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    ztracené heslo?
    COMMANCHEDobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika 🚀🛰️👩🏼‍🚀
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Mysterious Substances Observed In Europa’s Cracks | Space Leaks | Space & Astronomy News
    VIRGO --- ---
    První přímá detekce molekulárního kyslíku na 67P, který tam byl už v době raného formování sluneční soustavy!
    First detection of molecular oxygen at a comet / Rosetta / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

    VIRGO --- ---
    Po 50 letech byl nalezen v jednom alabamském dvorku zaparkovaný prototyp lunárního vozítka -
    předchůdce LRV. Podle materiálů NASA byl prodán jako šrot... :)
    Lunar rover lost: NASA moon buggy found in Alabama backyard sold as scrap | collectSPACE

    VIRGO --- ---
    Druhá Curiosity zaparkovaná v garáži a vrtání té marsovské...
    The Drill we sent to Mars - Smarter Every Day 143
    CLUMP --- ---
    New Disk of Young Stars Found in Milky Way

    A group of young stars has been caught loitering near the center of the Milky Way galaxy, a region previously thought to be dominated by a more mature population. Astronomers say the stars form a disk (previously unknown to scientists) that passes through the outer part of the dusty, peanut-shaped bulge at the galactic center.

    VIRGO --- ---
    V Goddardově centru začaly zkoušky a testování robotického ramene a dalších komponent
    pro budoucí misi ARRM (Asteroid Redirect Robotic Mission).

    VIRGO --- ---
    Dnes probíhá EVA, kosmonauti instalují speciální termální pokrývku na magnetický spektrometr AMS,
    který se delší dobu potýká s problémem chlazení (nedávno selhala další se 4 chladících pump).
    Živý přenos: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html

    The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer - AMS-02 Homepage

    XCHAOS --- ---
    zítra bude legrace!
    Deep Dive into Enceladus Plume

    VIRGO --- ---
    Höhenforschungsrakete MAPHEUS 5: Video vom Start aus Sicht der onboard Kamera
    XCHAOS --- ---
    K zemi se řítí záhadný kus šrotu pod krycím názvem WTF1130 :-)
    CLUMP --- ---
    VIRGO: jeste dalsi upgrade:

    CLUMP --- ---
    A Planet for All Seasons | Pluto New Horizons

    Pluto’s diverse surface, typified by the smooth bright plains of Sputnik Planum being adjacent to the dark terrains of Cthulhu, defies any easy explanation for how it got that way. In my work, I am trying to explore how “seasons” on Pluto might be part of the explanation.

    There are two reasons for Pluto having seasons. The first is for the same reason that Earth has seasons. The second is unique to objects with elongated orbits, like Pluto.

    CLUMP --- ---
    Gored Clump in Saturn's F Ring

    Saturn's dynamic F ring contains many different types of features to keep scientists perplexed. In this image we see features ring scientists call "gores," to the right of the bright clump, and a "jet," to the left of the bright spot.

    Thanks to the ring's interaction with the moons Prometheus and Pandora, and perhaps a host of smaller moonlets hidden in its core, the F ring is a constantly changing structure, with features that form, fade and re-appear on timescales of hours to days.

    VIRGO --- ---
    Začínají finální kryotesty pro ISIM osazený všemi čtyřmi instrumenty předtím, než bude modul osazen na konstrukci.
    Webb Telescope's Integrated Science Instrument Module begins Final Super Cold Test

    Ještě jeden pěkný půdorys "páteře" JWST. Dobré velikostní srovnání s lidmi z personálu. Slušný macek...

    CLUMP --- ---
    Dawn data from Ceres publicly released: Finally, color global portraits! | The Planetary Society

    A few days ago, Dawn officially released the first big pile of data from the Ceres mission phase. The Framing Camera portion of the release amounts to roughly 4500 images. The data release includes everything through "Rotation Characterization 3," when Dawn was about 14,000 kilometers above Ceres and could still see the whole globe in a single photo.

    This is huge news, because for reasons I've never understood, the Dawn mission has yet to release a color global portrait of Ceres. But there is a ton of data to make color global portraits, and now that it's been released, amateur image processors can do that! So, without further ado: the first views of Ceres as they might look to your eyes, if you were riding aboard Dawn.

    NASA / JPL-Caltech / MPS / DLR / IDA / Daniel Macháček

    NASA / JPL-Caltech / UCLA / MPS / DLR / IDA / Daniel Macháček
    CLUMP --- ---
    Pluto in 3-D

    Global stereo mapping of Pluto’s surface is now possible, as images taken from multiple directions are downlinked from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft. Stereo images will eventually provide an accurate topographic map of most of the hemisphere of Pluto seen by New Horizons during the July 14 flyby, which will be key to understanding Pluto’s geological history.

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