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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    I disapprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it

    asi Voltaire
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Někdy je krátkodechá bezstarostnost záchranou srdce. Někdy musíme prosit boha, aby nás chránil před předtuchami.

    Alexander Solženicyn
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Vážím si tolik života, který je nám dán jen jednou, že ho nehodlám věnovat aktuální mizérii.

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Battle not with monsters,
    lest ye become a monster,

    and if you gaze into the abyss,
    the abyss gazes also into you

    fridrich willhelm nietzsche
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Vracíme-li se k sobě, doporučuje se použít sjízdných cest. André Breton
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    "Srdceryvnou přešaškovat žalost." Shakespeare
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Slova jsou šatem myšlenek. Hugo Claus
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly.

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Velká láska ukáže svou sílu jen tehdy, podaří-li se jí ze dvou milenců, slabých lidí, udělat tvory nebojící se změn, neštěstí, rozloučení, nemoci, života a ani smrti.

    Ivo Andrič (srbký básník)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Děti nepřejímají životní zkušenosti svých rodičů a národy ignorují historii. Špatnými lekcemi se vždycky musí projít znovu. Albert Einstein
    YBUKO --- ---
    KERRAY: ok, tak jeste nejake zbytky z Fromma:

    Spanek je jedina spravna situace pro neaktivnost; stav bdelosti je stav, v nemz by nemelo byt mista pro lenost. je paradoxni u ohromneho poctu dnesnich lidi, ze napul spi, kdyz bdi, a napul bdi, kdyz spi anebo kdyz chteji spat. Plne bdit je podminkou pro to, aby se clovek nenudil anebo aby nebyl nudny; - a skutecne nenudit se a nebyt nudny je jedna z hlavnich podminek pro to, aby clovek miloval. Byt aktivni myslenkami a city, ocima i usima po cely den, vyhybat se vnitrni lenosti, at se jiz projevuje tim, ze clovek je receptivni, ze touzi po hromadeni pokladu, anebo tim, ze proste mari svuj cas, je nezbytnou podminkou pro prakticky vykon umeni milovat.

    Soustredit se vzhledem k jinym lidem znamena predevsim umet naslouchat. Vetsina lidi posloucha jine, dokonce jim radi, aniz skutecne naslouchaji. Neberou vazne to, co druhy rika, neberou vazne ani sve vlastni odpovedi. Proto je rozhovor unavuje. Ziji v iluzi, ze by je unavoval jeste vice, kdyby soustredene naslouchali. Ale je tomu prave naopak. Kazda cinnost, ktera se provadi soustredenne, cloveka vzpruzuje ( i kdyz pak nastane prirozena a blahodarna unava), kdezto nesoustredena cinnost vyvolava ospalost - a pritom zaroven znesnadnuje usinani na konci dne.
    KERRAY --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    biology or physics? // test s obrazky
    KERRAY --- ---
    Když si zase jednou šel hrát s dětmi, potkal ho jiný mistr a ptal se ho:
    "Jaký význam má Zen?"
    Hotei se na něj mlčky zadíval a pustil pytel na zem.
    "A jaké je jeho uskutečnění?"
    Usměvavý Čiňan Hotei si zase hodil pytel na rameno a pokračoval svou cestou.

    [ SCHWEPZ @ Zenové příběhy ]
    KERRAY --- ---
    FERDA --- ---
    „Bojovat je vždycky špatná věc. Když jsem uprostřed boje, jsem příliš zaměstnán, než abych cokoliv cítil. Ale těsně potom je to mizérie. Je naprosto nemožné myslet na slávu. Jak mozek, tak city jsou vyčerpány. V okamžiku vítězství se cítím mizerně a vždycky říkám, že hned po bitvě prohrané je největším neštěstím bitva vyhraná.“

    vévoda Welington
    YBUKO --- ---
    Do we really exist?
    Part of a BBC documentary explaining how we could just be copies.

    na bbc se asi zacaly hojne brat drogy:)
    KERRAY --- ---
    An Admin Password For The Universe
    2003-06-24 http://qntm.org/?admin

    "Sweet Newton's ghost!" howls Ed from the basement. His voice is abject astonishment tinged with fear.

    This is never a good thing.

    Ed seems to have been stamped directly from the comic-book mad scientist mould - last week he raised an Amiga 500 to sentience (although it took us a while to notice; it thinks darned slowly). When Ed gets even slightly worried about anything, it's time to run for the next Earthlike planet.

    "What's up, Ed?" I holler back, for I am busy fighting a boss and cannot be interrupted.

    "You remember last year when I found a second layer of reality below this one?"

    My mind races. I vaguely remember something like that. Ed had remotely hijacked control of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, just out of curiosity. It's a long story. "Yeah... but you said it was completely featureless void, didn't you?"

    "That's what I thought, but it's not. You should come and have a look at this."

    Odolwa will have to wait. I pause the game and descend into the basement.

    "So what did you find?"

    "Messages," says Ed. "Messages, encoded into the very fabric of reality itself. Absolutely no question about it. It's like a pattern of vibrations in- well, the details aren't important. What's important is that the message is obviously in some kind of language; and there was enough of it for me to translate it.

    "I've just finished reading the translation. Look at this: it reads like a piece of software documentation." Ed hands over a chunk of paper. I leaf through it.

    The first page is a table of settings. The numbers I don't exactly recognise, but some of the names I do.

    "Those settings," says Ed, anticipating my first question, "are fundamental physical constants. The speed of light. The Planck Constant. The gravitational constant. Some others that you won't have heard of. Some others that even I haven't heard of."

    Next is a list of instructions for altering the settings. Short one-line commands followed by large tracts of incomprehensible vector equations. This goes on for about forty pages.

    "The instructions are extremely detailed. In order to alter the constants, you basically need to access this second level of reality and adjust it in some special way. That involves using some seriously heavy hardware. And when I say 'heavy' I mean heavy - if I'm reading this right, I think we're looking at something like five white dwarfs in a Klemperer Rosette..."

    "Sorry, white dwarf stars?"

    "And that's just to get access. To actually change the settings, for instance if you wanted to increase the speed of light by a factor of a thousand; well, use your imagination. There's no way mankind will ever get that far, not in a million years. But think about what this means. Our universe is 1) open-source and 2) user-modifiable."

    "Are you saying... that God uses Linux?"

    "Keep reading."

    I leaf through another few pages. "It says here that the settings have been changed. There are comments, too."

    "Several times, and by several different people, yes. The comments you see there were written by the changers. There aren't any dates - after all, we measure our time according to the vibrations of a caesium atom, and theoretically, one could adjust the frequency of that vibration as much as you liked. But check out the very last comment. 'The next wave of changes that our race makes to these settings will hopefully result in the spontaneous creation of an entirely new universe from the ashes of our own dead one.' I'm willing to bet that the very last change occurred roughly one quadrillionth of a second before the Big Bang."

    I am deeply thoughtful for a moment. "It is my considered suggestion that we don't attempt to mess with these settings."
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