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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---

    Reality seems more lika a PLURAL VERB
    than a SINGULAR NOUN to me.
    SUBHAM --- ---
    JULYZ: nad vsí Buchlovice na moravě je na jednom kopci do kameného kříže vyryto to samé, jen je použit rozkazovací způsob:

    Umři, než umřeš a neumřeš, když umřeš

    jsem vždycky řešil, čí je to výrok.díky.
    (imho jedna z největších pravd, kterou stojí zato zakusit na "vlastní kůži")
    LOOK --- ---
    Jistota, že jsme inteligentnější než ostatní, je povážlivá už proto, že ji s námi sdílí tolik pitomců.

    Albert Camus
    FERDA --- ---
    Lanza's theory of biocentrism has seven principles:
    1. What we perceive as reality is a process that involves our consciousness. An "external" reality, if it existed, would by definition have to exist in space. But this is meaningless, because space and time are not absolute realities but rather tools of the human and animal mind.
    2. Our external and internal perceptions are inextricably intertwined. They are different sides of the same coin and cannot be divorced from one another.
    3. The behavior of subatomic particles, indeed all particles and objects, is inextricably linked to the presence of an observer. Without the presence of a conscious observer, they at best exist in an undetermined state of probability waves.
    4. Without consciousness, "matter" dwells in an undetermined state of probability. Any universe that could have preceded consciousness only existed in a probability state.
    5. The structure of the universe is explainable only through biocentrism. The universe is fine-tuned for life, which makes perfect sense as life creates the universe, not the other way around. The "universe" is simply the complete spatio-temporal logic of the self.
    6. Time does not have a real existence outside of animal-sense perception. It is the process by which we perceive changes in the universe.
    7. Space, like time, is not an object or a thing. Space is another form of our animal understanding and does not have an independent reality. We carry space and time around with us like turtles with shells. Thus, there is no absolute self-existing matrix in which physical events occur independent of life.
    JULYZ --- ---
    "Člověk, jenž zemře dříve, než zemře, nezemře, až zemře."

    - Abraham a Sancta Clara
    ORLOCK --- ---

    KERRAY --- ---
    ORLOCK --- ---
    "If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and the internal dialogue. Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved, and the need to judge. Those are the three things the ego is doing all the time. It’s very important to be aware of them every time they come up.”

    - Deepak Chopra
    ORLOCK --- ---
    "What you see in yourself is what you see in the world."

    - afgánske príslovie.
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    "Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels."
    -Nikola Tesla
    ORLOCK --- ---
    You are everything pretending to be something.
    JULYZ --- ---
    "forgiving is not something we do, but something we are"
    -Piero Ferrucci
    BUCHO --- ---
    Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy: If you want to be happy, be.
    Taisen Deshimaru: If you are not happy here and now, you never will be.

    Možná jsou to klišé ale mě se líbí :)
    KERRAY --- ---
    God's Debris - Scott Adams (autor Dilberta)

    "thought experiment" na cca. 150 stran

    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    If you enjoy being a loser and procrastinator, go to the jungle and stay alone. No one would disturb you there. Then you can do EVERYTHING tomorrow!
    Is it that much fun to be losing out?

    Do you love being a loser so you can get more ill? And when you get ill, do you PRETEND you’re not worried?

    If your attitude is tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow and always tomorrow, then that’s a BIG FAT LOSER’S ATTITUDE. Taking your SWEET TIME to get things done never wins!

    - Tsem Tulku

    [ OKBOY @ Tibetsky BUDDHISMUS ]
    KERRAY --- ---
    Poslední dobou musím docela dost mazat. Sorry. Rozhodně vás tím nechci odradit od přispívání.

    Když vynecháte hlášky a obrázky, které jsou naprosto klišé nebo úplně mimo a hlášky, které potřebují dost specifický kontext, který ale ani v nejmenším neposkytují, nebudu to muset dělat tak často.

    Dík za pochopení
    KALIPH --- ---
    "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."
    –William Shakespeare
    OTZ --- ---
    pokud se nezmeni diky tobe, zmeni se diky nekomu jinemu

    nemej lidi za hlupce jenom proto ze jim nerozumis..
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam