Včera jsem viděl tenhle dokument o Jakuze a nesmírně zajímavý, byť se to po filmové stránce ve třetině bohužel dost rozpadlo. Jinak teda japonský regionální Corleone, boss klanu Kumagai-gumi, který filozofuje o životě a o problémech, se kterými se tradiční jakuza v moderní společnosti střetává, je úplně nejvíc - jeden z nejcharismatičtějších lidí, které jsem za dlouhou dobu na plátně viděl :)
Young Yakusa - YouTube
...Our guide in the beginning of the film is a 20-year-old doughy, pockmarked slacker named Naoki who is drifting closer and closer to Loserville. When his mother has lost all hope (she refuses to go on-camera, by the way), she turns to a friend who suggests the Kumagai family to lasso the straying youth from oblivion. And soon enough he’s bowing before a man who is decked in a tracksuit exuding a Vito Corleone prowess that shows who’s boss. He brings the kid on board, requires he get a haircut and warns he might be exposed to things that are “not all positive”.
As an underling, the young apprentice cleans the home, prepares the supper, meticulously bows when he serves tea, and he even scrubs the storied tattoos covering the naked backs of many of the higher-ups in the shower room. At one point the novice is having a drag with a fellow clan member and admits he’s stressed. As we drift deeper into Naoki’s progress, he soon absconds and the film segues from youth metamorphosing into hard criminal to being more about the organization’s survival and its sacred code...
Young Yakuza (2007) - IMDb