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    ztracené heslo?
    GUMAGUARmoderní :: postmoderní :: současné umění
    AHASVER --- ---
    vim, že to sem nepatří, ale uvítal bych rychlou odpověď, tak se omlouvám - nebyl někdo na bienále ve zvonu? stojí to za to?
    3SC --- ---
    ENTER: Vystava v Serpentine byla skvela, skoda ze nemuzu najit linka na jeji animace
    MATHEW --- ---
    KHALAVERA: vendelín pruza, všech zedníků král, půl města postavil a sám pod mostem spal, juchuchuůůů
    TEAPOD --- ---
    KHALAVERA: Je. Já myslel že je to concept, a už jsem tady chtěl mluvit, a ono je to uměni v rámech :)
    KHALAVERA --- ---

    works by:
    Daniel Bejar
    Petra Cortright
    Brock Davis
    Edith Dekyndt
    Mikolaj Dlugosz
    Harm vd Dorpel
    Jeffrey Heart
    Oliver Laric
    Pop Levi
    Vadik Marmeladov
    Ilia Ovechkin
    Rafael Rozendaal
    Robert Wodzinski

    Hosted by Agentur, curated by Lars Eijssen and shown at Bloodless Gallery in Google Lively.

    the New Easy is a mostly unpolitical trend, with an optimistic, pragmatical approach towards creation of today's art. But the most celebrated mark is the apparent ease of both the brilliance of the subjacent idea, as the reputedly simple and fast production method. A New Easy work looks like it was invented in 1 and created in 3 seconds, proving the artist's geniality of which he knows how to escape a hopelessly depressed world. It is the kind of art that makes the blog-kids cheer.

    examples of the Old Easy: http://larseijssen.com/NewEasy/OldEasy.html
    QUAACA --- ---
    ENTER: to se mi líbí
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    M_ABRAMOVIC --- ---
    Terence Koh

    Crackhead, 2006

    detail:/roznych hlav je 222/

    The Camel was God, the Camel was Shot, 2007

    Untitled (Medusa), 2006

    Untitled (Vitrines 5 - Secret Secrets), 2006

    he is fuckin weird..
    M_ABRAMOVIC --- ---
    KHALAVERA: jeho Shower cisty bernini :) // alebo mozno necisty//
    M_ABRAMOVIC --- ---
    Biljana Djurdjević

    Seven Deadly Sins

    Pieta-(Sloth), 202x245, 2004

    Lust, 150x180, 2004

    Paradise Lost

    Green Room, 171x217, 2006

    Paradise lost, 250x160, 2005

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Sarah Oppenheimer




    KHALAVERA --- ---
    SUOTAM --- ---
    tak sem pisu jeste jednou.pokud by si chtel jeste nekdo zamalovat,nebo vystavit sve prace na tomhle festivalu,tak mi piste do posty.dik
    M_ABRAMOVIC --- ---
    KHALAVERA: sa mi nepaci//
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    PASHWAKA --- ---

    Substance Misuse III, 2006, Biro on paper

    On Vacation, 2008, Biro inks and pencil on paper

    For SWEAT, Susan Collis' second solo exhibition at SEVENTEEN, the intense labour underpinning much of her detailed practice is laid bare before the viewer. In addition, a playful yet considered engagement with two distinct modes of production - the industrial and the hand made - runs throughout the exhibition.

    The space will be dominated by the bustle of ongoing productivity, a team of workers sitting at tables produce what appear to be laundry bags, the type of which you find at markets and thrift stores around the world. However, divorced from the type of rapid process that would ordinarily mark the production of such a ubiquitous commercial object, the workers instead pour intensely over sheets of Fabriano paper. With delicate precision, using only pencils and biro pens, they slowly mark out the bag pattern upon the surface of the paper. When fully patterned, the paper will be cut and assembled by the workers in order to form an object that straddles the status of both drawing and sculpture while appearing, on first look at least, to be neither. Standing in front of one of these works, it appears to have the perfect semblance of an everyday, nearly disposable item - only upon further detailed examination does the punitive hand made production value of the object become evident.

    For SWEAT Collis has constructed a world in which values according to production are realigned and reconsidered. A world in which the smiling benevolent gallerist is transformed into factory foreman via a portrait commissioned by the artist and which hangs directly over the workers as they go about there good work... A world in which a mundane digital clock that governs the flow of the working day and orders the operations of the workers inside the gallery space is in fact a video composed of individual drawings laboriously unified into a single via stop-frame animation. Indeed, a world in which, with the construction of a pseudo industrial scene of productivity, the idea of artist as virtuoso producer of rarefied objects is rallied against in favour of a more open-ended exploration of artistic praxis.

    Collis draws attention to the systems employed to produce her work, so much so that production - it's conditions and multivalent modes - becomes the work itself. Crucially, this renders the object nothing other than the necessary documentation of a greater performance, a performance of on-going creation undertaken by the artist and which, momentarily at least, transcends the idea of the finished work or final object.

    PV Thursday 11th September.

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