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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    KERRAY --- ---
    LOOK --- ---
    perfekcionismus je cesta do pekel, ale jeste jsem nenasel nic lepsiho
    KERRAY --- ---
    “People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals - that is, goals that do not inspire them.”
    Anthony Robbins
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    A problem can't be solved with the same thinking that created it.

    Albert Einstein

    OT: pokud nekoho zajima co Albert teda navrhuje lepsiho, tak 'image streaming': zavrit oci a zamerne se propadnout do nizsich mozkovych vln (theta nejlepe) a sledovat proud obrazu ktere dodava nevedomi ... pak uz je jenom rozlustit a je to.
    KERRAY --- ---
    There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.

    Albert Einstein
    DOGGY --- ---
    ATOMINATOR: orly?
    KORNY --- ---
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3T9yIBz7qMA ale hlavně ten obraz co začíná na čase 6:22
    GAISAKA --- ---
    don´t waste your time flying in heaven while still on earth
    CRYYSTAL --- ---
    DOGGY --- ---
    ˝Měsíc je důležitější než slunce˝, řeklo dítě
    ˝Svítí když je tma !˝
    YBUKO --- ---

    C. G. Jung:
    Persona… je onen adaptační systém nebo onen způsob chování, jímž se stýkáme se světem. A tak téměř každé povolání má charakteristickou personu… Existuje jen nebezpečí, že se člověk stane s personou identický, jako třeba profesor se svou učebnicí nebo tenor se svým hlasem… S jistou nadsázkou by se mohlo říci, že persona je to, čím někdo vlastně není, ale o čem se on a ostatní lidé domnívají, že tím je.
    Archetyp, který je výrazem sociální adaptace na kulturu, archetyp konformity. Je určena ke skrytí vlastní individuality, je protikladem Stínu. Každý jedinec v průběhu života hledá rovnováhu mezi svou individualitou a Personou, mezi tím, jakým dojmem chce působit na ostatní a tím, jaký skutečně je.
    HARDCABB --- ---
    Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
    SVA --- ---
    anarchismus prokurzor klimax!!!

    INK_FLO --- ---
    ještě jeden takový sluníčkový...

    INK_FLO --- ---
    ehm, lehké OT na odlehčení...

    STRYX --- ---
    Hello, old lady.
    I know your face well.
    I know it well.

    She says,
    I'll be sitting in your mirror.
    Now is the place where the crossroads meet.
    Will you look into the future?

    "Never, never say goodbye
    To my part of your life.
    No, no, no, no, no!
    Oh, oh, oh,

    "Let me live!"
    She said.
    "C'mon and let me live, girl!"
    She said,
    "C'mon and let me live, girl!"
    ("C'mon and let me live!")

    "This moment in time,"
    (She said.)
    It doesn't belong to you,"
    (She said,)
    It belongs to me,

    "And to your little boy and to your little girl,
    And the one hand clapping:
    Where on your palm is my little line,
    When you're written in mine
    As an old memory?
    Ooh, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-

    "Never, never say goodbye
    To my part of your life.
    Oh no, no, no, no, no!
    Never, never, never!
    Never, never let me go!"

    She said,
    "C'mon and let me live, girl!'
    ("C'mon and let me live!")
    She said,
    "C'mon and let me live, girl!"
    ("C'mon and let me live!")

    I put this
    I put this moment.........................here.
    I put this moment--

    "Over here!
    "Over here!
    Can't you see where memories are kept bright?
    Tripping on the water like a laughing girl.
    Time in her eyes is spawning past life,
    One with the ocean and the woman unfurled,
    Holding all the love that waits for you here.
    Catch us now for I am your future.
    A kiss on the wind and we'll make the land.
    Come over here to where When lingers,
    Waiting in this empty world,
    Waiting for Then, when the lifespray cools.
    For Now does ride in on the curl of the wave,
    And you will dance with me in the sunlit pools.
    We are of the going water and the gone.
    We are of water in the holy land of water
    And all that's to come runs in
    With the thrust on the strand."
    SVA --- ---
    pokracovani :myslenka...(o chvili pozdeji)

    Myslenka, kterou si privlastnime je jako kvet v zahrade, nevoniti-li, zacne vadnout jakmile ji prestanes zalevat
    Obet si hleda obet

    Vytrzene myslenky maji stejnou sanci na preziti jako kvetiny ve vaze

    Hadat myslenky je stejne tak logicke, jako kdyz najdes kvetinu na urcitem miste
    Jeji osud je ve tvych rukou
    DOGGY --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam