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    ztracené heslo?
    KERRAYoO( ) psychedelické memy ( )O๑.. ॐ ..๑O( ) psychedelic memes ( )Oo
    INK_FLO --- ---
    IRON_STORM: to mi připomnělo storku z Necronomiconu, kdy byl jeden vesmír stvořen zvukem - stvořitel hrál na píšťalu a tím budoval světy. Ta píšťala měla schválně prasklinu, aby vydávala falešný tón jako připomínku, že nic stvořeného není dokonalé...
    IRON_STORM --- ---
    I gave up my music because I had received from it all that I had to receive. To serve God
    one must sacrifice what is dearest to one; and so I sacrificed my music. I had composed
    songs; I sang and played the vina; and practicing this music I arrived at a stage where I
    touched the Music of the Spheres. Then every soul became for me a musical note, and all
    life became music. Inspired by it I spoke to the people, and those who were attracted by
    my words listened to the, instead of listening to my songs. Now, if I do anything, it is to
    tune souls instead of instruments; to harmonize people instead of notes. If there is
    anything in my philosophy, it is the law of harmony: that one must put oneself in
    harmony with oneself and with others. I have found in every word a certain musical
    value, a melody in every thought, harmony in every feeling; and I have tried to interpret
    the same thing, with clear and simple words, to those who used to listen to my music. I
    played the vina until my heart turned into this very instrument; then I offered this
    instrument to the divine Musician, the only musician existing. Since then I have become
    His flute; and when He chooses, He plays His music. The people give me credit for this
    music, which in reality is not due to me but to the Musician who plays on his own

    Hazrat Inayat Khan
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    INK_FLO: To by klidně mohlo být z manifestu radikálního osvobození zvířat :)
    KERRAY --- ---
    KALIPH --- ---
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    INK_FLO --- ---
    The Great Refusal is the refusal to sell short our potential for liberation for the paltry comforts of consumerism. In Golok, in Tibet, they say that the desire for comfort is the death of honor and truth. My denunciation of the "Western Buddhist Movement" stems not from political conservatism but from my embrace of Marcuse's Great Refusal; the refusal to trade freedom and happiness for cheap consolation. The new totalitarianism manifests itself precisely in a harmonizing pluralism, where the most contradictory works and truths peacefully coexist in indifference.

    It seems that to be "nice" one must cease and desist from all critical dissent and debate. To be nice, one must say things obliquely rather than directly, or better yet, say nothing at all. One should try to focus on points of agreement and smooth over differences in a fog of blandness. This emphasis on being nice is a form of oppression. Feminists pointed this out in the 70's and encouraged us not to teach our daughters to be "nice" because it was disempowering to them. Now we just want our Buddhists to be nice. This niceness which is being referred to is what Trungpa Rinpoche called "idiot compassion." It seems that it is fine for the Western Buddhist Movement to castrate the power of the Buddhadharma, but if anyone says "Hey, wait a minute, you are distorting the teachings of liberation," then they are branded with the scarlet letter - "not nice." This supposed niceness is in fact merely a tool for the suppression of radical critique that often takes its form in disagreement, debate and critical discussion - all forms of interaction which are historically central to Buddhism. Are we, as Western practitioners of Buddhism, so scared of our internal rage that we imagine any serious disagreement might turn into violence?

    This vision of being "nice and compassionate" is different from the Buddhist vision. Compassion and kindness demand strong dissension and response in the face of harmful delusion. It is, of course, a matter of motivation. The precious Buddhadharma teaches me that all people have been at one time my mother, my lover, my child, and my best friend. One day my friend becomes my enemy, and then later my friend again. When we contemplate Buddhadharma we come to a stance of vast equanimity in the midst of debate, but this equanimity does not deny the need for valid, well-reasoned response. Is it kinder to let the moth burn alive or to point out to the moth that the object of it's obsession is, any moment, going to become the source of its greatest suffering. What is compassion? The prefix "com" means "with" and the body of the word passion, from the root pathos, means suffering. Compassion is to be with the suffering of others; not to turn a blind eye to the suffering of all sentient beings. In the Buddhist sense, compassion means to actively remove the causes of suffering as a function of love. It is not kind, loving or compassionate to see the causes of suffering and not try and remove them."

    (Traktung Rinpoche)
    INK_FLO --- ---
    "Soul seems more dangerous to talk about than sex, violence, death or money these days."

    "It’s really hearing something that brings the consequence with it — “I hear you.” We know that sensation, when it happens the whole world deepens. If we really heard what is happening around us it’s possible some of it may stop. From a mythic perspective, seeing is often a form of identifying, but hearing is the locating of a much more personal message. Hearing creates growing, uncomfortable discernment. Things get accountable."

    We Are In The Underworld And We Haven’t Figured It Out Yet | by Martin Shaw | Medium
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    Celý svět nebyl dost velký pro Alexandra Velikého.
    Ale jeho hrob ano.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    Jung postulated that archetypes "bubble up" from the collective unconscious, the great cosmic repository of creative axioms. From the kabbalistic standpoint this is narcissism, because the collective begins and ends with the projection of human conceptual hopes and fears. Human beings attempt to "own" whatever phenomenon is encountered, whether consciously or subconsciously. True gnostic wisdom is revealed from beyond conceptuality and its archetypes, and enters human realm as a portal. On the other side are not the root patterns of conceptuality, as Jung believed, but the capacity to nullify self-identification altogether.

    (David Chaim Smith - The Kabbalistic Mirror of Genesis: Commentary on the First Three Chapters)
    INK_FLO --- ---
    "The intention to have faith itself causes faith."
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    If a person grasps a "part" of unity he grasps the whole, and the opposite is also true.
    (Baal Shem Tov - Keter Shem Tov)

    INK_FLO --- ---
    "One cannot accomplish spiritual work with the same view that created the need for it."

    The need for spiritual work is based on one central problem - a self-identified subject addictively grasps after what is believed to increase happiness and decrease pain. All attempts to remedy life´s circumstances will ultimately fail, as whatever is reached slips away at some point. After a lifetime of chasing after the fantasy of a panacea, an honest assessment of the situation might become possible. There is no way to "fix" the life situation. The only alternative is a shift away from the manufacture of the untenable scenario to a set of possibilities that might be more profound, more honest, and more relevant to the heart of the matter. The ordinary human view is completely fixated on the quality of experiences and their projected causes and outcomes. The most radical shift that is possible for a human being is to abandon this view, and turn the mind toward the essential ground of phenomena. This allows experiences and circumstances to come and go, leaving the heart of the matter untouched. Ultimately it becomes clear that nothing modifies the ground, and awareness and manifestation dissolve their separateness and sense of solidity within that realization. Once the quest for linear timeline is subsumed within a concern for the ground, the chicken-and-egg question loses its meaning and relevance. If these designations are probed deeply enough a critical analysis of origins and destinations points to the deconstruction of causality itself. All that remains is a question: What is the continuum when not overtaken by the relative designations of inner and outer equivocations?

    "Keep your view as vast as the sky, but refine your actions as finely as flour."

    (David Chaim Smith - The Awakening Ground)
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