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    ztracené heslo?
    HYENA --- ---
    TLUSTEI: Klasik? Nalitej buran :)
    Já si myslím, že být křesťanem není nejlepší nápad. Ale je to mnohem lepší, než věřit věcem, jako je ufocontact.com :)
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    Jak by řekl klasik: "s názorem je to jako s dírou do prdele - každej má ňákej." ;)
    VRBIK --- ---
    TLUSTEI: scientologove i jehovisti hadr. to je fakt moc tahle stranka
    SVANC --- ---
    Tajemné znaky v poli i v České republice!!!
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    Další "šílenec" hovořící o skutečnosti mimozemské inteligence na Zemi...

    The Citizens Hearing on Disclosure April 29th Daniel Sheehan **HD**

    TORONTO - [ZNN - zlandcommunications.blogspot.ca/] - This Sunday May 25 at 12:00 midnight ET civil rights lawyer and UFO/ET advocate Daniel P. Sheehan J.D. will join host Richard Syrett and co-host Victor Viggiani. Daniel Sheehan served as legal counsel for the New York Times to petition the U.S. Supreme Court for the release of the 47 volumes of the Pentagon Papers. He also served as general counsel in the office of F. Lee Bailey in the Watergate burglary case, as well as serving as Chief Attorney in the murder case of Karen Silkwood who had uncovered the CIA’s sale of enriched plutonium to the State of Israel and Iran. Mr. Sheehan brings these outstanding credentials to the Conspiracy Show to reveal shocking details of his successful first-hand attempt to review and assess sequestered and classified files on the UFO phenomenon within the U.S. Library of Congress.

    Mr. Sheehan as a special consultant to the U.S. Library of Congress Congressional Research Service, under the authorization of its Director Ms. Marcia Smith was granted full access to classified UFO records within Project Blue Book - the U.S. Air Force investigative body on unidentified flying objects.

    Mr. Sheehan will describe what occurred during his chilling visit to the Madison Building of the U.S. Library of Congress where he was met by three guards who accepted his identification and directed him to a special room to view the secret UFO files. In this sequestered room Mr. Sheehan found a dozen photographs of what was unmistakably an unidentified flying object that had crashed. The craft was imbedded in an embankment where several U.S. Air Force personnel were taking photographs of the downed craft. On closer inspection Mr. Sheehan noticed strange symbols on the side of the craft which he later transcribed into a note pad.

    Mr. Sheehan will discuss and go into more detail about this startling revelation with Richard Syrett and Victor Viggiani.

    During over some 40 years of investigation and research of the UFO phenomenon and contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, Mr. Sheehan has discovered beyond any reasonable doubt, that the national security apparatus of the United States of America has and has had in place for decades, a strategic and co-ordinated plan to keep information from the American people about extraterrestrial contact. He has also learned that the entire question of extraterrestrial contact is fraught with anomalous and highly perplexing concepts such as telepathic communication, possible inter dimensional travel and a collective consciousness in the cosmos that until recently has been the subject of science fiction - but now may be more real than we can imagine.

    Mr. Sheehan will also discuss his newly released book The People’s Advocate. (www.danielpsheehan.com/

    Join Richard Syrett (www.richardsyrett.com/shows/this-week-on-the-conspiracy-show) at 12:00 midnight ET this Sunday May 25 on AM 740 Radio in Toronto. Listen live on the net - click here:

    TLUSTEI --- ---
    "In 1966, the Project’s name was changed from Project Gleem to Project Aquarius.
    The Project was funded by CIA confidential funds {non-appropriated}. The Project
    was originally classified SECRET but was upgraded to its present classification in
    Dec 1969 after Project Blue Book was closed. The purpose of Project Aquarius was
    to collect all scientific, technological, medical and intelligence information from
    UFO/IAC sightings and contacts with alien life forms."

    ... "One Alien of extraterrestrial origin survived the crash. The surviving Alien was male and called itself, “EBE”. The Alien was thoroughly interrogated by military intelligence personnel at a base in New Mexico. The Alien’s language was translated by means of picturegraphs. It was learned the Alien came from a planet in the Zeta Riticuli star system, approximately 40 light years fromEarth. EBE lived until Jun 18, 1952, when he died of an unexplained illness. During the time period EBE was alive, he provided valuable information regarding space technology, origins of the Universe, and exobiological matters. Further data is contained in Atch 2." ...

    Project Aquarius Documents | Sirius Disclosure
    VRBIK --- ---
    KUKIDE: jeste potrebujou 3.4k dolacu aby nebyli v cervenejch cislech.. progress bar nikde, info o donacich taky ne, takze celkem podvudek. jinak sekce free energy zase nezklamala :)
    KUKIDE --- ---
    FAEKAL --- ---
    UFO v Číně: Z nebe spadly na zem zvláštní kovové ozubené předměty | Reflex.cz
    JIKE --- ---

    JIKE --- ---
    OLA44: co to?
    BYDK --- ---
    Dost z nas je tady mimozemstanu. Staci si jen rozpomenou odkud jsme prisli a mnozi zjisti, ze na tehle planete jsou poprve. :)
    PSYION --- ---
    dost bylo kecu, kdo to bude nonstop sledovat, tak podle místních teorii snad na něco určitě narazí! .)

    ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment on USTREAM: ***QUICK NOTES ABOUT HDEV VIDEO***Black Image = International Space Station (ISS) is on the night side of the ...
    ALIQUPISO --- ---
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: Psala jsem tam výslovně, že se příspěvek NEvztahuje k žádné konkrétní fantasmagorii z internetu.

    Ale koukám, to nemá cenu, ti, co to chtějí natřít těm alternativcům, co neuznávají fyzikální zákony, si takové poznámky stejně nepřečtou.
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: Ale vy furt reagujete na něco, co jsem nikde nepsala. Naprosto uznávám, že fyzikální zákony platí.

    Jen si myslím, že se přichází na stále nové způsoby, jak jich využít, a těžko můžete předvídat, jaké technologie budou jednou možné.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam