapu Meridian Plaze ve Filadelfii v roce 1991 byl intenzivnější a trval 19 hodin, a přesto se ocelové traverzy jen zkroutily, ale dál nesly tíhu horní pater. Obě věže se "vzorně" sesuly do svého půdorysu a z betonu (100 tis tun v každé věži) nezbyl než jemný prach, což mohla způsobit jen mimořádně velká energie, nikoli jen tlak volného pádu, napsal expert.

    Volný pád budov, jak byl zaznamenán, by předpokládal odstranění překážek nižších podlaží. Ze sutin nezůstaly trčet ani konstrukční prvky. V obou případech byly podle Reynoldse zaznamenány seismické vibrace svědčící o podzemních explozích rovnajících se ořesům o síle 2,3 stupně Richterovy škály. Podle řady svědků se exploze ozývaly z vnitřku mrakodrapů.

    Za nejpodivnější označil expert naprosto stejný způsob, jímž se sesul i 47patrový mrakodrap rovněž s ocelovou konstrukcí, který byl součástí komplexu WTC. Letadlo do něj nenarazilo, menší požáry vypukly v sedmém a 12. patře. Spadl během deseti vteřin.

    Foto popis| Okamžik, kdy letoun United Flight 175 narazil do jižní věže WTC v New York. Do její úplné zkázy chyběla již jen hodina.

    JAXXE --- ---

    WhatReallyHappened.com: An Excellent Display of the Character of the Left

    Once more we have been granted a look into the dark abyss of Left-wing character. It is an abyss of inarticulate invective, obscenity, and hatred. It is a vacuum of immense proportion completely devoid of morality, logic, or intellect, fed by the paranoid delusions generated by marijuana befogged brains filled with the misinformation fed to them by their Leftist programmers; parrots spouting the latest hateful mantras.

    For a look into this frightening world of irrationality, you need only visit my previous post titled, Cindy Sheehan: Are Those Crocodile Tears? , and read the comments left by them. I hope you do, but be forewarned; the language is very rough in most of them. It is for that reason, that I will not quote them here. I’m afraid that they are an uncivilized, uncouth lot, by and large. Obscenity and scatology seem to be their highest form of communication, without them, they would be inarticulate. Don’t expect to read logical arguments, they make none.

    I am not required to allow comments to be made on my editorials. I choose to allow it so that my readers can see the kind of people that typify the Bush-haters. The tolerance they show toward those with whom they disagree is typical of the Left. They make no counter arguments because they have none. They lack the intellectual depth to make them. It is also readily apparent that they don’t read very well, an obvious by-product of our Liberal corrupted education system. They either don’t or won’t comprehend what is being said; going rather on what they believe is being said. These are the very people that Trotsky, Lenin, and Stalin made great use of in their “Glorious Revolution of 1917,” they move and think en masse. They have a mob mentality and behave as a herd of sheep might; running this way and that, responding to each rallying cry of “Evil, evil, hate this!” Echoing my favorite Monty Python quote when referring to the Left, “She’s a witch, burn her, burn her!”

    If you take time to visit their website (I hate to direct any traffic to them) you will see the typical delusional arguments of the conspiracy buffs. Black helicopters around every corner, the FBI tracking their every move, they creep about in the twilight of irrational fear and paranoia, afraid even to use their real names when they post to a website. Yet, these same individuals throw out the label “coward” with a casual disregard, belying their own fear. These are the Shadow People of the Left. Their lives are apparently empty of anything of value, and this void is filled by their petty dreams of “revenge” upon their “oppressors.” Read the hatred in their comments, they wish me dead, they wish President
    Bush dead, they wish all who oppose them dead. Conservatives are evil, Corporations are evil, Capitalism is evil, in fact America is evil to them. These are the feckless denizens that haunt the back halls of the extreme Leftwing organizations such as People for the American Way and the Democrat Party. These are the Greens, the PETA’s, the Congressional Black Caucus, the people who have no love in their hearts for any but those with whom they agree.

    They are also, to some extent foreigners, people who hate America because they aren’t here. They are envious of our nation and what it has to offer its people. Some of them I suspect are Moslems who sympathize more with the terrorists than their victims; pitiful creatures who hate without knowing why, blindly following the commands of their mullahs, brainwashed in their madrassas to hate all who are “infidels” and “non-believers.” Their internet providers indicate that these foreigners are mostly from Canada, Australia, and Europe with a fair smattering from the Middle East and the rest of the world. It is even quite possible that a large number of them are Moslem America haters, judging from the amount of anti-Israel propaganda on the webpage and in the comments. It is really sad what the extremists in the Moslem world have done to their people. The Arab nations used to be among the most educated civilizations on the planet, advanced in science, mathematics and medicine. Now they are a petty people consumed with their petty differences and reduced to a primitive existence because of their all consuming hatred of “others.”

    These haters, especially those in America are angry because they have not gotten their “fare share.” People like you and I have prevented it. Al Gore lost because the U.S. Supreme Court “gave the Presidency to Bush.” “George Bush stole the election.” They believe the world ought to behave the way they want it to be rather than the way it actually is. They believe reality is what you wish it to be. Facts in their world have no relevancy. They don’t believe in opportunity, they believe in lack. They don’t “have” so instead of going out in pursuit of their need or want, they expect the government to provide it for them. If you watched the pseudo-impeachment investigation “hearings” yesterday on C-span 3, you saw some of them, the angriest, most hate-filled, members of Congress-Maxine Waters, Jim McDermott, Sheila Jackson Lee, Barbara Lee, John Conyers, Barney Franks, Charles Rangel, Lynn Wolsey, Jerry Nadler, Maurice Hinchey, Zoe Lofgren, Hilda Solis, George Miller, Marcy Kaptur, Gregory Meeks, Jan Shakowsky, John Tierney, Bobby Scott, Jay Inslee, John Tierney, Donald Payne, Jim Moran. Truly the most Liberal of the Liberal were all present for the performance.

    The most amusing thing about these people, the haters, is their delusions about what the rational Americans feel. In linking to my article, the title of the link was “Bushista’s panic on display.” I’m not exactly sure what it is that I am supposed to be panicked about, but OKAY, if you say so, it must be true. Liberals and Leftists and Loons, OH MY! At another Left-wing site, they are all excited about how “beat up” I’m getting. Ooh! I’m so scorched by your flame mail. Once again we see the complete dissociation from reality and apparent permanent residence in a fantasy world. Apparently in their world, masses of hostile comments are supposed to in someway...I don’t know...intimidate me?-damage me?-worry me? Frankly I don’t understand their “logic.” Apparently they believe that words are harmful in some way. I guess if I was an insecure weak kneed Liberal, I would be rendered powerless by their onslaught of hate. Really pitiful. I am gratified by it because it gives me the ammo I need to prove what kind of people these are. All they have really accomplished by their slamming attack is raise my profile on the internet, and provide me with more grist for the word mill. Please don’t throw me into that briar patch.

    I still don’t know where the panic comes in. Hey liberal loonies...FLAME AWAY! Or...to quote my President, “Bring it on!”

    P.S. Got your tin-foil hat on?


    odpoved z what really happened:

    I was going to ignore this, but too many people wrote in asking what I thought of it, so here goes.

    Malven's article is totally devoid of any specifics. He does not include any quotes by me from this site that he takes issue with. His article, like the one he did on Cindy Sheehan is just a total smear job, devoid of any facts at all. In the case of the hatchet aimed at me, I will just take a moment to point out that I am not a liberal. I am an hereditary Republican (my Grandfather and Nixon used to hoist a few) and a descendant of a signer of the declaration of independence. I am also a heterosexual, however unlike Mr. Malven I am secure enough about it to not need to advertise the fact in my banners. I am NOT, however, the sort of Republican who can allow my neighbor's child to be sent off to war based on lies in exchange for a tax break, just because the liar is purportedly of my party.

    Mr. Malven, however, seems to take the position that only Liberals have a problem with the fact that we were lied into the war. By implication, this means that Mr. Malven seems to feel that "real" Republicans are perfectly fine with starting a war with lies.

    Okay, so be it. The Republican party (or at least that part of it occupied by Mr. Malven and his ilk) is now named "The Party of the Liars".

    Now, maybe some Republicans (like myself) have a problem with this label. It's certainly a poor example to set for the children by a party that claims to care about children and family values. But if Republicans wish to avoid the label "Party of the Liars", they are going to have to do something about it themselves. Like kicking all the liars of BOTH parties out of power.

    Because until that happens, articles that try to cast the debate into conservative versus liberal terms will inevitably cast conservatives as supporting lies that start wars.

    And that does not look good on a resume.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush says US is in Iraq because of attacks on US

    Sat Jun 18, 1:15 PM ET

    President George W. Bush defended the war in Iraq, telling Americans the United States was forced into war because of the September 11 terror strikes.

    Bush also resisted calls for him to set a timetable for the return of thousands of US troops deployed in Iraq, saying Iraqis must be able to defend their own country before US soldiers can be pulled out.

    "We went to war because we were attacked, and we are at war today because there are still people out there who want to harm our country and hurt our citizens," Bush said Saturday in his weekly radio address


    "We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with September 11."

    G.W. Bush 9/18/2003
    JAXXE --- ---
    The US war with Iran has already begun

    Scott Ritter, Aljazeera.net

    Sunday 19 June 2005 - Americans, along with the rest of the world, are starting to wake up to the uncomfortable fact that President George Bush not only lied to them about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (the ostensible excuse for the March 2003 invasion and occupation of that country by US forces), but also about the very process that led to war.

    On 16 October 2002, President Bush told the American people that "I have not ordered the use of force. I hope that the use of force will not become necessary."

    We know now that this statement was itself a lie, that the president, by late August 2002, had, in fact, signed off on the 'execute' orders authorising the US military to begin active military operations inside Iraq, and that these orders were being implemented as early as September 2002, when the US Air Force, assisted by the British Royal Air Force, began expanding its bombardment of targets inside and outside the so-called no-fly zone in Iraq.

    These operations were designed to degrade Iraqi air defence and command and control capabilities. They also paved the way for the insertion of US Special Operations units, who were conducting strategic reconnaissance, and later direct action, operations against specific targets inside Iraq, prior to the 19 March 2003 commencement of hostilities.

    President Bush had signed a covert finding in late spring 2002, which authorised the CIA and US Special Operations forces to dispatch clandestine units into Iraq for the purpose of removing Saddam Hussein from power.

    The fact is that the Iraq war had begun by the beginning of summer 2002, if not earlier.

    This timeline of events has ramifications that go beyond historical trivia or political investigation into the events of the past.

    It represents a record of precedent on the part of the Bush administration which must be acknowledged when considering the ongoing events regarding US-Iran relations. As was the case with Iraq pre-March 2003
    , the Bush administration today speaks of "diplomacy" and a desire for a "peaceful" resolution to the Iranian question.

    But the facts speak of another agenda, that of war and the forceful removal of the theocratic regime, currently wielding the reigns of power in Tehran.

    As with Iraq, the president has paved the way for the conditioning of the American public and an all-too-compliant media to accept at face value the merits of a regime change policy regarding Iran, linking the regime of the Mullah's to an "axis of evil" (together with the newly "liberated" Iraq and North Korea), and speaking of the absolute requirement for the spread of "democracy" to the Iranian people.

    "Liberation" and the spread of "democracy" have become none-too-subtle code words within the neo-conservative cabal that formulates and executes American foreign policy today for militarism and war.

    By the intensity of the "liberation/democracy" rhetoric alone, Americans should be put on notice that Iran is well-fixed in the cross-hairs as the next target for the illegal policy of regime change being implemented by the Bush administration.

    But Americans, and indeed much of the rest of the world, continue to be lulled into a false sense of complacency by the fact that overt conventional military operations have not yet commenced between the United States and Iran.

    As such, many hold out the false hope that an extension of the current insanity in Iraq can be postponed or prevented in the case of Iran. But this is a fool's dream.

    The reality is that the US war with Iran has already begun. As we speak, American over flights of Iranian soil are taking place, using pilotless drones and other, more sophisticated, capabilities.

    The violation of a sovereign nation's airspace is an act of war in and of itself. But the war with Iran has gone far beyond the intelligence-gathering phase.

    President Bush has taken advantage of the sweeping powers granted to him in the aftermath of 11 September 2001, to wage a global war against terror and to initiate several covert offensive operations inside Iran.

    The most visible of these is the CIA-backed actions recently undertaken by the Mujahadeen el-Khalq, or MEK, an Iranian opposition group, once run by Saddam Hussein's dreaded intelligence services, but now working exclusively for the CIA's Directorate of Operations.

    It is bitter irony that the CIA is using a group still labelled as a terrorist organisation, a group trained in the art of explosive assassination by the same intelligence units of the former regime of Saddam Hussein
    , who are slaughtering American soldiers in Iraq today, to carry out remote bombings in Iran of the sort that the Bush administration condemns on a daily basis inside Iraq.

    Perhaps the adage of "one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist" has finally been embraced by the White House, exposing as utter hypocrisy the entire underlying notions governing the ongoing global war on terror.

    But the CIA-backed campaign of MEK terror bombings in Iran are not the only action ongoing against Iran.

    To the north, in neighbouring Azerbaijan, the US military is preparing a base of operations for a massive military presence that will foretell a major land-based campaign designed to capture Tehran.

    Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld's interest in Azerbaijan may have escaped the blinkered Western media, but Russia and the Caucasus nations understand only too well that the die has been cast regarding Azerbaijan's role in the upcoming war with Iran.

    The ethnic links between the Azeri of northern Iran and Azerbaijan were long exploited by the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and this vehicle for internal manipulation has been seized upon by CIA paramilitary operatives and US Special Operations units who are training with Azerbaijan forces to form special units capable of operating inside Iran for the purpose of intelligence gathering, direct action, and mobilising indigenous opposition to the Mullahs in Tehran.

    But this is only one use the US has planned for Azerbaijan. American military aircraft, operating from forward bases in Azerbaijan, will have a much shorter distance to fly when striking targets in and around Tehran.

    In fact, US air power should be able to maintain a nearly 24-hour a day presence over Tehran airspace once military hostilities commence.

    No longer will the United States need to consider employment of Cold War-dated plans which called for moving on Tehran from the Persian Gulf cities of Chah Bahar and Bandar Abbas. US Marine Corps units will be able to secure these towns in order to protect the vital Straits of Hormuz, but the need to advance inland has been eliminated.

    A much shorter route to Tehran now exists - the coastal highway running along the Caspian Sea from Azerbaijan to Tehran.

    US military planners have already begun war games calling for the deployment of multi-divisional forces into Azerbaijan.

    Logistical planning is well advanced concerning the basing of US air and ground power in Azerbaijan.

    Given the fact that the bulk of the logistical support and command and control capability required to wage a war with Iran is already forward deployed in the region thanks to the massive US presence in Iraq, the build-up time for a war with Iran will be significantly reduced compared to even the accelerated time tables witnessed with Iraq in 2002-2003.

    America and the Western nations continue to be fixated on the ongoing tragedy and debacle that is Iraq. Much needed debate on the reasoning behind the war with Iraq and the failed post-war occupation of Iraq is finally starting to spring up in the United States and elsewhere.

    Normally, this would represent a good turn of events. But with everyone's heads rooted in the events of the past, many are missing out on the crime that is about to be repeated by the Bush administration in Iran - an illegal war of aggression, based on false premise, carried out with little regard to either the people of Iran or the United States.

    Most Americans, together with the mainstream American media, are blind to the tell-tale signs of war, waiting, instead, for some formal declaration of hostility, a made-for-TV moment such as was witnessed on 19 March 2003.

    We now know that the war had started much earlier. Likewise, history will show that the US-led war with Iran will not have begun once a similar formal statement is offered by the Bush administration, but, rather, had already been under way since June 2005, when the CIA began its programme of MEK-executed terror bombings in Iran.

    Scott Ritter is a former UN weapons inspector in Iraq, 1991-1998, and author of Iraq Confidential: The Untold Story of America's Intelligence Conspiracy, to be published by I B Tauris in October 2005.

    The opinions expressed here are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position or have the endorsement of Aljazeera.

    JAXXE --- ---
    A former Pentagon official, journalist, and president of the Council on Foreign Relations, Leslie Gelb, a man with considerable political and military knowledge, came back from a fact-finding trip in Iraq talking about the ''gap between those who work there, who were really careful of every word they uttered of prediction or analysis, and the expansive, sometimes, I think, totally unrealistic optimism you hear from people back in Washington."

    In a report to the council, Gelb was scathing about America efforts to train an Iraqi army. ''If you ask any Iraqi leader, they will tell you these people can't fight. They just aren't trained. And yet we're cranking them out like rabbits." As for plans to train a 10 division Iraqi army by next year, Gelb was scathing. ''It became very apparent to me that these 10 divisions were to fight some future war against Iran. It had nothing to do, nothing to do," with taking Iraq over from the Americans and fighting the insurgents.

    Americans have statistics for everything in Iraq, yet little of it reflects reality. ''The information seeps in, and you wonder" about its reliability," Gelb said. " You wonder if you really know what's going on, because essentially what you have are the statistics. It reminds me so of the Vietnam days."

    JAXXE --- ---
    no oni uz jich par postavili, "stare" guantanamo je jejich prace

    GORG --- ---
    Halliburton bude stavet vezeni? tak to nema chybu
    TOMAN --- ---
    Dve videa odkudsi z hlubin internetu:

    G.W.Bush-Speech you didn't hear
    http://tradada.chytrak.cz/G.W.Bush-Speech_you_didnt_hear.wmv (4,5MB)

    G.W.Bush-invigorating Americas youth
    http://tradada.chytrak.cz/G.W.Bush-invigorating_Americas_youth.avi (9MB)

    potlesk a respekt tomu klucinovi :o)
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Halliburton to build new $30 mln Guantanamo jail

    Reuters | June 17 2005

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Halliburton Co. unit will build a new $30 million detention facility and security fence at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where the United States is holding about 520 foreign terrorism suspects, the Defense Department announced on Thursday.

    The announcement comes the same week that Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld defended the jail after U.S. lawmakers said it had created an image problem for the United States.

    Critics have decried the indefinite detention of Guantanamo detainees, whom the United States has denied rights accorded under the Geneva Conventions to prisoners of war. The prison was called "the gulag of our times" in a recent Amnesty International report.

    An air-conditioned two-story prison, known as Detention Camp #6, will be built at Guantanamo to house 220 men. It will include exercise areas, medical and dental spaces as well as a security control room, the contract announcement said.

    The contract announcement did not specify whether the new prison would also hold foreign terror suspects.

    Under the deal with the Norfolk, Virginia-based U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, the work is to be wrapped up by July 2006. It is part of a larger contract that could be worth up to $500 million if all options are exercised, the Defense Department said.

    The project is to be carried out by Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root Services of Arlington, Virginia. It includes site work, heating ventilation and air conditioning, plumbing and electrical work, the Pentagon said.

    The first prisoners arrived at the prison camp in January 2002 after the Sept. 11, 2001, hijacked airliner attacks on New York and the Pentagon.

    The Pentagon has said about 520 detainees from more than 40 countries are being held at the prison, without giving a precise figure.

    Rumsfeld said on Tuesday U.S. taxpayers had spend more than $100 million on construction costs and no other facility could replace it.

    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    ANGLAN: tak rovnou rozdávej vizitky s web adresou :-))) myslíš, že američani maj něco jako vlastní názor ? rozumný ? založený na faktech a ne na pocitech ?
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