Fun with a new data set: Chang'e 3 lander and Yutu rover camera data | The Planetary Society
So, space fans, without further ado, here, for the first time in a format easily accessible to the public, are hundreds and hundreds of science-quality images from the Chang'e 3 lander and Yutu rover. I don't usually host entire data sets (PDS-formatted and all) but I made an exception in this case because the Chinese website is a bit challenging to use.
* Chang'e 3 Yutu rover panoramic camera (PCAM) data released as of January 20, 2016
* Chang'e 3 lander terrain camera data (TCAM) released as of January 20, 2016
And here are just a few of the goodies contained therein. You may want to keep Phil Stooke's landing site map and Yutu route map handy for reference as you look through these!