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    ztracené heslo?
    COMMANCHEDobyvani vesmiru a kosmonautika 🚀🛰️👩🏼‍🚀
    XCHAOS --- ---
    SEJDA: já jsem ho poslal. Jde prostě jen o fakta: není žádný reálný důvod, proč by Jähn měl být uznaný za prvního astronauta ESA a Remek ne. Dokonce na tom seznamu "bývalých" astronautů, kam mohl probublat formálně někdy po roce 1989, ani není!

    SUMAC: Přesně. Trochu mi překvapilo, že pro ESA jsme prostě "Rusové" nebo nevím jak to myslej. Prostě ho tam dali někdy v roce 1989, když fakticky první astronautem kterékoliv členské země ESA fakticky byl - ale to se po našem přistoupení do ESA změnilo, a oni prostě nějak zřejmě tu historii berou jako danou a nehodlají jí přepisovat, jenže to je právě to :-)
    SEJDA --- ---
    XCHAOS: pro mne byl Remek "lepsi turista". Nemel kompletni vycvik astronauta. No vlastne stejne jako Jähn. Jenze Jähn už je po smrti, a Remek je velvyslanec v Ruske Federaci.
    Ať si ESA sama posoudi, jestli Remek pomaha ..

    Pockej s tim mailem par let ;)
    SUMAC --- ---
    XCHAOS: nevim jestli sis toho vsiml, ale maji tam poznamku pod carou: "* This does not include any Russian cosmonauts that are from countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union or former Eastern Bloc countries, which have since joined the European Union."

    coz je teda jeste vetsi hovadina, pac Jahn byl uplne presne clovek z Eastern Bloc countries jako Remek nebo Hermashewski. jak znam ESA tak tohle jim tam pisou nejky 17lety stazisti, co jsou tam z Haagu z nejaky stredni skoly na dva tydny pres prazdniny na brigade ;)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    (což je návod pro ostatní, co by ten mail psali, že se na ty "former mebers" můžou odkázat...)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    I když si osobně myslím, že správná odpověd je, že Jahn stihnul krátce po roce 1989 přestoupit do nějakého tehdejšího týmu astronautů ESA (kterých tehdy asi bylo fakt jen pár), zatím co Remek po roce 2000 už zkrátka byl moc starej...

    Ale ne, Jahn tam vyjmenovaj není, takže máme podle mě šanci!
    European Astronaut Corps - Wikipedia
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Pokud se někdo k mému reportu připojí, můžeme to soudruhům z NDR možná natřít :-)

    To: media@esa.int
    Subject: Report of misleading information on one of esa.int pages

    Dear ESA,
    I am big, lifelong fan of space exploration. This is probably why I noticed mislealading information on one of public web pages of ESA:

    ESA - A history of European astronaut selection

    "It was 17 years later in 1978 that Europe created its own human spaceflight history when Sigmund Jähn from Germany (former GDR) became the first European in space* being launched on the Soyuz 31 spacecraft to the Salyut 6 space station."

    But actually: former Czechoslovak cosmonaut Vladimir Remek flew on earlier flight and even was the first non-American and non-Soviet citizen to overal fly into space! But geographically speaking, even most Russian cosmonauts were Europeans, so this is probably not the way to sort it out.

    Both countries, Eastern Germany and Czechoslovakia, are now non-existent. Both follower states, Germany and Czech republic, are now member states of ESA. While Germany was member state of ESA during flight of Sigmund Jähn, he was not citizen of West Germany. Technically speaking, before Czech Republic joined ESA, Sigmund Jähn really was first European (ESA member state) astronaut for more than 15 years. But after Czech Republic joined ESA, Vladimir Remek became first ESA memeber state citizen to fly into space - professionally, not as tourist.

    As most ESA astronauts fly Soyuz spacecrafts to space (only now they are Russian, not Soviet Soyuzes), I consider ignoring Vladimir Remek and prefering East German citizen instead to be misleading, if not entirely biased. Both cosmonauts were anyway military personnel of former Eastern Block and only long time after their flight they became citizens of some ESA member states. Yes, Germany is bigger and more important ESA member state - but the story of both cosmonauts is so similar, that simply ignoring which one of them was really first makes absolutely no sense.

    I definitely have little understanding for Vladimir Remek's membership in Communist Party even after dissolution of Eastern Block - but the simple fact that he was for some time even elected member of European Parliament (I know that EU and ESA are not related instituions) makes me wonder, that as historic fact, his flight can be so easily ignored by ESA historicians.

    Vladimir Remek must be definitely considered to be the first ESA member state astronaut.

    Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_human_spaceflights,_1971%E2%80%931980

    Michael Polak, proud ESA member state citizen
    LADINEK --- ---
    VZLUSAT-2 poslal prvni fotky ;)


    A zde online telemetrie: https://dashboard.satnogs.org/d/L8ywE9oMz/vzlusat-2?orgId=1&refresh=5s
    THAIGRR --- ---
    TOXYGEN --- ---
    The Clever Engineering of NASA's Cryogenic Nano-Actuators
    ATOMIKS --- ---
    Číňani zachytili nefunkční satelit a kopli ho na hřbitovní dráhu
    A Chinese space tug just grappled a dead satellite
    TROGLODYT --- ---
    Webb uz zacina fotit !!!!
    Photons Received: Webb Sees Its First Star – 18 Times – James Webb Space Telescope

    A pro skeptiky kteri tvrdili ze nema zadne zarizeni jak vyfotit sam sebe posilame prvni selficko ;-)))
    TOXICMAN --- ---
    XCHAOS: takže druhý stupeň, místo aby byl postrčen do volného prostoru před zážehem, narazil do krytu, který se neoddělil...
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Stage Separation of Astra 0007 & 0008 Side By Side
    XCHAOS --- ---
    JONAS3: njn, to si člověk vždycky říká, jak daleko by asi doletělo to, co by navrhl on :-)
    JONAS3 --- ---
    Ale ne zase tak dlouho... no, ale 1. stupeň to dal.
    JONAS3 --- ---
    XCHAOS: A letí!!!
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Ha, další pokus malé raketky :-)
    LIVE: Astra Launches NASA's ELaNa 41 Mission
    KAERO --- ---
    KAERO: tak jsem to mozna nasel. opravdu byly planovany silnejsi verze nasledujici N1, viz clanek:
    N-IF 1965
    DZODZO --- ---
    pekne zabery :)

    SLS RS-25 Engine Test, 8 February 2022
    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    TOXICMAN: No to je jasny. Nesedel tam ten chlapek "u vocicek".... :-/
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam