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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    TLUSTEI --- ---

    Biggest obstacle to enlightenment is a thought that it is something rare...

    SINECURVE --- ---
    Úchvatné sochy, ktorých sa nedá dotknúť. Sú vyrobené z tieňa! | Doba Mag.
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    JUNIOR --- ---
    BROKEN_DREAMS --- ---
    PALACH --- ---
    "tao described by words, it is not true tao"
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    PABLITOS --- ---
    Kdybych mluvil jazyky
    lidskými i andělskými,
    ale lásku bych neměl,
    jsem jenom dunící
    kov a zvučící zvon.

    Kdybych rozuměl všem tajemstvím
    a obsáhl všechno poznání,
    ale lásku bych neměl,
    nic nejsem. Nejsem nic.

    Svatý Pavel
    KERRAY --- ---
    ORLOCK --- ---
    ZABKA --- ---
    „Jeden z největších darů, který můžete druhému dát, je vaše čirá a upřímná pozornost.“
    MATOM --- ---
    HANEBNIK --- ---
    Najsmutnejšie problémy sveta v trefných satirických ilustráciách. | Doba Mag.
    PABLITOS --- ---
    Taková obyčejná vděčnost, je mnohem víc, než si myslíme.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    Gonzo Futurist manifesto - Justin Pickard
    KAMAHL --- ---
    Nedávno vyšla poprvé v češtině kniha Gödel, Escher, Bach
    YBUKO --- ---
    MUTEK --- ---
    There is little conjunction of truth and social 'reality'. Around us are pseudo-events, to which we adjust with a false consciousness adapted to see these events as true and real, and even as beautiful. In the society of men the truth resides now less in what things are than in what they are not. Our social realities are so ugly if seen in the light of exiled truth, and beauty is almost no longer possible if it is not a lie. What is to be done? We who are still half alive, living in the often fibrillating heartland of a senescent capitalism — can we do more than reflect the decay around and within us? Can we do more than sing our sad and bitter songs of disillusion and defeat?

    The requirement of the present, the failure of the past, is the same: to provide a thoroughly self-conscious and self-critical human account of man. No one can begin to think, feel or act now except from the starting-point of his or her own alienation. We are all murderers and prostitutes — no matter to what culture, society, class, nation, we belong, no matter how normal, moral, or mature we take ourselves to be. Humanity is estranged from its authentic possibilities. This basic vision prevents us from taking any unequivocal view of the sanity of common sense, or of the madness of the so-called madman. However, what is required is more than a passionate outcry of outraged humanity. Our alienation goes to the roots. The realisation of this is the essential springboard for any serious reflection on any aspect of present inter-human life.

    We are bemused and crazed creatures, strangers to our true selves, to one another, and to the spiritual and the material world — mad, even, from an ideal standpoint we can glimpse but not adopt. We are born into a world where alienation awaits us. We are potentially men, but are in an alienated state, and this state is not simply a natural system. Alienation as our present destiny is achieved only by outrageous violence perpetrated by human beings on human beings.

    — R.D. Laing, The Politics of Experience, 1967
    KERRAY --- ---
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