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    ztracené heslo?
    COMMANCHEDobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika 🚀🛰️👩🏼‍🚀
    BIDAK --- ---
    1st stage už měla být na zemi a ani slovo.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Krása! 1.st. GO GO!
    BIDAK --- ---
    Taková mlha!
    VIRGO --- ---
    T minus 3 min!
    BIDAK --- ---
    4 minuty do dalšího startu F9.
    JVMLOK --- ---
    Jason-3 Rocket and Countdown Only
    NECROMAN --- ---
    XCHAOS: neco jako kdyz se hlasovalo pro nazev vozitka Curiosity - hlasovani tenkrat vyhralo Serenity.
    CLUMP --- ---
    Pretty pictures: Bittersweet goodies from Cassini at Titan, Enceladus, and Telesto | The Planetary Society

    Today, Cassini will fly by Titan, picking up a gravity assist that will tilt its orbit slightly up and out of the ring plane. That will end what has been a wonderful year of frequent encounters with Saturnian moons. In fact, this is it for Cassini equatorial orbits; the mission has no further close-up, targeted encounters with any other moon except Titan, which it must continue to pass for orbital tweaking. Cassini will continue to acquire occasional, more distant photos, but there are only three mid-sized moon flybys with any planned imaging this year, one of Mimas in March and one each of Tethys and Enceladus in November.

    CLUMP --- ---
    The scoop trench, and some interesting wind related changes in the wheel scuff over the coarse of an hour.

    EDIT: Whoops, the animation should show Sol-1224.

    zdroj: http://www.unmannedspaceflight.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=8122&view=findpost&p=229078
    CLUMP --- ---
    Sol 1221 L-MastCam mosaic, selected frames only. Some interesting colour variations, some are highly likely to be compression issues, but others appear to be real variations. Raw colours, just sharpened a little.

    Original Size 6739 x 3145 pixels: https://www.flickr.com/photos/105796482@N04/23763322253/sizes/o/
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Testovací statický zážeh recyklovaného 1.stupně F9 skoro ok (Musk hlásí kolísání tahu jednoho z motorů)
    Elon Musk on Twitter: "Conducted hold-down firing of returned Falcon rocket. Data looks good overall, but engine 9 showed thrust fluctuations."
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Via kosmo.cz:

    Výsledky hlasování:
    1. Gagarin 10.389 hlasů
    2. Vektor 4.866 hlasů
    3. Federace 3.604 hlasů

    Porota, které předsedal Igor Komarov, vybrala pro kosmickou loď název Federace.
    TASS: Science & Space - New Russian manned spacecraft to be called Federation

    Vot děmokracija :-)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    VIRGO: ... což může ale taky znamenat, že některé "nám známé" mechanismy chápeme úplně špatně :-)
    VIRGO --- ---
    V tomto případě zřejmě půjde o nějaký nám dosud neznámý mechanismus.
    CLUMP --- ---
    KVIIIK: "Hvězdy hlavní posloupnosti spektrální třídy F3 by měly mít poměrně stabilní jasnost. Samozřejmě může docházet k drobným změnám – vlivem hvězdných skvrn, tranzitů planet apod. Schaefer ale zjistil, že od chvíle, co je hvězda pozorována, její jasnost klesá – v průměru o 0,165 ± 0,013 mag za jedno století. Ve zkoumaném období klesla jasnost o 0,193 ± 0,030 mag. To je zcela bezprecedentní jev pro daný typ hvězdy."

    Pokles jasnosti KIC 8462852, credit: Bradley E. Schaefer

    KVIIIK --- ---
    Tohle ještě bude zajímavý.
    Velmi překvapivé novinky o záhadné KIC 8462852 | Exoplanety.cz
    CLUMP --- ---
    Found: The Most Powerful Supernova Ever Seen - Scientific American

    Astronomers have glimpsed the most powerful supernova ever seen, a star in a galaxy billions of light-years away that exploded with such force it briefly shone nearly 600 billion times brighter than our Sun and 20 times brighter than all the stars in the Milky Way combined. The explosion released 10 times more energy than the Sun will radiate in 10 billion years.

    If the supernova took place in our own galaxy, it would be easily seen by the naked eye even during the day; if it were 10,000 light-years away, it would appear to us at night as bright as the crescent Moon. If it were only as far away as Sirius, which at a distance of 8.6 light-years is the brightest star in the nighttime sky, it would blaze overhead almost as powerfully as the Sun. If it were as close as Pluto, it would vaporize the Earth and all the other worlds in our solar system.

    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Mezi fyziky kolují fantastické zvěsti. Zachytili jsme gravitační vlny? - iDNES.cz
    VIRGO --- ---
    This processed image is the highest-resolution color look yet at the haze layers in Pluto’s atmosphere. Shown in approximate true color,
    the picture was constructed from a mosaic of four panchromatic images from the Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) splashed with
    Ralph/Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC) four-color filter data, all acquired by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft on July 14, 2015.
    The resolution is 1 kilometer (0.6 miles) per pixel; the sun illuminates the scene from the right.
    New Horizons

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