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    ztracené heslo?
    DASHALondýn - fotky, info, zajímavosti
    SP1T --- ---
    MARASAN: Rado se stalo... After party trvajici do nedelniho podvecera byla taky vypecena ;) Jde teda o to, jaka sekce te zajima nejvic...
    MARASAN --- ---
    SP1T: vyborna akce! diky za echo a jestli zas neco bude tak prosim dat vedet.
    SP1T --- ---
    Free Party



    Thank you for supporting this years free festival-its a world cup special for London’s homeless.

    This Saturday 12th June. 3PM start, till late.

    Last year the event raised enough to pay for 3000 Christmas dinners for the homeless! You will be invited to donate £5 on entry to support homeless charities like crisis and shelter from the storm who provide food, clothing and shelter for the homeless.

    In return we will give you a brilliant free festival -check the flyer and newsletter
    (at www.bigsexyfestyparty.com) for some serious artists!
    all of whom are playing for free to support the cause.

    Watch the England V USA world cup match live in our multi screen marquee and watch our 30 strong mind blowing circus fireshow performance "The Accolade to the Free Spirit" (for stevie tea) before partying into the early hours under our massive DJ and VJ sound system projection show!

    Use our cheap bars and buy our good value on site food. And please donate a fiver on the way in.

    Also The Popes play Camden Underworld this Thursday and you can watch their video filmed at BSFP 2009 on our video page.

    And there will be a festival fundraising benefit party in one months time! Watch this space!

    Spread the word right now, as mailing list places will close on Thursday at midday.

    The location for this event will then be emailed to you privately with a map and final details.

    This is our fifteenth year and we plan to make it a party to remember!

    See you on Saturday
    Everyone will be expected to attend!

    The Big Sexy


    This weekends (SAT 12th June) event is on Hackney Marshes, EAST Marsh. 3PM Start.

    Note, because of construction work, you can only access the site via the bridge from the WEST side of Hackney Marshes. Please see google maps image from link below, the small footbridge is to the left of the marker.

    link for Google maps location:


    Nearest Tube is Leyton. Also Hommerton Overground.
    276 Bus goes from Hackney Central. Also 236,308,W15 and 276 Buses.

    Please donate five pounds on entry for London's homeless charities Crisis and Shelter from the Storm.

    See you there!!
    DASHA --- ---
    po 15. prej bude viditelna vic, tak uvidime =)
    STORM2 --- ---
    SPEEDY: covece prinde mi ze tady sou hvezdy videt mnohem lip nez v praze. tim kvantem parku bez verejnyho osvetleni se utvarej solidni plochy neprilis svetelne znecisteny. treba na severu vedle hampsteadu sou hvezdy videt celkem slusne. ovsem jestli je to na kometu, to je otazka...
    DASHA --- ---
    SPEEDY --- ---
    DASHA: V Londyne na nocni obloze kometu neuvids, dokud nas netrefi.
    DASHA --- ---
    a, se zrovna dneska muzu podivat jeslti tam neco bude=)
    STORM2 --- ---
    SPEEDY: typu jackass a alobal na ptaku? :D
    SPEEDY --- ---
    SP1T: A ja se prave tesil, ze se na tema rozepises a pridas i nejake vesele historky z nataceni.
    SP1T --- ---
    STORM2: jde o to jak je tam strcis ;)

    musel jsem se smazat a prepsat to prepsani:

    neodpustim si poznamku, ze elektricky proud i v siti 230V muze za splneni urcitych podminek spolehlive zabijet...

    (z vlastni zkusenosti vim, ze spousta lidi k elektrice pristupuje pohodicka klidek a mozne riziko si nejenze nepripousti, ale diky neznalosti ani neuvedomuji)

    jako nechci to tady hnat do extremu, ta poznamka samotna (usmevna) mela stacit :)
    STORM2 --- ---
    SP1T: treba kdyz strcis prsty do zasuvky :D
    DASHA --- ---
    STORM2: £16 =o =)
    SPEEDY --- ---
    THERESA: Tak se mi to libi.
    THERESA --- ---
    strcila jsem tam klice ..;)
    STORM2 --- ---
    DASHA: jestli este shanis ty vlozky do bot, tak zkus todle :D
    THERESA --- ---

    SPEEDY: :)x
    SPEEDY --- ---
    THERESA: Tak si hlavne porid adapter, ktery ma: a) pojistku b) zemeni, jinak na tom budes jako s klicema.
    YOUNGUNYOUNG --- ---
    THERESA: dneska jsem je natrefil i v sainsbury
    MARASAN --- ---
    vcera Slayer naprosta pecka ...
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam