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    GUMAGUARmoderní :: postmoderní :: současné umění

    "My favorite art is the art I don't understand." Pae White
    "Umění chce tvořit konečnost, která vrací nekonečno." Deleuze a Guattari
    "The ‘value’ of particular artists after Duchamp can be weighed according to how much they questioned the nature of art; which is another way of saying “what they added to the conception of art” or what wasn’t there before they started. Artists question the nature of art by presenting new propositions as to art’s nature. And to do this one cannot concern oneself with the handed down ‘language’ of traditional art, since this activity is based on the assumption that there is only one way of framing art propositions. But the very stuff of art is indeed greatly related to ‘creating’ new propositions. That there is no ‘truth’ as to what art is seems quite unrealized." Peter Coffin z rozhovoru

    než začneš diskusi o tom, o co je to umění, čti: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - krátký a čtivý úvod do kritiky umění
    rozbalit záhlaví
    VEROUNKA --- ---
    ALBATROS: tyjo au! ;]
    PASHAACEK --- ---
    ALBATROS: to je tvoje prace??? a to ma znamenat ze nemas rad hudbu?? :D

    KHALAVERA: pekne!!
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    ALBATROS: piš prosím i autora, ne každý ví, že je to tvoje
    ALBATROS --- ---
    TANAIS --- ---
    KHALAVERA: tak ty knihy mě nadchly!
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Kaz Oshiro

    Kaz Oshiro is a master of deception. His works posit ordinary objects with a humble simplicity. Washing machines, kitchen cabinets, stereo speakers, and trashcans are presented with mundane matter-of-fact-ness ― bland commercial components, bearing the marks of their habitual use. Oshiro’s forms, however, are not usual household appliances: they are actually three dimensional hyperrealist paintings. Each of Oshiro’s works is assembled from stretched canvas, expertly faux finished and adorned with real fixtures such as handles and decals. Through openings in the back of each work, Oshiro reveals the secret of their making.

    In combining sculpture and painting, Oshiro considers his work as dissociated from both disciplines. Instead he describes his practice as “postmodern photography”, creating provocative instances of perception which simultaneously confuse and expose artifice and reality. Equally influenced by Minimalism and Pop art, Oshiro uses these references to reinterpret the traditional genre of still-life. Like 17th century paintings of flowers and fruit, Oshiro’s contemporary emblems of status symbol and commodity invoke a transitory mysticism in their contrived illusion. In replicating the quotidian, Oshiro conjures a magic in the in the experience of everyday banality.
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Shane Bradford

    TANAIS --- ---
    KHALAVERA: pane jo, ten černobílý stůj je fakt super! :)
    JOSLIACKY --- ---
    MORPED: ...asi ano
    MORPED --- ---
    JOSLIACKY: ja bych rekla ze da!!!!
    JOSLIACKY --- ---
    MORPED: ...a keby sa dala ta stolicka aj pouzivat k tomu stolku...
    MORPED --- ---
    KHALAVERA: ty jo tak ten cernobily stul je fakt ulet!!!
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Daniel Young & Christian Giroux

    LALAITHWEN --- ---
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    omg, některé ty věci fakt tesat...
    KHALAVERA --- ---

    MAURIZIO CATTELAN: You look great.

    Paul Chan: Thank you.

    MC: Before we start, I would like to give you


    PC: What is it?

    MC: Five minutes of uninterrupted eye contact.

    PC: I don’t know what to say…

    MC: Think of it as a gift.

    PC: I know what to say now. Thank you.

    [Five long minutes pass]

    MC: How do you feel?

    PC: Aroused.

    MC: Isn’t that strange, me too!

    PC: I don’t think it’s strange. It’s just nice.

    MC: Why do you think that happened?

    PC: Silence and attention have a way of

    heightening all the senses.

    MC: It’s true. You even look a tad taller.

    PC: It might be the new pants.

    cont> http://www.flashartonline.com/interno.php?pagina=intervista_det&id_art=198&det=ok&title=PAUL-CHAN
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    VYTVARNICE --- ---
    jo, vidím to jako rubikovu kostku, každé pole je jeden šuplík převažujících zájmů :))
    NOIK --- ---
    umělecká obec se rozděluje do skupin krylovců a cimrmanovců ..to zní opravdu apokalypticky:)
    VYTVARNICE --- ---
    Autorské čtení Pavla Hejátka rozhodně stojí za to. Autora znám osobně, není tak tvrdý, jak na první pohled vypadá. V jistém slova smyslu je to křehký, nemocí zlomený člověk, který ve svých básních bojuje s něčím, co je už minulostí. Některé slovní obraty a sousloví mají jiskřivý vtip a jiné páchnou dekadencí. Vidím ho jako muže, básníka, exhibicionistu, vesnickou pavlačovou klepnu a fanouška Karla Kryla. Je zajímavé, že například i umělecká obec se rozděluje do skupin krylovců a cimrmanovců. S Járou Cimrmanem si u Hejátka neškrtnete. V každém případě autorské čtení doporučuju i z osobních důvodů. Obal knihy Pomníky z asfaltu jsem mu na zakázku malovala já. P.
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    FACEO: ano, myslel jsem běžné střední školy a jejich vliv na povědomí o výtv. umění jejich absolventů...
    TANAIS --- ---
    FACEO: už jsem v obraze :)

    GGG: dost líbí

    NOIK: obávám se, že nezměnilo. Chyba je v osnovách...
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