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    GUMAGUARmoderní :: postmoderní :: současné umění
    PASHWAKA --- ---

    Seventeen Gallery, London
    1/3 - 14/4 2007

    Areas of the gallery walls appear to have been left unfinished after the de-installation of the previous show. Unusually the behind-the-scenes paraphernalia of display such as screw-heads, nail holes, rawl plugs and pencil marks are still in evidence, together with seemingly unintentional marks associated with the movement of art work. A bucket catches drips from the ceiling and a general air of neglect pervades.

    Within Susan Collis practice, everyday objects and surfaces are presented splattered and stained with the marks of wear and tear, and the viewer might, upon further investigation, realise that the timeworn flecks of paint that cover an old broom, are in fact delicate and precisely inlaid pearls, jasper, turquoise, garnets and black diamonds. Initially, the demarcations seem to be the secondary results of a primary activity, seemingly worthless and easily ignored. Collis is interested in the shift of perception that takes place upon discovery that they are, in fact, intentional and primary activities themselves.

    For this her first solo exhibition at SEVENTEEN Collis has produced a series of interventions that refer to the accidental and neglected, within the context of gallery space. The exhibition will be easy to overlook, as a cursory glance might lead the viewer to believe the gallery was empty. However, further investigation of the space will reward the viewer, leading them towards Collis notions of hidden labour, within a complex network of contradictions and revelations. Dont get your hopes up questions the structures and methods of its own production, together with the viewers most basic assumptions about artistic production and display.

    Installation view

    Made good (DETAIL)
    Length 27 cm
    Coral, black onyx, 18 carat white gold (hallmarked), diamond, silver. Edition of 10

    Untitled, (Rawl plugs)
    Dimensions variable
    Jasper, black onyx, red carnelian, garnet, brown goldstone

    Waltzer (DETAIL)
    127.5 x 37 x 11 cm
    Wooden broom, opals, turquoise, garnets, seed pearls, mother of pearl, black diamonds, white diamonds, fresh water pearls, coral, black onyx, marcacite.

    Call the show off DETAIL
    Length 6 meters
    Sapphires, smokey topaz, black diamonds, 18-carat yellow gold (hallmarked), citrine

    Long gone (DETAIL)
    Length 135 cm
    Carved turquoise, smokey topaz, Edition of 3

    Rock bottom riser
    6 meters installed
    Mother of pearl gemstones

    Call the show off DETAIL
    Length 6 meters
    Sapphires, smokey topaz, black diamonds, 18-carat yellow gold (hallmarked), citrine

    Without you the world goes on
    Bucket, water, water pumping system, MDF, plaster, plug socket

    Waltzer DETAIL
    127.5 x 37 x 11 cm
    Wooden broom, opals, turquoise, garnets, seed pearls, mother of pearl, black diamonds, white diamonds, fresh water pearls, coral, black onyx, marcacite.

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    moc hezký, akorát arshama už jsme tady měli
    MATHEW --- ---
    Martin Oppel

    Born in 1976 in Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Lives and works in Miami, FL, USA

    MATHEW --- ---
    Xavier Veilhan

    Xavier Veilhan (1963, Lyon) is a French artist who lives and works in Paris. His art consists of photography, sculpture and installations.

    MATHEW --- ---
    Daniel Arsham

    Born in 1980 in Cleveland Ohio, USA
    Lives and works in New York and Miami, USA

    MATHEW --- ---
    SEEKER: ona tahleta kulturní elita se většinou vyznačuje vysokou mírou nadhledu, takže nějakých šoků bych se tu nebál
    SEEKER --- ---
    MATHEW: chudáčku a nezanechalo to na tobě následky? No třeba s tou fotkou, to je mi nezodpovědnost: přijde sem nepřipravená elita a zažije kulturní šok naruby....
    MATHEW --- ---
    DANCHEZ: jojo, četl jsem životopisnou knížku pavla horvátha a ten píše, že má občas pocit, jakoby malíř upustil paletu na plátno..přesně ti rozumim.

    DANCHEZ --- ---
    PASHWAKA: a nemusis me urazet kdyz tomu nerozumim:]
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    PASHWAKA: nevim no, tupost je to pro tech par vyvolenych,
    ja mam treba z vetsiny "umeni" pocit ze ten clovek splacal nakou picovinu a pak k tomu vypoti naky referakt ktery tomu dava jakoby smysl.
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    DANCHEZ: no flame., ale "neomezenych" je mnohem vic., jsou to pouze jedinci, kteri se tomu aktivne venuji i po teoreticky strance., umeni je disciplina jako kazda jina a aby si ji rozumel, musis pro to holt neco udelat., predpokladat, ze umeni ma bejt jasny masam, je naprtosta tupost... coz v konecnym hledisku vytvari dojem elitarnosti, kterej je prirozenej
    MATHEW --- ---
    DANCHEZ: aha, tak to asi často měníš ikonku :D
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    MATHEW: to sem vzdycky ja.)
    MATHEW --- ---
    to se vždycky cca jednou za měsíc objeví nějakej takovej človíček..čím to je?.)
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    to smrdi flejmem.) hele za chvili se maznu
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    PASHWAKA: no to je asi pravda, jenze v tedle branzi je "neomezenych" par vyvolenych a to jsou ke vsemu autori umeni nebo kuratori.)
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    DANCHEZ: no spis pokudze podle tebe vymezuje kvalitu jen to, co nepotrebuje vic informaci, nez ty, ktery sou prenositelny ve vizualni slozce dany veci... tak nemluvis o obecnejch pravidlech toho, co urcuje kvalitu, ale pouze o tom, co za ni si schopnej / ochotnej povazovat... takze nemluvis o omezenosti "tech ostatnich veci" ale pouze o omezenosti vlastni ;]
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    PASHWAKA: pravda, by artists for artists uz je z mody
    MATHEW --- ---
    PASHWAKA: já s ním souhlasím - tohle bych si klidně pověsil na zeď
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    DANCHEZ: lidova kriteria., to jede
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