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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    BURAN --- ---
    JAMILLOS: Shakespeare zjevne nebyl Linux user :-}
    87HIGHFLYER --- ---
    JAMILLOS: já bych tomu zas i věřil, odpůrce očkování byl, ale zdá se že z poněkud jinejch důvodů, než je dneska moderní. A vegetariánem byl prý též. Nicméně jak už bylo zmíněno, asi bych si v 21. století vybral jinou autoritu k posuzování těchto témat:)
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    To nikdo nepochopil, že je to vtip a Shaw to asi těžko řekl? Asi něco jako:
    You can't delete the audio file while it's playing.
    - Shakespeare
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    MTO: to zní logicky, proč se bavit o efektech léčby s někým, kdo to 15 let studoval a pak se tím celej život živí, když se můžu řídit citátem mrtvýho spisovatele z 19. století a mít jasno ihned.
    MINERWA --- ---
    AREDHEL --- ---
    MTO: na to se dá odpovědět jen videem od Kurzgesagt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBkVCpbNnkU
    MTO --- ---
    JAZZZ --- ---
    OA8: Cože? Takhle by ameriku neřídil ani Rampa!
    MTO --- ---
    "Revoluce začínají idealisté, realizují romantici a plody sbírají všiváci"

    - ?
    CRS --- ---
    OA8 --- ---
    znad patri sem :)

    CRS --- ---
    PreachersNSneakers (@preachersnsneakers) • Instagram photos and videos

    Tenhle Instagramový účet spojuje exkluzivní a extra drahé tenisky a jiné módní doplňky viděné (mimo jiné) na křesťanských kazatelích, kteří káží o skromnosti a střídmosti.
    CRS --- ---

    Creepy 1970s-Era Posters From an Imaginary British Town
    CRS --- ---
    SINECURVE --- ---
    Question: I am full of hate. Will you please teach me how to love?

    K: No one can teach you how to love. If people could be taught how to love, the world problem would be very simple, would it not? If we could learn how to love from a book as we learn mathematics, this would be a marvelous world; there would be no hate, no exploitation, no wars, no division of rich and poor, and we would all be really friendly with each other. But love is not so easily come by. It is easy to hate, and hate brings people together after a fashion; it creates all kinds of fantasies, it brings about various types of co-operation, as in war. But love is much more difficult. You cannot learn how to love, but what you can do is to observe hate and put it gently aside. Don't battle against hate, don't say how terrible it is to hate people, but see hate for what it is and let it drop away; brush it aside, it is not important. What is important is not to let hate take root in your mind. Do you understand? Your mind is like rich soil, and if given sufficient time any problem that comes along takes root like a weed, and then you have the trouble of pulling it out; but if you do not give the problem sufficient time to take root, then it has no place to grow and it will wither away. If you encourage hate, give it time to take root, to grow, to mature, it becomes an enormous problem. But if each time hate arises you let it go by, then you will find that your mind becomes very sensitive without being sentimental; therefore it will know love.

    The mind can pursue sensations, desires, but it cannot pursue love. Love must come to the mind. And, when once love is there, it has no division as sensuous and divine: it is love. That is the extraordinary thing about love: it is the only quality that brings a total comprehension of the whole of existence.
    SLEEPLESS8 --- ---
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    IXTREMIST --- ---
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    červánky z vesmíru
    JAZZZ --- ---
    "death is the end only if you assume, that the story is just about you"
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