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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    JOHNY_V --- ---

    (requiem pro psa)
    OOHN --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    It might be good to add that the experience of non-duality will always be a paradox in concept, because it cannot be captured by the mind.

    Does the phrase "stillness in action" make any sense? Maybe not. But that is what the experience of non-duality is. It is not a sterile condition, detached from life. It is just the opposite. It is the fullest possible engagement in an unending flow of Love, because we are That in everything we see everywhere we go. It is unity lived in diversity. More paradoxical words...

    We often hear that non-duality is non-existence and that nothing else is really happening. This boggles the mind too, no doubt, because it defies our everyday experience. Personally, I think the "nothing is happening" description is a poor way to explain it, because it tends to place people in denial of their direct perception of life. This is not healthy. It is non-duality based on a divisive thought. That makes no sense at all. It is the very thing it is denying -- a dualistic view!

    If we are going to speak in paradoxes, let it be in ones that include our everyday experiences, and not denying them. It is only a matter of expanding our perception. Then we gradually come to see the unity in all things -- the appearance of duality residing and playing within non-duality. Then we come to know we are stillness in action, and we don't have to be embarrassed about it, deny it, or pretend it isn't there. It is what it is.

    The nature and flow of life can't be negated by philosophical proclamations or games of logic. But it can be directly perceived and lived in non-duality without even thinking about it. That is the "immovable and moving" silent witness "seeing and being seen" in all that is, and there is no fear in that. It is freedom.

    Regardless of the descriptions we may come up with for non-duality, the actual experience of it will not be changed. It is an evolution in functioning of the nervous system that is accessible to everyone. We may as well use descriptions that are inclusive and inspire us to take the journey of expanding our perception, rather than attempting to deny everything that is going on around us. The latter, when taken as a singular approach, is a very tough road to hoe.

    The interesting thing is that yoga can easily accommodate advaita, but advaita sometimes has a hard time accommodating yoga. What's that about?

    - Yogani
    BROZKEFF --- ---
    O zvrácené kauzalitě: "Žijte následek a dostaví se příčina". --Anonym
    MORPHLER --- ---

    "The POI says that the smarter you are, the less you keep your mind for yourself. It says that the more intelligent you are, the greater the probability that an employer owns too much of your brainpower."
    SEVENTH_SEAL --- ---
    Mudrci dávného Mexika si dali práci při zkoumání různých typů energie a cítili povinost popsat svým bližním to, co objevili. Ve svém úsilí po nalezení nejvhodnějších termínů prohlásili, že vše je rozděleno na světlo a tmu., které se podobají dnu a noci. Od toho pak odvodili všechny další popisy duality....

    Skrze své zření zjistili, že energetický svět je složen z rozsáhlých ploch temnoty, která je tu a tam protkána malými body světla. Uzřeli, že temné oblasti odpovídají ženské části energie, zatímco světlé body jsou mužským prvkem. Od toho zjištění už chyběl jen krůček k tvrzení, že vesmír je takřka celý ženský a že zářivá energie, to "mužské" - je velmi vzácná.

    Pro lepší definici spojili temnotu s levou stranou, s nagualem, s tím neznámým a tím ženským; zatímco světlo spojili s pravou stranou, s tonalem, s tím známým a mužským.

    Ze svých dalších pozorování zjistili, že k aktu galaktického stvoření dojde v okamžiku, kdy se kosmická temnota zhroutí sama do sebe a vyjde z ní exploze světla, jiskra, která se rozpíná a tím vzniká řád času a prostoru. Zákonem tohoto řádu je, že věci vždy mají svůj konec, z čehož plyne, že tím jediným a nehynoucím principem vesmíru je temná energie - ženská, tvořivá a věčná.

    YMLADRIS --- ---
    "Mistr Chuang se celý život učil bojovat s draky. Když v tomto umění dosáhl dokonalosti, zjistil, že žádní draci neexistují." (via TRUCE)
    KERRAY --- ---
    YBUKO --- ---
    Porušovat rovnováhu pro její znovunabytí.
    TADEAS --- ---
    Reality is neither past nor eventual; it is now. Now is the original and only state of things. Nothing ever has happened or can happen outside of now. Although self-evident, the significance of this is extremely difficult to concede. We are involuntarily, unconsciously terrified of it for it means giving up the past and seems to predicate losing all of the established foundations from which we gain our psychological sense of security. Through the feeling of having been, we get the feeling of being someone, something. It is a substitute for being now. It is comforting, reassuring almost to the point of necessity for most of us; but it is not the truth. To be someone or something at any time requires living in the past.
    To be able to perceive the beginning of the universe and oneself as now is the beginning of immortality in the individual. To cling to any other beginning in the face of the real is for the individual to continue to calculate his own inevitable and equally unreal death.
    Now is exactly the same instant that the intellect formed in the mind and the universe began. In truth nothing has changed, nothing ever will. The thing that does change and therefore is evolutionary, or at any moment not yet itself, is intelligence. Intelligence invented interval, the past and the Big Bang theory because it is not yet up to living in the now.

    - Barry Long
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Kdyz jsem byl mladej,
    tak jsem byl blbej.

    Moc jsem si myslel.
    Nastesti jsem to nerikal nahlas.

    Kdybych to vykrikoval,
    ta ozvena by me desila dodnes.

    Josef Saudek (fotograf)
    TADEAS --- ---
    The realisation of Immortality, I-am, Life, Non-existence, and the other extreme points of Consciousness, is not Self-Realisation. These "high" points of Consciousness are differentiated forms of the Self, or reality -- eternally present ideas, archetypal mind structures. They are neither concepts, precepts or percepts. They are "there", in the individual's Consciousness for him to realise as quickly as possible. The Self, although none of these high points, contains them all.
    Self-Realisation is a State. A State -- like an ideal platonic national state -- is a self-sufficient beingness. No experience of a state is possible by those totally in that state because no separatedness exists for them to experience. Non-separatedness is non-experience.

    - Barry Long

    YBUKO: medituj a uprimne se ptej, cist nepotrebujes nic :)
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    Člověk je ubohý, protože je člověkem
    a je velký, protože to ví.

    Blaise Pascal
    CLUMP --- ---
    ted me pobavily ruzny vyznamy v nayvu songu co zrovna posloucham:
    orbital - know where to run [nou uer tu ran]
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    KERRAY: to mi pripomina vyzkum chytrych deti, ktere jsou chvaleny za to ze jsou chytre - desne je to znehybnuje pac to v nich vyvolava reakci ze nesmi byt blbe, nesmi se dopoustet chyb. nejdou do aktivit kde pochybuji zda zvitezi/vyresi atd.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam