Jinak musim se "pochlubit" s moji zkusenosti s "hledanim" neznamy osoby za ucelem doruceni dopisu...
Nas byt si pred nama pronajimala slecna Jennifer, co se odstehovala do US...
Asi pred mesicem prisel balik, plnej celkem luxusniho obleceni a k nemu dopis od postarsi damy slecne Jennifer, ze spolu meli super vztah, neco ve smyslu soulmates a ze pani by rada prijela.. Popisovala soukromy zalezitosti v rodine a ze by fakt rada s Jennifer byla v kontaktu, Jennifer bude mit narozky, tak ji posila dary..
Tak si rikam, nic mi to neudela, mrknu an Facebooku po Jennifer... nasla jsem 4, napsala jsem dvema, jestli nahodou nebylely v Londonu.. Po par dnech bez odpovedi me napadlo, ze by si mohly myslet, ze nejaky pokuty ci ucty, tak pisu znova, ze duvod myho hledani je vlastne pekna vec =)
..pak se jedna Jennifer ozve... ovsem takovyhle zklamani jsem snad jeste nezazila! Slecna je naprosto neprijemna, vznetliva... Tesila jsem se, ze si zahraju na Amelie a zatim..
Jentak pro obrazek:
Dasha 06 July at 16:50
Hi Jennifer, could you please tell me, have you lived in London before? I'm looking for a previous tennant of our flat..
Best Wishes
Dasha 09 July at 13:35
Just in case - don't worry, it's not any bills or anything... it's actually a really nice reason, why I'm searching for that certain Jennifer =)
Jennifer 29 July at 18:31
yes it is me, why who is this and what is the nice reason you are trying yo find me all about??
Dasha 29 July at 19:02
Just one security question before I tell you - could you just pls tell me, what's the name of the road where the flat is?=)
Jennifer 31 July at 12:52 Report
i've lived in more than one flat. do you want to stop winding me up and just tell me what you want?
Dasha 31 July at 20:18
Well I'm sorry, but as the things are quite valuable, I wanna make sure they only get into right hands..
But to be honest, after what you just wrote...
.. I've just been trying to do a good thing...
Jennifer 01 August at 14:02 Report
I have no idea what you are talking about. why cant you just tell me who you are?
Dasha 02 August at 20:45
I've asked one simple question and wrote you the reason for it... If you can't answer such a question, than you're probably not the right person..