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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    KERRAY --- ---
    "I'm not an atheist... I believe in Spinoza's God, who reveals himself in the lawful harmony of all that exists."

    Albert Einstein
    INK_FLO --- ---
    SHIVALA --- ---
    V polovině sedmdesátých let byli důkladně vyšetřeni někteří pacienti, kteří prodělali jednostranné resekce výlučně zrakové týlní kůry, která zpracovává zrakovou projekci. Jak se čekalo, vykazovali tito pacienti kontralaterální hemanopii, tj. slepotu v polovině zorného pole protikladné resekované hemisféře. Avšak při testování s velkými objekty se ukázalo, že tito paciei byli s to lokalizovat tyto objekty v prostoru ukazováním a verbální identifikací tvaru těchto objektů. Vzdor tomuto výkonu pacienti nadále tvrdili, že nemohou v onom vizuálním poloprostoru nic "vidět" a že v těchto úkolech, ve kterých byli tak úspěšní, jen hádali.
    Pribram, Karl H.: Mozek a mysl - holonomní pohled na svět, Gallery,Praha, 2000
    DOGGY --- ---
    HEXE --- ---
    ESTEN --- ---
    kdyz sou ted v mode ty reposty... jeden xkcd z kreslenejch stripu:

    KORNY --- ---
    YBUKO --- ---
    BUBBLE --- ---

    filtr nic? hmm...

    KERRAY --- ---
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Too much consistency is as bad for the mind as for the body. -- Aldous Huxley
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Everyone should carefully observe which way his heart draws him and then choose that way with all hiss strength. -- Hasidic saying
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Woman is by nature a shaman. -- siberian proverb
    TODESKING --- ---
    Imagine the universe -- or the multiverse -- as a giant self-transcendant machine, a cube that encompasses all of creation: every world, every reality, every dimension. It holds within it every concept, every idea, every being ever created, every dream, every thought...

    ...and it has its own voice, its own purpose.

    It has its own consciousness, so alien, so different from anything our tiny and insignificant intellects can comprehend.

    Imagine the world we live in, this one unique reality, is only one room in this machine, one room among many that are constantly in motion. Some are similar to the one we know, and yet others are vastly dissimilar, so completely unlike anything we have ever seen from the comfort of our own. And as each room moves throughout the cube, its laws -- the basic nature of what we consider to be reality, up and down, left and right, time and space and depth -- are also changing, so what we think of as the direction of 'up' or the concept of 'time' in this reality, this room, is something completely different in the next one over.

    Now imagine each room is in fact a single moment that lasts an eternity, one infinite moment out of an endless, boundless amount of others. Our consciouness lives out that moment from birth to death, we remain in that room until the time comes for us to depart, and we accept it as reality because we are unaware of anything else but it.

    YBUKO --- ---
    Normální člověk je fikcí. (Jung)
    KERRAY --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    mozna banalita, ale imho zasadni: "the moment you stop seeking" - je to moment absolutniho a uprimnyho vzdani se. jedinej zpusob, jak se od urcity chvile da posunovat "dal" - poddavat se.
    instrukce "stop seeking" muze byt zradna, protoze pokud uz neprobehla urcita transformace cloveka v prubehu te faze hledani, pak je zastaveni hledani jenom zastavenym hledanim, ne vsak nalezenim.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Ernesto Cardenal says that we can argue about the reason for the universe and the meaning of the universe but not about the beauty of the universe. Annie Dillard comments that 'unless all ages and races...have been deluded by the same mass hypnotist (who?), there seems to be such a thing as beauty, as grace wholly gratuitous." We all share beauty. It strikes us indiscriminately. It may be when our child was born into this world; or a simple flower; or a song; or a smile on a face; or a great act of courage; or a dance well done; or a child's laugh; or a loaf of bread baking; or finding a worthy job; or a snowfall; or to his or her Source. There is no end to beauty for the person who is aware. Even the cracks between the sidewalk contain geometric patterns of amazing beauty. If we take pictures of them and blow up the photographs, we realize we walk on beauty every day, even when things seem ugly around us. The Navajo people have a prayer that deserves to be sung daily by all persons:

    I walk with beauty before me
    I walk with beauty behind me
    I walk with beauty above me
    I walk with beauty below me
    I walk with beauty all around me
    Your world is so beautiful, Oh God.

    Because beauty is a habit of the universe, it is essential that humans be about the good work of showering one another with beauty, and of bringing out the beauty of one another. Not to do this is to obstruct the universe's intention. Injustice, it seems to me, is always ugly. What is just is beautiful and brings back the beautiful to what was broken. All works of healing are works of making beauty, and all beauty heals. The composer Gustav Mahler said that our sole obligation in life 'is to be as beautiful as we can in every way. For ugliness is an insult to the beautiful God.'

    - from "Creation Spirituality: Liberating Gifts for the Peoples of the Earth" by Matthew Fox
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