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    ztracené heslo?
    COMMANCHEDobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika 🚀🛰️👩🏼‍🚀
    BIDAK --- ---
    Tak F9 zase nic. Nejak to nemuzou odpalit.
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    dobrá skupinovka :)

    BROUKOID --- ---
    TOXICMAN: tak to sem to pochopil spravne.. nicmene mi to prislo tak nejak neverohodne.. nejspis mi neco nedochazi, ale tak nejak jsem si myslel ze ohrivani tekuteho kysliku je problem ktery je nejen predvidatelny, ale primo musi byt predvidany a ze to maji urcite "nejak" vyresene :(
    Ale tak aspon je dobre ze neni problem s falconem. Jestli jim kuny sezrali izolaci na tech hadicich kterymi to plni nebo tak neco, tak to bude urcite problem radove jednodussi na vyreseni nez cokoliv na rakete..
    BIDAK --- ---
    Fok, já myslel že zapálej doutnák dneska.
    BROUKOID --- ---
    BROUKOID: "The liftoff from SLC-40 at Cape Canaveral is currently awaiting a new launch date, believed to any date between the weekend and March 3."
    SpaceX Falcon 9 scrubs second attempt to launch SES-9 | NASASpaceFlight.com
    BROUKOID --- ---
    BIDAK: nekde jsem cetl 3.brezna, ale jisty si tim nejsem.. a ani jsem na konci toho live prenosu uplne nepochopil proc to abortnuli - mel jsem pocit ze rikali neco o problemech s tankovanim okyslicovadla, ale prislo mi to lehce chaoticke a nevim jestli jsem slysel dobre.. vi nekdo vic? Stranky spacex nejsou moc uzitecne..
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    BIDAK: ještě není určen, ale nebude to dříve než 29. února 0:46 našeho času s možným odkladem na další den
    BIDAK --- ---
    Na kolik má dneska SpaceX prosímvás naplánovaný další odklad startu? :)))
    CLUMP --- ---
    Geology After Pluto - Jeff Moore (SETI Talks)

    Lecture by Jeff Moore about what we now know about Pluto's Geology. Jeff Moore is the lead of the New Horizons Geology Team. He will talk about the discoveries made by the New Horizons mission on the fascinating fly by of the dwarf planet Pluto.
    CLUMP --- ---
    At last: Rosetta's Mars flyby photos have been released! | The Planetary Society

    On February 24, 2007, the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft passed by Mars, the second of four planetary gravity-assist flybys on its long route to a 2014 rendezvous with comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko. At the time, they released two photos from the main science camera, OSIRIS. One was a very pretty high-resolution view of Mars and the other a nifty little animation of Phobos flying over Mars.

    We knew from the published Rosetta Mars flyby timeline that OSIRIS took a great many more pictures during that time, but no more OSIRIS images were ever released by ESA, until now. The OSIRIS principal investigator was notoriously tight-fisted with data, but he's now retired, and his replacement Holger Sierks has apparently unclogged the data pipeline. At the end of November, they suddenly released a huge quantity of data covering the first two (out of three) Earth flybys, the Mars flyby, and several sets of data from cruise periods between these encounters. Such riches!

    As Mars loomed in Rosetta's forward view, it caught Phobos in the act of transiting the planet. You may need to enlarge the view to see Phobos' tiny dark speck.
    ESA / MPS / UPD / LAM / IAA / RSSD / INTA / UPM / DASP / IDA / processed by Emily Lakdawalla
    CLUMP --- ---
    The Frozen Canyons of Pluto’s North Pole

    This ethereal scene captured by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft tells yet another story of Pluto’s diversity of geological and compositional features—this time in an enhanced color image of the north polar area.

    XCHAOS --- ---
    Final Results of NameExoWorlds Public Vote Released | Press Releases | IAU
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    TOXICMAN: chybí tam zkontrolovat, jestli nepopletl hadičky cévky a výživy
    NEBULA --- ---
    TOXICMAN: prostě tahák :)
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    Neil Armstrong’s left EV glove, close-up of commander’s EV checklist on gauntlet
    VIRGO --- ---
    VIRGO --- ---
    Nepříznivé důsledky dlouhodobého pobytu v mikrogravitaci
    A Gorilla Was Just Spotted On International Space Station
    CLUMP --- ---
    Pluto’s ‘Hulk-like’ Moon Charon: A Possible Ancient Ocean?

    Pluto’s largest moon may have gotten too big for its own skin. Images from NASA’s New Horizons mission suggest that Pluto’s moon Charon once had a subsurface ocean that has long since frozen and expanded, pushing outward and causing the moon’s surface to stretch and fracture on a massive scale.

    CLUMP --- ---
    This 'Classified Alien Music' the Internet Is Freaking Out Over Is Not Classified, Alien, or Music
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