MACHALIK: ale jinak mě primárně baví muzika, ten HW je jen pěknej a stačí aby moc nekurvil, zbytek si domyslim ;))
GANBOY: protože JITTER!!!
v tom testu píšou, že SSD je nejhorší, WAV zní to jak empétrojka ;))
If the Kingston SSD stood apart from the disk drives for its mostly good yet quite alien character, drive four made itself known for entirely the wrong reasons. This Corsair drive (another SSD) conspicuously highlighted vocal sibilants, and had a hard, relentless quality that was impossible to miss. Strangely, it also robbed the music of pace; it was the least engaging on any emotional level thanks to an enveloping tunelessness that appeared to carve up a song like an MP3 rip.
TEDDYBEDDY: takže nedokážeš, fajn. a to prej děláš do audia.. eee vlasně ne, do hifi, to s audiem nemá co dělat...