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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
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    jde o úhel pohledu
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    "Štěstí je snění o tom, co nás v realitě nakonec štve."

    - Slavoj Zizek
    FEKALNIK --- ---
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    DLOUHA_POTVORA --- ---
    old but gold

    Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles" | TED Talk

    "... So it's not just Google and Facebook either. This is something that's sweeping the Web. There are a whole host of companies that are doing this kind of personalization. Yahoo News, the biggest news site on the Internet, is now personalized -- different people get different things. (...) And this moves us very quickly toward a world in which the Internet is showing us what it thinks we want to see, but not necessarily what we need to see. As Eric Schmidt said, "It will be very hard for people to watch or consume something that has not in some sense been tailored for them. ..."

    "... What they discovered was that in our Netflix queues there's this epic struggle going on between our future aspirational selves and our more impulsive present selves. You know we all want to be someone who has watched "Rashomon," but right now we want to watch "Ace Ventura" for the fourth time. So the best editing gives us a bit of both. It gives us a little bit of Justin Bieber and a little bit of Afghanistan. It gives us some information vegetables; it gives us some information dessert. ..."

    "... And the thing is, we've actually been here before as a society. In 1915, it's not like newspapers were sweating a lot about their civic responsibilities. Then people noticed that they were doing something really important. That, in fact, you couldn't have a functioning democracy if citizens didn't get a good flow of information, that the newspapers were critical because they were acting as the filter, and then journalistic ethics developed. It wasn't perfect, but it got us through the last century. ..."
    INK_FLO --- ---

    The biggest achievement of the new cognitive-military complex is that direct and obvious oppression is no longer necessary: individuals are much better controlled and “nudged” in the desired direction when they continue to experience themselves as the free and autonomous agents of their own life… But all these are well-known facts, and we have to make a step further.

    The predominant critique proceeds in the way of demystification: beneath the innocent-sounding research into happiness and welfare, it discerns a dark hidden gigantic complex of social control and manipulation exerted by the combined forces of private corporations and state agencies. But what is urgently needed is also the opposite move: instead of just asking what dark content is hidden beneath the form of scientific research into happiness, we should focus on the form itself. Is the topic of scientific research on human welfare and happiness (at least the way it is practiced today) really so innocent, or is it already in itself permeated by the stance of control and manipulation? What if the sciences are here not just misused? What if they find here precisely their proper use? We should put in question the recent rise of a new discipline, “happiness studies.” How is it that, in our era of spiritualized hedonism when the goal of life is directly defined as happiness, anxiety and depression are exploding? It is the enigma of this self-sabotaging of happiness and pleasure which makes Freud’s message more actual than ever.

    We should risk here even a step further and inquire into the hidden side of the notion of happiness itself. When, exactly, can a people be said to be happy? In a country like Czechoslovakia in the late 1970s and 1980s, people in a way effectively were happy. Three fundamental conditions of happiness were fulfilled there. (1) Their material needs were basically satisfied, but not too satisfied, since the excess of consumption can in itself generate unhappiness. It is good to experience a brief shortage of some goods on he market from time to time (no coffee for a couple of days, then no beef, then no TV sets). These brief periods of shortage functioned as exceptions which reminded people that they should be glad that the goods were generally available; if everything is available all the time, people take this availability as an evident fact of life and no longer appreciate their luck. Life thus went on in a regular and predictable way, without any great efforts or shocks, and one was allowed to withdraw into one’s private niche. (2) A second extremely important feature: there was the Other (the Party) to be blamed for everything that went wrong, so that one did not feel really responsible. If there was a temporary shortage of some goods, even if stormy weather caused great damage, it was ‘their’ fault. (3) And, last but not least, there was an Other Place (the consummerist West) about which one was allowed to dream, and even visit sometimes. This place was just at the right distance, not too far, not too close. That fragile balance was disturbed – by what? By desire, precisely. Desire was the force which compelled the people to move on – and end up in a system in which a large majority is definitely less happy…

    Happiness? No, Thanks! - The Philosophical Salon
    KERRAY --- ---
    BURAN --- ---
    MTO: pred 20 lety bych nevedel nic, ted vim aspon pulku :o)
    MTO --- ---

    PRAASHEK --- ---
    eh, jsem myslel, jsem v NIH... pokud vadí, tak to smázněte. ale vlastně to sem sedí
    PRAASHEK --- ---
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    INK_FLO --- ---
    Podívejte se, v Evropě nebylo nikdy tak dobře, nikdy tak mírumilovně jako v posledních třech desítkách let. To je jistě pozitivní. Ale samozřejmě to něco dělá s lidskou psychikou. Ta, abych to vysvětlil, pulzuje mezi útlumem a nabuzením. A naše tendence není zlatý střed, naší tendencí je větší nabuzení. Protože v mozku je takový tréninkový program, že když je v bezpečí, hraje si na to, že je vlastně v nebezpečí. Jak říkají klasici psychomorálky - hledáme bezpečí a jistotu, ale paradoxně čím větší je bezpečí, tím víc si mozek vymýšlí nebezpečné pitomosti. Žijete ve vatě, ale večer potřebujete horor. Mozek tím trénuje. Čím klidnější společenství, tím víc chorobných a úzkostných stavů. Úzkost vás mobilizuje, my nemusíme mít nepřítele za hranicí, uděláme si nepřítele v sobě. Proto ta prevalence úzkostných poruch, proto ten nárůst depresí. Ano, půlku z toho sice dělají farmaceutické firmy a pak také to, že se jich víc diagnostikuje. Ale i tak je ten nárůst evidentní.

    (rozhovor s psychiatrem Radkinem Honzákem)
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