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    ztracené heslo?
    GUMAGUARmoderní :: postmoderní :: současné umění
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    KHALAVERA --- ---

    Business Artist Damien Hirst

    I don't care what we think of his art.. love it or hate it.. Damien Hirst is a genius! He makes Andy Warhol look like a hippy with no job or credit card.

    3SC --- ---
    KHALAVERA: Neda mi to, musim navazat na predchazejici :)

    Ai Weiwei
    MAHISH --- ---
    KHALAVERA: zajímavý, dík!
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Anatoly Shuravlev

    "Big China" 2008
    c-print, acrylic glass
    184 x 125 cm

    Detail "Big China" 2008

    "Big Japan" 2008
    c-print, acrylic glass
    184 x 125 cm

    Detail "Big Japan" 2008

    "Big Britain" 2008
    c-print, acrylic glass
    184 x 125 cm

    Detail "Big Britain" 2008

    "Shark" 2008
    c-print, acrylic glass
    184 x 125 cm

    Detail "Shark" 2008

    GUMAGUAR --- ---
    VIKCECH: instalaci shodila vichřice a wei wei ji okamžitě označil za spoluautora (tu vichřici) a zdvojnásobil cenu instalace ;)

    MAHISH --- ---
    VIKCECH: a nám vyplavila stan:) ale abych nebyl úplně OT, taky z documenty:

    Xie Nanxing

    h: 220 x w: 380 cm / h: 86.6 x w: 149.6 in

    VIKCECH --- ---
    KHALAVERA: jojo ai weiwei je super - akorat v tom kasselu se mi vic libily ty jeho v expozicich rozmistene starocinske zidle bez popisek - ty jeho pomoci zidly vytvorene diskuzni krouzky doopravdy v pripade vetsich skupin fungovaly :) - tuhle velkou instalaci pak stejne schodila vychrice...
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Ai Weiwei

    "Dress with Flowers (No. 7)" 2007


    "Dress with Flowers (No. 9)" 2007


    "Template" 2007

    1001 wooden doors and windows from destroyed Ming and Qing dynasty houses

    "Monumental Junkyard" 2006


    "Han Dynasty Urn with Coca-Cola Logo" 1994

    urn and paint, western Han dynasty
    (206 BC - 8 AD)

    "Marble Arm" 2007

    white marble, edition of 10

    untitled (shoe and book), 1986

    shoe and book

    ANDRE3000 --- ---
    NL Architects
    Italian Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale

    MAHISH --- ---
    AHASVER: stojí
    AHASVER --- ---
    vim, že to sem nepatří, ale uvítal bych rychlou odpověď, tak se omlouvám - nebyl někdo na bienále ve zvonu? stojí to za to?
    3SC --- ---
    ENTER: Vystava v Serpentine byla skvela, skoda ze nemuzu najit linka na jeji animace
    MATHEW --- ---
    KHALAVERA: vendelín pruza, všech zedníků král, půl města postavil a sám pod mostem spal, juchuchuůůů
    TEAPOD --- ---
    KHALAVERA: Je. Já myslel že je to concept, a už jsem tady chtěl mluvit, a ono je to uměni v rámech :)
    KHALAVERA --- ---

    works by:
    Daniel Bejar
    Petra Cortright
    Brock Davis
    Edith Dekyndt
    Mikolaj Dlugosz
    Harm vd Dorpel
    Jeffrey Heart
    Oliver Laric
    Pop Levi
    Vadik Marmeladov
    Ilia Ovechkin
    Rafael Rozendaal
    Robert Wodzinski

    Hosted by Agentur, curated by Lars Eijssen and shown at Bloodless Gallery in Google Lively.

    the New Easy is a mostly unpolitical trend, with an optimistic, pragmatical approach towards creation of today's art. But the most celebrated mark is the apparent ease of both the brilliance of the subjacent idea, as the reputedly simple and fast production method. A New Easy work looks like it was invented in 1 and created in 3 seconds, proving the artist's geniality of which he knows how to escape a hopelessly depressed world. It is the kind of art that makes the blog-kids cheer.

    examples of the Old Easy: http://larseijssen.com/NewEasy/OldEasy.html
    QUAACA --- ---
    ENTER: to se mi líbí
    KHALAVERA --- ---
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